伊勢田 哲治
Nagoya journal of philosophy
vol.9, pp.59-82, 2011-04-30

In this paper, I propose to integrate two developing subjects of humanities education, namely Critical Thinking (CT) and Science, Technology and Society (STS). The two educational subjects have some motivations in common (such as fostering critical attitude and understanding science and technology), but there are aspects in which they do not fit together well. For example, the deficit model of communication is accused in STS, but the main mode of education in CT is actually based on the model. To solve the problem, I introduce a series of conceptual devices (such as 'bilateral CT model' and 'meta CT') that help the integration of two subjects. I also briefly propose a concrete model of education, namely debate-induced CT education, which naturally integrates CT and STS.
Nagoya journal of philosophy (ISSN:18821634)
vol.14, pp.19-30, 2019-09-16

伊勢田 哲治
Nagoya journal of philosophy (ISSN:18821634)
no.15, pp.14-32, 2021-06-14

クリティカル・シンキングの主な吟味の対象は理由つきの主張であるが、果たしてフィクション作品はそうした吟味の対象となりうるだろうか。「反戦映画」などの概念が普通に受け入れられていることからすれば、あるフィクションが、たとえば「戦争は悲惨であるからやめるべきである」といった理由つきの主張をするとみなされることは十分ありそうである。他方、架空の物語を語ることが現実世界について「理由つきの主張をする」という行為でもありうるというのは奇妙でもある。本論文ではフィクション作品は果たしてクリティカル・シンキングの対象となるような理由つきの主張を行うか、そしてもし行うとすれば、それはどうやってか、という問題を考える。この問題は、フィクションが主張を行うというのがある意味ではあまりに当然であるために、これまであまりきちんと分析されてこなかったように思われる。この問いはいくつかの副次的な問いから構成される。一つはフィクションを語ることが同時に現実世界について何かを主張することでもあるということが(いかにして)可能か、という問いである。第二は、その主張が理由つきの主張となるのはどのような場合か、という問いである。さらに、第一の問いへの答えは、フィクションが何を主張するのかを主に決めるのは何か(作者の意図か、作品そのものか、受け手か、何か他のものか)という第三の問いとも深いかかわりを持つ。第二の問いについては、まず、フィクションが主張するとき、必ずしも理由がついているとは限らないことが指摘される。また、その主張が現実世界についてのものである以上、フィクション内で提示された情報がそのままその理由となるのは難しい。「戦争は悲惨であるからやめるべきである」といった理由つきの主張がフィクションに帰せられる場合、フィクション内の出来事が現実世界の出来事を映しているという了解が成り立つことが不可欠となる。フィクションにおける理由つきの主張を以上のように理解したとき、第三の問いへの答えとして、主張内容を作者や作品が一方的に決めるという考え方は正当化が難しくなる。かといって受け手が一方的に決めるわけでもない。フィクションのさまざまな側面と主張内容をつなぐ推意が成立しているか、またどのような推意が成立するか、という、フィクションをとりまく状況が主張内容や主張の構造の特定の上で重要な役割を果たすはずである。以上の考察の有効性を確かめるための事例として本論文で取り上げるのは映画『スターシップ・トゥルーパーズ』(バーホーベン監督、1997) である。本作品は未来のファシズム国家と昆虫をモチーフとした異星人との戦争を描く。公開時はファシズムを肯定する好戦的な映画として批判されたが、監督やスクリーンライターの意図はまったく逆であったことが明らかとなっている。本作品の内容を本論文の観点から分析すると、いくつかの特徴が、製作者側の意図するような推意を成り立たせる妨げになっていることがわかる。『スターシップ・トゥルーパーズ』はファシズムを肯定するという主張をしているのだろうか、ファシズムを否定するという主張をしているのだろうか、それを決めるのは誰(何)なのだろうか。
伊勢田 哲治
Nagoya Journal of Philosophy (ISSN:18821634)
vol.10, pp.4-24, 2013

This paper surveys the discussions on a Whig historiography in history of science, and proposed a more contextualized treatment of the issue. Since the mid-60s. a Whig historiography. i.e. reconstructing the history as a progress toward the present, has been accused as a wrong way of writing history. However, subsequent discussions of the issue, especially by David Hull and Stephen Brush, tend to allow a certain amount of presentism, i.e. writing history from the point of view of the present. What is needed is a clarification of various different types of prcsentism, and I propose four of them (perspective, negative, positive and evaluative). Some authors also suggest that Whig historiography is OK for historical writings by scientists themselves. Even though such context sensitivity is reasonable, the transcontextuality of written works makes it hard to pigeonhole various contexts if the case of history-of-science writings.
伊勢田 哲治
Nagoya journal of philosophy (ISSN:18821634)
vol.10, pp.4-24, 2013

This paper surveys the discussions on a Whig historiography in history of science, and proposed a more contextualized treatment of the issue. Since the mid-60s. a Whig historiography. i.e. reconstructing the history as a progress toward the present, has been accused as a wrong way of writing history. However, subsequent discussions of the issue, especially by David Hull and Stephen Brush, tend to allow a certain amount of presentism, i.e. writing history from the point of view of the present. What is needed is a clarification of various different types of prcsentism, and I propose four of them (perspective, negative, positive and evaluative). Some authors also suggest that Whig historiography is OK for historical writings by scientists themselves. Even though such context sensitivity is reasonable, the transcontextuality of written works makes it hard to pigeonhole various contexts if the case of history-of-science writings.
森田 紘平 Morita Kohei
Nagoya journal of philosophy (ISSN:18821634)
vol.14, pp.9-18, 2019-08-08

GRW theory and Bohmian mechanics are typical interpretations of quantum mechanics. One of the problems for these interpretations arises from the gap of the space-dimensionality. Quantum mechanics is high dimensional, but its experiences appear in our three dimensional space. Primitive ontology has been proposed, in order to fill the gap, but Ney recently criticized this approach. Admittedly, the primitive ontology approach is not sufficient at all. But her criticism remains ambiguous, or at least not enough. Instead of her criticism, this article reveals that the main drawbacks for primitive ontology lie in the relationships with classical mechanics.
Kureha Makoto
Nagoya journal of philosophy (ISSN:18821634)
vol.14, pp.1-8, 2019-04-05

In this paper, I make a consideration about the relationship between phenomenology and empirical sciences about conscious experience. Recently, it has been suggested by proponents of `naturalized phenomenology' that phenomenology and cognitive sciences should exchange with each other. This proposal prompts us to abandon the `puristic' conception of phenomenology, according to which phenomenology is independent from empirical sciences. I show that, though abandoning purism and exchanging with cognitive sciences is fruitful for phenomenology, proponents of naturalized phenomenology underemphasize an important feature of phenomenology -- its autonomy of a certain kind.
伊勢田 哲治 Iseda Tetsuji
Nagoya Journal of Philosophy (ISSN:18821634)
vol.5, pp.29-53, 2006

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the implication of wide reflective equilibrium (WRE) for foundationalism. On a first look Rawls and Daniels seem to propose versions of reflective equilibrium as a method of coherentism. However, the method of WRE is also compatible with modest foundationalism, and some passages of Rawls and Daniels suggest that they too allow this possibility. The version of foundationalism I endorse is a pluralist one in which not only considered judgments but also ethical principles and background theories can be included in the set of basic judgments.
伊藤 遼 Ito Ryo
Nagoya journal of philosophy
vol.13, pp.16-25, 2018-06-21

This paper is an attempt to cast light on an idea shared by F. H. Bradley and Bertrand Russell even after the latter revolted against the former's monistic idealism. I argue that both accepted, at least when the latter completed A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, the idea that every judgment has a state of affairs as its content, where a state of affairs is understood as part of the universe that can be described by a declarative sentence. First, I attempt to show that Russell's tacit acceptance of the idea underlies his claim, developed in the commentary on Leibniz, that if every judgment comprises a subject and a predicate, there can be at most one substance. I then turn to Bradley's thought, arguing that the idea is an immediate consequence of the central tenet of his theory of judgment: every judgment ascribes a universal to reality. Finally, to show that he was indeed aware of the consequence, I introduce what he called the 'problem of error'.ファイル公開日:2018年6月21日
伊藤 遼 Ito Ryo
Nagoya journal of philosophy
vol.13, pp.16-25, 2018-06-21

This paper is an attempt to cast light on an idea shared by F. H. Bradley and Bertrand Russell even after the latter revolted against the former's monistic idealism. I argue that both accepted, at least when the latter completed A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz, the idea that every judgment has a state of affairs as its content, where a state of affairs is understood as part of the universe that can be described by a declarative sentence. First, I attempt to show that Russell's tacit acceptance of the idea underlies his claim, developed in the commentary on Leibniz, that if every judgment comprises a subject and a predicate, there can be at most one substance. I then turn to Bradley's thought, arguing that the idea is an immediate consequence of the central tenet of his theory of judgment: every judgment ascribes a universal to reality. Finally, to show that he was indeed aware of the consequence, I introduce what he called the 'problem of error'.
杉原 桂太 SUGIHARA Keita
Nagoya journal of philosophy
vol.13, pp.1-15, 2018-05-02

This paper examines ways to discuss various issues related to autonomous driving technology. These problems include the trolley problem, promotion or regulation of autonomous cars, and social receptivity to driverless cars. The author focuses on Constructive Technology Assessment (CTA) as a forum to discuss these issues. The paper investigates concrete ways to host a CTA workshop for discussing these problems. Furthermore, the author draws attention to how philosophers can contribute to discussions on the issues surrounding autonomous driving technology.