打本 弘祐
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.45, no.2, pp.119-147, 2012-03

This is the third part of my project on spiritual care theory. Waldemar Kippes, a Catholic Father from Germany, has developed spiritual care theory in Japan based on his Christian faith. What is spiritual care theory of Kippes? Among his proposed six human dimensions in the theory, Kippes emphasizes that spiritual care providers relate mind, spirit, and soul to their professionally specialized areas of care. To create a better medical care team, it is important for spiritual care providers and healthcare professionals to distinguish the dimensions proposed by Kippes. In addition, in this paper I discuss the relationship among soul, spirit, and mind, and explain the consequences to other dimensions in care work. Kippes theory also offers suggestions for professional development programs. And one great characteristic of the proposed programs for care providers is a requirement of learning philosophy and religion. In this paper, I further elaborated upon definitions of "spiritual care" and "pastoral care" by Kippes. Today the word "Kippes" among spiritual care specialists in Japan is synonymous with spiritual care, pastoral care, and religious care. In Kippes theory, we must pay particular attention to Japanese cultural, religious and historical contexts.
沼田 健哉 Kenya Numata
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.15, no.2, pp.p221-239, 1982-01
沼田 健哉
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.29, no.2, pp.61-94, 1995-12-20

The purpose of this paper is summarizing and analyzing the relation about mind control and self control. First, I refer to the consideration of cult. Second, I analyze the theory of mind control. Third, I refer to deprogramming and exit counseling. Fourth, I analyze the theory of self control. Fifth, I refer to Aum Shinrikyo case. Lastly, I conclude by saying that both tradition of the Occident and the Orient are indispensablle to study the relation about mind control and self control.
宮本 孝二
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.44, no.1, pp.1-23, 2010-10-30

This paper aims to show analytical effectiveness of social system theory through rethinking 'Social Theory and Social System' which is the range table of possible questions of sociology in Japanese national test of social welfare qualifications. We define social system as patterned relationships among status-role sets to attain common goals, and explain three ways how social systems can be found and analyzed. First, societies are analyzed as general and / or total system from aspects of economy, polity, law, education, social consciousness, stratification, population, social change, and so on. Second, regional society, organization, family, and life are analyzed as individual and / or sectional system. Third, social problematic situations are analyzed as social system responding to and / or causing social problems which are inequality, discrimination, poverty, deviance, suicide, violence, bullying, harassment, environmental problems, and so on.
北野 誠一 Seiichi Kitano
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.23, no.2, pp.p65-84, 1990-03

In U.S.A., citizens with disabilities who seek independent living get necessary services through CIL (the Center for Independent Living), which serves as their adovocate. These main necessary services consist of (i) Income Security, (ii) Attendent Service, (iii) Accesible Housing Service. In Japan, there are not yet services necessary for citizens with disabilities to live independently. But, (1) Social Action Groups who seek independent living, (2) Group Homes where persons with disabilities manege by themselves, and (3) Sheltered Workshops where persons with disabilities manege by themselves, are now stimulating many members with disabilities to seek independent living. Therefore, soon Japanese persons with disabilities will need something like a CIL. Generally speaking, CIL has 10 programs as follows; 1. Peer Counseling 2. Independent Living Skill Training 3. Adovocacy (System Adovocacy and Personal Adovocacy) 4. Attendant Referral and Counseling 5. Accesible Housing Referral and Counseling 6. Educational program for Community Members 7. Referral of Reading and Guiding Helpers 8. Referral of Sign language Interpreters 9. Equipment Referral and Counseling 10. Dial-A-Ride Vihicles Services In my views, the essential programs of CIL belong to the first three catagories, the others are not always nesessary. The Goverment ought to offer funds to the CILs where these three essential programs function. In the future, Japanese CILs should work toward the enactment of a Japanese version of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Act.
松本 眞一 Shinichi Matsumoto 桃山学院大学社会学部
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.39, no.2, pp.51-74, 2006-02

This study aims to research on child welfare in Canada in two aspects: 1)child welfare in general including the administrative system, as well as child welfare programs and services: 2)the definition of abuse, and the current situation of child abuse and protection in Canada. The study finds that child welfare in Canadian history has been slowly but ceaselessly improved to some extent. The department of social services, or its equivalent, in each province/territory is responsible for the design and delivery of child welfare services under the administrative system of decentralizing the services to communities. The departments are situated within the provincial ministry that deals with social services or health, or in some jurisdictions, children and families. The decentralization of child welfare services has led some jurisdictions to establish community based, non-profit agencies as the primary delivery mode for child welfare and adoption services. These agencies operate under boards of directors according to the administrative statutes and regulations in provincial legislation that pertain to child welfare, public administration or adoption. In each jurisdiction, a wide variety of child and family programs and services are provided. Child welfare programs and services in Canada are divided roughly into four fields: 1)Programs related to family formation, 2)Alternative child care programs, 3)Youth programs, and 4)Family support and child protection programs. Furthermore, 1)Programs related to family formation include (1) adoption services and (2) family mediation services. 2)Alternative child care programs contain (1) home child care, (2) centre-based child care, (3) care by a non-relative in the child's home, and (4) non-market care. 3)Youth programs consist of (1) national stay-in-school initiative, (2) national youth in care network, (3) big brothers/big sisters, and (4) programs for young offenders. And finally, 4)Family support and child protection programs imply (1) strengthening families program, (2) parental support program,(3) parenting skills program, (4) prevention programs, (5) assessment, (6) counseling, (7) day programs, (8) voluntary services, (9) foster care, and so on.
竹内 真澄
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.46, no.2, pp.47-74, 2012-12-21

Functionalism, a main stream of sociological theory from its birth, faced transitions following its inception in the 19th century to the present time. The historical origin of sociological functionalism can be found in the work of Auguste Comte (1798-1857). How did Comte contribute to the formation of functionalism? This paper qualitatively analyzes Comte's theoretical work in two stages of modernization from simple civil society to industrial capitalism. The modern class is the cooperative relation between entrepreneur and operator, according to Comte's view. Comte used the word "entrepreneur" instead of capitalist, as well as "operator" instead of worker. Thereby, capitalist class domination and exploitation of workers were reduced to spontaneous subordination of operators to entrepreneurs. In addition, Comte rejected the ideal of self-government, the social contract, and autonomy arguing for the spontaneous subordination in modern corporations. He pointed to the subordination deriving particular divisions of labor from general divisions of labor. Thus, the general controls the particular. In this way, he argued that a modern class hierarchy emerged after the French and Industrial Revolutions. This is the very point that I emphasize. By Comte's theoretical construction, the function of exploitation was as mere task of modern organization. As a result, throughout the development of functionalist theory many scholars unconsciously depended on Comte's work. Yet, the performance of functionalism is not sufficient to explain modern society. The following generations of sociologists should discover new theoretical solutions to understand social disintegration outside of modern corporations. Nevertheless, Comte contributed greatly to the formation of main stream sociology.
原田 達
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-26, 2004-07
陳 品紅
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.48, no.1, pp.115-142, 2014-07-31

This paper aims to shed light on social changes of 1970s and 80s Japan by researching social studies of those days on credential society and credentialism and surveying social consciousness and behaviors associated with them. First, reviewing a introductory book published in 1977 by a journalist and academic papers written in the early 80s by educational sociologists, I show that they were outcomes of establishing of credential society. Second, rethinking findings of researches conducted in the late 70s which tried to find eufunctions of credential society and to inquire again evidences of credentialism, I show that they more deeply reflected actual conditions of credential society and credentialism. Third, reviewing some books published in the 70s and 80s which were critical responses to credentialism and surveying social consciousness and behaviors in the 80s which were critical or negative responses to credentialism, I show that there were contradictory trends in social changes relating to credential society and credentialism in the 80s.
本間 栄男
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.48, no.2, pp.63-104, 2015-02-27

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) included an evolutionary psychology in his synthetic philosophy. In this paper I treated the development of theory of emotion in his psychology. Spencer had four sources in his theory of emotion: Lamarkian theory of evolution, phrenology, association psychology, and theory of moral sense. Though association psychology which comes from empiricism is opposed to moral sense which is an inherent ability, he was able to dissolve the opposition through the Lamarkian theory of evolution which admits that an individual can hand down the ability he got to the next generation. From phrenology, he socceeded the opinion that psychological functions have their seats only in brain and nerve. Spencer gave a brief account of emotion in his early work (The Principles of Psychology, first edtion, 1855), but in the late 1850s he gradually considered it important. Through his reading Alexander Bain's The Emotion and the Will (1859), emotion occupied an important place in his system. In the second edtion of The Principles of Psychology (2vols. 1870-1872) he discussed the formation of social sentiments which is the base of social morality in his evolutionary way, and made it possible to engage psychology with sociology and ethics.
軽部 恵子
桃山学院大学社会学論集 (ISSN:02876647)
vol.34, no.1, pp.137-162, 2000-08-31

This paper reviews communications concerning the status of women alleging violations of women's rights set forth in the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (1979). Communications, some confidential and some non-confidential, were received either by the Division of the Advancement of Women (DAW) of the U.N. Secretariat in New York from 1 January to 30 November 1999, or by the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva from January to October 1999. The former communication procedure was established by Economic and Social Council Resolution 76 (V) of 5 August 1947, as amended by Council Resolutions 304 (XI) of 14 and 17 July 1950 and 1983/27 of 26 May 1983. The latter procedure was established by Economic and Social Council Resolution 1503 (XLVIII) in 1970. During its 44th Session, the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) had its working group examine the contents of these communications. I analyze the patterns of alleged violations of women's rights described in these communications, and examine causes of those violations. Then, I emphasize the significance of maintaining a communication procedure concerning the status of women based on Economic and Social Council Resolutions because such a procedure will provide a measure to reinforce the domestic implementation of women's rights, especially while the Optional Protocol to the U.N. Convention on Women adopted by the General Assembly in October 1999 is yet to enter into force. Finally, I conclude that many of these communications include a variety of forms of "violence against women" and thus argue that the international community must put more emphasis on women's rights in order to stop threats to women's lives immediately.