谷本 寿男
恵泉女学園大学紀要 (ISSN:18812554)
no.23, pp.127-146, 2011-02
榎本 眞理子
恵泉女学園大学紀要 (ISSN:09159584)
vol.19, pp.177-191, 2007-03

Why is The Alchemist by a Brazilian writer , Paulo Coelho, enjoying such big sales all over the world, as did Harry Potter? It goes without saying that it is a good book, although the story is quite similar in essentials to that of "The Pedlar of Swaffham," a famous legend in England. The story has a plot like `Blue Bird' and follows the form of a typical fairy tale with a male protagonist. These factors, however, are not enough to explain the reason for this book's worldwide popularity. This essay introduces the world of The Alchemist and analyzes the reasons for its popularity. This analysis is based on three vantage points: people's taste for fantasy in troubled times, the influence of TV games, and the defects of internet society.
鈴木 一郎
人文学部紀要 (ISSN:09159584)
vol.5, pp.43-67, 1993-01
土岐 祐子
恵泉アカデミア (ISSN:18825052)
vol.5, pp.38-63, 2000-12
森田 進
研究紀要 (ISSN:09178325)
vol.32, pp.A1-A18, 1999
岩村 太郎
人文学部紀要 (ISSN:09159584)
vol.15, pp.3-14, 2003-03-20

This paper aims to introduce the whole life of Chiune Sugihara. In 1939, he was sent by the Japanese government to Kaunas, Lithuania, to open a consulate. In the summer of 1940, thousands of Polish Jews came to the Japanese consulate and begged Sugihara for transit visas to escape from Poland through the Soviet Union to Japan. Although the Japanese government did not agree to Sugihara's intentions, consul Sugihara did issue the visas to save Jews. So these visas are called "VISAS FOR LIFE." This is a well known historical story. However, few Japanese know that Sugihara was baptized into the Russian Orthodox Church, when he lived in Harbin. Consequently, special attention is paid to his Christian faith in this paper. Jewish Proverb states "If you save the life of one person, it is as if you saved the world entire."
古谷 圭一
人文学部紀要 (ISSN:09159584)
vol.14, pp.63-80, 2002-01-01

A new type of course program has been developed for freshman seminar adjusting to the change in students' characters, caused by the recent decrease of the student population in Japan. Most Japanese students are educated memorizing a limited range of knowledge in order to survive severe examination struggle but not for creative thinking. This program has a stress on the cultivation of creative thinking experiences through a variety of games and quizzes which attract students' interests and participation. Twelve exercises for each 90 minutes session are introduced. 1. Introduction ; Survey of the meanings of "think" and "study" with dictionaries. 2. "Answer is not limited to one"; Brain storming of impression of a picture and mapping by KJ method. 3. "Dichotomized patterns and sentences" 4. Movie, "Rashomon"; Different testimonies of an affair. 5. "How to utilize library services" ; Consulting encyclopedia, 6. "Enjoy zigsaw puzzle"; Observation of mental process from the start to the end, 7. "Merits of classification" ; Classification games, 8. "Find the sequence"; Find the right sequence of comic strips, 4-line poems and sentences. 9. "Wrong signboards and top sentences"; Importance of guiding words, 10. "How to write a letter" ; Style and manner of letter writing, 11. "How to write a report"; Requirements of a report, its style and preparation, 12. "How to write a written test". The results of student evaluation showed very high points.
池上 英洋
恵泉女学園大学紀要 (ISSN:09159584)
vol.18, pp.163-183, 2006-03

The architect Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola wrote his book in 1583 : Le due regole della prospettiva (The two rules of perspective). As the title of the book indicates, there were two different systems in the history of perspective : the "Costruzione legittima (the legitimate construction)" and the "Costruzione per punto di distanza (the construction with the distance point)". Both had their origins in the primitive concept shown by the great intellect in the first stage of Renaissance, Leon Battista Alberti. After Alberti, perspective was developed by uncountable theorists and artists as Filarete, Uccello, Piero della Francesca, Durer and so on. It is still widely believed that the theory of perspective was completed in the age of the high.Renaissance and the development was terminated. We know well about the history of perspective from Alberti to the high. Renaissance. But the latter half of the history has never revealed his true face. We don't know well about the intermediate steps to explain a kind of "missing ring" from the high-Renais-sance to Vignola. Leonardo da Vinci is the symbolic artist of the high-Renaissance and he is believed as the man who used perfect perspective. Yes, surely he was. The pictorial spaces created by Leonardo were good examples to see the fruit that the man had obtained by such a development. But once we start to reconsider the true practical procedures applied for his paintings in different periods in his life, such as the "Annunciation", the "Adoration of the Magi" and the "Last supper", we can notice that Leonardo had a diversity of perspective. Moreover, it is clear that Leonardo himself was still in the state of confusion of trials and errors, even though he is believed to be a perfect erspectivist. The different types of perspective in Leonardo's painting are not exactly the same as in Vignola's treatise, but we can find a suggestive relationship between them. It is also interesting to know they had actual relation through a forgotten intellectual Francesco di Giorgio Martini. This reconsideration we made will be useful to excavate hereafter the true appearance of the two genealogies in the history of the perspective and to see the change of man's conception of space.
山崎 正氣
研究紀要 (ISSN:09178333)
vol.34, pp.23-36, 2003-03-20

バングラデシュは,総面積144万km^2の国土(日本の0.4倍)に1億4千万の人口をかかえ,その80%は農村部に居住している.1971年のパキスタンからの独立以降,政情の不安,行政制度の未整備,天然資源の不足,輸出力の低さ,農村の貧困,さらに,度重なる自然災害等の諸問題を抱える中で,食糧自給の達成は,国の最優先課題として取り組まれてきた.就業機会の65%を創出する農業は,稲作を中心に,畑作,園芸,畜産,水産,林業等が密接に絡み合った営農形態をもち,農家の70%は10ha(2.5acre)以下の小規模農家層や土地無し農民で,その割合は増加の傾向にある.しかし国土のほとんどが平坦で,耕地率は66%と極めて高く,農地の拡大は不可能で,貧農層にとっては内延的な充実による営農改善の余地しか残されていないと言える.近年における農業部門の特徴は,これまでの穀物生産優先政策から,各地に適した作目・畜目の多様化と選択的拡大を図ろうとするもので,特に,近年の灌漑事業の進展や改良品種の導入・普及に伴い,作目の多様化を促進してきた栽培システム研究(Cropping Systems Research)の経験を基礎に,園芸,畜産,水産,林産部門を加え,農家の土地・労働・資本の総合的な活用を図ろうとする営農システム研究(Farming Systems Research)への展開は,小農経営の改善にとってその成果が期待されよう.バングラデシュの栄養水準は,他のアジアの国々に比べても低く,特にタンパク質と脂肪の摂取量は最低の水準にあると言われている.FAOの試算では,一日の平均必要熱量を2,120Kcal,蛋白質を61.5gとしているが,カロリーでは人口の44%,蛋白質では78%が水準以下の栄養不良の状態にあると見られ,都市部の30〜40%と農村部の30%の人口が絶対的貧困レベルに置かれていると言われている.農村生活の改善は,栄養改善,衛生改善,家族計画,教育の向上,地域住民の互助組織等が総合的に結びついて効果が発揮されてくるものであるが,まずは,食糧生産の増加によって,食生活における栄養水準が少しずつでも向上する様な段階を維持してゆく事が最優先の課題となっている.本稿においては,近年の農業生産多様化の下で,栄養収量が高く,栽培技術体系の定着が注目されている大豆生産の振興事業に焦点を当て,その沿革や,研究・普及組織,生産と消費の動向,そして,国際協力等の展開について考察する.