大須賀 公一 衣笠 哲也 林 良太 吉田 浩治 大脇 大 石黒 章夫
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.D-2-4, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

In this note, we introduce our developed centipede like multi-legged robot named i-CentiPot. This robot is developed for showing our concept shown in the CREST project. In the project, we show that the existence of Implicit control is important. i-CentiPot plays a part of anchor example for our project.
守 真太郎 久門 正人 高橋 泰城
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.B-1-1, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

Collective intelligence is a mechanism to aggregate information held by many agents and generate useful information. In order for the generated information to be useful, it is a sufficient condition that the agents should independently generate information to be aggregated. On the other hand, in the case of humans, as they give priority to the return of each individual, not to the accuracy of the collective intelligence, they often use social learning and imitate the choices and actions of others. Independence of information to be aggregated is not preserved and the collective intelligence mechanism does not function. We conducted an information cascade experiment using two-choice general knowledge quizzes. When quizzes are easy, collective intelligence functions and the correct answer rate improves. However, when the quizzes are difficult, it becomes random whether the correct answer rate improves or deteriorates This change is a phase transition due to a change in the number of stable states of nonlinear Polya urn process. The essence of the phase transition is whether the in uence of the rst subject's choice (Domino effect) percolates or not in the in nitely long subjects' sequence.
笠 博義
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.E-1-4, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

It is important that record accurately of existing state and restoration for the cultural asset like historical buildings or masonry of the castle prevention. Photogrammetry has been used for their works so far., then recent spatial information technology is effective for them. Especially, application of UAV is expected for the survey for masonry of Japanese castle.
小川 陽子 島田 伸敬
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.E-2-4, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

Interfaces for people with severe motor impairments that enables them to interact with a healthy person and manipulates a wheelchair by extending the body motion ability through information equipment recently has been put to practical use. It is well known that tongue and gaze motion can remain even in much serious stage. It is a problem to assure the electric insulation of the device in oral cavity. In this research, we propose a pointing I/F using the intraoral image taken by a small camera for the endoscope available at low cost. Since the individual movement of the tongue is largely different according to disease condition and it may changes over time, a learning signal to the CNN is dynamically generated and adapted to ensure the invariant operative output range.
榊原 一紀 玉置 久
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.D-3-1, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

Approaches for achieving super smart-energy management of transportation, electric and gas systems in cities are conducted from multiple points of views. In this paper, we examine the comprehensive modeling and optimizing approaches for the super smart societies by introducing mathematical programming techniques.
大須賀 公一
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.D-2-1, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

Adaptive behaviors that living things show are thought to be generated from brain / body / environmental interactions. However, in order to understand this essence, it is necessary to pay attention to a minimalistic set of interactions of the brain, the body, and the environment, and to extract the underlying control structure there. Therefore, in this research, we propose a novel methodology to observe behavior by stepwise inhibiting (zombizing) the upper brain functions of living things.
日和 悟 廣安 知之
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.A-1-1, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

Mindfulness is one of the most effective approach to promote our well-being. It is the state where one has been observing nonjudgmentally and focusing intentionally on one's current experience such as physical sensation. In this paper, for the purpose of supporting meditation practice, we quanti ed the resting and meditative states using brain activity data measured by functional nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. The difference between the meditation novices and experts has been revealed by our proposed method.
中嶋 浩平
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.B-1-3, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

Reservoir computing (RC) was first proposed as a framework to train recurrent neural networks. In this framework, a low-dimensional input is projected to high-dimensional dynamical systems, which are typi-cally referred to as a reservoir. If the dynamics of the reservoir involve adequate nonlinearity and memory, em-ulating nonlinear dynamical systems only requires adding a linear, static readout from the high-dimensional state space of the reservoir. Because of its generic nature, RC is not limited to digital simulations of neural net-works, and any high-dimensional dynamical system can serve as a reservoir if it has the appropriate properties. The approach using a physical entity rather than abstract computational units as a reservoir is called physical reservoir computing (PRC). In this presentation, several novel platforms based on PRC are introduced using physical substrates. These platforms include soft materials (e.g., silicone-based soft robotic arm) and faraday waves generated on the water surface (which we call, “physical liquid state machines”), and they illustrate the potentials of the framework through a number of experiments. The focus will particularly be on how dynamical system aspects can provide a novel view of the PRC framework, including the relevance of noise-induced phe-nomena or random dynamical systems.
増井 利彦
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.C-5-4, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

This paper explains the background and structure of the new mathematical model to assess sustainability in Japan. The core part of this model is a computable general equilibrium model, and various environmental issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, solid waste, water environment and land use are included. In addition to that, in order to assess the societal problems such as aging society and economic disparity in Japan, the model has households classified by the age of the household head. Based on the simulation using this model and the discussion with stakeholders, the expected sustainable society in Japan will be quantified.
天野 徹
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.A-2-3, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

Foreigners who visit Japan exceeded 30 million a year. It is inevitable that they will be disaster vulnerable people when a large-scale disaster occurs during their stay. But, countermeasures for that is not enough. In this report, we consider a way of evacuation induction, a plan of two step guidance, a possibility of business model for sufficient supply of private shelter by contract between private companies, and an activities to carry it out.
高橋 泰城
横幹連合コンファレンス予稿集 第8回横幹連合コンファレンス
pp.B-1-4, 2017 (Released:2018-02-18)

Recently, neuroeconomics---a unified discipline of economics and neuroscience---has been developed. Research topics of neuroeconomics include neural processing underlying decision under risk, intertemporal choice, and social preferences. Studies in neuroeconomics have revealed that human judgment and decision making usually violates classical rationality (e.g., Kolmogorovian probability theory, exponential time-discounting, von Neumann-Morgenstern’s expected utility theory). We observed that rationality and intelligence defined in terms of neuroeconomics is related to human intelligence and rationality in terms of cognitive science. These findings are relevant to problems in financial markets, artificial intelligence, and robotics.