鎮目 和夫
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.60, no.12, pp.1492-1502, 1984-12-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

成長ホルモンに依る小人症の治療の対象は, 現在我が国では、所謂下垂体性小人症のみに限られており, ヒト成長ホルモンの大量入手が困難な為, もっとも適応の有る下垂体性小人症に対してすらすべての患者を治療する事が出来ない状態である。しかし, 遺伝子工学によって作製されたヒト成長ホルモンの製剤化も進み, 1~2年の後にはその実用化が可能になる状態となってきた。そこで米国では, 他の原因による小人症の治療に対しても本剤の効果が検討され始めており, 又我が国でも下垂体性小人症に対し, 遺伝子工学で作製されたヒト成長ホルモン剤の臨床治験が行われている。そこで本講演では1) ヒトの下垂体より抽出した成長ホルモンによる下垂体性小人症治療の現況, 2) 遺伝子工学によるヒト成長ホルモン剤の治験の現況, 3) 他の小人症に対するヒト成長ホルモン使用の展望について述べる。第2と第3の問題は, まだ実用面では一寸早いが, 他の分野を専門とする会員へ, 現状を紹介する意味で述べる。

1 0 0 0 OA 小児

一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.94, no.S.Update, pp.75-78, 2018-06-20 (Released:2018-07-18)
小松 悟
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.48, no.2, pp.80-89,75, 1972

家兎の耳静脈よりNa<SUP>131</SUP>I (100μC.) を注射, 15分後から48時間後にわたって甲状腺内の有機ヨード化合物への<SUP>131</SUP>Iの取り込みをしらべた.摘出甲状腺をトリプミン消化後, ブタノール抽出し, この抽出物の濃縮液を水平式高圧濾紙電気泳動 (ホウ酸-NaOH, pH10.8;3.000volt.) にかけ, 泳動後ラジオ・オートグラムをつくつた.ラジオ・オートグラムから<SUP>131</SUP>I放射性のバンドの泳動した炉紙上の位置を求めて切出し, 各バンドのc.p.mを測定した.<BR>Na<SUP>131</SUP>I静注後15分にして7~8本の放射性バンドが認められ, 1~3時間で10~12本に達し, 以後, バンド数はこのままで増減はなかつた.最も速かに泳動される無機ヨード (I<SUP>-</SUP>) を除いた全バンドのc.p.m.の総和から各バンドのc.P.m.の相対量 (百分比) を求め, それぞれのバンド中の<SUP>131</SUP>I の相対量が注射後の時間でどう変動するかをしらべてみたところ, MITが先づ増え (15分でピーク), ついでDITが30分でピークに達した.T<SUB>3</SUB>画分は30分まで放射能が認められなかつたが, T<SUB>4</SUB>画分は15分から既に<SUP>131</SUP>Iの取り込みが見られた.しかし, T<SUB>3</SUB>は60分以後, T<SUB>4</SUB>は15分以後, 48時間までの間に有意の増減を示さなかった点は従来のネズミについての多くの文献のデーター (ペーパークロマトグラフィーで分離している) と著しく相違していた.この点については, あるいは動物の種の違いと分析方法の相違がその理由かもしれないが, 今後の解決に俟たねばならない.
阿部 高明 阿部 圭志
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.68, no.12, pp.1240-1248, 1992-12-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

Renin-angiotensin (RA) system plays an important role in cardiovascular homeostasis. Here, we have described the recent progress in our study of renin release as well as the cellular action of angiotensin II.(1) Microdissection of an isolated afferent artery with or without macula densa (MD) has revealed that renin release is regulated by NaCl exposure to MD. Furosemide, prostaglandins (PGE2 and PGI2) and adenosine modulate its function.(2) Angiotensin (ang) II increases cytosolic free calcium and induces the formation of inositolphosphates in vascular smooth muscle cells. Deduced protein structure of ang II receptor (AT1-R) cDNA has indicated the presumed link of AT1-R with phospholipase C. Through the cellular action, ang II has been reported to regulate gene expression.
眞田 英一
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.13, no.3, pp.263-286,9, 1937

Früher hat der Verfasser über den Einfluss der Nebenniere auf die Indicansynthese im Organismus mitgeteilt. Diesmal hat er den Einfluss der Hypophyse auf die Indicansynthese bei der Indolinjektion. im Organismus untersucht.<BR>Die vorliegende Mitteilung berichtet über den Einfluss der voliständigen Zerstörung der Hypophyse, des HypophysenvorderlappenNacl- extraktes und des Pituitrins.<BR>Versuchstiere und Methodik waren wie zuvor.<BR>Die Resultate lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen : <BR>1) Bei Kaninchen mit vollständig zerstörter Hypophyse vermindert sich die durch Indolinejektion verursachte Indicanausscheidung im Urin sehr beträchtlich.<BR>2) Bei mit Hypophysenvorderlappen- Nacl- extrakt injizierten Kaninchen erscheint das injizierte Indol als Indican irn Urin deutlicher als bei den Kontrollen.<BR>3) Bei mit Pituitrin injizierten Kaninchen nimmt die Ausscheid ung des Indicans nach Indolinjektion im Urin ausgesprochen ab.
百渓 尚子
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.46, no.2, pp.207-217,120, 1970-05-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

甲状腺機能亢進症では筋肉量の減少があるのではないかと考え, 体重補正上腕囲 (体重増減度を0としたときの上腕囲) を筋肉量の指標として用いて本研究をおこなつた.対象は甲状腺機能亢進症患者男109例, 女292例で, 各々の患者と身長, 体重, 年令のほぼ見合う健常者男109例, 女292例と体重補正上腕囲の比較をおこなつた.また治療により機能の正常化を認めた時, その後3~4ケ月経た時の体重補正上腕囲を, 治療前, 健常者などと比較した.亢進症男子の治療前の体重補正上腕囲の平均は25.4cm, 女子25.4cmで, 健常男子26.7cm, 女子26.0cmと比べ男女とも亢進症患者が有意に小さく (p<0.001), 機能の正常化を認みた時点でもなお健常者より小さく, その後3~4ヵ月を経て初めて健常者との差がほとんどなくなつた.以上のことから「甲状腺機能亢進症患者では筋肉量の減少があり, その回復は甲状腺機能の回復よりおくれる」という結論が得られた.
岩坪 治雄 宮井 潔 岡田 義昭
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.44, no.9, pp.987-992,963, 1968

The effects of stress, exercise and other factors on human growth hormone (HGH) secretion were investigated in normal subjects and various disorders. Plasma HGH was measured by chromatoelectrophoretic radioimmunoassay.<BR>1) Exercise : Exercise by double two step test of Master was associated with a slight increase of HGH secretion only in female, but successively 6 times of the test with a remarkable increase both in female and in male. This rise of plasma HGH level was accelerated by arginine infusion or beef ingestion.<BR>2) Operation : Major abdominal surgery under general anaesthesia with Fluothane and nitrous oxide was followed by a remarkable elevation of plasma HGH with a peak at 60-90 minutes after the operation started. On the other hand, brain operation under the same anaesthesia but with hypothermia did not lead to significant changes or rather led to decrease in plasma HGH while cooling, but to a remarkable increase as rewarming commenced.<BR>3) Cold Exposure : No increase in plasma HGH level was found during exposure of normal subjects to 4°C for 1-2 hours but a significant elevation of plasma HGH level was observed following recovery to room temperature (23°C).<BR>4) Drugs : Intravenous injection of 35 mg of histamine caused a moderate increase in plasma HGH. In 6 of 8 normal subjects, simultaneous injection of aminophylline enhanced the increased response of plasma HGH by insulin-induced hypoglycemia.<BR>5) HGH secretion in primary hypothyroidism : Plasma HGH response to hypoglycemia and exercise (two step test) was significantly lower in patients with untreated primary hypothyroidism than in normal subjects.<BR>6) HGH secretion in hypopituitarism : Studies on secretion of trophic hormones in hypopituitarism showed that, of 12 patients, panhypopituitarism was found in 3 cases, partial deficiency in 8 and selective ACTH deficiency in 1. Of 9 subjects with pituitary dwarfism, panhypopituitarism was found in 1 case, partial deficiency in 5 and isolated GH deficiency in 3, of which two cases were siblings.<BR>Some cases, of which basal HGH secretion was detectable at overnight fast and suppressed by glucose administration, showed a dissociative response to various stimuli : a significant elevation of HGH level by arginine infusion despite no responses to insulin or pyrogen injection. Others showed parallel responses to such various stimuli as insulin induced hypoglycemia, arginine infusion and or exercise.
阪本 基 古屋 昌夫 寺尾 幸司
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.11, no.5, pp.579-621,33, 1935 (Released:2012-09-24)

In unserer Klinik begegnen wir häufig Wachstumsanomalien. Ms wir jedoch die -Wachstumsanomalien mit dem normalen japanichen Körperbau vergleichen wollten, gerieten wir in grosse Verlegenheit, da sich über diesen so gut wie keine Literatur vorfindet. Um einen Massstab der japanischen Körpermasse aufzustellen, haben die Verfasser an 110 japanischen männlichen 15 bis 25 Jahre alten Individuen und an 110 japanischen 14 his 24 Jahre alten weiblichen die folgenden Messungen vorgenmmen : Grösste Kopflänge, grösste und kleinste Kopfbreite, grösster schräger Durchmesser, Ohrhöhe des Kopfes, ganze Kopfhöhe, horizontaler Umfang des Kopfes, Jochbogenbreite, Unterkieferwinkelbrei te, physiognornische Gesichtshöhe, morphologische Gesichtshöhe, Höhe der Nase, Breite der Nase und Halsumfang ; Körperlänge, Körpergewicht, Sitzhöhe, Rumpflänge, Höhe des oberen Symphysenrandes über dem Boden, Schulterbreite, Thoraxlänge, Brustbeinlänge, sagittaler Brustdurchmesser, transversaler Brustdurchmesser, Brustuinfang (bei ruhigein Atmen, bei Inspiration und bei Exspiration), Bauchlänge, Breite zwischen den Darmbeinkämmen, Breite zwischen den vorderen oberen Darmbeinstacheln, grösste Hüftbreite, Conjugata externa, erster schräger Durchmsser, zweiter schräger Durchmesser, Spannweite der Arme, Höhe des rechten Akromion über dem Boden, ganze Armlänge, Länge des Oberarmes, grösster Umfang des rechten Oberaimes, Breite der unteren Humerusepiphyse, Länge des Vorderarines, kleinster Umfang des rechten Unterarines, untere Radio-Ulnarbreite, Länge des Handriickens, Breiteder Handwurzel, Länge der Finger, ganze Beinlänge (Höhe des reel ten vorderen Darmbeinstachels über dem. Boden); Länge des Oberschenkels, grösster Umfang des rechten Oberschenkels, Länge des Unterschenkels, grösster Umfang des rechten Unterschenkels, kleinster Umfang des rechten Unterschenkels, Höhe des rechten Fusses, Breite des rechten Fusses, Länge des rechten Fusses und Länge der rechten grossen Zehe.Aus diesen Einzelheiten haben die. Verfasser die Indices berechnet : Längenbreiten-Längenhöhen-sowie Breitenhöhhenindex des Kopfes, transversaler Kephalofacialindex, physiognomischer Gesichtsindex, inorphologischer Gesichtsindex, Höhenbreitenindex der.Nase, Rumpflänge in Prozenten der Körperlänge, Akromionbreite in Prozenten der Körperlänge, Cristallbreite.in Prozen ten der Körperlänge, Runpfbreitenindex, Spannwei.te in Prozenten der Körperlänge, gauze Armlänge in Prozenten der Körperlänge, Höhe des rechten vorderen oberen Darm.beinstachels in Prozenten der Körperlänge und Extremitä tenindex.Durch diese Messungen sind die Verfasser zu folgen den Schlüssen gekommen.1) Hinsichtlich des Alters nehmen alle Masswerte bis zurn 17. Lebensjahre rasch, dann bis zum etwa 20. Lebensjahre langsam zu. Aber das Längenwachstum ist im allgemeinen etwas schneller vollendet als das Breitenwachstum.2) Was die gefundenen Masse bei den beiden Geschlechtern anbetrifft, so sieht man, dass die bei den männlichen Individuen im allgemeinen grösser als die bei den weiblichen sind.Bezüglich der Bauchlänge und der Beckenmasse übertreffen jedoch die weiblichen Individuen die männlichen.Das Wachsturn des weiblichen Unterleibes und Beckens geht sehr schnell vor sich und ist frühzeitig, nämlich im 15. Lebensjahre, schon abgeschlossen.3) Aus den Beobachtungen über den Blutdruck and die Körpermasse ergibt sich, dass der maximale Blutdruck fast iinmer mit den Körpermassen parallel geht.
小原 範之 森川 肇 上田 康夫 望月 眞人
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.62, no.7, pp.784-796, 1986-07-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

Dynamic changes in maternal and fetal calcium metabolism during pregnancy were investigated by simultaneously measuring serum or urinary concentrations of calcium and calcium regulating hormones.Serum concentrations of total calcium in maternal serum decreased significantly, but those of ionized calcium decreased slightly but not significantly late in pregnancy. Maternal serum levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) were almost the same as non-pregnant values throughout pregnancy, but those of 1α, 25-(OH) 2vitamin D3 increased as pregnancy progressed. Serum levels of calcitonin (CT) in maternal serum increased late in pregnancy but were statistically not significant. Calcium concentrations in maternal urine during pregnancy showed a slight decrease.It is suggested that calcium absorption in the maternal intestine might be increased by the action of increased serum 1α, 25-(OH) 2vitamin D3, and the maternal bone during pregnancy might be kept at the same density as in non-pregnant women because increased CT protects the maternal skeleton by resisting the bone-resorbing activities of 1α, 25-(OH) 2 vitamin D3.The concentrations of ionized calcium and CT in umbilical cord blood were higher, but those of PTH and 1α, 25-(OH) 2vitamin D3 were significantly lower than those of the maternal blood at term.It is considered that an active transport mechanism may be involved in the transplacental supply of calcium, and calcium transport from mother to fetus results in a decrease in the calcium concentrations of the maternal serum. Calcium transported into the fetus may be used as fetal body composition such as accumulation in the bone mainly by the action of serum CT.
大滝 幸哉
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.41, no.8, pp.983-993,930, 1965

The previous reports showed that the prevalence of goiter was comfirmed on the coast of Hokkaido, the northern island of Japan, where the usual diet of the inhabitants contained a large quantity of "iodine-rich" seaweed. Some of these goitrous patients from the endemic coast revealed high plasma inorganic iodine level and marked increment of thyroidal iodine space and thyroidal iodine content. However, all the goitrous patients from the endemic coast were clinically euthyroid, and serum total cholesterol level, protein bound-iodine and basal metabolic rate were within normal ranges.<BR>The present investigation is designed to elucidate a mechanism of the synthesis of thyroid hormone in the goitrous patients from this endemic coast.<BR>1. Thiocyanate test was examined in twelve goitrous patients from the endemic coast by the method of Floyd et al. In all the six patients taking their usual diet marked discharge of I<SUP>131</SUP> from the thyroid following intravenous administration of thiocyanate, while no discharge was found in any of the remaining six patients one week after withdrawal of seaweed from the usual diet.<BR>2. Metabolism of I<SUP>131</SUP> -labeled L-diiodotyrosine (L-DIT I<SUP>131</SUP>) was studied in five goitrous patients from the endemic coast put on the usual diet and three control patients after intravenous injections of L-DIT I<SUP>131</SUP> by the method of Stanbury et al. All the patients from the endemic coast excreted 2.7 to 6.2 per cent of L-DIT I<SUP>131</SUP> in an unchanged form within four hours after injection. Three control patients excreted 2.3 to 5.0 per cent.<BR>3. Radiochromatographic analysis of thyroid tissue was performed in seven goitrous patients from the endemic coast and two control patients with a single adenoma by Suzuki's modification of the method of Roche et al. All the patients were put on "iodine-restricted" diet for one to three weeks before partial thyroidectomy. Removal of thyroid tissue was carried out at twenty four hours after oral administration of carrier-free I<SUP>131</SUP>. Paranodular tissue was analyzed in control patients. The solvents used were butanol-acetic acid-water (78 : 5 : 17) in descending phase and butanol-dioxaneammonia (4 : 1 : 2) in ascending phase. The ratios of radio-monoiodotyrosine to radiodiiodotyrosine (MIT/DIT) ranged from 1.1 to 3.3 in all the goitrous patients from the endemic coast, and the proportions of radio-thyroxine plus radio-triiodothyronine (T<SUB>4</SUB> + T<SUB>3</SUB>) ranged from 1.3 to 6.0 per cent in all but one. Control subjects represented 0.5 to 0.8 in the MIT/DIT ratio and 10.7 to 20.4 per cent in the proportion of T<SUB>4</SUB>+ T<SUB>3</SUB>.<BR>Significant discharge of I<SUP>131</SUP> from the thyroid, as well as the previous report of dynamic analysis of stable and radioactive iodine, indicates that a large quantity of iodine remained as an inorganic form and suggests a markedly decreased rate of organification of I<SUP>131</SUP> in the patients with seashore goiter taking the usual diet. Similar abnormalities were shown also in the iodide goiter reported by Paris et al.<BR>From the results of urinary excretion of L-DIT I<SUP>131</SUP>, it is found that there is no defect at least in peripheral deiodination of iodotyrosine in the seashore goiter.<BR>Radiochromatographic analysis obtained from the thyroid tissues of the seashore goiter indicates a diminution in the rate of transfer of I<SUP>131</SUP> the more heavily iodinated compounds. Similar abnormal patterns had, however, been demonstrated in various thyroid disorders. It is, therefore, unlikely that such increase in the MIT/DIT radio and decrease in the proportion of T<SUB>4</SUB> + T<SUB>3</SUB> are peculiar to this goiter.<BR>In summary, these data would appear to support in part our thesis that the excessive and longstanding intake of dietary iodine is the most important goitrogenic factor of the seashore goiter in Hokkaido.
樋口 忠
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.40, no.7, pp.982-995,932, 1964-10-20 (Released:2012-09-24)
2 6

In 1889, Takenaka first described prevalence of goiter in Esashi, the seashore district of Hokkaido. Further studies on pathological and endemic views have been reported by Takeda, Miyamoto, Shimpo and Inoue. According to these data, the prevalence of goiter in the Hidaka District, Rishiri-Rebun Islands and Shakotan Insula was 8.9%, 36.3% and 10.9%, respectively. The goiterous patients in these areas take large amounts of Kombu, a sort of seaweed which is rich in iodine, as a sidedish or as seasoning for the usual diet.Since 1960, systematic investigations of this peculiar goiter have been carried out. In this paper, prevalence and geographical distribution, the nutritional environment, intake and output of iodine, and therapy are reported as the first part of our study. 1. Prevalence and geographical distributionSeven thousand nine hundred and seventy schoolchildren, 7 to 18 years of age, including 4,726 in the Hidaka District, 2,298 in Rishiri Isl. and 946 in Rebun Isl., were investigated. Size of goiter was classified according to Shichijo's criteria, Dieterle's modification.The incidence of goiter was calculated 6.6%, 8.9% and 2.7% in Hidaka District, Rishiri Isl. and Rebun Isl., respectively. In each area, girls were predominant : the ratio of female to male was from 2 : 1 to 10 : 1. Control studies were performed on school children of Sapporo city, and the incidence of goiter was 1.3%.The 2nd degree size of goiter was found in 75.2% among 539 goitrous patients, 3rd degree in 21.5% and over the 4th degree in 3.3%, but in the Hidaka District the enormous goiter, over the 4th degree, was found in 16 cases.The incidence of the goitrous patients with family history of goiter was 4 to 5%.The incidence of goiter reached the peak at 12 to 14 years of age in both sexes.The thyroid gland was diffuse on palpation in 97.4% of 539 cases, and nodular in only 2.6%.2. Clinical findingsAll of the 539 patients revealed clinically euthyroid states : hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, hoarsness and dyspnea ; congenital deafness or mutism was not found.3. Histological pictureHistological picture of the thyroid gland of 7 goitrous patients in Hidaka District was examined. The findings of Struma colloides macrofollicularis, that represent a enlargement of follicles and colloid storage without abnormal cell-infiltration, were seen in 6 cases, and Struma colloides microfollicularis or Struma foetalis in the other case.4. Nutrition SurveyIntake of foodstuffs was investigated in 8 families whose occupation was fishing, chiefly seaweed “Kombu” collecting. Five families had a history of goiter and 3 had not. Daily intake of nutriments throughout the four seasons were calculated according to the method of National Nutrition Survey of Welfare Ministry. It was found that most nutritional materials such as protein, carbonhydrate and Vitamin-A, were sufficient. The seaweed, chiefly Kombu, of 16.1 gm. which amounts to three times the average of Hokkaido Nutritional Survey in 1961 was taken. Excessive intake of other foodstuffs containing a goitrogen were not recognized.5. Urinary inorganic iodine excretionFive cases of goitrous patients in Hidaka District were examined for urinary inorganic iodine excretion, that was measured by Gross's method, under the usual diet in this area. These patients excreted up to 23mg. of inorganic iodine per day, whearas control non-goitrous patients on a normal diet at Hokkaido University Hospital excreted 1.5mg. and those on a iodide-restricted diet excreted 150, μmg.6. Response to treatmentFifty cases of goitrous patients in the Hidaka District were administrated desiccated thyroid or L-Triiodothyronine. In 72.5%, a disapperance or decrease in size of goiter was obtained. A more effective response was noted in the 10-to 15-year old or those having a smaller size of goiter.