Takafumi Nakano
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.26, no.2, pp.205-206, 2021-09-10 (Released:2021-09-10)

The spelling of the specific name monticolus in the scientific name of a spider, Cybaeus monticolus Kobayashi, 2006, does not violate any relevant provisions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. This spelling is, therefore, the “correct original spelling” of the specific name under Article 32.2 of the Code. Regardless of whether this name is deemed an adjective or a noun in apposition, it should be maintained unaltered when it is combined with the generic name Cybaeus L. Koch, 1868, the gender of which is masculine. The later spelling monticola, as presented in the combination Cybaeus monticola in a recent arachnological treatise and then in an important online taxonomic resource from which its use appears to be spreading, is an “incorrect subsequent spelling” under Article 33.3 of the Code.
Kota Furukawa
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.17, no.2, pp.177-186, 2012-11-25 (Released:2018-03-30)

The genus Holopsis Broun, 1883 from Japan is revised. Five species including two newly recorded species and one new species are described: H. punctipennis (Matthews, 1899), H. kirejtshuki Bowestead, 2003 (new record), H. kurilensis Bowestead, 2003 (new record), H. lewisei Bowestead, 2003, and H. ryukyuensis sp. n. Males of H. punctipennis and H. lewisei are described for the first time.
Takafumi Nakano
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.18, no.1, pp.99-103, 2013-05-25 (Released:2018-03-30)
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Two specimens of the large, predaceous salifid leech Mimobdella japonica Blanchard, 1897 were collected from Okinawajima island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan, representing the first record of this species from Okinawajima. A description is provided of the external and internal morphology of these specimens and two additional specimens of M. japonica from Amami-oshima island, also in the Ryukyu Islands. COI sequences showed no difference between the two specimens of M. japonica from Okinawajima and the two specimens from Amami-oshima (K2P distance=0%). This suggests that M. japonica is an introduced species in one or both of these islands.
Nobuhiro Saito Kaori Wakabayashi Takeya Moritaki
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.1, pp.75-87, 2020-02-15 (Released:2020-02-15)

Three new species of the ascothoracidan crustacean genus Dendrogaster Knipovich, 1890 (Dendrogasteridae) are described from goniasterid sea-stars in Japan. Dendrogaster komatsuae sp. nov. and D. tobasuii sp. nov. were found respectively in the coelomic cavities of Lithosoma japonica Hayashi, 1952 and two species of Mediaster: M. arcuatus (Sladen, 1889) and M. brachiatus Goto, 1914 from the Kumano-nada Sea. Dendrogaster nagasakimaruae sp. nov. was similarly found in Nymphaster euryplax Fisher, 1913 from the East China Sea. Partial DNA sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and 16S ribosomal RNA genes were determined for D. tobasuii sp. nov. These findings represent the first records of Dendrogaster from the host family Goniasteridae in Japan.
Yuriko Nakao Akira Tsukagoshi
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1-9, 2020-01-01 (Released:2020-01-01)

A new ostracod species, Semicytherura obitsuensis sp. nov., is described from the intertidal zone of the Obitsu River estuary, Chiba Prefecture, central Japan. As S. obitsuensis sp. nov. individuals were collected from muddy sand bottoms in tidal creeks, possess some carapace-features comparable to those of interstitial and infaunal ostracods, and were observed to crawl in detritus rich fine-grained sediment in the laboratory, we concluded that this new species is an infaunal species.
Masanori Sato
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.1, pp.11-24, 2020-01-01 (Released:2020-01-01)
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Two new species Composetia kumensis and C. tokashikiensis (Nereididae) are described based on specimens collected from subtropical small estuaries in the Kume-jima and Tokashiki-jima islands in the middle Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan, respectively. Both species have the following diagnostic characteristics of Composetia Hartmann-Schröder, 1985: (1) having conical paragnaths in the maxillary ring of the proboscis and lacking paragnaths or papillae in the oral ring, (2) prostomium with entire anterior margin, (3) the absence of falcigers among notochaetae, and (4) the absence of simple chaetae among upper neurochaetae. These new species share the following diagnostic characters: (1) presence of notoacicula on chaetigers 1 and 2, (2) absence of notopodial prechaetal lobe throughout body, (3) presence of neuropodial postchaetal lobe only in anterior body, (4) neuropodial falcigers all heterogomph, and (5) oral ring greatly enlarged in full-everted proboscis. However, C. tokashikiensis sp. nov. is distinguishable from C. kumensis sp. nov. by the presence of heterogomph spinigers among the upper neurochaetae around chaetiger 5. A list of all of 34 species currently belonging to Composetia and a key to Japanese species of Composetia are also provided.
Shinji Arakawa
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.219-225, 2020-09-24 (Released:2020-09-24)

Monoporella projecta sp. nov. from the continental shelf and slope east of the Boso Peninsula, Japan adds to the bryozoan fauna along the northwestern Pacific coast, where more than 10 species of this genus have been recorded. Colonies of this species are uniserial encrusting in growth form, and autozooids are large and much inflated with a projecting orificial rim. These colony and zooidal characteristics may be related to the deep-water environment.
Daisuke Shimada Keiichi Kakui
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.205-211, 2020-09-18 (Released:2020-09-18)

A new species of free-living marine nematode, Proplatycoma tsukubae sp. nov. (Enoplida: Leptosomatidae: Platycominae), is described from Japan. The specimens were obtained from sea-floor sediments collected at a depth of 117–202 m off the coast of Shimoda, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Proplatycoma tsukubae sp. nov. is similar to P. africana (Gerlach, 1959) in the unilobed amphidial flaps. However, it differs from P. africana based on the much shorter amphidial flaps just reaching the anterior edge of the amphidial aperture, the accessory structure of the spicules being constricted at the middle and tapering toward both ends, the longer apophyses of the gubernaculum, and the blunt tip of the tail. The partial nucleotide sequences for the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and the 18S rRNA regions in P. tsukubae sp. nov. are also presented for future applications in DNA barcoding or phylogenetic studies. Updated taxonomic keys to genera in the subfamily Platycominae and species in Proplatycoma are provided.
Daisuke Shimada Megumu Tsujimoto Kentaro Watanabe
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.24, no.1, pp.61-67, 2019-05-25 (Released:2019-05-25)

A new species of free-living marine nematode (Chromadorida: Chromadoridae), Graphonema antarcticum sp. nov., is described. The nematode was found in the shallow water of Kita-no-ura, off Syowa Station in Lützow-Holm Bay, Antarctica. Graphonema antarcticum sp. nov. is similar to G. metuliferum Kito, 1981 in the ratios of the spicules length to the body diameter at the cloaca, the well-developed gubernaculum with L-shaped lateral pieces bending at an obtuse angle and equipped with minute denticles at the distal end, and the tail length in both sexes. However, G. antarcticum sp. nov. differs from the latter in having a larger body size and presence of the lateral differentiation. The new diagnosis of the genus and the key to the species are provided. Graphonema achaeta Platonova, 1971 was transferred to Endeolophos due to the absence of the lateral pieces of gubernaculum that are present in the genus Graphonema.
Yoshino Fukui Takeshi Uchida Hiroyuki Motomura
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.23, no.1, pp.115-120, 2018-05-25 (Released:2018-05-26)

Ammolabrus dicrus Randall and Carlson, 1997, originally described from 14 specimens (21.0–94.1 mm standard length; SL) from Oahu, has to date been collected only from Wake Atoll and the Hawaiian Islands. Two juvenile specimens (18.4–21.4 mm SL) of A. dicrus, collected at a depth of 12 m off Taketomi Island, Yaeyama Islands (Ryukyu Islands) and described here in detail, represent the first specimen-based records from Japan. Ontogenetic changes and geographic variations are noted.
Takuji Yato Toyoho Gosho Tetsuji Nakabo
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.24, no.2, pp.253-258, 2019-11-25 (Released:2019-11-25)

Two specimens of Lepidotrigla sp., collected in 1990 from Tosa Bay and the South China Sea, were identified as Lepidotrigla pectoralis Fowler, 1938, described from a single (holotype) specimen. A full description of the former specimens is given, including the first account of fresh coloration in the species. Lepidotrigla pectoralis is uniquely characterized among congeners in the following combination of characters; rostral projection round, comprising many minute spines; snout long, slightly convex in lateral profile; posterior half of first dorsal fin with a large black oval blotch dorsally; inner surface of pectoral fin black on upper half, whitish on lower half. The specimen collected from Tosa Bay is the first confirmed record of L. pectoralis in Japanese waters.
Makoto Ono Toshio Kawai
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.19, no.2, pp.117-131, 2014-11-25 (Released:2018-03-30)

The genus Peristedion Lacepede, 1801 occurring around Japanese waters is reviewed, with 4 species described based on 157 Japanese specimens: Peristedion orientale Temminck and Schlegel, 1843, P. liorhynchus (Gunther, 1872), P. nierstraszi Weber, 1913, and P. amblygenys Fowler, 1938. The four species are distinguished from each other by the shape of the rostral projection, the position of the fourth sensory pore on the rostral projection, the number of branches on the filamentous barbel on the lip, the total number of chin barbels, and the shape of the perifacial rim. The present study records P. amblygenys in Japanese waters for the first time.
Daiki Wakita Toshihiko Fujita Hiroshi Kajihara
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.24, no.2, pp.119-135, 2019-07-25 (Released:2019-07-25)

The subgenus Setihenricia Chichvarkhin and Chichvarkhina, 2017 currently consists of 32 out of 94 species of sea stars in the genus Henricia Gray, 1840. However, only 10 have been molecularly ascertained as to the phylogenetic position. Based on seven mitochondrial gene markers (16S rRNA, COI, tRNA-Ala, tRNA-Leu, tRNA-Asn, tRNA-Gln, and tRNA-Pro), we performed molecular analyses to assess the monophyly of Setihenricia using 16 species of Henricia from Japanese waters, as well as other congeners for which sequences were available in public databases. The monophyletic Setihenricia was only weakly recovered because the support values were low, but we assume this taxon may be valid in consideration of a morphological key. Henricia kinkasana Hayashi, 1940 is herein identified as a new member of Setihenricia, based on molecular and morphological evidence. Sequences in the public databases previously identified as H. compacta (Sladen, 1889) and H. obesa (Sladen, 1889) were nested in the Setihenricia clade; these two species are also likely members of Setihenricia. Our morphological assessment yielded three findings: (1) the number of the rows of spines on each inferomarginal plate, being three or more, appears to be a useful diagnostic character for Setihenricia, as has been suggested in previous studies, (2) the degree of spine tapering turned out to be less relevant in diagnosing the subgenus than previously supposed, (3) two newly introduced characters—(i) the width of adambulacral plates and (ii) the ratio of two measurements in ambulacral plates to the length of interradius—may be effective to distinguish members of this apparent Henricia subclade from other members of the genus.
Yoshiaki Kai Koji Matsuzaki Toshiaki Mori
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.24, no.2, pp.115-118, 2019-07-25 (Released:2019-07-25)

Four specimens (168.6–204.4 mm standard length) of Careproctus lycopersicus Orr, 2012, previously recorded from the Bering Sea and eastern Aleutian Islands, were collected from the southern Sea of Okhotsk (the Nemuro Strait, eastern Hokkaido, Japan). These specimens represent the first records of the species from the western North Pacific. A detailed description is provided for the specimens, including the intraspecific variations. The new standard Japanese name “Tomato-kon’nyaku-uo” is proposed for the species.
Hiroshi Ueda Hidefumi Nagai
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.17, no.1, pp.97-107, 2012-05-25 (Released:2018-03-30)
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Two new species of cyclopoid copepod, Halicyclops setiformis and H. itohi, are described based on female specimens from the Tama River estuary in Tokyo Bay, central Japan. One of the defining characteristics of H. setiformis is the presence of a setiform lateral element on the third exopodal segment of legs 3 and 4. Among its congeners, only H. blachei Lindberg, 1952 has similar elements; H. setiformis differs from it in the shape of the third endopodal segment of leg 4. This new species is considered carnivorous based on the occurrence of a specimen biting a nematode and the presence of stout, claw-like spines on the oral appendages. The second new species, Halicyclops itohi, is distinguishable from most of its congeners in the absence of lateral protuberances on the genital double-somite, the absence of a terminal accessory seta on the caudal ramus, and a spine formula on the third exopodal segment of legs 1-4. Congeners sharing these three morphological characteristics differ variously from H. itohi in their caudal ramus shape, urosomal frills, antennal setal number, medial elements of the third endopodal segment of leg 4, and/or the shape of leg 5. The hitherto known Halicyclops species from Japan are briefly reviewed, and a key to the Japanese species is presented to resolve previous questionable identifications.
Hiroyuki Ariyama
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.24, no.1, pp.29-48, 2019-05-25 (Released:2019-05-25)

Four species of the family Dulichiidae (Crustacea: Amphipoda) are described from Japan. The first species is Dulichia biarticulata Hirayama and Takeuchi, 1993, which is characterized by the 2-articulate accessory flagellum and the expanded basis of the pereopod 4. The occurrence of this species from Miyagi–Osaka Prefectures and Fukui Prefecture is the first record from localities other than the type locality, and the morphological characters of the female are also described for the first time. The second species, Dulichia latimana sp. nov., was collected from the Ariake Sea and Sagami Bay. In this species, the male has a robust gnathopod 2 with a short proximal projection on the propodus and the slightly expanded basis of the pereopod 4. The third species is Dulichiopsis barnardi Laubitz, 1977 from off Fukushima Prefecture, which has the eyes composed of many dispersed ommatidia, the propodi of the pereopods 5–7 with a palm and the uropod 2 outer ramus about half length of the inner ramus. The morphological characters of the male are firstly described. The last species is Metadulichia kohtsukai gen. nov., sp. nov. from Sagami Bay. This species can be distinguished by the small maxilla 1 with 7 terminal robust setae on the outer plate, the maxilla 2 inner plate bearing single mediofacial seta, and the extremely short outer ramus of the uropod 2. A key to Japanese species of the family is provided.
Shohei Yamauchi Hiroshi Kajihara
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.23, no.2, pp.183-192, 2018-11-25 (Released:2018-11-25)

Three new species of macrodasyidan gastrotrichs are described from the coasts of Hokkaido, northern Japan. Cephalodasys mahoae sp. nov. differs from congeners in having the oocytes developing from posterior to anterior. Turbanella cuspidata sp. nov. is characterized by a pair of small, ventrolateral projective organs at U06. Turbanella lobata sp. nov. is unique among congeners in having paired lateral lobes on the neck. We inferred the phylogenetic position of C. mahoae sp. nov. by maximum-likelihood analysis and Bayesian inference based on 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, and COI gene sequences from 28 species of macrodasyids. In the resulting trees, C. mahoae sp. nov. formed a clade with an unidentified species of Cephalodasys Remane, 1926, but not with C. turbanelloides (Boaden, 1960).
Hiroshi Yamasaki Furkan Durucan
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.23, no.2, pp.193-207, 2018-11-25 (Released:2018-11-25)

A new kinorhynch species, Echinoderes antalyaensis sp. nov., is described based on specimens from Antalya, Turkey, eastern Mediterranean Sea. Echinoderes antalyaensis sp. nov. is characterized by the presence of a middorsal acicular spine on segment 4, laterodorsal tubes on segment 10, lateral accessory tubes on segments 5 and 8, lateroventral tubes on segment 2, and lateroventral acicular spines on segments 6–8, and by the absence of type-2 glandular cell outlets. The morphology of the ornaments of outer oral styles among Echinoderidae and the value of the character in the future taxonomic studies are discussed. The new species is the third Echinoderes species from Turkish waters, and the 14th species from the Mediterranean Sea.
Sau Pinn Woo Hiroshi Kajihara Nozomu Iwasaki Toshihiko Fujita
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.22, no.1, pp.45-52, 2017-05-25 (Released:2017-05-25)

The sea cucumber, Holothuria (Cystipus) dura Cherbonnier and Féral, 1981, previously known only from the Philippines and New Caledonia, is newly recorded from Japanese waters; this is also the first record of the subgenus Cystipus from Japan. The two specimens described here were collected from the sublittoral bottoms near Hahajima island (126–261 m depth) and Okinoshima island (100–120 m depth). The morphology of the Japanese specimens is briefly described. In-situ photographs of the living individuals and scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of ossicles are provided for the first time for this species. The table ossicles in the dorsal body and in the papillae are highly modified fenestrated spheroids that have not been depicted previously. Some of the ventrolateral conical papillae, especially those in the middle part of the body, were bifurcated, perhaps indicative of increased surface area against the bottom for powerful propulsion while ‘walking’. Some notes on locomotion are given, inferred from the in-situ photographs and the morphology of the ventrolateral conical papillae.
Hiroshi Kajihara Mariko Takibata Mark J. Grygier
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.21, no.2, pp.105-110, 2016-11-25 (Released:2017-02-03)

The freshwater heteronemertean Apatronemertes albimaculosa Wilfert and Gibson, 1974 has previously been reported from Germany, Austria, and the USA. All these records were from aquarium tanks with commercially distributed tropical and/or subtropical water plants; by hiding among their roots, the worms are thought to have been introduced from an unidentified place of origin. We report the occurrence of A. albimaculosa for the first time from Japan, based on specimens found in private home aquaria for guppy breeding, with a total of 18 species of water plants grown for different periods and lengths of time but not all at the same time. Histological examination confirmed the presence of diagnostic features of this species, including a complex precerebral vascular system and hermaphroditism. The partial sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (607 bp) of the Japanese material is identical with that of a heteronemertean specimen from a freshwater tank in Madrid, Spain, which had been deposited in the public databases but left unidentified as to its species, genus, or family. Apatronemertes albimaculosa appears unlikely to be able to survive below 10°C for more than about a week, which suggests that its native locality is in the tropics or subtropics, not the temperate zone. The barcoding sequence herein determined will serve in future studies to help locate the natural place of origin.