中西 啓喜
高等教育ジャーナル : 高等教育と生涯学習 (ISSN:13419374)
vol.24, pp.63-74, 2017-03

This paper attempts to clarify the relationship of university studentsʼ performance with entrance examinations through panel data analysis. Martin Trow (1972) discussed on transition from elite to mass higher education with educational growth. However, he also wrote that some elite education sectors will remain in a mass higher education society. Therefore some elite education sectors or students would maintain their status. Many universities in Japan, including elite universities such as the national ones, have adopted methods for entrance examinations without written tests in these few years. Though Nakamura (2011) pointed out that expansion of the entrance system without the need to apply for entrance to specific faculties or courses of study should be recognized as ʠmass selection,ʡand that we must consider the effects of such systems on elite sectors. Therefore this paper examines how such entrance systems affect elite university students. The panel data used in this paper are from theʠSurvey of the career consciousness of high school students,ʡwhich were collected by questionnaire from 2005 through 2011. The purpose of the survey was to inquire about the career consciousness of high school students, and to follow-up their career situations. I analyzed the academic performance of university students using multiple regression analysis. The results suggested that the dummy variable of an entrance system without written examinations was not significant after controlling for high school rankings and individual academic tracks. In addition, the results showed that female students perfomed better than males in both of elite universities and others. Several recent British studies set the decline in academic achievement and exclusion from the labor market of male students as a social problem (Deborah 2006, Weiner et al. 1997). The results of this paper suggest that we should consider the linkage between the better performance in school and success in labor markets among Japanese women.
中西 啓喜 耳塚 寛明
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.104, pp.215-236, 2019-06-30 (Released:2021-04-01)

本稿の目的は,平成25年度から29年度に実施された全国学力・学習状況調査における学校パネルデータを用い,学級規模の縮小が学力を向上させるのかについて検証することである。 学級規模の縮小が児童生徒の学力を改善するのかどうかについては,教育政策研究の中でも注目される分野のひとつである。ところが,学級規模の効果に関する知見はしばしば整合的ではない。このような知見の不一致は,観察されない異質性の影響が一因だと考えられている。近年の日本の学級規模研究では,データの階層性や内生性バイアスを除去した分析が蓄積され,小規模学級ほど学力向上に好影響があることが示されてきた。しかし,こうした一連の研究の多くは一度きりのクロスセクションデータによる知見に留まっている。そこで本稿では,5年間の学校パネルデータを用い,学級規模の効果検証を行った。 分析結果は次の通りである。第一に,計量経済学における固定効果モデルによる分析の結果,小規模学級ほど学力スコアが高くなるという知見が得られた。この結果は,観測不能な異質性を除去しており,同一の学校における学級規模縮小による学力スコアの上昇を意味している。第二に,小規模学級の全体的な効果は,小学6年生と中学3年生の両方に対し,全ての教科において統計的に有意な結果が得られた。第三に,小規模学級のポジティブな効果は,就学援助を受けている児童生徒が毎年多く通う小学校6年生に対してのみ統計的に有意であった。
苅谷 剛彦 安藤 理 有海 拓巳 井上 公人 高橋 渉 平木 耕平 漆山 綾香 中西 啓喜 日下田 岳史
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.51-86, 2007

For academic high school students in local areas, it is necessary to make geographical transition from their home town to cities to go to ""good"" universities, while others may decide to remain their home countries to go to local colleges. What factors differentiate students into those two routes to have higher education? For what sake do some students decide to leave for large cities, and others to stay in their home town? This study pays attention to geographical mobility of students in top rank academic high schools in Japan. We administered a survey of 3,767 senior students in 12 high schools, all of which admit academically top students in their areas in 2006 and 2007. By analyzing the survey data, we will explore the following research questions: 1. What factors, including structural and socio-psychological, influences students'decision of mobility both at college entrance and future job entry? 2. What reasons lead them to pursue ""elite"" universities? Which goals either for self -realization or contribution to the society give rationale to apply for those universities? Are there any different mechanisms of this determination between high schools in large cities and rural areas? 3. What factors influence the formation of students'consciousness to contribute to the society? Do school experiences raise such consciousness? What school activities and cultures affect it? The data analyses shows that academic high schools in local communities have power to influence students'mobility and creating consciousness for devoting for the society.
中西 啓喜
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.88, pp.141-162, 2011-06-10 (Released:2014-06-03)

本論文の目的は,1970年代から継続的に行われている高校調査のデータを分析することにより,少子化や教育改革が,高校,とりわけ1990年代,2000年代に蓄積の少なかった上位高校に,どのような影響を与えたのかを実証的に明らかにすることである。得られた知見は以下の3点である。 第一に,日本の高校は,少子化社会の中で,1校あたりの生徒数を減らすことで,学校数を維持してきた。しかし,上位の高校では入学定員を維持し続けたため,入学者の中学時の学力の分散が広がり,多様な学力層の生徒が上位高校へ入学することとなった。 第二に,多様な生徒が入学してきているにもかかわらず,生徒の学習時間は増加している。それというのも,教師が多様化した生徒を個別主義的かつ面倒見主義的に学習指導をしているからである。 第三に,教師が生徒の学習を,個別的に面倒をみることにより,生徒の「自ら学び自ら考える力」が身に付かないことが明らかになった。 以上の3つの知見が提起する問題は次のようである。まず,上位校生徒の多様化により,高校階層構造が変容し,新たな局面を迎えている。そのため,上位高校は,エリート養成学校としての地位が危うくなるかもしれない。 90年代の教育改革は「自ら学び自ら考える力」を強調し,かつては,それが教師を指導から撤退させた。そして,その結果,現在では教師が個別的で面倒見主義的な学習指導をすることにより,高校生の「自己学習能力」が身に付きにくいという意図せざる結果をもたらしたのである。
中西 啓喜
一般社団法人 日本教育学会
教育学研究 (ISSN:03873161)
vol.82, no.4, pp.583-593, 2015 (Released:2016-05-18)

苅谷 剛彦 安藤 理 有海 拓巳 井上 公人 高橋 渉 平木 耕平 漆山 綾香 中西 啓喜 日下田 岳史
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.47, pp.51-86, 2008-03-10

For academic high school students in local areas, it is necessary to make geographical transition from their home town to cities to go to "good" universities, while others may decide to remain their home countries to go to local colleges. What factors differentiate students into those two routes to have higher education? For what sake do some students decide to leave for large cities, and others to stay in their home town? This study pays attention to geographical mobility of students in top rank academic high schools in Japan. We administered a survey of 3,767 senior students in 12 high schools, all of which admit academically top students in their areas in 2006 and 2007. By analyzing the survey data, we will explore the following research questions: 1. What factors, including structural and socio-psychological, influences students'decision of mobility both at college entrance and future job entry? 2. What reasons lead them to pursue "elite" universities? Which goals either for self -realization or contribution to the society give rationale to apply for those universities? Are there any different mechanisms of this determination between high schools in large cities and rural areas? 3. What factors influence the formation of students'consciousness to contribute to the society? Do school experiences raise such consciousness? What school activities and cultures affect it? The data analyses shows that academic high schools in local communities have power to influence students'mobility and creating consciousness for devoting for the society.
中西 啓喜
vol.56, no.1, pp.1-15, 2022-09-28

Although the use of shadow education has been positioned as aneducational investment strategy for children, mainly in the sociology ofeducation, recent discussions of relative poverty and child poverty suggestthat it is also a necessity for daily life. However, much of the previousresearch has discussed shadow education only in the context of educationalinvestment strategies and poverty studies, respectively.In this paper, we analyze data from a questionnaire survey of parentswith middle school children conducted in 2019 and matched with eighthgrade academic scores. The results revealed that(1)middle schoolstudentsʼ use of shadow education is divided into two aspects: “educationalinvestment strategy” and “necessities of life,” and(2)academicperformance of children from families with poverty as a reason remainslow. Having been able to present such evidence, this paper will havesignificance as a basic resource for examining the need for out-of-schooleducation vouchers.
苅谷 剛彦 堀 健志 安藤 理 平木 平木 有海 拓巳 漆山 綾香 日下 田岳史 井上 公人 高橋 渉 中西 啓喜

本研究は、公立-私立、大都市-地方という教育における分化の進行を背景に、地方の公立高校のはたす役割はどのようなものかを、ユニークな教育実践に取り組む公立進学校に焦点を当て、実証的に明らかにすることを目的に行われた。地方の公立進学高校は、大都市部の私立中高一貫校と同じ土俵にのって、大学進学競争を強化しようとしているだけなのか。地方のための/地方からの人材形成という機能を、どのようにとらえ、どのように実践しようとしているのか。そして、その成果は、生徒たちの実際の進路形成や価値意識の形成として、どのように現れているのか。本研究では、たんに大学進学の実績を上げることに汲々としている進学高校ではなく、教育改革のねらいにも符合する「プラスアルファ」の教育をも合わせて実践している地方公立高校を中心に取り上げ、総合的な調査研究を行うことによって、これらの問題を明らかにした。研究方法としては、特色のある教育を実践している地方の公立普通科高校を含む、11 校の高校に対する質問紙調査と、12校の高校を対象とした質問紙調査による。質問紙調査においては、同一対象者に対し、継続的な調査を行うパネル調査という方法を用いた。この方法を用いることで、高校時代の教育経験が、卒業後にどのような影響を及ぼしているのかを追跡することが可能になるからである。パネル調査として、高校3年次を対象とした生徒を、さらに卒業後1年目、2年目と二度にわたり追跡した。こうしたパネル調査を用いることで、プラスアルファの教育の効果を、時間をおいてとらえようとしたのである。これらの調査の結果、以下の知見が得られた。(1)地方から大都市の難関大学に進学することにより、地域間再分配政策に賛成しやすくなるというかたちで社会的責任が形成されること、(2)高校時代に学校行事に熱心に参加していた生徒ほど大学で自ら学んだり、成果を発表したりできていること、そして、(3)学校行事には出身階層下位の生徒が参加しやすいことを考慮すると、高校時代の学校行事には、階層下位の生徒が大学で学習しやすい環境を整えるという意味で階層間格差縮小の機能があるということである。これらの知見により、生徒たちの意識の差異を確認することで、高校段階における「プラスアルファ」の教育がその後のキャリア・社会生活(今年度は大学生活)に及ぼす影響を把握できたことになる。
中西 啓喜
vol.55, no.2, pp.117-136, 2022-02-23

Class size reduction is a hot topic in policy.Since2021,elementaryschools will gradually be phased in to35students per class for all grades.However,most sociological studies examining the effects of class sizehave been set on students,such as the correction of academicachievement gaps.It is not only students who are affected by thereduction in class size,but teachers as well.In particular,it would bemeaningful to examine whether the reduction in class size has a positiveeffect on the busyness of teachers,which has become a social issue inrecent years.Therefore,I will empirically clarify the question “Does classsize reduction reduce teacher work hours? “by analyzing elementary schoolteacher data from TALIS2018.In this paper,I used decision tree analysis as the analysis method.Byusing decision tree analysis,it is possible to extract non-trivial informationfrom the data.The analysis of constructing hypotheses from previousstudies and testing them is often prone to manipulation,but it is expectedthat decision tree analysis can present findings that have not been obtainedbefore.Furthermore,decision tree analysis can be read like a flowchart,making it easy to interpret the results.Therefore,even non-experts caneasily interpret the results of the analysis,and the knowledge can beeasily shared between experts and non-experts.The following two findings were obtained from the analysis.(1)Thesmaller the class size,the shorter the working hours of the teachers.(2)There is no statistical relationship between teachers’working hours andthe number of children with low Socio-economic status in their classrooms.Japanese schools do not have as many students with economicallydifficulties,students with limited native language skills,or immigrant andrefugee students as their European counterparts.Nevertheless,if theworking hours of Japanese teachers are the longest in the world,it is aproblem of work culture.Solving “child poverty” is a very importantsocial problem,however perhaps even if this problem is solved,thebusyness of teachers will not go away.A fundamental reconfiguration ofthe work culture of teachers is needed.
安藤 理 井上 公人 中西 啓喜 有海 拓巳 苅谷 剛彦
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.43-67, 2009-03-10

The social difference is controversial in modern society. Regarding this issue, high school education study has developed its work on high school students, as the subject of the research, of going on to various courses after graduation or those born in lowgrade family. It is said that those in relatively weak tier are likely to have more disadvantage, which depicts the clearer aspect of differentiated society./ On this matter, we pay an attention to students graduating in privileged high schools or those going on to four-year university after such style of high schools. We additionally divide the region of high schools that the mentioned students graduated into “rural part” and “urban part” in order to make an argument based upon differences among the concerned areas. The aim of this study is to analyze the ability and consciousness of those thought to steadily pave the way the route in order to gain the socially stable life and to argue differentiated society from varied aspects. Mainly four subjects as followed are to be analyzed./ Japan has various regional differences. In such a society,/ 1. Who considers them elite ?/ 2. Who will be in favor of redistribution ? We are, upon the two written subjects, to clarify the influence of the regional movement. Meanwhile, there has been issued the differences from the birth levels. We make an analysis with an attention to Honda's proposal (2005) “post-modern ability”. Specifically analysis is to be assigned as below./ 3. What kind of ability developed in high school can make “post-modern ability” be in full swing at university ?/ 4. What kind of person can make “post-modern ability” be in full swing at university ? This study aims to analyze the ability and consciousness of those, without sexual difference, on social difference and to clarify their real aspects so that we can see the future of the differentiated society.
安藤 理 井上 公人 中西 啓喜 有海 拓巳 苅谷 剛彦
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.48, pp.43-67, 2008

The social difference is controversial in modern society. Regarding this issue, high school education study has developed its work on high school students, as the subject of the research, of going on to various courses after graduation or those born in lowgrade family. It is said that those in relatively weak tier are likely to have more disadvantage, which depicts the clearer aspect of differentiated society./ On this matter, we pay an attention to students graduating in privileged high schools or those going on to four-year university after such style of high schools. We additionally divide the region of high schools that the mentioned students graduated into "rural part" and "urban part" in order to make an argument based upon differences among the concerned areas. The aim of this study is to analyze the ability and consciousness of those thought to steadily pave the way the route in order to gain the socially stable life and to argue differentiated society from varied aspects. Mainly four subjects as followed are to be analyzed./ Japan has various regional differences. In such a society,/ 1. Who considers them elite ?/ 2. Who will be in favor of redistribution ? We are, upon the two written subjects, to clarify the influence of the regional movement. Meanwhile, there has been issued the differences from the birth levels. We make an analysis with an attention to Honda's proposal (2005) "post-modern ability". Specifically analysis is to be assigned as below./ 3. What kind of ability developed in high school can make "post-modern ability" be in full swing at university ?/ 4. What kind of person can make "post-modern ability" be in full swing at university ? This study aims to analyze the ability and consciousness of those, without sexual difference, on social difference and to clarify their real aspects so that we can see the future of the differentiated society.