軽部 恵子
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.34, no.2, pp.27-45, 2000-12-20

This paper analyzes the influence of reservations to the effectiveness of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (hereinafter referred as "CEDAW") and the Optional Protocol to this Convention (hereinafter referred as "the Optional Protocol") in guaranteeing women's human rights. Reservations to treaties allow states to join a multilateral treaty when states agree to the object and purpose of the treaty in general but find that some provisions do not comform to their domestic laws, customs, or practices. At the same time, however, reservations pose the danger of tampering with the object and purpose of treaties, especially when it comes to human rights treaties. I analyze the provisions relating to reservations both in CEDAW and the Optional Protocol, comparing those with other major human rights treaties adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. These treaties include the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 1965, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment of 1984, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989. While CEDAW follows the "compatibility" principle established in Article 19 (c) of the Vienna Convention of the Law of Treaties of 1969, it fails to provide concrete criteria of the compatibility of reservations. Then I go on to analyze reservations made to CEDAW from the perspectives of geographical distribution, settlement of disputes, and the content of the provisions.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.49, no.2, pp.7-33, 2016-02-25

The works of Karl Marx(1818-1883)have exerted an extraordinary influence over the development of modern social theory. This paper, the third one of my project `Giddens and Sociologists', aims to explore how Anthony Giddens, one of most famous sociologists in the contemporary world, interpreted, revised and enlarged Marx's social theory through studying his works. The main findings are as follows. First, through interpreting Marx's works, Giddens found the basic construction and contour of Marx's social theory in his early works. His social theory is constructed on the basic theory of nation-state and capitalism. Second, by revising Marx's class theory, Giddens formed the theory of class structuration. According to the theory of class structuration, the class structure is produced not only by the relations of production but also by the other socio-economic factors and it includes not only socioeconomic class but also political class or elite. Third, by introducing the theory of power, Giddens enlarged the historical materialism which is Marx's theory of social change. Driving forces of modern social change are powers of states and movements as well as revolutionary power of capitalism developing in the global systems.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.48, no.2, pp.1-26, 2015-02-27

Anthony Giddens published Capitalism and Modern Social Theory in 1971 and Politics and Sociology in the Thought of Max Weber in 1972 on the base of his studies on Weber's works. This paper, which is a part of my research project Giddens and Sociologists, aims to examine how Giddens used products of his studies on Weber's works in constructing his social theory since 1973. First, introducing his interpretations of Weber's works in Capitalism and Modern Social Theory, I depict the entire structure of Weber's social theory. Second, introducing his examination of relationships between Weber's political ideology shown in his political works and social theory shown in academic works, it will be made clear that the strong interest in contradictions brought by economic and political rationalization was consistent in his politics and sociology. Third, I research how Giddens has tackled central problems in social theory by learning much from Weber's social theory and politics.
木下 栄二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.44, no.2, pp.193-224, 2011-03-28

How can the research trends in Japanese family sociology of the past two decades be described from the perspectives of social research? The author tries to explore the trends, if any, by reviewing the related articles in Japanese Journal of Family Sociology and Annals of Family Studies, focusing on the data collecting methods and the objects of the analysis. This review shows that qualitative studies are on the wax and quantitative studies are, on the other hand, on the wane in number. In qualitative studies, articles using interview methods have increased remarkably. The main objects of the interview are women such as wife and mother, while new objects like care-workers and non-heterosexuals have recently emerged. In quantitative studies, articles using first hand data have decreased and those using secondary analysis have increased. The objects of the analysis are inclined to concentrate on the member of the nuclear family", especially wives and mothers. The author suggests that the research target should include men's experience in family life, so that the qualitative and quantitative studies can be more correlated, leading to leveling up the quality of the articles using quantitative approaches.
竹内 真澄
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.22, no.2, pp.1-28, 1989-03-20

Habermas is one of the most influential Sociologists in the modern world. In 1981, he published "Theorie des kommunikativen Handelns", which is characterized as a summary of his theory today. In this book, he attempted to put two approaches together. Functionalistic approach and phenomenological approach. But, how relate System and Lifeworld was represented in his works in the 1960's already. In my essay, I think that Habermas had two schemata. One was <Society-State> schema, the other was <System-Life-world> schema. He derived <System-Lifeworld> schema from <Society-State> schema. Actuality of his social theory lies in this point.
片桐 新自
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.24, no.1, pp.21-53, 1990-09-28

At the present time, comics is one of the typical Japanese mass culture, which is supported and inherited by the masses. So, we can know mass consciousness through analysis of comics. Here are four methods of sociological analysis of comics. First is historical analysis of popular comics in each period. To some degree, we can explain why one comic got popular by the situation of period. Second is qualitative method of important comics. It's a kind of intensive analysis of comic content. Third is quantitative method. Researching how many each comic magazine is printed, how often children read comics and so on, we can understand mass consciousness quantitatively. Fourth is analysis of comic writers including lots of semi-professional ones ("doujin-shi" writers) who can be called "mass writers". I select the first method in this paper. Analyzing popular comics historically, I emphasize four characteristics of present comics. 1) Appearance of variety for different readers. 2) Establishment as a media. 3) Publishing very large number of comic books. 4) Vulgarness of content with simple fun, sex and violence.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.44, no.2, pp.39-62, 2011-03-28

The sociology of culture has been developing, and we have many works on the sociological analysis of culture. But, from a social theoretical viewpoint, there remain undeveloped areas between the sociology of culture and social theory. This paper aims to show some ways to solve basic problems in social theory of culture. First, we define culture as systems of meaning rules, and explain theoretically constructions of producing various aspects of culture. Every action is cultural praxis, and various aspects of culture are constructed based on cultural praxes. Second, by referring to seven analytical frameworks prepared in discussions of social structures, we make it clear that they are effective for analyzing structures of culture. Third, we propose three frameworks to analyze changes of culture through investigating relationships between culture and society, which are mainly formed from generation, transmission and problematization of culture in society.
杉原 久仁子
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.44, no.2, pp.307-336, 2011-03-28

People with dementia in the prime time of life are faced with many problems, one of which is the working problem. This paper aims to quest for better methods of the working support for people with dementia in the prime time of life. First, I introduce some working problems by referring to findings of an opinion survey for families of persons with dementia, talking of a person with dementia, and an interview with a person who has experiences of supporting a person with dementia at a working place. Second, tasks in the working support are extracted from a case study of a person with dementia who works while being supported by working support centers. Third, I try to show new directions in methods of the working support for people with dementia through examining first and second discussions.
杉原 久仁子 Kuniko Sugihara
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.43, no.2, pp.19-47, 2010-02

For the youth with dementia who has physical strength and physical functions, activities of daily living are almost possible in the early terms of dementia. Though it is difficult by the appearance for them to be recognized as the disabled, they need supports in outdoor actions. But their families cannot always respond to needs of supports. Therefore, the guide helper service as a public institution is necessary. In the present time, this service is not well known to families needing it, and they are not familiar with using guide helpers. Guide helpers also are faced with many problems. This paper, based on interviewing some guide helpers, aims to find problems with which they are faced in supports for outdoor actions, and examine skills which are necessary to accomplish tasks of the guide helper.
足立 明久
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.8, no.2, pp.175-194, 1975-03-01
