Yoshiaki Kai Mikhail Nazarkin Hayato Fukuzawa Yuta Yagi Kay Sakuma Kunihiro Fujiwara Tomonori Hamatsu
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.28, no.1, pp.15-22, 2023-01-01 (Released:2023-01-01)

Ricuzenius toyamensis Matsubara and Iwai, 1951 was originally described on the basis of eight specimens collected from Toyama Bay, the Sea of Japan coast of central Honshu Island, Japan. The species has subsequently been considered as a valid species of the genus Icelus Krøyer, 1845, diagnosed by the following characters: supraocular and parietal spines absent; nuchal spine blunt and indistinct, covered with skin; uppermost preopercular spine unbranched; mid-sized scales scattered (not in rows) above and below lateral line; belly naked; minute ctenoid scales on upper part of maxillary; lateral line scales large, tubular, bearing spinules on dorsal and posterior margins; and lower jaw slightly protruding anteriorly. However, examination of the type specimens of Icelus rastrinoides Taranetz in Schmidt, 1935, a northern Sea of Japan species, showed them to be consistent with the holotype and paratypes of I. toyamensis. Accordingly, I. rastorinoides is regarded as a senior synonym of I. toyamensis, with the lectotype of the former being designated herein. The species is redescribed in detail on the basis of the types of both nominal species plus non-type specimens, with a note on geographic variations in dorsal- and anal-fin ray counts, which reflect Jordan’s rule.
Naoya Ohtsuchi Hironori Komatsu Xinzheng Li
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.237-250, 2020-10-16 (Released:2020-10-16)

A new kelp crab species of the genus Pugettia Dana, 1851 from Shandong Peninsula, north China is described and illustrated. Pugettia longipes n. sp. resembles P. ferox Ohtsuchi and Kawamura, 2019 and P. quadridens (De Haan, 1837), but can be distinguished by many morphological and morphometric characters. These include the shape of the basal antennal article, shorter cheliped merus, longer ambulatory legs (first legs longer than chelipeds in merus length), the structure of male first gonopod, and the different ontogenetic patterns of changes in the male chelae. A taxonomic key to all the upper subtidal species of Pugettia distributed in East Asian waters and P. longipes n. sp. is also provided.
Keita Koeda Yusuke Hibino
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.22, no.2, pp.207-211, 2017-11-25 (Released:2017-12-05)

Two specimens (304.0–441.4 mm total length) of Uropterygius fasciolatus (Regan, 1909) were collected from Yonaguni-jima island, the westernmost island in Japan. This species was previously known from Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Palau, the Tokelau Islands, and the Phoenix Islands. Therefore, the present specimens represent the first record from Japan, as well as the northernmost record of the species up until now. A new standard Japanese name, “Murakumo-kikaiutsubo”, is proposed for the species.
Nozomi Hanahara Miyako Tanimoto Naoki Shirakawa
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.27, no.2, pp.293-299, 2022-10-13 (Released:2022-10-13)

A single female specimen (25.6 mm in standard length) of the thread-like Indo-Pacific pygmy syngnathid Kyonemichthys rumengani Gomon, 2007 was collected from fringing reef at eight meters depth from Okinawa Island in the Ryukyu Archipelago of southern Japan. It represents the first specimen of this species to be housed in a museum fish collection in Japan, where for the first time it is available for molecular analysis. We assessed the morphological hypothesis that previously suggested Kyonemichthys Gomon, 2007 is allied with the Indo-Pacific pygmy pipehorse genera Acentronura Kaup, 1853 and Idiotropiscis Whitley, 1947 based on similar characteristics of the head angled slightly ventrally from the abdominal axis, dermal appendages, and flexible tail lacking a caudal fin. However, Kyonemichthys differs from these genera in having a dorsal-fin origin on the tail versus the trunk, a characteristic shared by two Indo-Pacific pipefish genera: the morphologically similar Urocampus Günther, 1870 and the distinct worm-like Siokunichthys Herald, 1953. We therefore investigated the evolutionary relationships of K. rumengani within Syngnathidae based on the genetic divergence of the mitochondrial CO1 gene (uncorrected p-distances) and a phylogenetic hypothesis generated from the analysis of three partial mitochondrial genes (12S, 16S, and CO1). Genetic analyses demonstrated that Kyonemichthys and Urocampus are closely related and form a strongly supported clade that excludes the phylogenetically distant Acentronura, Idiotropiscis, and Siokunichthys. Furthermore, morphological comparisons of K. rumengani with members of Urocampus revealed numerous synapomorphies distinct from the pygmy pipehorses, including meristic characters, trunk and tail ridge configurations, placement of dorsal fin on the tail, and shape of the prehensile tail. Therefore, based on the genetic and morphological characteristics, we suggest that Kyonemichthys is sister to Urocampus and is allied with pipefishes rather than with pygmy pipehorses. In addition, the Japanese standard name “Hari-youji” was proposed for K. rumengani.
Harutaka Hata Keita Koeda
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.27, no.1, pp.37-43, 2022-03-10 (Released:2022-03-10)

Three specimens of the White Sardine (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae) Sardinella albella (Valenciennes, 1847), collected from Nakagusuku Bay, Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan in the early 20th century and recently discovered in the fish collection of the Department of Zoology, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo, represent the first records of the species (and seventh confirmed species of Sardinella Valenciennes, 1847) from Japanese waters. The morphology of the specimens is described in detail, and a diagnostic key provided for Japanese species of Sardinella.
Shunta Shibuya You Sakurai Hiroyuki Motomura
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.27, no.1, pp.45-51, 2022-03-10 (Released:2022-03-10)

Twenty-four specimens (184.6–243.6 mm in standard length) of Monotaxis Anonymous [Bennett], 1830, collected from the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan, were identified as M. heterodon (Bleeker, 1854) (Perciformes: Lethrinidae). Although a widely distributed Indo-West Pacific species, all previous records from Japanese waters have been based solely on photographs, the present specimens therefore representing the first specimen-based records of M. heterodon from Japan. A detailed comparison between M. heterodon and its only congener, M. grandoculis (Forsskål, 1775), from which it has previously been distinguished primarily by scale rows below the lateral line and fresh or live coloration, revealed new diagnostic characters, most of which are applicable to preserved specimens. In addition to previously recognized characters, the two species can be distinguished by mid-dorsal snout profile in adults (concave vs. straight), snout length (excluding lips) [8.9–11.1 (mean 9.9) % of SL vs. 10.3–12.1 (11.2) % SL], spinous anal-fin base length [4.6–5.9 (5.0) % of SL vs. 3.9–4.9 (4.4) % SL], a distinct black blotch above the pupil (absent vs. present), a dark brown stripe across the post interorbital region in preserved specimens (present vs. absent), and preserved coloration of the pectoral-fin base inner surface (blackish brown vs. light brown).
Keiichi Kakui Michitaka Shimomura Shoichi Kimura Taeko Kimura
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.24, no.1, pp.103-108, 2019-05-25 (Released:2019-05-25)

In 2017, we collected a pair (male and female) of topotypic individuals of the parasitic isopod Pseudione nephropsi Shiino, 1951 from a single nephropid lobster, Metanephrops japonicus (Tapparone-Canefri, 1873), at 310–298 m depth off the eastern coast of the Kii Peninsula, Japan. Based on these specimens, we provide a supplementary description of the male and female morphology, and present mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) DNA barcode sequences. The sequence length amplified with primer pair LCO-1490/HCO-2198 was 658 nt, and there were four synonymous nucleotide substitutions (0.6% p-distance) between the two sequences.
Ryo Misawa Yuma Takanashi Yo Su Chih-Wei Chang Yoshiaki Kai
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.28, no.2, pp.245-253, 2023-11-09 (Released:2023-11-09)

Two large specimens [310–476 mm standard length (SL)] of the genus Hoplostethus Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829, collected from Iwate and Okinawa prefectures, Japan, were recently discovered and identified as Hoplostethus grandperrini Roberts and Gomon, 2012 on the basis of the following characteristics: large body size, exceeding 300 mm SL; abdominal scutes strong; pectoral fins light red; caudal-fin tip without black pigmentation; upper margin of eye almost horizontally level with lateral-line origin; predorsal scales not enlarged; fin spines moderately thickened; pectoral-fin tip not reaching anal-fin origin; anterior part of oral cavity, including underside of tongue, without black pigmentation; 15–17 pectoral-fin rays; 21 predorsal scales; and 13 or 14 abdominal scutes. Furthermore, a molecular phylogenetic analysis of a partial sequence of the mtDNA COI gene from one of the specimens placed it in the same clade as H. grandperrini previously recorded from Taiwan, with an uncorrected p-distance between both specimens of 0.19%. Hoplostethus grandperrini was originally described on the basis of two specimens collected off New Caledonia, with only one additional specimen having been reported (from southern Taiwan). The Japanese specimens are the first records of the species from Japan, the fourth and fifth specimens known, and the Iwate Prefecture specimen the northernmost record of the species.
Masanori Okanishi Ichinosuke Dan Isao Hirabayashi
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.28, no.1, pp.107-116, 2023-04-26 (Released:2023-04-26)

Three specimens of Ophioteichus multispinum H. L. Clark, 1938 are redescribed from approximately 2.3–12.6 m water depth at Sabiura, Kushimoto, Wakayama Prefecture in central Japan. The species occurs completely buried on sandy bottoms. Ossicle morphology is described. Based strictly on images, we present in situ occurrence of the genus Ophioteichus H. L. Clark, 1938 from the intertidal regions of Susami, Wakayama Prefecture, and Tosashimizu, Kochi Prefecture.
Kyohei Sakai Toshiyuki Ohkawa Noritaka Mochioka
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.27, no.2, pp.341-346, 2022-11-03 (Released:2022-11-03)

Bathycongrus castlei Smith and Ho, 2018, previously recorded only from Taiwan, is newly reported from Japan, based on two specimens (352+, 362 mm total length) collected from coastal waters in Tosa Bay, Kochi Prefecture at depths ranging from 128–315 m. Bathycongrus castlei differs from two congeners previously reported from Japan, Bathycongrus retrotinctus (Jordan and Snyder, 1901) and Bathycongrus wallacei (Castle, 1968), in having an intermediate number of total vertebrae (159–162 in B. castlei vs. 143–151 in B. retrotinctus and 172–181 in B. wallacei) and dark margins on the entire surface of the dorsal, anal and caudal fins (vs. only to the posterior end of the medial fins in B. retrotinctus and B. wallacei), 1 or 2 slightly enlarged teeth with a few small teeth at the front and sides and 6–9 stout or nearly granular teeth behind on the vomer [vs. 2 (sometimes 1) enlarged teeth surrounded by several smaller teeth in B. retrotinctus and 2 (rarely 1 or 3) enlarged teeth on midline, with 2 smaller teeth directly behind, side by side, and a few additional small teeth in the front and behind, no teeth laterally in B. wallacei]. A detailed description and fresh coloration are given for the specimens and a new standard Japanese name “Heri-tsumaguro-anago” is proposed for B. castlei.
Masato Nitta Kazuya Nagasawa
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.22, no.2, pp.117-125, 2017-11-25 (Released:2017-12-05)

Haplocotyle japonica n. gen., n. sp. (Monogenea: Microbothriidae) is described from the skin and gill cavity of Rhinobatos hynnicephalus Richardson, 1846 (Elasmobranchii: Rajiformes: Rhinobatidae) in the Seto Inland Sea off Hiroshima Prefecture and the southern Sea of Japan off Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. The new genus is closely related to Dermophthirioides Cheung and Nigrelli, 1983, Dermophthirius MacCallum, 1926, Dermopristis Kearn, Whittington, and Evans-Gowing, 2010, and Pseudoleptobothrium Young, 1967 in common morphological features (i.e., the anterior extremity of the oötype having a tetrahedral shape, the anterior aperture of a bell-shaped pharynx, and the structure of the male copulatory organ) but differs from the latter four genera by the presence of a single testis and an ovary not looping the intestinal caeca. The phylogenetic analysis based on 28S rDNA sequences suggests that the new species shows affinity with Dermophthirius and Dermopristis. All currently known species of Microbothriidae Price, 1936 are listed, and a key to 12 genera, including Haplocotyle n. gen., of the family is provided.
Natsumi Hookabe Yuki Oya Shinji Tsuchida Yoshihiro Fujiwara Rei Ueshima
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.28, no.2, pp.199-204, 2023-08-31 (Released:2023-08-31)

Monostiliferous nemerteans are mostly benthic and free-living, but a few are recognized as commensal and parasitic species. We describe Tetrastemma carneum sp. nov. based on five specimens found from demosponges collected by the use of remotely operated vehicle at a depth of 398 m, off Ofunato, Japan. The new species resembles T. appendiculatum Chernyshev, 1998 described based on specimens discovered from demosponge Esperiopsis digitata (Miklucho-Maclay, 1870) (now accepted as Amphilectus digitatus) trawled at depths of 40–60 m in Peter the Great Bay, in having a pale-colored body with four conspicuously large eyes (approximately 50 µm in the maximum width). However, it is differentiated from T. appendiculatum in possessing a mid-dorsal line on the dorsal surface of the head as well as the number of proboscis nerves. In our molecular phylogenetic tree based on partial sequences of 16S rRNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, and histone H3 genes, Tetrastemma carneum sp. nov. was nested in the clade of Tetrastemma Ehrenberg, 1828 as a sister taxon to Tetrastemma sp. IP Iturup reported from Peter the Great Bay.
Masato Nitta
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.27, no.1, pp.61-69, 2022-03-10 (Released:2022-03-10)

The epistylidid ciliate Epistylis wuhanensis Wang, Zhou, Guo, and Gu, 2017 was found attached to the body surface of Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus, 1758 (Copepoda: Lernaeidae) parasitizing Rhinogobius similis Gill, 1859 (Perciformes: Gobiidae) from the Arida River in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. This epistylidid was described based on live ciliates, stained specimens, and scanning electron microscope observation with molecular information. This is the first record of E. wuhanensis from Japan and the second record of the epistylidid attached to metazoans. A list of records of Epistylis Ehrenberg, 1830 species attached to metazoans in Japan is proposed.
Masato Nitta Takanori Ishikawa Tomiji Hagiwara
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.349-354, 2020-11-16 (Released:2020-11-17)

Dactylogyrus petruschewskyi Gussev, 1955 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) was found infecting the gills of Megalobrama amblycephala Yih, 1955 (Cypriniformes: Cyprinidae: Cultrinae) that was sampled from the Ono River flowing into Lake Kasumigaura in Ibaraki Prefecture, central Japan. This is the first record of this monogenean from Japan, and this parasite was most likely introduced and established along with M. amblycephala from China into Japan. The 28S rDNA sequence of D. petruschewskyi is available in the database but not based on a published study. We analyzed molecular data based on newly collected specimens, and the obtained sequence corresponded to the available sequence.
Naoto Jimi Hiroshi Kajihara
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.23, no.1, pp.39-42, 2018-05-25 (Released:2018-05-26)

A new species of flabelligerid polychaete, Lamispina ammophila sp. nov., is described from off the coast of Shimoda, Japan. The species can be discriminated from the other congeners by the following features: i) dorsal region of body being adhered to by sediment particles, ii) lamispines without accessory tooth, present from chaetiger 4 and succeeding chaetigers, and iii) cephalic cage 1.5–2.0 times as long as body width. A partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequence from the paratype is provided as a DNA barcode for the new species.
Masato Nitta Takanori Ishikawa
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.29, no.1, pp.23-30, 2024-01-11 (Released:2024-01-11)

Henneguya postexilis Minchew, 1977 (Cnidaria: Myxobolidae) is described as a novel record for Japan. It was found in the gills of non-native Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque, 1818) (Siluriformes: Ictaluridae), which were collected from the Omoi River, a tributary of the Tone River system in Tochigi Prefecture, central Honshu. This myxozoan species is native to North America and its discovery from Japan in this study is the second case reported from a non-native region. Until now, H. postexilis has only been observed in I. punctatus, suggesting that it is an introduced alien species in Japan, likely accompanying its host.
Naoto Jimi Takuya Minokawa Toru Miura Hiroshi Kajihara
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.25, no.2, pp.213-218, 2020-09-18 (Released:2020-09-18)

Tiny annelids identified as the marine meiobenthic polychaete Dinophilus gyrociliatus (Schmidt, 1857) have been reported not only from shallow water sediments but also artificial environments such as experimental aquaria almost all around the world; the species has thus been regarded to show a cosmopolitan distribution. However, various types of ciliary-band arrangements and genetic sequences have been reported from different populations, leading to a doubt on the species’ taxonomic identity. In this study, we present results of our SEM observation of Dinophilus sp. cf. gyrociliatus from Japan and provide mitochondrial 16S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene sequences of Japanese populations as DNA barcodes for contributing to resolving the taxonomic uncertainty of “D. gyrociliatus”.
Yuki Oya Morio Hagiya
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.28, no.2, pp.255-262, 2023-11-24 (Released:2023-11-24)

We establish a new genus of candimboidid polyclad, Chimaeriplana gen. nov., based on a new species, C. japonica sp. nov., collected from Kanagawa, the coast of Sagami Bay, Japan. Chimaeriplana japonica sp. nov. is characterized by (i) an interpolated prostatic vesicle with a seminal vesicle, (ii) a penis stylet with a split tip, (iii) numerous prostatoid organs in the male atrium, (iv) a bursa copulatrix, and (v) without Lang’s vesicle. In addition, we modify the definition of Candimboididae.
Kazuo Hoshino You Sakurai Hiroyuki Motomura
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.28, no.1, pp.123-131, 2023-04-26 (Released:2023-04-26)

Fifteen specimens (70.9–95.5 mm standard length) of the Indo-Pacific species Scorpaenodes corallinus Smith, 1957, previously recorded from Mozambique, Tanzania, Kenya, the Seychelles, Indonesia, Australia, the Hawaiian Islands, New Caledonia and French Polynesia, and recently collected from Okinawa Island (Okinawa Islands) and Yoron Island (Amami Islands), represent the first Japanese records of the species. Examination of a wide range of specimens indicated that the presence of coronal spines (formerly considered diagnostic of the species) was inconsistent. The new standard Japanese name “Ichigo-isokasago” is proposed for the species.
Kentaro Mochizuki Yoshiaki Kai Hiromitsu Endo Hiroyuki Motomura
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.26, no.2, pp.281-287, 2021-10-07 (Released:2021-10-07)

Ocosia spinosa Chen, 1981 (Tetrarogidae) is newly recorded from the Pacific coast of Japan, on the basis of 10 specimens (31.3–78.1 mm standard length), having been previously reported only from Taiwan. A revised diagnosis for the species, based on the Japanese specimens plus a single specimen from Taiwan, is given as follows: XV–XVIII, 7 or 8 dorsal-fin rays; III, 4–6 anal-fin rays; usually 13 (rarely 12) pectoral-fin rays; 12–18 lateral-line pores on body; 6–15 gill rakers; usually 28 (rarely 27) vertebrae; 2nd dorsal-fin spine longest, slightly longer than 3rd spine; interspinous dorsal-fin membranes of middle portion of dorsal fin incised for one-fourth to one-third of each spine length; dorsal profile of snout concave; posterior lacrimal spine directed backward, its length about 2–3 times greater than that of anterior lacrimal spine; small lateral lacrimal spine usually present (absent in larger specimens); small spine usually present at anterior end of suborbital ridge in smaller specimens (absent in larger specimens); weak stubby papillae covering upper lip and anterior half to one-third of lower lip; trunk uniformly brownish-red when fresh, without distinct markings (but with faint brownish small blotch near base of middle portion of dorsal fin in some individuals). Although the presence or absence of small spines on the lateral surface of the lacrimal and anterior end of the suborbital ridge has previously been regarded as an important diagnostic character of O. spinosa, examination of the present specimens showed that the character changes with growth. The present specimens represent the first Japanese records, as well as the northernmost and easternmost records for the species. The new English and Japanese standard names “Red Waspfish” and “Aka-hachiokoze”, respectively, are proposed for O. spinosa.