黒田 俊太郎 Shuntaro KURODA
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.34, pp.198-208, 2019

Novelist Nakagawa Yoichi (1897-1994) published his most popular novel, Ten-no Yugao [A Moonflower in Heaven], in 1938, during the Japanese-Chinese War. The novel was a great success, and its popularity lasted even after World War II ended in 1945. Ten-no Yugao was adapted to film in 1948 and became a box-office hit. The film featured Mieko Takamine, a big star who belonged to the Shochiku Co., Ltd. film company, and was directed by Yutaka Abe, a master director at the time. Whilst this film achieved commercial success, it was severely criticized by reviewers mainly because Nakagawa was purged from public service by the General Headquarters of the Allied Forces (GHQ) after World War II. Nakagawa was accused of having advocated totalitarianism and praised the war. This paper discusses the purge of Nakagawa after World War II, referring to discussions on his war guilt from the period.
浜崎 隆司 田村 隆宏 吉田 和樹 吉田 美奈 岡本 かおり 安藤 ときわ 倉成 正宗
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.25-31, 2012

The purpose of this study is to make a scale of parent−child confidential relationship and to examine the reliability and validity of the scale. 47 items questionnaire survey was administered to 287 university and graduate students. Cronbach's alpha for 7 subscales ranged from .70 to .92, and that showed enough reliability of this scales. The results of correlational analysis of the parent−child confidential relationship with the Parent −Child Relation scales(2 subscales 30 items)by Ochiai and Satoh(1996)suggested that had enough construct validity. Finally, the implications of this study was discussed.
村井 万里子
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.31, pp.56-75, 2016

Yamaguchi(1943)proposed a model of language acquisition called Taiwa−kan(Discussion Loop). We incorporated Kaito's(1934)theory of Keisho−no−kozo−soujyo−ron(Shape of mechanism and sequence)with Taiwa−kan and developed the Language Activities Mechanism in 1981 creating several models. This newer model we continued to call Taiwa−kan has been used for many years as a base of fundamental language teaching. However, the function of the model was not described using relevant language acquisition theory thus far. This study is an attempt to solve this problem applying Hiromatsu, and Ide's Mono, Koto, Kotoba(things, matters, words)theory to describe the function of Taiwa−kan. Although Hiromatsu and Ide's theory has various commonalities with Taiwa−kan, Ide investigates in the area of semantics, whereas Hiromatsu examines the syntax of a proposition. Both argue that Mono is the unification after analysis and the vagueness before division by analysis. They also agree that Koto is a concept in which Mono are divided or split into. When this theory is combined with Taiwa−kan, the circularity of the loop's centripetal force and unified function represents the power to create the former. The loop's connotations of centrifugal force and development symbolizes the divide and analyzing of the proposition. Taiwa−kan embodies Mono and Koto into its model. Additionally, results suggest the figures of the Taiwa−kan and Sanjyu−kan(Triple Loop)differ in expression from Hiromatsu's Nijyu−no−Nishi(double separation)theory which warrants future investigation. This study provides the Taiwa−kan model with explanatory power and is suggested to be effective and fundamental for language education and language arts education.
藤田 雅文 佐藤 安通
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.32, pp.506-513, 2017

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of high school baseball manager's talks to players who participated in the KOSHIEN tournament (national high school baseball championship).The subjects were 73 managers of high school baseball clubs in Japan. The investigations were performed from October to December in 2014. Manager's talks were classified by 2 categories, "affirmative" and "negative". The details of manager's talks were classified by 13 categories, "praise", "raise the morale", "cheer up", "advise", "give thanks", "change player's feelings", "praise", "appreciate the pains", "admit", "run down", "abuse", "blame" and "the others". The 7 situations, "hard training", "meetings before games", "the pinch with playing games", "the chance for coming from behind", "the poor fielding in a pinch", "the strikeout in a big chance" and "meetings after games" in which managers talked to players were set up.The results were picked out as follows.1) Most of managers talked affirmatively to players on all of the situations (82.5%~100%).2) Many managers raised the morale on "hard training" (51.9%) and "meetings before games" (57.1%) .3) Many managers raised the morale (42.0%) and advised on the pitching and defense (31.4%) on "the pinch with playing games".4) Many managers advised on the batting (50.0%) and raised the morale (31.8%) on "the chance for coming from behind".5) Many managers changed player's feelings (63.5%) on "the poor fielding in a pinch". 6) Many managers changed player's feelings (40.0%) and advised on the batting (22.0%) on "the strikeout in a big chance".7) Managers talked diversely to players in "meetings after games". They raised the morale (18.9%),cheered up (16.2%),advised (13.5%),changed player's feelings (13.5%),praised (13.5%) in the scene.
橋川 喜美代
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.27, pp.12-24, 2012

The purpose of this paper is to clarify how the teachers understand the children's inner world and their way of expression, and share the world together, analyzing the practical reports in our time and in history by Te Whãriki and the learning story. The teachers recover the live body which can understand the children's inner world, from the stage of watching the children's play, to the stage of predicting their move. The teacher and the children share the place that they live, the relationship between two grow flexibility widely, and the form of education and care change. The change of their relationship created many results of learning in which children enjoyed the play. Te Whãriki and the learning story speak of the inter−subjective relation, are the scale of the results of the learning which it creates. By Te Whãriki and the learning story, the teacher understands the gap in environment of child care and education, and learning and growth of children, realize again the children life.
佐古 秀一 大林 正史 藤井 伊佐子
鳴門教育大学研究紀要 鳴門教育大学 編 (ISSN:18807194)
vol.31, pp.99-111, 2016

The purposes of this study were to verify educational procedures and their effects which aimed to facilitate reflection on pre−exiting knowledge and framework about school management in school managerial staff training setting. In this study, the case which showed characteristics of management style relied almost entirely on teachers' personal ability, was adopted. Trainees were 42 headteachers. After trainees discussed the case, trainer question trainees' in−use concepts and address the fundamental reason for trainees' evaluation of managerial style of the case. Some results of these reflective training about school management were as follows.1)25(59%)trainees made reference to their finding of their own conventional way of school management in post session assessment.2)Frequently−appearing words of trainees' post session assessment, were the words which were introduced to explain organizational characteristics of school organization, and limitation of the conventional managerial way of school.3)Trainees' evaluation for degree of understanding and degree of availability were both relatively high.