西台 満 NISHIDAI Michiru
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.67, pp.1-5, 2012-03-01

A person who gains a profit without a legal cause commits “the unjust enrichment” in Civil Law. He is required to recover the original condition by compensating the other party for his loss.The profit to be restored, however, is limited to “as much as existing” when he is asked for compensation, provided that he made the profit in good faith. Good faith means that he received the goods or money believing that he was entitled to do so.Money spent for amusements is commonly considered “not existing” so that he doesn't have to return it to the opponent. On the other hand, money spent for living expenses is counted “existing”, because it lets him escape paying the same sum of money from his savings.I take objection to such common view in this paper. Profiteer should pay the whole amount of ill-gotten gains including the amusement expense. But he doesn't have to return even the living expenses, when he has no means. I interpret that this is just the effect of good faith.
小倉 拓也 OGURA Takuya
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.76, pp.33-40, 2021-03-01

Erwin Straus est connu pour son concept de l’espace du paysage, qui est présenté dans son magnum opus, Du sens des sens (1935), et qui a influencé ses contemporains. Cependant, il a été élaboré à travers ses théories précédentes sur le spatial, notamment celle développée dans « Les formes du spatial » (1930) où ce concept n’est pas présenté comme tel. Straus y fait une distinction entre l’espace optique et l’espace acoustique, induit par une analyse phénoménologique des modes de manifestation de la couleur et du son. C’est ainsi la distinction qui conduit à la formulation ultérieure de l’espace du paysage. Dans cet essai, étude préliminaire pour comprendre le concept de l’espace du paysage, nous proposons une lecture fondamentale de son article de 1930.
立花 希一 TACHIBANA Kiichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.67, pp.57-66, 2012-03-01

There were two psychologists, Karl Buhler and Alfred Adler, who had taught Popper. Popper rarely confessed his intellectual debt, but he exceptionally said that he owed to Karl Buhler. On the other hand, Popper condemned Adler's Individual Psychology as a pseudo-science. However, as we read Adler, we are surprised to find that Popper was greatly influenced by Adler in various points such as the logic of social situation, optimism, the regulative idea of the absolute truth, the view of science as modified commonsense and so on. Popper accepted Buhler’s psychology of learning. Viewing from these contexts, it seems to us that Popper’s thought was not original at all. However Popper changed the psychology of learning into the logic of scientific learning and proposed falsificationist methodology of science. His originality is found in this point.
長谷川 章 ХАСЭГАВА Акира
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.76, pp.63-67, 2021-03-01

Настоящая статья посвящается истории по приемам и пере-творчествам образов советской звезды рока-музыки Виктора Цоя. В современной России XXI века разные тенденции используют образы Цоя в виде своего политического сторонника. В этой статье автор рассматривает о начале первых образов этого певца в фильмах «Асса» С. Соловьева и «Игла» Р. Нугманова, одновременно сравнивая героя в фильме «Брат» А. Балабанова, чью роль играл актер С. Бодров-младший, погибший в катастрофе в молодом возрасте , как Цой.
小倉 拓也 OGURA Takuya
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.76, pp.33-40, 2021-03-01

Erwin Straus est connu pour son concept de l'espace du paysage, qui est présenté dans son magnum opus, Du sens des sens (1935), et qui a influencé ses contemporains. Cependant, il a été élaboré à travers ses théories précédentes sur le spatial, notamment celle développée dans « Les formes du spatial » (1930) où ce concept n'est pas présenté comme tel. Straus y fait une distinction entre l'espace optique et l'espace acoustique, induit par une analyse phénoménologique des modes de manifestation de la couleur et du son. C'est ainsi la distinction qui conduit à la formulation ultérieure de l'espace du paysage. Dans cet essai, étude préliminaire pour comprendre le concept de l'espace du paysage, nous proposons une lecture fondamentale de son article de 1930.
中尾 信一 NAKAO Shinichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.76, pp.57-62, 2021-03-01

"Violence" in film has been depicted in various ways. In this essay, we will discuss how "violence," especially "people's uprising," is represented in a film Joker (2019). The film tells a story about how a protagonist named Arthur Fleck became Joker as a typical "villain" in "Batman" movies. His violence seems meaningless, but it has one moment when our ordinary recognition of "violence" transforms. By arguing the reversal of its meaning, we will explore a possibility and limit of "violence" in film.
中尾 信一 NAKAO Shinichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.76, pp.57-62, 2021-03-01

“Violence” in film has been depicted in various ways. In this essay, we will discuss how “violence,” especially “people’s uprising,” is represented in a film Joker (2019). The film tells a story about how a protagonist named Arthur Fleck became Joker as a typical “villain” in “Batman” movies. His violence seems meaningless, but it has one moment when our ordinary recognition of “violence” transforms. By arguing the reversal of its meaning, we will explore a possibility and limit of “violence” in film.
大橋 純一 OHASHI Junichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.77, pp.29-38, 2022-03-01

In the past, the /-i/ /-u/ of the Hokuo dialect became a central or low vowel, and its appearance, where it is unified with /-i/, has been focused on as one of the dialect’s distinctive characteristics in terms of speech sounds. However, concerning said dialect, when studying this phenomenon with a large number of people, variety emerges even in the same generation, and it is difficult to collectively state that the characteristic belongs to just one generation. Regarding the various aspects of the Hokuo dialect’s /-i/ /-u/ in the decline process, this paper aims to investigate the current characteristics in a comparative manner by providing a framework beforehand of the stages of change seen and the nature thereof—using previous studies as references—and analyzing the multiple pronunciations of utterances that have been classified into each stage. In relation to the current situation of dialects that feature complex aspects, the above can also be considered a new endeavor associated with the method of understanding collected data, or the procedure of analyzing said data, to ascertain the essence of what occurs in such situations.
西台 満 NISHIDAI Michiru
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.61-67, 2013-03-31

I discussed the standard of proof in the criminal suit under the title of ‘‘The Principle of the Free Discretion of Judges as to the Probative Value of Evidence and ‘the Degree of Proof’ ”published in Memoirs of Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita University No.65, 2010. I insisted there that ‘‘the preponderance of evidence” would be enough for the prosecution to convict the accused of a crime. In the same way as in the criminal case, a plaintiff does not have to produce evidence to such an extent as to make the judge confident that his claim is well-grounded. Because it is not going too far to say that both parties have no conclusive evidence in the civil action. ‘‘The Burden of Proof” nowadays hotly disputed in the Civil Proceedings Law Society, therefore, is a sterile flower caused by the unreasonable demand from the plaintiff.
立花 希一
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.63, pp.1-12, 2008-03

Descartes (lS96-16SOlis the first figure who proposed body-mind dualism based on his own rational arguments, not based on any allegorical or philosophical interpretations of the Bible, which was primarily acceptedas the absolute authority. In this paper I critically examine Descartes' arguments, and point out his wrong strategy. that is, we ought to exclude as false all these things of which we may doubt. I claim that Descartes' philosophical opinion is not the sole absolutely certain truth, and I propose another option.
佐藤 猛 SATO Takeshi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:24334979)
no.75, pp.39-49, 2020-03-01

À la fin du Moyen Âge René d'Anjou (r. 1434-1480), le quatrième maître de la maison Valois-Anjou, possédait des vastes territoires qui sont appelés « l'État angevin ». La famille de Beauvau était un des « serviteurs » puissants qui ont bien servi et travaillé pour le gouvernement de cet État. Le seigneur de Beauvau Louis, avec son frère Jean, fut nominé à un des membres d'une commission pour réformer les coutumes d'Anjou le 6 octobre 1458. Ils ont successivement rempli un office de sénéchal d'Anjou et de Provence au milieu du 15e siècle. Son oncle Bertrand, sire de Présigny a servi à la fois pour René et pour le roi Charles VII (r. 1422-1461). Après avoir été envoyé à sa cour par Yolande d'Aragon, Bertrand fut nominé à un des plénipotentiaires dans la conclusion d'une trêve de Tours (1444). En tant que le premier conseiller de René, il a eu la charge de diriger une réformation des coutumes d'Anjou en 1458-1463. En 1462, il fut nominé à un président séculier de la Chambre des comptes de Paris sous le roi Louis XI (r. 1461-1483). Profitant de son lien étroit avec la royauté, il a réussi de faire ses deux fils occuper une fonction important. L'ainé Antoine a succédé à son père à la présidence de la Chambre des comptes en 1472, et le cadet Jean fut nominé à l'évêque d'Angers en 1450.
和泉 浩 IZUMI Hiroshi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.68, pp.31-60, 2013-03-31

The purpose of this paper is to consider the relations between the reproduction of modern rationalized social system and its resistant, differentiating or dissimilating components through two famous authors’ two famous works of the same period. Michel de Certeau’s L’invention du quotidian: Arts de faire (published in 1980, English title: “the Practice of Everyday Life”) and Paul Willis’s Learning to Labour: How Working Class Kids get Working Class Jobs (published in 1977). In L’invention du quotidian de Certeau tries to delineate the ‘creativity’ of ‘users’ or consumers in everyday practice, who are ‘commonly assumed to be passive and guided by established rules.’ According to de Certeau, ‘users’ not only consume various products – from commodity to urban space – of modern rationalized and expansionistic technocracy and capitalism, but also bricolent(bricolage) those products in their practices of everyday life where users dissimilate or transgress the control, ‘discipline’ and plans of producers and technocrats, in which de Certeau finds out the ‘creativity’ of ‘users’ and the resistant moments with in the existing systems of dominance relationships of ‘elite’ and ‘popular culture.’ In Learning to Labour , Willis tries to identify the resistant moments in working class culture, especially ‘failed’ working class kids and their counter-school culture which oppose to authorities of school, teachers and academic carrier-based pseudo egalitarian institutions and society. He expounds on the reproductive processes of ‘working class kids get working class jobs, because of various ‘limitations’ which distort the ‘penetrations’ of working class culture which are, he thinks, ‘potential materials…for a thoroughly critical analysis of society and political action for the creation of alternatives.’ Willis situates ‘creativity’ of working class culture in their collective level of the ‘penetrations’ which exist like Freudian ‘unconsciousness’ and cannot be seized in utterance or conscious level of working class people, while de Certeau finds the creativity of resistance in everyday surface level practices like speaking, walking, cooking. This paper has scrutinized the differences between de Certeau,’s and Willis’s ideas of resistant alternative ‘creativity’ in everyday practices and popular culture, and their positions within the ‘reproduction’ of modern capitalist class society.
西台 満 Michiru Nishidai
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.66, pp.1-6, 2011-03-01

According to the common view, the construction of an artistic building based on a stolen draft constitutes an infringement of the copyright of an architect. On the other hand, the manufacture of machines based on the stolen draft doesn't. Because, while a building is stipulated as a literary work at Copyright Act article 10th, a machine isn't. But l insist first that article 10th only shows the main examples of literary works and actually specifies so at the beginning of the article, and second that both a machine and its blueprint can have the originality which is essential to the works. A machine can have the technical inventiveness as well as a building can have the esthetic creativity.
日高 水穂
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.54, pp.45-55, 1999-03

In this article, I present a semantic description of the conditionals in the Akita dialect, and provide a comparison between the Akita dialect and the standard Japanese. I discuss -ba in the Akita dialect has wider semantic distribution than its counterpart in the standard Japanese. I also discuss that the regional usage is exported into the standard Japanese whenthe speaker of the dialect speaks the standard Japanese.
立花 希一 TACHIBANA Kiichi
秋田大学教育文化学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:1348527X)
vol.64, pp.33-44, 2009-03-01

This paper has two aims. The first is to warn Japan against making the same mistakes made by the Israelites of ancientIsrael in their choice of government. After the Exodus, because the people were sovereign, they initially had the opportunityto choose their form of government using democratic procedures. The government they chose, however, wasanti-democratic theocracy, and they eventually abandoned their popular sovereignty. Their choice, therefore, may be describedas democratic suicide.The second aim of the paper is to integrate a desirable theory of sovereignty with Popper's theory of democracy inwhich all kinds of (unchecked) sovereignty are rejected. The integrated theory of democracy proposed in this paper willbe suitable for the idea of democracy as popular sovereignty in Japan, which is prescribed in the current Japanese constitution(Minshushugi in the sense of Kokumin-shuken or Shuken-zaimin).