中西 信男 三川 俊樹
進路指導研究 : 日本進路指導学会研究紀要 : bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance (ISSN:13433768)
no.14, pp.8-16, 1993-11-01

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Goal Instability and Superiority scales and other measures of career development. The two self-report rating scales were constructed by Robbins & Patton (1985) corresponding to Kohut's central developmental constructs of gradiosity and idealization. The Goal Instability and Superiority scales, and Career Development Test (CDT) consisting of occupational profile and career maturity scale were administered to 225 junior high school students, 274 senior high school students and 287 college students. The results of Pearson product-moment correlations indicated that both scales significantly related to some items and scales of career development. Regarding to career maturity, main results were as follows. The Goal Instability scale predicts the low level of career maturity. This suggests that a general instability or absence of orienting goals interrupt the spontanity, independence, and deliberateness of occupational choice. On the other hand, the Superiority scale could not always predict the immaturity of career development. At the younger stage, higher superiority can promote the career maturity. But it was also found that superiority was independent of career maturity or had partially negative correlation with it, in case of college students. These findings suggested that the ideas from Kohut's Self-Psychology, gradiosity and idealization, were useful to explain the process of career development and vocational behavior.
古市 裕一
進路指導研究 : 日本進路指導学会研究紀要 : bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance (ISSN:13433768)
no.14, pp.1-7, 1993-11-01

The present study aimed at investigating student's motives for entrance into university and value orientation. Two kinds of inventories were administered to a sample of 1,103 undergraduates : 260 from Faculty of Education (E), 210 from Faculty of Letters (L), 206 from Faculties of Law and Economics (L-E), 224 from Faculties of Sciences, Engineering and Agriculture (S-E-A), and 203 from Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy(M-D-P). One of the inventories was constructed for assessing the motives and the other for value orientation. Factor analysis was applied to the correlation matrix of the motive items and four factors were extracted: No Purpose-Compliance, Enjoyment, Pursuit of Knowledge, and Licence-Employment. Two-way of analyses of variance, with each scale score for the motive factors extracted above as dependent variable and faculty and sex as factors, yielded the following results : (1) The male students of L-E, S-E-A, and M-D-P scored higher on the No Purpose-Compliance scale than those of L and E. On the other hand, the female students of L and E scored higher than those of S-E-A. (2) The students of M-D-P and S-E-A had a stronger motive to pursue Knowledge than those of L-E, E, and L. (3) The students of M-D-P and E had a stronger motive for Licence-Employment than those of L, L-E, and S-E-A. Hayashi's Quantification Method of the 3rd Type was applied to the value orientation items. Based on the result, all the subjects were classified into four types : Egocentric, Indifferent, Heteronomous, and Serious. The relationships of the four motive factors to the four types of value orientation were as follows : (1) The students of Indifferent type scored highest on the No Purpose-Compliance scale. (2) The students of Serious and Heteronomous types had a stronger motive to pursue Knowledge than those of Indifferent and Egocentric types. (3) The students of Egocentric type had the weakest motive for Licence-Employment.
三保 紀裕 清水 和秋
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.29, no.2, pp.43-55, 2011-03-31

The conceptual frameworks to measure the university entrance reasons and the conceptions of learning in university were examined. Reviewing the published researches in these fields, the questionnaire that consisted of 48 items for the university entrance reasons and 44 items for the conceptions of learning in university was constructed according to the two dimensional frameworks. The participants were 725 freshmen enrolled in a private university. Exploratory factor analysis for the university entrance reasons revealed following four factors; study orientation, extracurricular activities, examination ranking for university, and evaluation of neighborhood. For the conceptions of learning in university, exploratory factor analysis was also conducted. The following four factors were extracted; active learning, development, acquisitive attitude for credits, and passive. The high reliability eight sub-scales were constructed from the factor pattern matrices of these factor analyses. The validities of these sub-scales were examined on the relationships among these sub-scales using canonical correlation analysis and the mean differences between entrance examination group and interview examination group by ANOVA. Finding of these analyses were discussed with particular reference to the issues of transition from high-school to university.
八木 晶子 齊藤 貴浩 牟田 博光
進路指導研究 : 日本進路指導学会研究紀要 : bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance (ISSN:13433768)
vol.20, no.1, pp.1-8, 2000-05-31

This study aims at identifying the relationship between high school students' motives for entering universities and the usefulness of information on those universities. The questionnaire survey was conducted in two high schools and the number of respondents was 1,937. The 21 items on the motives behind their decision to go to universities were factor-analyzed. Five factors were then extracted, that is, "social status", "favorite subject", "purposelessness", "enjoyment", and "specialties". Firstly, the factor scores were compared by sex, school and grade. Secondly, the relationship between the motive factors and the usefulness of information on universities was examined. Some of the major findings were as follows; 1) Male students consider "social status" as a more important motive to go to universities while female students aim at "favorite subject". These motives for entering universities were also affected by school and grade. 2) The usefulness of information on universities was influenced by motives for entering universities. Those who want to have "social status" considered cramming and preparatory schools as a more important information source, and those whose scores of "favorite subject" are high considered books and magazines as a more important information source. On the other hand, those who mark high score on the "purposelessness" were less likely to utilize any information that must be obtained actively.
神谷 孝男 首藤 太郎
進路指導研究 : 日本進路指導学会研究紀要 : bulletin of the Japanese Society for Study of Career Guidance (ISSN:13433768)
no.1, pp.22-29, 1980-03-15
