福井 未来 清水 和秋
パーソナリティ研究 (ISSN:13488406)
vol.24, no.2, pp.147-150, 2015-11-20 (Released:2015-12-05)
3 2

This study developed a Vitality Scale (VS), and examined its reliability and validity with 518 participants including undergraduates and adults. Factor analysis revealed that the VS consisted of six factors: vigor, flexibility, social withdrawal (reversed scoring), activeness, mental toughness, and positiveness. Six subscales were developed according the factor analytic results, which had sufficient internal consistency (α=.74–.82). Correlational validity was demonstrated in terms of the relationships of the VS with sleep and eating. These results indicate that each subscale was useful to measure an individual's vitality. Males obtained higher mean scores than females did on flexibility, social withdrawal (reversed) and activeness. The mean of adults' scores was higher than undergraduates' scores on the most of vitality subscales.
清水 和秋
関西大学社会学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Sociology, Kansai University (ISSN:02876817)
vol.49, no.2, pp.191-211, 2018-03

因子分析の理論は、最尤法と漸近的方法のような数理統計学的理論を組み込んだ形で発展してきた。しかしながら、因子分析研究の手順にはまだ誤用がみられる。いくつかの研究において、天井効果や床効果を示す項目を削除して因子分析が行われている。因子分析に必要なサンプル数は明確ではない。因子の数を決定するためにKaiser-Guttman 基準は使うことはできない。そして、この目的でScree Graph とParallel Analysis を使用している研究は数多くあるが、そのための決定的な方法はない。Varimax のような直交回転は最終的な解と考えることはできない。しかしながら、Geomin は単純構造だけでなくより複雑な因子の布置に対しても優れた回転方法と考えられている。因子回転問題を考慮した単純構造とbifactor 構造について議論した。因子分析の使い方には多くのartifacts があるが、この問題は、Mplus やR Package などのSEMプログラムによって組み込まれた複数集団の同時分析によって因子的不変性を検証することによって対処することができる。
清水 和秋 坂柳 恒夫
進路指導研究 (ISSN:13433768)
vol.12, pp.1-10, 1991

The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether changes in career choice status were accompanied by changes in the educational and vocational indecision dimensions. The factorial scales of educational and vocational indecision dimensions developed by Shimizu (1989a, 1990) were administered to 106 junior high school male students at three times, one year apart. Depending on their responses to the career choices after graduating senior high school at three grades, subjects were placed in: consistent university type (university-university-university [N=10]); convergent university type (university/college/vocation/undecided-university/college/vocation/undecided-university [N=24]); unstable university type (university/college/undecided-university/undecided-college/undecided [N=8]); unstable type (college/ undecided-college/ undecided-college/undecided [N=14]); consistent undecided type (undecided-undecided-undecided [N=14]); consistent vocation type (vocation-vocation-vocation [N=5]); convergent vocation type (university/vocation/undecided-college/vocation/undecided-vocation [N=22]); unstable vocation type (vocation/undecided-vocation/undecided-college/undecided [N=9]). Many significant differences by the repeated ANOVA tests on the educational and vocational indecision scales were found at career choice types except the consistent university type.
清水 和秋
関西大学社会学部紀要 (ISSN:02876817)
vol.40, no.1, pp.17-37, 2008-12-20

Reviewing latent growth modeling for longitudinal data and some results using this methodology on career development, mixture modeling methodologies were introduced for identifying clusters of individuals following similar developmental trajectories. For the latent growth model analysis by Amos and the groupbased trajectory model analysis using SAS Traj procedure, the batting average records of Japanese professional baseball players over ten years were selected from the published offi cial records. Results of latent growth modeling demonstrated that the quadratic form trajectory model fi t the data well. Six subgroups were also clustered by the same quadratic form using the Traj. Findings of these analyses were discussed with particular reference to the utility of the group-based trajectory modeling of mixture model methodology for analyzing career development processes. 縦断的データへの潜在成長モデルとこの方法論を使ったキャリア発達についての結果を概観しながら、混合モデリングの方法論を、類似した発達軌跡に従う個人のクラスタを特定するために、紹介した。Amosによる潜在成長モデル分析とSAS Trajプロシジャを使った集団ベースの軌跡モデル分析のために、10年間を越える記録を持つ日本のプロ野球選手の打撃成績記録を公開されている公式記録から取り出した。潜在成長モデルの結果は、2次形式軌跡モデルがデータにうまく適合することを示した。6集団が、また、TRAJを使って、同じ2次形式によってクラスタ化された。これらの分析からの見いだしたことを、混合モデル方法論の集団ベースの軌跡モデル化の有用性をキャリア発達過程の解析と関連づけて議論した。
清水 和秋
関西大学心理学研究 (ISSN:21850070)
no.5, pp.1-9, 2014-03

Since factors in common factor space are in generally correlated, two dimensional orthogonal coordinate system on the graphical display of a personal computer is not suitable to present the observed variables in it. The reference axis is defined as the independent vector of the hyperplane constructed the other dimensions. The graphical rotation methods on the reference axis such as the Promax and the Rotoplot are reviewed. The relationships between factor axis and reference axis are also discussed.
三保 紀裕 清水 和秋
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.29, no.2, pp.43-55, 2011-03-31

The conceptual frameworks to measure the university entrance reasons and the conceptions of learning in university were examined. Reviewing the published researches in these fields, the questionnaire that consisted of 48 items for the university entrance reasons and 44 items for the conceptions of learning in university was constructed according to the two dimensional frameworks. The participants were 725 freshmen enrolled in a private university. Exploratory factor analysis for the university entrance reasons revealed following four factors; study orientation, extracurricular activities, examination ranking for university, and evaluation of neighborhood. For the conceptions of learning in university, exploratory factor analysis was also conducted. The following four factors were extracted; active learning, development, acquisitive attitude for credits, and passive. The high reliability eight sub-scales were constructed from the factor pattern matrices of these factor analyses. The validities of these sub-scales were examined on the relationships among these sub-scales using canonical correlation analysis and the mean differences between entrance examination group and interview examination group by ANOVA. Finding of these analyses were discussed with particular reference to the issues of transition from high-school to university.