降旗 信一 宮野 純次 能條 歩 藤井 浩樹
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.19, no.1, pp.1_3-16, 2009 (Released:2011-01-25)
6 2

Indicating forecast of Learning through Experiencing Nature (LEN) from environmental education has become an urgent task for education in Japan. In this article, discussion is reviewed reflectively to explore the direction for solving the task.   In the first chapter, we organized social needs for LEN identified in domestic and overseas measures. In the second chapter, taking LEN for nurturing youth, we categorized it with regards to (1) object and practicing subject, (2) learning aims of educational fields, and (3) LEN programs. In the third chapter, focusing on training leaders, we indicated that people in the local community can be leaders as well as school teachers, and leading actor in school education.   In conclusion, we stated three points; (1) the requirements for accumulation of empirical research in nurturing youth like clarification of the relationship between LEN and competence, (2) research and development with new viewpoints which are training leader as “interpreters” who can be communicators eliciting people's positive world view of nature, and (3) framing system which have a view to the relationship between LEN and local systems of environmental education for sustainable and symbiotic community development.
楠美 順理 濱 泰一
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.32, no.1, pp.1_85-94, 2023-03-31 (Released:2023-04-29)

This study discusses education to foster the skills needed to select appropriate information from a large amount of complex information, and to make decisions under conditions of high uncertainty. Based on the question of whether the COVID-19 vaccination is necessary, this study focuses on discussions of the framework of education to foster judgement skills. First we examined rational judgement methods and determined the requirements for judgement education. Then we examined methods for risk education and determined the requirements for that. Finally we examined methods for critical thinking education and determined the requirements for that. Twelve requirements for the desired judgment education were listed and divided into categories based on the degree of reflection required and on who was implementing them. Briefly, A1 is what teachers do, and B1 is a requirement that can be measured at specific achievement levels. B2 is a requirement that should be met to the fullest possible extent. A sample course was designed to meet the requirements of A1 and B1, and to meet the requirements of B2 to the fullest possible extent. The course consists of three components: a “simple story” which supports vaccination based on estimated mortality risk, a “detailed story” which is more cautious in judgement and quantitative evaluation, and, lastly, the processes in which students construct their theories and refine them through discussion. While it is not easy to design a course that meets all 12 requirements, it is important to develop comprehensive skills to judge whether the vaccination is necessary. Reconfirming the importance of fostering skills such as critical thinking, judgement and expression, we created a basic framework to discuss the desired education to foster the skills needed to select appropriate information from a large amount of complex information and to make decisions under conditions of high uncertainty.
関 智子 岡島 成行 進士 五十八
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.18, no.3, pp.35-46, 2009-03-31 (Released:2011-06-04)

The purpose of this study is to present philosophical elements useful in re-examining the foundations of environmental education in Japan by analyzing two of Ishida Baigan's representative works: “Tohi mondo” (Dialog between Sages and Commom People) and “Kenyaku seika ron (Bringing Order to One's House through Frugality)”.   Our findings can be summarized into the following three points. First, the relationship between humans and nature as espoused in Baigan's philosophy is founded on the philosophy of banbutsu ittai (the unity of all things). Second, a rereading of Baigan's Kenyaku ron (Frugality) and Shonin no michi (The Way of the Merchant) in the context of the first finding makes possible the following interpretations: (i) wealth represents not personal assets, but public interest within the global environment, and therefore must be used in ways that are useful to the environment; (ii) the merchant's job is to distribute wealth properly. Third, we can therefore view Baigan's philosophy as an environmental philosophy.   From these results, we conclude that environmental education in Japan should put a high priority on “the integration into nature” based on the philosophy of “the unity of all things.” By ensuring that this integration is not obstructed in any way, we will be able to develop approaches to the environment that are based on our traditional philosophies and are easier to accept for the public. The results of this study also suggest that Baigan's practical philosophy transcends time and is therefore applicable in modern environmental education as well.
高野 孝子
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.23, no.2, pp.2_27-37, 2013 (Released:2015-10-20)

While ‘place’ has been a center of attention in many disciplines, the Japanese words equivalent to the concept of ‘place’ is multi-faceted and controversial. This paper overviews the discussion around the concepts of ‘place’ in literature as well as Japanese terms which may translate as ‘place’ and ‘community’. The discourse around place-based education (PBE) is examined, and the 100-year history of the movement of the similar concept in Japan is outlined. It discusses the meaning of PBE in the context of globalization, and encourages Japanese practitioners and researchers in outdoor and environmental education to explore the perspectives of place as many ‘relationships’ linked to education for sustainability at the current time of high social, economic and environmental instability.
鈴木 敏正
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.19, no.3, pp.3_29-40, 2010-03-31 (Released:2011-03-31)

Adult and Community Education is the practice to support and organize the activities of self-directed education for widening and deepening cultural reasons based on real life. It is composed of enjoying human culture and learning of living/environment, act/cooperation, production/distribution, and self-governing/policy. Environmental Education is to promote living/environment learning as learning to be, and to form Environmental Reason, through realizing the mutual relationship between human individuals and their environment.   Environmental Education has to be based on the theory of ‘Conscientization’ proposed by Paulo Freire, and ‘Learning Network’ proposed by Ivan Illich. It is real as Community Development Education that needs Illich's ideas of Conviviality, Subsistence and Commons, and Freire's Ideas for ‘Pedagogy of Hope’ However, if we are to regenerate those theories and ideas in Environmental Education, we must critically analyze them and clarify their meanings and limits.   The article will discuss, firstly, Illich's criticism against modern technique and institution, and Freire's understandings of human praxis, secondly, Freire's pedagogy towards environmental education, thirdly, Illich's idea of Learning Network towards Education for Sustainable Community Development Education (ESCD). Lastly, it will propose Community Environmental Education (CEE) to structurize the learnings (1) to conscientize nature, (2) to self-conscientize one's own life, (3) to realize the relationship between nature and human being, and (4) to empower the people by themselves for regenerating the environment.
高橋 満彦 大宅 裕紀 土井 徹
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.31, no.4, pp.4_48-55, 2022 (Released:2022-08-04)

This paper analyzes how the management of wildlife (birds and mammals) is described in textbooks authorized by the Japan's Ministry of Education for use in elementary and middle schools. All of the textbooks authorized for Social Studies (24 items for elementary and 13 items for middle schools), Science (28 for elementary and 18 for middle schools), Life Environment Studies (17 items for elementary schools), and Technical Arts (thee items for middle schools) were investigated for discussion.  Wildlife management consists of multiple elements. Japanese wildlife policy originally focused on protective elements; however, with increasing wildlife damage, the Wildlife Act was revised in 2014 to define “protection” and “control” as dual values of wildlife management.  Through our research of textbooks, we found that they describe the “protection” of wildlife fairly well. However, the “control” of wildlife is mentioned or alluded to in only 16 items. Lethal control is discussed in only one textbook for middle school science.  The authors assert that the “control” of wildlife should be described in textbooks not only for the pupils to understand the current environmental policy, but also to comprehend the challenges towards agricultural and rural communities.
白井 信雄 田中 充 青木 えり
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.25, no.2, pp.2_62-71, 2015 (Released:2017-07-26)

In this study, a survey residents living in Saitama, Tokyo, Kanagawa, and Nagano prefectures was conducted to deepen the knowledge required to develop educational programs on climate change mitigation and adaptation. The results are as follows: 1) The residents are becoming increasingly aware of the effects of climate change, and this awareness affects not only their adaptation behavior, but also their mitigation behavior. 2) Sufficient recognition of the causes of climate change affects mitigation behavior. An awareness of the effects of climate change on one’s personal life affects current responses, and an awareness of the effects of climate change on regions affects long-term responses. 3) Regarding environmental consciousness, the perception to give priority to an action affects current responses, and respect towards nature affects both current responses and long-term responses. 4) Females, especially over 30 years of age, have a strong consciousness of giving priority to an action and have a strong awareness of the effects of climate change. Consequently, their behavior towards adaptation and mitigation is stronger.  Based on these results, we consider implementing educational programs on climate change adaptation and mitigation. In particular, consideration is given to developing educational programs for females who are more sensitive to climate change.
降旗 信一 石坂 孝喜 畠山 芽生 櫃本 真美代 伊東 静一
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.15, no.2, pp.2-13, 2006-02-28
深須 祐子 樋口 利彦 吉冨 友恭
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.31, no.3, pp.3_10-20, 2021 (Released:2022-02-23)

The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program is an international hands-on environmental science and education program. Since its launch in 1995, over 37,600 schools across 125 countries have participated in the GLOBE program. In Japan, 281 schools and institutions have been involved in this program to date. This study examines how the GLOBE program, offering the experience of observing and analyzing data on the natural environment, affected students' awareness of the natural environment and their future career choices. The survey was conducted using questionnaires sent to 16 teachers and 108 students of high schools participating in GLOBE program (quantitative research), and interviews with 7 GLOBE alumni (qualitative research). The results show that the GLOBE program has enhanced students' interest in the natural environment and commitment to awareness of environmental conservation. Moreover, based on their approaches (e.g., enthusiastic guidance from teachers, continuous observation and data analysis, independent inquiry activities, experience in presenting research findings, interaction with other students and researchers, etc.), it was revealed that the program also influences students' career choices, such as choosing university or college courses on environmental or natural science and jobs related to nature, biology, and science.
鈴木 敏正 佐藤 真久
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.21, no.2, pp.2_3-14, 2012-01-31 (Released:2013-10-31)

The age of globalization could be considered an era of “internalizing” corporate activities and human living and so on, that have been “externalized” and disposed of as has been the case with natural resources and wastes from industry and daily living. In this age without “externalities,” “global environmental problems” and “social exclusion problems” are no longer separate issues; rather they have an intricate and reciprocal relationship. Today, the need for linking these issues and developing them together has emerged in both environmental and development education, which have been involved in the educational aspects of both of these problems. In this article the authors address “global environmental problems” and “social exclusion problems” created as the outcome of “economic globalization” which has exacerbated the mutually prescribed opposition of excesses in wealth and the accumulation of poverty, and they examine environmental education and development education as two educational initiatives working on these problems.   Based on these initiatives, the authors articulate the perspective of “Endogenous Development”, which aims to solve both of these problems at the same time, as a ‘glocal’ practical theory towards the creation of a “Sustainable and Inclusive Society.” They also articulate the importance of “Education Planning Theory” which promotes proactive learning (self-education activities) related to internal development. In environmental education and development education within the context of globalization, people need to become the problem solving agents through the learning process and participating in knowledge creation. This means not simply understanding and criticizing environmental problems and problems of social exclusion, but protecting a sustainable and inclusive environment in a living community and forming cooperative and creative practical theory will suffice. Lastly, the authors explore the significance and possibility of “Education for Sustainable and Inclusive Communities, ESIC”.
土井 美枝子
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.20, no.2, pp.2_26-39, 2010-12-10 (Released:2011-11-30)
2 1

The aim of this paper is to examine the formation of university students’ environmental consciousness and behavior. A survey has been given to university students in Japan, China and Malaysia. Those university students’ consciousness and behavior toward the environment are divided into “Environmental consciousness and behavior in daily life” and “Consciousness and behavior to solve environmental issues.” Then, comparative analyses have been conducted. The following were the results: 1) Many of the students have concern for environmental problems and also possess thorough knowledge of them. 2) There is a gap between student’s “Environmental consciousness and behavior in daily life” and “Consciousness and behavior to solve environmental issues.” 3) Students’ consciousness and behavior for environmental problems are related to personal attributes and experiences.
阿部 治
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.19, no.2, pp.2_21-30, 2009-12-15 (Released:2011-02-22)
18 9

This paper examines “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD),” clarifying the current situation of research, activities, and future perspectives on ESD. It must first be noted that ESD is closely related to the concept of “Sustainable Development”, and that the idea of ESD first clearly appeared in the Thessaloniki Declaration of 1997. In 2002 at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg, the Japanese government and NGO committee members advocated introduction of ESD into every effort for achieving a sustainable society and sustainable education systems by developing a United Nations international project. Therefore in 2005, the United Nations launched the “UN-Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014). Since then, the number of research results and practical reports on ESD has increased. In Japan, the national government has been promoting ESD, for example, by arranging several laws and systems concerned with ESD. Furthermore, many educators and practitioners have also endeavored to implement ESD in many fields, such as school education, social education, and in local communities where networks and communities hold consultations for improved environments and amenities. Research outcomes such as ESD theory, ESD in school education, and ESD in community-building education are also taken up in this paper in order to explain current research contents, methodologies and findings. Regarding the volume and quality of research outcomes in the field of ESD, there is still a need for further consideration. In respect to the works mentioned above, there are ten points on problems, prospects, and themes that need to be henceforth addressed and are briefly mentioned.
飯沼 慶一
一般社団法人 日本環境教育学会
環境教育 (ISSN:09172866)
vol.29, no.3, pp.3_12-20, 2020 (Released:2020-04-15)

Although it is widely suggested that the beginning of environmental education in Japan is education conducted to teach about conservation and pollution, there are only a few historical details from the viewpoint school education. This focuses on Seijo Elementary School during the "Taisho New Education Movement" period, and seeks to examine the transition of the relationship between "nature studies", "lower-grade science" and "play time" utilizing the magazine "Studies On Educational Problems", published by Seijo Elementary School. Since its establishment, Seijo Elementary School has been conducting educational experiments incorporating "nature studies" to establish science as a subject for lower grades. However, after about ten years, the research on science for lower grades decreased, and "nature studies" continued as a research issue for "play time" together with integrated education. The research of "nature studies" at Seijo Elementary School has created not only the foundation of learning about nature in lower-grade science, which led to the introduction of environmental education, but has also shifted to the study of "play time" and the establishment of "Living Environment Studies", which is the main subject in current environmental education for lower grades in elementary school.