LOPEZ Maria Claudia MUNRO Alistair TARAZONA-GOMEZ Marcela
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.15-10, 2015-07

A recurring and puzzling pattern with experiments on intra-household behaviour is the common failure of couples to attain the cooperative solution. Using married couples from a low income area of Bogota, Colombia we conduct an experiment that raises the salience of the family vis-à-vis outsiders. In this experiment husbands and wives play a repeated voluntary contribution game. At the same time each participant plays an identical game with one stranger in the same session. When investments to the common pools are made from separate and non-fungible budgets, most subjects contribute more to the household pool than the stranger pool, but rarely contribute everything to the household even after repetition and opportunities for learning. Efficiency is not obtained. However, when subjects make contributions to the two games from a single budget many individuals converge rapidly on a strategy of investing everything in the household pool and contributing little to the pool with a stranger. Overall the amount invested in some pool rises. Our results are in line with games played with individuals in which in-group cooperation is higher when membership of the group is more salient. They suggest that strengthening family identity may raise intrahousehold cooperation, but at the expense of cooperation of interhousehold cooperation.
阿久根 優子 細江 宣裕
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.19-05, 2019-06

独占的競争下の製品差別化を取り入れた枠組みは、おもに製造業について適用され、農業は製品差別化のない同質財部門として単純化して描写されることが多い。一方、農業経営や農業政策に関する分析では、製品差別化を通じて高付加価値化を図る、高い起業家精神や生産性を持つ一部の生産者に注目が集まる。現実はどちらに近いのであろうか。本研究では、『農家経営統計調査』の個票データを用いて、農家の全要素生産性とその分布を導き、合わせて、Crozet and Koenig (2010)の手法を用いて、差別化財(バラエティ)間の代替の弾力性を推定する。分析の結果、施設野菜作や施設花卉作といった施設園芸関連、畑作や果樹作で、生産者間の異質性が相対的に高いことが確認された。製品差別化の程度は、畜産関連の営農類型で相対的に高い傾向にある。バラエティ間の代替の弾力性は大きくても3程度であり、製造業について得られる弾力性と大きく異なるものではないことがわかった。
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.19-34, 2020-02

Despite progress toward gender equality in education in Bangladesh, its female labor force participation (FLFP) rate has been stagnant relative to that of men, especially in marginal rural areas. To identify the overall benefit of schooling investment in women in rural Bangladesh, we examine the impact of female educational attainment on not only FLFP but also gains from marriage and household welfare. Applying a fuzzy regression discontinuity design where plausibly exogenous variation in school enrollment is created by the nationwide stipend program for women, we find moderate impacts of female education on FLFP, while it has positive and significant effects on the husband’s schooling and household income, particularly from non-farm activities. The results also show the significantly positive impacts of women’s education on sanitation control and children’s health. These findings indicate that female schooling enhances women’s role and well-being through marriage and household activities rather than their labor market activities.
MUNRO Alistair
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.19-30, 2020-01

While the use of surveys to understand perception of climate change and adaptation is common in research on agriculture, the reliability of aspects of the methodology is still largely untested. In particular there is limited evidence on (i) the degree to which measures of perception are sensitive to questionnaire design (ii) the accuracy of recall methods for climate change and (iii) the degree to which measures of adaptation based on recall from one-time surveys match the historical record. Using an established panel of farmers from across Kenya and a split sample method, I test both the sensitivity of stated perceptions of climate change to question format and the accuracy of recalled adaptations. In one treatment farmers face open-ended questions about temperature and rainfall changes while in the other treatment farmers are offered closed-end questions. Both approaches are common in the voluminous literature on climate change adaptation. Responses are highly sensitive to question format, both in the degree of perceived change and in the types of changes. Stated adaptations are not so sensitive to question format, but still diverge. Stated adaptations do not correspond well to the historical record of farming practices over the 15 years of the panel. Overall, the evidence suggests that researchers and policy-makers should be highly cautious in their use of subjective perceptions of climate change and the use of adaptation measures based on recall data.
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.19-31, 2020-01

This study explores the role of financial inclusion in the mitigation of the effects of a health shock at the household level. To that end, we examine empirically the effect of financial inclusion on household working hours and health care utilization, using round six of the Ghana Living Standard Survey data. We find that a health shock does decrease household working hours and increase the likelihood of health care utilization. This suggests that households in Ghana are not able to fully insure themselves against a health shock. However, we find that, faced with a health shock, households who are financially excluded see their working hours reduce more than those who enjoy full financial inclusion. Also, financial inclusion increases the likelihood of health care utilization when households experience a health shock. We find evidence that loan acquisition (borrowing) is one of the main mechanisms by which households can insure themselves against a health shock. Generally, our findings support the financial inclusion agenda of policymakers in Ghana and many other countries. Thus, efforts to ensure full financial inclusion will increase the probability of households using the financial sector as a means of insulating themselves against the effects of health shocks.
TAKAGI Shingo HOSOE Nobuhiro
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.19-18, 2019-09

In this paper, we develop a structural auction model and quantify the effects of policy measures aiming to enhance competition in the Japanese retail power market. We employ a theoretical model that incorporates asymmetries between the incumbent and entrants in terms of both the cost and information structures, where the costs of the former are assumed common knowledge, and empirically estimate the structural parameters characterizing their cost distributions using public power procurement data. We then conduct counterfactual simulations to quantify two competition-promoting policy measures: a bid reference program for entrants, and an increase in the number of potential bidders. We take a parametric approach to estimate the structural model successfully in contrast to a nonparametric approach that previous studies took. Our simulation results show that these procompetitive measures would barely increase participation by potential entrants but would elicit more aggressive incumbent bidding behavior. Further, a modest bid-preferential rate would improve welfare and reduce the probability of realizing inefficient allocations associated with a costly winning bidder.
細江 宣裕 阿久根 優子
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.18-21, 2019-01

Melitz型の企業の異質性を考慮した分析は、これまで、おもに製造業を前提に行われてきた。裏を返せば、農業は同質財を生産するものと暗黙のうちに仮定されてきた。しかし実際は、農業は品種改良や食品加工等を通じて製品差別化を志向する産業のうちの1つである。最近の貿易自由化とその国内対策では、輸入増加によって国内市場を失うことを前提としつつも、輸出や製品差別化にその活路を見いだそうとしている。そこで、製品差別化と農家の生産性について異質性を考慮し、農産物と食品自由化の中でどの程度の農家が生き残りうるのか、また、輸出をどの程度増加させうるのかを応用一般均衡モデルを用いてシミュレーション分析を行う。その結果、農産物自由化は農産物輸出を増加させず、食品自由化は食品輸出を増加させる。ただし、どちらの自由化も国内生産を増加させうる。これは、農産物をそのまま輸出することではなく、食品に加工して輸出するべきという製品差別化の路線が支持されることを示唆している。 Manufacturing industries have attracted research attention regarding roles of firm heterogeneity and product differentiation in the “ new new trade theory” . Agricultural sectors also produce new goods by product differentiation through breeding, food processing, quality-upgrading, and branding. In reaction to the recent globalization, the Japanese government has sought strategies to promote its domestic agri -food sectors by means of product differentiation and export promotion. This computable general equilibrium study examines the relevance of these policies by simulating hypothetical agri-food trade liberalization. We show that agricultural trade liberalization would not increase Japan’ s agricultural exports but would increase food exports; and that food trade liberalization would promote food exports. Both types of li beralization would increase domestic agri-food production. This finding affords evidence of the relevance of product differentiation strategy through food processing and exportation, but not of agricultural export promotion strategy.
LIM Guanie
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.19-04, 2019-06

This paper focuses on China’s outward foreign direct investment (FDI), arguably one of the most prominent forms of ‘new’ capital entering the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in recent times, not least since the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was announced by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013. Despite initial warmth and hopes for Chinese capital to uplift the economies of the region, recent years have witnessed some high profile pushback against China by some ASEAN members. Key concerns include but are not limited to new, often project-related concerns as well as old, if unspoken, fears that ‘China is buying the world’ through a spate of ‘debt trap diplomacy’. This paper aims to shed light on this issue, focusing on China’s outward FDI into ASEAN. Through an analysis of statistical information, it shows that Chinese FDI in ASEAN economies is considerably ‘smaller’ than what popular rhetoric suggests. Firstly, Chinese outward FDI, while increasing in value, is not more significant than the region’s traditional investors, mainly Japan and ASEAN itself. Secondly, the quality of Chinese outward FDI is considerably less sophisticated and sustainable than what is commonly expected. Much of it is directed towards tertiary industries such as real estate activities, which contain a rather speculative element.
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.18-23, 2019-03

We estimate the effect of initial income inequality on subsequent income per capita growth using sub-national data from Brazil over the period 1970-2000. Holding initial income per capita and standard confounders constant, we find that sub-national units with a higher share of income going to the middle quintile at the expense of the bottom quintile grow more rapidly, while places with a higher share of income going to the top quintile at the expense of the middle quintile get no growth boost at all. We document that both physical and human capital accumulation in places with higher inequality in the lower tail of the initial income distribution outpace capital accumulation in more equal places, while inequality in the upper tail of the distribution is uncorrelated with subsequent physical or human capital growth. These results are consistent with theories on credit constraints and setup costs for human and physical capital investments.
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.18-12, 2018-10

This paper develops a new methodology that decomposes shocks into homoscedastic and heteroscedastic components. This specification implies there exist linear combinations of heteroscedastic variables that eliminate heteroscedasticity. That is, these linear combinations are homoscedastic; a property we call co-heteroscedasticity. The heteroscedastic part of the model uses a multivariate stochastic volatility inverse Wishart process. The resulting model is invariant to the ordering of the variables, which we show is important for impulse response analysis but is generally important for, e.g., volatility estimation and variance decompositions. The specification allows estimation in moderately high-dimensions. The computational strategy uses a novel particle filter algorithm, a reparameterization that substantially improves algorithmic convergence and an alternating-order particle Gibbs that reduces the amount of particles needed for accurate estimation. We provide two empirical applications; one to exchange rate data and another to a large Vector Autoregression (VAR) of US macroeconomic variables. We find strong evidence for co-heteroscedasticity and, in the second application, estimate the impact of monetary policy on the homoscedastic and heteroscedastic components of macroeconomic variables.
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.17-08, 2017-09

We estimate the effect of initial income inequality on subsequent income per capita growth using sub-national data from Brazil over the period 1970-2000. Holding initial income per capita and standard confounders constant, we find that places with higher initial inequality exhibit higher subsequent growth. This effect is entirely driven by the lower tail of the initial income distribution: compared to more equal places, sub-national units with a higher share of income going to the middle quintile at the expense of the bottom quintile grow more rapidly, while places with a higher share of income going to the top quintile at the expense of the middle quintile get no growth boost at all. We document that both physical and human capital accumulation in places with higher inequality in the lower tail of the initial income distribution outpace capital accumulation in more equal places, while inequality in the upper tail of the distribution is uncorrelated with subsequent physical or human capital growth. These results are consistent with theories on credit constraints and setup costs for human and physical capital investments.
FUNK Patricia LITSCHIG Stephan
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.17-07, 2017-09

This paper investigates whether the form of the legislative institution - assembly versus parliament - affects the level and composition of local public expenditure. We collect data at the commune level in Switzerland over the period 1945-2010 and use two research designs: fixed-effects and regression discontinuity (RD) based on local population. Analyzing communes that switched the form of their legislative institution over time, we find that introducing a parliament leads to a 12 percent increase in both general administration and education spending per capita and an increase in total spending and revenue of about 6 percent. In contrast, regression discontinuity estimates cannot be distinguished from zero for any spending category or overall. These contrasting results highlight the local nature of discontinuity estimates since population is an order of magnitude larger in our switcher sample compared to the RD sample. To understand the mechanism at play, we run a survey among assembly participants and document a sizeable under-representation of 20- to 40-year-olds as well as of women in town meetings compared to both the electorate and to voters in elections. Switching from assembly democracy to parliament thus increases the representation of two demographics that are known for their relatively high preference for education spending.
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.17-05, 2017-07

This study develops a computable general equilibrium model for Nigeria to study the impact of fossil fuel subsidy reform - and energy taxes - on key economic parameters, including consumption, income distribution, tax incidence, and fiscal efficiency. The model also examines the role of informality, tax evasion, and fuel smuggling, and shows that these factors can substantially strengthen the argument in favour of subsidy reform. The study shows that redistributing revenues from subsidy reform using uniform cash transfers has a strong progressive (i.e. pro-poor) distributional effect. Moreover, redistributing reform revenues by cutting pre-existing labour taxes not only increases fiscal effciency, but also reduces the welfare losses associated with tax evasion, which in turn reduces the welfare costs of reform by up to 40%. Regardless of the method of revenue redistribution, reducing subsidies diminishes the incentives for fuel smuggling, and hence the welfare losses associated with it.
HOSOE Nobuhiro
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.17-04, 2017-06

We investigate the impact of Brexit (the UK’s planned withdrawal from the European Union) using computable general equilibrium models featuring conventional constant returns-to-scale (CRS) and increasing returns-to-scale (IRS) technology and firm heterogeneity, à la Melitz. We show that the imposition of the tariff and nontariff barriers associated with Brexit triggers the significant contraction of bilateral trade between the UK and the remaining 27 members of the European Union (EU27), exacerbated by firm exit from export markets. Given the imposition of these trade barriers, budget savings, migrants returning to the EU27 from the UK, and intra-EU27 integration and free trade agreements with the US and Japan, the IRS model predicts a total export loss of 5.1–5.8% of UK GDP and a total welfare loss of 1.1–1.5%. This is 60% greater than the CRS model predictions. However, the impact on output would vary between industries, whereby the UK chemical and automobile industries would contract, but its food, business services, and information and communication technology industries would expand. In contrast, the EU27 would gain substantially from other integration programs, but lose very little from the stronger UK–EU27 border barriers. This suggests that the EU27 should have little interest in negotiations aimed at avoiding a “hard Brexit” (the surrendering by the UK of full access to the single market) and that it would be more productive for it to focus on integration programs with trade partners other than the UK.
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.16-31, 2017-03

We examine whether the nature of gender relations matters for the effects on household efficiency of exogenous variation in spousal control over the intra-household allocation of resources. Experiments testing for efficiency were conducted among married couples in eight sites representing a range of conjugal cultures: from an extreme form of separate spheres in northern Nigeria to (male) centralised control in North India, along with a variety of intermediate cases. Inefficiency is widespread, varies greatly and tends to be lower when wives control the allocation. The exception is a site in northern Nigeria where female control over resources is well established.
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.16-27, 2017-01

GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.16-21, 2016-11

While there are many studies focusing on the impacts of various trade policy agreements across the world in the recent years, there is not much focus in the literature on the extent to which these agreements are implemented later, in terms of the aspects agreed upon therein. In this paper, we firstly identify the past achievements of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) in East Asian regions in terms of tariff removals and suggest future rooms for further economic benefits from trade liberalization in the region. Secondly, we provide the tariff concession dataset in the GTAP Data Base, which distinguishes the tariff removals agreed in these EPAs in East Asia but not implemented yet, from the existing overall tariffs in the benchmark year. As the standard GTAP Data Base only incorporates enforced tariff reductions through the base year applied tariffs, to analyse future trade integration, it might be worth it to integer commitments that are not yet implemented. We do that at the HS6 levels for East Asian EPAs that allows us to compare the economic impacts of partial versus complete implementation of the trade liberalization agreed in East Asian EPAs. Our results suggest that taking those commitments into account economically matters and that such satellite dataset might be taken as actual baseline for future policy simulations.
ITO Yuko NAGANO Hiroshi
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.16-11, 2016-08

Japan’s cabinet has been pushing forward with economic policy knowns as Abenomics since December 26 in 2012. Abenomics also includes the promotion of R&D in the medical field and related legislative reforms. The Headquarters for Healthcare and Medical Strategy Promotion was established in the cabinet in 2013. In 2014, “Act to Promote Healthcare and Medical Strategy” was promulgated and included for the formulation of the Health and Medical Strategy, the creation of the Plan for Promotion of medical R&D by the Headquarters, and the newly establishment for Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development. In 2014 the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law was revised and it newly contains the strengthening of safety measures for pharmaceuticals and medical devices, the construction of regulations taking into account the characteristics of medical devices, and a new definition for regenerative medicine along with approvals for manufacturing and sales in light of its special characteristics. Further, “Sakigake Package Strategy” formulated in 2014, which included an “advanced review designation system” as a fast-track- applications. With only three years having passed since the implementation of the policies related to Abenomics in 2013, it may be premature to judge their outcome, but several positive signs are appearing.
AIDA Takeshi
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.16-02, 2016-05

This study investigates how pesticide use by neighboring farmers affects a given farmer’s pesticide use. Although it is common knowledge that pesticide use has spatial externalities, few empirical economic studies directly analyze this issue. Applying the spatial panel econometric model to the plot-level panel data in Bohol, the Philippines, this study shows that the pesticide use, especially for herbicides, is spatially correlated although there is no statistically significant spatial correlation in unobserved shocks. This implies that farmers apply pesticides by mimicking neighboring farmers’ behavior rather than rationally responding to the intensity of infestation.
GRIPS Policy Research Center
GRIPS Discussion Papers
vol.15-25, 2016-03

Using primary field data from recently developed urban areas of Nepal, we identify households who migrated from rural to urban areas and analyze the impact of international remittances on their investment in education. The results show that rural-urban migrant households who receive international remittances have lower income and consumption but higher human-capital investment, measured by the level and budget share of expenditure on children’s education and the time their children spend studying at home, in comparison to local households and other types of migrant households. The findings suggest that an important motivation for rural-urban migration is the search for higher-quality education, because the experience of international migration helps households to know the higher returns to education abroad and international remittances help to finance the costs of both internal migration and education. We also observe that the quality of education is an increasingly important concern in contemporary Nepalese society, possibly due to the anticipated higher returns to education in the global labor market.