梅原 次男 熊本 悦明 三熊 直人 伊藤 直樹 南部 明民 新田 俊一
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.67, no.3, pp.230-238, 1991-03-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

Salivary testosterone (Salivary-T) was measured in 133 normal boys at puberty (8-14 years old) and 21 adult males (24-36 years old) by using radioimmunoassay. Also, a simultaneous measurement was performed on salivary-T and serum total testosterone (Total-T) and free testosterone (Free-T) in order to study the correlation between saliva and serum.The results were summarized as follows:(1) Good correlations were observed in the values between Salivary-T and Total-T or Free-T. The correlation coefficient value was 0.54 between Salivary-T and Total-T, 0.84 between Salivary-T and Free-T when measured by DPC kit. Correlation coefficient value was 0.59 between Salivary-T by Wien kit and Total-T by DPC kit, also 0.77 between Salivary-T by Wien kit and Free-T by DPC kit.(2) Salivary-T, in the mean level, increased by age. The most rapid increase of Salivary-T was observed at 13 years of age.(3) Diurnal change of Salivary-T was observed at 13 years of age through adult age. Salivary-T level was highest in the morning and declined toward evening.(4) These results suggest that Salivary-T measurement was highly reliable and applicable for use in the monitoring of androgen status.
吉田 三知
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.47, no.10, pp.631-647,620, 1972

従来, ウサギのような反射性排卵動物において外側視索前野は交尾に伴う電気活動の変化やこの部位のgonadotropinの分泌とそれに伴う排卵現象についての役割に就いて知見がない.そこで, ウサギを用い交尾直後の電気活動, 性ホルモン投与後の電気活動, この部位の電気刺激実験, 卵巣におけるステロイド生合成能を調べ排卵の有無も調べ, 外側視索前野の卵巣機能に及ぼす影響を追究した.その為脳各部位にMUA記録電極及び刺激電極を慢性的にウサギに植込んだ.その結果1) 正常ウサギの交尾後申脳部網様体, 外側視索前野のMUAが著明に上昇し, 内側視索前野基底部, 視床下部腹内側よりの弓状核ではMUAの積分値が交尾後軽度上昇したが, 内側視索前野の内側部, 中央隆起部よりの弓状核ではMUAが軽度下降した.2) estradio12日処置後progesterone投与にて, 約3時間目から数時間に亘り外側視索前野, 内側視索前野基底部, 視床下部腹内側核よりの弓状核のMUAは軽度の上昇を呈した.内側視索前野内側部はprogesterone投与後2~5時間目に, 視床下部の中央隆起部よりの弓状核では30分~4時目頃迄MUAは軽度下降した.3) 卵巣摘出後estradio12日間progesterone処置後, 交尾をさせた場合, 外側視索前野のMUAの積分値は交尾直後から一過性の著明な上昇を示した.内側視索前野の内側部と腹内側核よりの弓状核では交尾後軽度の上昇を認めたが, 内側視索前野基底部は交尾後下降をし, 中央隆起部よりの弓状核では交尾後変化が認められなかつた.4) 卵巣摘出ウサギで, 外側視索前野ではestradiol (lmg) 投与後3時間目よりMUAが軽度下降したが, progesterone (10mg), PMS (400u) HCG (400u) 投与で殆んど変化しなかつた.内側視索前野基底部ではestradiol投与後2時間目にMUAが軽度の下降を示し, HCG投与後2時間目に軽度の下降を示したが, progesterone, PMS投与で変化しなかつた視床下部申央隆起部よりの弓状核ではestradio1投与によtり3時間目にMUAの軽度上昇が認められ, progesterone投与で軽度の下降が認められたが, HCG, PMS投与にて殆んど変化しなかつた.5) 正常ウサギで子宮頸部刺激にて排卵は認められなかつたが, 外側視索前野のMUAは交尾後と同様の上昇傾向を示した.6) 外側視索前野の電気刺激で11例中6例に排卵が誘起され, 11例中5例は排卵疑陽性であつた.いずれの場合でも, 卵巣に於けるacetate-1-<SUP>14</SUP>Cからの1<SUP>14</SUP>のprogestinへの取り込みは対照に比し有意に増加した.一方, 内側視索前野内側部の電気刺激で排卵は陰性で, 卵巣に於けるprogestin生合成能は対照に比し変化しなかつた.7) 外側視索前野の電気刺激で排卵陽性の場合, この電気刺激後視床下部中央隆起部よりの弓状核のMUAは3時間内で下降, 上昇, 下降と著明な変化を示したのに反し, 内側視索前野の電気刺激で排卵陰性の場合, この部位の電気刺激後視床下部の中央隆起部よりの弓状核のMUAは軽度の上昇傾向がi数時間認められた.<BR>以上の諸事実よりウサギにおいて, 外側視索前野は交尾行動を駆動させる為に必要な部位であるとともに, この外側視索前野の交尾による神経活動の上昇は下垂体のgonadotropinとそれに伴う排卵及び卵巣性ステロイド分泌に何らか重要な役割を演じているものと推定される.
川本 盛四郎
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.25, no.4-6, pp.68-74, 1949-11-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

I investigated the form, the speed of Capillary stream, the changes of subpapillar venous plexus, and the pigmentation of the basilar part in Sulcus subungualis on left ring finger.I measured the width and the lengh of Capillary by ocular Micrometer, Adrenalin was used locally as a solution of 1: 2000 or 1: 5000 Adrenalin Glycerin, and subcutaneously as 0.1cc of 1: 1000 HCl-Adrenalin per kilo-gram body weight, The result was as follows.By the treatment of adrenalin, venous and arterial capillaries of skin contracted, the speed of blood stream became slow and the pigmentation of basilar part became lighter. These changes were proportional to concentration of adrenalin, and were stronger in subcutaneous application than in local application.The reaction of adrenalin was stronger in man than in woman.
中下 靜夫
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.26, no.10, pp.275-289, 1951-01-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

According to the former opinions it has been thought that the atrophy of the accessory sexual organs and the hypoplasia of the secondary character are directly caused by the lack of testicular hormone.Prof. Tokumitsu has emphasized from his many experiments that deficiency syndromes of an endocrine gland are not merely negative phenomena resulting from the lack of this hormone, but positive phenomena resulfing from functional changes of other endocrine glands.The writer has injected the serum of the rabbit every day for over 3 weeks after castration, into mice (0.1cc. per 10g. bodyweight) and cocks (2cc. per kg. bodyweight) and studied the development of the sexual glands and the cockscomb. Consequently he has found an active substance in the serum from the castrated rabbit's ear vein which controls the development of the testis and the accessory sexual organs of the mice, and controls the development of their secondary character and cockscomb. The injected castrated cock brings on a stronger atrophy of the cockscomb than the non-injected one. And furthermore it invites the atrophy of the cockscomb without the sexual organ of the injected cock. The active substance is found in the blood of the thyroidectomized, adrenalectomized, thymisectomized or hypophysectomized rabbit after castration. However, it does not appear in the blood of the pinealectomized rabbit after castration and moreover the increase of the dark cells and the hypertrophy of the clear cells are shown in the pineal gland. Therefore the writer believes that the active substance is due to the hyper-product of the pineal gland hormone resulting from the hyperfunction of the same gland. The active substance is insoluble in ether, but soluble in alcohol.
吉田 尚
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.35, no.1, pp.57-63,13, 1959

Changes in 17-0H-corticosterone and corticosterone levels were determined in the adrenal venous blood of a dog following splanchnic nerve stimulation and ACTH injection, using Bush's system of paper chromatography.<BR>According to my experiments, splanchnic nerve stimulation facilitated the action of ACTH on adrenals to produce 17-0H-corticosterone. While ACTH increased the secretion of both 17-0H-corticosterone and corticosterone, the splanchnic stimulation increased only 17-0H-corticosterone resulting in a marked increase in F/B ratio.<BR>This would suggest a dual control mechanism of adrenal cortical secretion. One, basic 17-OH-corticosterone secretion controled only through ACTH, and the other "extrasecretion" controled through both ACTH and splanchnic nerve impulse produced under stress or sympathicotonic condition of the animal.
福地 絡逸 中嶋 凱夫 竹内 孝彦 土田 正義 小川 弘 新田 一夫 中沢 信彦
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.49, no.10, pp.1245-1253,1235, 1973

副腎スキャン剤<SUP>131</SUP>I-19一コレステロールの生体内代謝を検討した.有効半減期は1.77-3.74日, 被曝線量は0.60-2.13rad/mCiであつて, 頻回に検査を繰返さない限り安全に使用しうる薬剤と思われる.臓器別有効半減期は, 甲状腺と副腎で共に8.08日, その他の臓器では4.0日以内であつた.すなわち, 副腎の周辺組織では速かに代謝されるので, 投与8日目には副腎のみに放射能が残存して, 明瞭な映像を描出したものと考えられる.