Shota Kodaira Yu-ki Tanaka Shoji Hayashi Shogo Aoki Takafumi Hirata Shinobu Ishigaki Kazumasa Aoki
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.32, no.2, pp.127-132, 2023 (Released:2023-04-24)

Female birds have a medullary bone (MB) on the innermost surface of a cortical bone (CB) during the egg-laying cycle. This bone tissue is known to store calcium (Ca) for eggshell formation. As a result of Ca isotopic analyses of MB and CB from the mature female chickens using a multiple collector-ICP-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), the 43Ca/42Ca and 44Ca/42Ca ratios of MB were higher than those of CB in the bones of the same individual. Moreover, elemental mapping of the CB and MB using a laser ablation-ICP-MS revealed that Mn, Zn, and Cu contents in the MB which are used for activating bone morphogenic protein were higher than those in CB. According to the mechanism of Ca isotope fractionation reported in our previous study, the difference in Ca isotope ratio between MB and CB can be explained by the change in bone turnover rate, i.e., the balance between bone formation and resorption. Therefore, the difference in Ca isotope ratio between MB and CB reflects the different Ca balances during the bone tissue formation of each part.
Mohd G Sghaireen Ahed Alkhatib Rayan Alswilem Jin Toriya Akiko Mizohata Mohammed Alrowili Santosh Patil Naoto Osuga Mohammad Khursheed Alam
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.26, no.3, pp.293-296, 2017-07-01 (Released:2017-07-11)

The objectives are to investigate the association between dental caries and H. pylori, the association between dental caries and smoking among Saudi students, and to investigate the association between smoking and H. pylori among students with dental caries. The present cross sectional study included 120 male students from Aljouf University. Participating students were clinically examined for dental caries. Urine samples were tested for cotinine and stool samples were tested for H. pylori. Both cotinine and H. pylori was tested using strips especially prepared based on antigen-antibody reaction (COT, Innovacon Inc., USA, Helicobacter antigen Quick, GA Inc, Germany). Statistical analysis was done using Chi-Square test. The mean age of study participants was 22.37±1.50 years. The mean of teeth with caries was 9.57±4.68. There were 93 (77.5%) students positive for H. pylori, and 100 (83.3%) positive for cotinine. There was a significant relationship between cotinine and caries (P=0.000), and H. pylori and dental caries (P=0.000). The co-existence of H. pylori and cotinine was also significant among cases with caries (P=0.000). The present study showed that cotinine and H. pylori were significantly associated with dental caries. The co-existence of both among cases with dental caries may be a new finding and may work synergistically with each other.
Hiroya Gotouda Ikuo Nasu Tetsuro Kono Yukari Ootani Takeshi Kanno Ryo Tamamura Takao Kuwada-Kusunose Kunihiro Suzuki Tomohiko Hirayama Tatsuya Hirayama Toshiro Sakae Hiroyuki Okada
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.26, no.1, pp.81-86, 2017 (Released:2017-01-06)

The aim of this study was to show the reaction varieties of human tooth enamel and dentin with a carbonated soft drink, Sprite. After one week exposing into the soft drink, the sliced tooth specimens were examined by macroscopic and microscopic and then carried out the micro X-ray diffraction analysis using a 100 μm diameter X-ray beam. The macroscopic and microscopic results showed the wide varieties from the one showing a very slight increase white-spot areas in the enamel to the another showing almost complete decay of the enamel. The crystallites in the examined enamel and dentin changed drastically as follows; the one enamel sample showed the decrease of crystal amount and some ionic substitutions, and the another dentin sample showed the increase in crystallinity and ionic substitutions. These results clearly showed that the original tooth enamel and dentin had their own crystallographic properties differing from each others. This study provided a crystallographic basic data which will be applied to a tayler-made individual preventive dentistry in near future.
Tetsuro Kono Arata Watanabe Takeshi Kanno Yukari Ootani Ryo Tamamura Toshiro Sakae Hiroyuki Okada
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.28, no.2, pp.129-138, 2019 (Released:2019-04-24)

To elucidate the crystallo-chemical reaction between the enamel and carbonated soft drink, a micro-X-ray diffraction analysis (micro-XRD) was conducted using the human tooth sections soaked in the drink (Sprite®) for 1 and 7 days. In this study, 4 typically and heavily dissolved teeth were selected from 20 teeth, and the divergence of the crystallographic properties of the enamel was analyzed.All of the untreated human tooth enamels exhibited only the apatitic XRD patterns. We confirmed that the carbonated soft drink changed the macro- and microscopic morphological features of individual tooth enamel. The following 4 results were obtained from our study: i) the unit cell dimensions and crystallinity of the untreated enamel apatite varied between the layers and the individual teeth; ii) after the soaking experiment, the crystallographic properties of the enamels changed remarkably and displayed non-uniformity; iii) no relationship was discerned between the enamel’s crystallographic properties and the sensitivity of the carious attack; and iv) the intermediate reaction product of soaking was uncovered; however, it was not identified at this time. The presence or absence of occurrence and variations in the amount of intermediate product reflected the complex chemical and crystallo-chemical reactions between the decalcification solution and the human tooth enamel crystallites.We clearly established that the untreated human tooth enamels differed in their crystallographic properties and did not react in the same manner, which resulted in varied apatitic structures after soaking. These results necessitate reconsideration of the generally accepted caries protection methods that are applied as common standards for all individuals and tooth enamels.
Rafiqul Islam Mohammad Khursheed Alam Ayako Mukai Yumiko Murakami Masahito Shoumura Naoto Osuga Mohd Fadhli Khamis
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.26, no.4, pp.361-368, 2017-10-01 (Released:2017-10-03)

Research related to tooth size, tooth size discrepancy and relationship with BMI in transgender population is yet to be explored in dentistry. The purpose of this study is to establish normative data on mesiodistal width dimensions associated with BMI and tooth size discrepancy in transgender population. The data were derived from dental casts of 151 transgender individuals (75 transgender male, 76 transgender female; age group 18-30). Data were analysed using independent t-test and ANOVA. The mean and standard deviation were calculated for individual tooth size, Bolton’s overall and anterior ratios, and BMI separately for transgender males and females. The mesiodistal widths of the maxillary teeth showed higher variability than the mandibular teeth and the mean value was higher in transgender females than in males and revealed statistically significant differences. Bolton’s anterior ratios were found to be 78.05 (±3.67) for male and 78.90 (±4.12) for female. The mean of Bolton’s overall tooth ratio for male 91.03(±3.66) and for women was 91.46(±3.91) with no significant differences (p >0.05). No significant differences between BMI and mesiodistal tooth dimensions except for the left first molar tooth in mandible and left lateral incisor tooth in maxilla between overweight and underweight groups (p<0.05). These findings indicate that population-specific standards are necessary for clinical assessments and for several dental treatment purposes. Moreover, it is appropriate to use transgender norms in a regular dental practice for transgender individuals.
村田 勝 今井 佐和子 佐藤 大介 佐々木 智也 有末 眞
Journal of hard tissue biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.10, no.3, pp.143-147, 2002-03-01

我々はリコンビナントBMP(r h BMP-2)アテロコラ-ゲンコラ-ゲンインプラントシステムが骨膜下骨増生に極めて有効であることを報告している。本研究では、骨膜を剥離せず部分的に線状切開を加えた骨膜状にr h BMP-2/コラーゲン複合物を埋入し、骨膜と母骨の細胞組織反応や骨誘導について形態学的に観察することを目的とした。ウイスター系雄性ラット(40週齢)を正常骨膜観察に5匹、切開骨膜上実験のために20匹使用した。全身麻酔科で頭部に皮下切開を加えた。r h BMP-2(10mg)/I型アテロコラーゲン(10mg)複合物を挿入後、1,2,4,8週目に5匹ずつ屠殺し、埋入物入と頭部を一塊として摘出した。脱灰切片作成後、ヘマトキシリン-エオジン染色とエラスティカワンギーソン染色、増殖細胞核抗原(PCNA)抗体による免疫染色を行い光学懸顕微鏡で観察した。正常骨膜には扁平な骨芽細胞層、菲膜化した線維層、脂肪層からなる3層構造が認められた。PCNA陽性細胞率は0.8±4.6%、非切開部で9.3±1.5%であった。2週後、埋入物層に環状の骨形成がみられ、骨膜切開部でのみ母骨と増整骨は新生骨で連続していた。4週後、非切開部骨膜は正常骨膜に類似した構造を呈した。8週後、増生骨の骨髄形成が進行し、骨膜切開部のみに形成された骨架橋は維持されていた。非切開部には骨膜を含む軟組織が介在していた。以上より、r h BMP-2/アテロコラ-ゲンインプラントシステムハ骨膜上で骨増生が可能であり、切開部のみで骨架橋が形成された。また切開部以外の骨膜は非石灰化組織として増生骨と母骨間に介在したことから、骨膜は骨形成能を有する組織境界膜として存在する恒常性機構を有している可能性が考えられた。
Bayarmaa Batzorig Kenjiro Nakano Kosei Murata Mayumi Maesako Kazuho Inoue Takafumi Kishimoto Shigetaka Tomoda Hatsuhiko Maeda Taku Horie Morioki Fujitani
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.30, no.1, pp.19-26, 2021 (Released:2021-01-27)

In the treatment of dentin hypersensitivity accompanying tooth substance defects such as wedge-shape defects, hypoesthesia can be achieved by applying a desensitizing agent before carrying out restoration using resin composite. However, almost no research has investigated the adhesion of resin to dentin coated with the latest desensitizing agents. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of various desensitizing agents on the adhesion of resin to dentin in combination with a 1-step self-etch system by using a hypersensitive dentin model in which the dentinal tubules were opened without etching and there was almost no smear layer on the intertubular dentin. Specimens with a #4000 polished dentin flat surface were ultrasonically cleaned for 60 min (15 min × 4 times). Then, the bond strength, failure modes, and micromorphology of surfaces coated with desensitizing agent to which resin was bonded immediately afterward and surfaces coated with desensitizing agent to which the resin was bonded after storage for 7 days in water were compared against a control to which no desensitizing agent was applied. The desensitizing agents used in this research did not promote adhesion of the resin immediately after application, but rather suppressed or completely obstructed it. Although deposits of microparticles and thin film material, which were observed immediately after application, tended to disappear after 7 days of storage in water, some of the desensitizing agents exhibited the same bond strength as the control, whereas other desensitizing agents did not show recovery of adhesion strength. Therefore, care is required when performing resin restoration immediately after application of a desensitizing agent, depending on the agent used, and caution must be exercised in the selection of desensitizing agents in the clinical setting.
Noboru Ishikawa Yuzo Hirayama Yasuo Miake Kei Kitamura Norio Kasahara Shinichi Abe Hitoshi Yamamoto
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.28, no.3, pp.289-296, 2019 (Released:2019-07-31)

In the field of forensic odontology, not only personal identification using oral conditions, including dental treatment marks and DNA typing, but also species identification, age or sex estimation using cranial or partial bones, and time after death may also be applicable as estimation methods. Among these many tasks, one of the most difficult is species identification of fragmented calvarium. This is because the calvarium has poor morphological features, except that it is a flat bone, and few reports have described how to differentiate it. In this study, a simple identification method for turtle shell (carapace and plastron) whose morphological characteristics closely resembled those of the calvarium was applied. As a result, in an enlarged image obtained using a stereoscopic microscope, the characteristics of each suture pattern could be confirmed. In the decalcified and non-decalcified bone specimens, the difference in the inner/outer laminar structure and the specific structural difference of the cancellous bone-equivalent part were confirmed. Furthermore, most of the features could be obtained in the destructive inspection when it was examined using micro CT imaging to determine whether discrimination by nondestructive inspection was possible or not. No significant difference in ingredients was found using the Electron Probe X-ray Micro Analyzer. The calvarium was more calcified than the carapace but less calcified than the plastron. From these results, we suggest that micro CT imaging is effective for discriminating between the calvarium and turtle shell in a short time.
Erika Fujimoto Yumi Matsushita Toshihiro Nakajima Naoko Yagishita Tsutomu Yamasaki Tohru Nakanishi
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.25, no.4, pp.377-382, 2016 (Released:2016-10-05)
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Tetraspanin CD81, which is up-regulated in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) synoviocytes, is a molecule containing four transmembrane domains. We recently showed that small interfering RNA targeting CD81 (CD81 siRNA) ameliorated arthritis in rats. In that study, the expression of synoviolin was decreased in RA joints by CD81 siRNA. We also showed that CD81 siRNA decreased the expression of synoviolin and TNF-α in SW982 synovial sarcoma cells, suggesting that overexpression of CD81 in synovial cells induces the expression of both synoviolin and TNF-α in the same cells. Here we raised monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against CD81 by immunization of the outer membrane region of CD81 (LEL) that was overexpressed as a recombinant protein. One of these MAbs stimulated CD81 on the membrane of SW982 and up-regulated the expression of synoviolin. We also defined the region of the synoviolin gene promoter that is essential for induction of synoviolin gene expression by using reporter gene system. This system might be useful for the screening of anti-RA medicine.
Ling Zheng Lin Wang Jie Qin Xiaolin Sun Tingting Yang Yuxin Ni Yanmin Zhou
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.24, no.1, pp.54-60, 2015 (Released:2015-01-20)
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The temperature-sensitive triblock copolymer poly-(D, L-lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)-polyethylene glycol (PEG)-PLGA (PLGA-PEG-PLGA) is an FDA-approved material that has the ability to provide a sustained release of drugs and/or proteins. Platelet-rich fibrin(PRF)is second generation platelet concentration that contains growth factors such as transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), platelet derived growth factor-AB (PDGF-AB), and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I). These growth factors affect the migration and proliferation of diverse cell types, including endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, and osteoblast-like cells. This study sought to combine the hydrogel into scaffolds in order to serve as a sustained release system for PRF-derived growth factors. Poly (lactic-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) and nano-hydroxyapatite (nHA) were used to prepare the hydrogel-containing scaffolds with the PRF-derived growth factors. We then investigated the effects of the hydrogel on modulating the activity of osteoblasts in vitro. We indicated that the hydrogel (Gel) was well-distributed in the inner surface of scaffolds, which themselves exhibited relatively interconnected pores with uniform sizes. The addition of the hydrogel didn’t affect their inherently high porosity. In vitro release tests indicated that the system containing nHA/PLGA/Gel/PRF provided for a slow and sustained release of PRF-derived growth factors. The results from our in vitro studies indicated that the MG63 cells cultured with both scaffold media extracts did not appear to have cytotoxic responses, and the nHA/PLGA/Gel/PRF system could improve the adhesion and proliferation of MG63 cells when compared to controls (p < 0.05). This in vitro evaluation suggests that the hydrogel-scaffold system is suitable as a model for bone tissue engineering, and that it allows for the sustained release of growth factors to improve bone reconstruction.
Anuudari Erkhembaatar Ryoko Kawai Seeta Kato Waka Yoshida Kei Kamiya Yoshitaka Nagaya Tomofumi Hattori Yoshihiko Sugita Katsutoshi Kubo Hatsuhiko Maeda
Journal of Hard Tissue Biology (ISSN:13417649)
vol.23, no.2, pp.149-154, 2014 (Released:2014-04-14)
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To date, more than 120 total types of HPV have been identified, and in a recent meta-analysis, HPV was confirmed as an independent risk factor for oral carcinoma. Some investigators have reported that HPV infection is related to certain factors, including the gender, age, alcohol consumption, smoking habit, sexual behavior and denture wearing. Denture wearing can lead to denture epulis, which is a hyperplasia of fibrous connective tissue caused by denture irritation. Recently, HPV infection was detected in the hyperplastic epithelium of denture fibroma, but it still has received little study. The objective of the present investigation, therefore, was to clarify the relationship between the hyperplastic epithelium of the denture epulis and HPV infection. DNA of 118 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded hyperplastic epithelium biopsies of epulis specimens was extracted. Firstly, HPV infection was detected by PCR using consensus primers. Secondary, PCR using HPV type-specific primers (low risk types 6 and 11; high risk types 16, 18 and 33) was done in positive PCR samples. HPV infection was also detected by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical techniques. Eighteen (23.1 %) of the 78 cases of denture epulis were positive, and 2 (5.0 %) of the 40 cases of non-denture epulis were positive. The difference was statistically significant (p<0.05, using Fisher’s exact test). The most frequent type of HPV found in the 14 positive samples was HPV 16. It seems that the hyperplastic epithelium of denture epulis is easily infected with viruses because the epithelium is exposed daily to traumatic irritation from dentures. These results suggest that the hyperplastic epithelium of denture epulis might be an important reservoir for HPV infection of the oral region where later HPV-associated diseases, such as oral cancer and other oral lesions, may develop.