窪田 守弘
聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要 (ISSN:09160175)
vol.27, pp.317-326, 1994-02-28

Yuan Ji(阮籍) is known as one of "the seven wise men in the bamoboo thicket" in the Wei Jin(魏晋) Period in China. His main thought and practice throughout his life was originally rooted in those or Lao-tze and Zhuang-tze(老荘思想). These traditional ways of thinking gave him influenced his opinions and writings great deal. Especially his philosophy clearly appears in the usage of the expression of Zi-ran of Nature(自然) in the text of Da-zhuang-lun(達荘論). He emphasised the real meaning of it, but as a basic discipline of manners and behavior to be a man of consummate virtue. At the same time, he was very emphatic about the necessity of becoming an ideal guman being, which would be possible only through approzching more closely to the world of "do-nothinism" as a Taoist.
高野 敏夫
聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要 (ISSN:09160175)
vol.27, pp.328-348, 1994-02-28

kabuki, one of the oldest show businesses in Japan, started in 1603 when Izumo-no Okuni (Okuni from Izumo) first performed a Kabuki dance on a stage in Kyoto. It was also the year that Iyeyasu Tokugawa established the Tokugawa Regime in Edo (present Tokyo). Okuni's Kabuki dance reflected the fresh atmodphere of this new era. The audience in Kyoto gave a big applause to Okuni who appeared on the stage dressed in the style of 'Kabuki-mono, ' literally meaning 'slanting person.' 'Kabuki-mono' was the name given to rescals who liked to draw other people's attention by wearing gaude clothes. They were the men who often did violence causing nuisance to townpeople, but at the same time they were the heroes of the time. In fact, they were the successors of 'akuto' (rascals), 'basara' (gilded vulgarians), and 'kyo-warawa' (children of Kyoto) living in and around Kyoto for over three hunder years since the end of Kamakura Period. Performances of Kabuki were not limited only in Kyoto but soon spread over the whole countrym from Edo to Kyushu, and won a big popularity. The Tokugawa government was not happy with the vulgarity and indecency of kabuki and finally in 1629 decided to segregate Kabuki theaters. However, what the government regarded as 'vulgarm indecent, and wicked' was nothing but the charm of kabuki and it was exactly what kabuki-goers loved to see on the stage. The root of kabuki and its char, therefore, should be sought for in the characterictics of 'Kabuki-mono' first turned into a theatrical figure by Okuni. This paper is an attempt to see the true spirit of Kabuki by tracing back the histry of this 'Kabuki-mono, ' the slanting person.
高野 敏夫
岐阜聖徳学園大学紀要. 外国語学部編 (ISSN:13460897)
vol.40, pp.118-142, 2001-02-28
鈴木 道子
聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要 (ISSN:09160175)
vol.15, pp.57-81, 1988-03-31

One of the most important ceremonies that the bongthing, a kind of shaman of the Lepchas, performes is that of Mt. Kangchenjunga, an abode of the protector of Sikkim as well as of the Lepchas. On the other side of the Kangchenjunga is the legendary land called Mayel inhabited by the immortals who are patrons of crops and fertility and guarded by three demonic brothers, one a guardian of hunters and the other two guardians of Himalayan animals. Bongthing is mythologically said to be the inhabitant of the Tiamtan, an intermediate place between the deities' Rum land and the earth. In the Sikkimese version, Tiamtan is the site where the King Kesar, a legendary hero of Tibetan origin, resided for a while before his incarnation as a savior on the earth. With the tide of modernization of Sikkim, the legendary hero Kesar has become a war god, while the Kangchenjunga is celebrated with national festivity. These cosmological ideas and their changes are discussed here through the analysis of supplementary data obtained in the field research in Sikkim in 1984 and 1986.
Isihara Makoto
聖徳学園女子短期大学紀要 (ISSN:03875067)
vol.5, pp.175-188, 1979-03-31

河内 信幸
聖徳学園岐阜教育大学紀要 (ISSN:09160175)
vol.32, pp.165-188, 1996-09-30

Franklin D. Roosevelt's promise of a "new deal" gave hope to millions of impoverished Americans during the Great Depression, but the intractabilityof the economic situation left much of his pledge unfulfilled. This paper seeks to explain why the American depression of the 1930s lasted so long. I have studied a system, a structure of economic life and how it came to gref in the time between the world wars. The economic collapse of the 1930s, inducing major changes in the role of government in American life, and preceding a war that dramatically altered the nation's role in world affairs, has been examined in a wide variety of ways. A study that explicitly offers an explanation of the depression's length should contribute to the histrians argument that in the thirties exceptional economic conditions transformed the country's political and social framework. Moreoverm it should afford the economist some useful insights regarding business and unemployment.
蔵 琢也 蔵 研也
Review of economics and information studies (ISSN:13453998)
vol.5, no.1, pp.111-127, 2004-09-30
蔵 研也 蔵 琢也
Review of economics and information studies (ISSN:13453998)
vol.2, no.1, pp.470-510, 2001-03-01

現在の物理学は十分に発連しており、基本的な謎は、素粒子や宇宙論に関連する問題を除いてないように宣伝されている。しかしながら、物理学は数学と異なり、公理から作られた体系というよりも、経験的に現実とうまくあった数式の運用規則の集まりという側面が強い。そのため、法則や原理、運用規則が完全に整合がとれて無矛盾であるとは眠らなくなっている。このようなことから、多くの研究者が集中的に研究する流行の問題以外にも、色々な種類の基礎的な問題がある。本論文では、そのようなものの中から幾つかの問題を示す。この中には一見初等的に見えるもの、解決済みに見えるもの、色々な意見がありながら店晒しになっているものなどが含まれている。それは以下の六つである。(1)因果率とトンネル時間(2)観測と保存則(3)重力と制動放射(4)重力と角運動量の転移(5)特殊相対性理論とポテンシャル(6)ホーキング幅射 各問題は理解しやすさと言う目的のため、具体的な思考実験の形式をとっており、十分に抽象化・一般化されているとは眠らない。抽象化や一般化の方向については一部述べた。また、各問題にはわれわれの解説や意見、あるいは暫定的な解答が述べられているが、必ずも同意を求めているわけではないし、重要でもない。むしろ、これらの問題は、読者の各自が自分自身で考えて、答えを出していただきたいと思う。なお、問題の順番は、基本的に我々が考え出した順番に並んでおり、あまり意味がない。また、多くの問題には我々より先に類似した問題を提唱し論じた研究者がいるが、それについても不十分ながら知る限りで論じている。