門田 領 相庭 温臣 望月 眞人
一般社団法人 日本脊椎脊髄病学会
Journal of Spine Research (ISSN:18847137)
vol.13, no.7, pp.999-1004, 2022-07-20 (Released:2022-07-20)

山辺 晋吾 片山 和明 望月 眞人
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.65, no.5, pp.497-511, 1989-05-20 (Released:2012-09-24)
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In order to investigate the role of progesterone in the maintenance of pregnancy, an anti-progesterone agent, RU486 (RU) was injected subcutaneously into pregnant rats on day12 (D12), and morphological changes of the uterus as well as endocrinological changes were observed.In all rats injected with RU, abortion occurred with macroscopic and microscopic intrauterine hemorrhage and degeneration or delivery of conceptuses. Endocrinologically, the levels of progesterone decreased rapidly 48 hours after the injection, while the levels of estradiol showed a tendency to increase.As progesterone is mainly produced by the corpus luteum but not by the placenta in rats, the decrease in progesterone is suspected to be due to luteolysis. Then in order to clarify the mechanism of luteolysis induced by RU and the effects of progesterone on this phenomenon, the dynamics of the luteotrophic factors (estradiol, LH, PRL) and specific binding capacity of the ovaries to LH/hCG were investigated in D7 pregnant rats treated with RU 1 mg/kg alone (RU group) or with both RU 1mg/kg and progesterone 50mg/kg (RU+P group).The serum levels of progesterone in the RU group decreased significantly after 72 hours of administration, while those in the RU+P group remained within the levels of the control group. However, serum levels of luteotrophic factors in the RU group did not de-crease, and some of them were even higher than those in the control group. In the RU+P group, luteotrophic factors remained within control levels.On the other hand, the specific bindings of LH/hCG to ovarian homogenates decreased significantly after 72 hours in the RU group. But in the RU+P group, the specific bindings were kept at the same levels as the controls. Scatchard analysis of these results disclosed that in the RU group, both affinity and numbers of receptors decreased compared to the controls, and that in the RU+P group only affinity decreased transiently and afterwards recovered quickly.From these results, it is concluded that deterioration of affinity and numbers of ovarian LH/hCG receptors seems to be one of the factors which induce luteolysis in pregnant rats treated with RU, and that progesterone can spare the effect of RU on the corpus luteum during pregnancy.
山崎 峰夫 森川 肇 望月 眞人 佐藤 和雄 矢内原 巧 齋藤 良治 平川 舜 蒲田 忠明
日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 (ISSN:03009165)
vol.54, no.7, pp.925-934, 2002-07-01

日本人について妊娠末期のBishop scoreと妊娠・分娩経過との関係を初産・経産別に明らかにする共同調査を行った.妊娠期間,分娩所要時間,分娩様式,羊水混濁の有無,新生児アプガースコアに関し,第1報(日産婦誌2000;52:613-622)では実際の統計量成績を,また第2報(日産婦誌2001;53:1809-1818)では,それらと妊娠末期のBishops coreとの間の強い相関性を報告した.そこで,今回はこれらの事象が妊娠末期のBishop scoreにより予測しうるかを検討した.妊娠37~39週におけるBishop scoreの点数別の該当妊婦ののべ人数と受診後1週以内の分娩例数を集計した.また,妊娠37,38あるいは39週のBishop scoreの点数別に41週0日以降の分娩,分娩所要時間延長(初産婦24時間以上,経産婦12時間以上),手術分娩(吸引分娩,鉗子分娩あるいは緊急帝王切開),羊水混濁および低アプガースコア(出生後1分のアプガースコアが7点以下)の症例数を調べた.次いで,各事象を予測するための基準となるBishop scoreを1点から8点の8通りそれぞれにつき感度と特異度を算出し,ROC曲線により予測に最適なBishop score値(main Bishop score値)を求めた.なお,main Bishop score値の予測への有用性はこれを境とした二群間で各事象の頻度に有意差がある場合とした.初産婦・経産婦とも1週間以内に分娩となる頻度は50%を超えるのは妊娠37~39週のBishop scoreが6点以上のときであったが,感度を考慮すると初産婦では4点以上,経産婦では5点以上のとき予測上の有用性があった.他の各事象を予測するのに有用なBishop scoreは,i)41週以降の分娩:初産婦,経産婦とも妊娠37週3点以下,38週3点以下,39週5点以下,髄)分娩所要時間延長:初産婦では妊娠37週2点以下,38週2点以下,39週4点以下,経産婦では妊娠37週2点以下,妊娠38週1点以下,iii)羊水混濁:初産婦では妊娠37週2点以下,38週1点以下,39週2点以下,経産婦ではいずれの週数でも3点以下であった.なお,手術分娩と低アプガースコアについては,初産婦,経産婦ともBishop scoreによる予測は困難と思われた.以上の成績より,一週間以内の分娩,妊娠期間延長,分娩所要時間延長,羊水混濁を予測するうえで妊娠37~39週のBishop scoreが有用であることが窺われた.
小原 範之 森川 肇 上田 康夫 望月 眞人
一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会
日本内分泌学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290661)
vol.62, no.7, pp.784-796, 1986-07-20 (Released:2012-09-24)

Dynamic changes in maternal and fetal calcium metabolism during pregnancy were investigated by simultaneously measuring serum or urinary concentrations of calcium and calcium regulating hormones.Serum concentrations of total calcium in maternal serum decreased significantly, but those of ionized calcium decreased slightly but not significantly late in pregnancy. Maternal serum levels of parathyroid hormone (PTH) were almost the same as non-pregnant values throughout pregnancy, but those of 1α, 25-(OH) 2vitamin D3 increased as pregnancy progressed. Serum levels of calcitonin (CT) in maternal serum increased late in pregnancy but were statistically not significant. Calcium concentrations in maternal urine during pregnancy showed a slight decrease.It is suggested that calcium absorption in the maternal intestine might be increased by the action of increased serum 1α, 25-(OH) 2vitamin D3, and the maternal bone during pregnancy might be kept at the same density as in non-pregnant women because increased CT protects the maternal skeleton by resisting the bone-resorbing activities of 1α, 25-(OH) 2 vitamin D3.The concentrations of ionized calcium and CT in umbilical cord blood were higher, but those of PTH and 1α, 25-(OH) 2vitamin D3 were significantly lower than those of the maternal blood at term.It is considered that an active transport mechanism may be involved in the transplacental supply of calcium, and calcium transport from mother to fetus results in a decrease in the calcium concentrations of the maternal serum. Calcium transported into the fetus may be used as fetal body composition such as accumulation in the bone mainly by the action of serum CT.