笹山 雄一
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.15, no.1, pp.3-14, 2001 (Released:2006-02-01)
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On April 12, 1961, Major Yurii A. Gagarin of the former-U.S.S.R. Air Force circled the Earth in a spacecraft named “Vostok”, a word which means “east”. He spent 1 hour and 48 minutes in space. Since then, the U.S.S.R. and the U.S.A. have sent many astronauts into space. In one case, the stay in space exceeded a year in length, reaching 438 days. Through these experiences, it became clear that micro-gravity caused various problems in human physiology. One of the most serious problems was the loss of Ca from bones, as a result of the negative expenditure of Ca. Under 1G on the ground, bone absorption and bone formation proceed in accordance. Under micro-gravity, however, this balance is broken. Although this phenomenon has been widely analyzed from the viewpoint of molecular biology as well, studies to clarify the mechanism that causes the disorder of Ca metabolism in bones have just started. At present, no perfect treatment to prevent the loss of Ca from bones is available.
幸島 司郎
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.14, no.4, pp.353-362, 2000 (Released:2006-02-01)
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Psychrophilic and psycrotrophic organisms are important in global ecology as a large proportion of our planet is cold. Two-third of sea-water covering more than 70% of Earth is cold deep sea water with temperature around 2°C, and more than 90% of freshwater is in polar ice-sheets and mountain glaciers. Though biological activity in snow and ice had been believed to be extremely limited, various specialized biotic communities were recently discovered at glaciers of various part of the world. The glacier is relatively simple and closed ecosystem with special biotic community containing various psychrophilic and psycrotrophic organisms. Since psychrophilic organisms was discovered in the deep ice-core recovered from the antarctic ice-sheet and a lake beneath it, snow and ice environments in Mars and Europa are attracting a great deal of scientific attention as possible extraterrestrial habitats of life. This paper briefly reviews the results of the studies on ecology of psychrophilic organisms living in snow and ice environments and their physiological and biochemical adaptation to low temperature.
松波 謙一
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.11, no.2, pp.87-110, 1997 (Released:2006-02-01)

Investigation of the vestibulo-ocular system of the squirrel monkey was reviewed in consideration of space motion sickness (SMS), or which is recently more often termed as space adaptation syndrome (SAS). Since the first launching of the space satellite,Sputonik in October 1957, many experiments were carried out in biological and medical fields. A various kind of creatures were used as experimental models from protozoa to human beings. Rats and monkeys are most favorite animals, particularly the non-human primate seems to be the one, because of its phylogenetic relatives akin to the human beings. Chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys, pig tailed-monkeys, red-faced monkeys and squirrel monkeys have been used mostly in American space experiments. Russian used rhesus monkeys. Among these, however, the squirrel monkey has an advantage of the small size of the body, ranging from 600-1000g in adult. This small size as a primate is very advantageous in experiments conducted in a narrow room of the space satellite or shuttle because of its space-saving. The squirrel monkey has another advantage to rear easily as is demonstrated to keep it as a pet. Accordingly, this petit animal provides us a good animal model in biological and medical experiments in space craft. The size of the brain of the squirrel monkey is extraordinary large relative to the body size, which is even superior to that of the human beings. This is partly owed to enlargement of the occipito-temporal cortices, which are forced to well develop for processing a huge amount of audio-visual information indispensable to the arboreal habitant to survive in tropical forest. The vestibular system of the squirrel monkey seems to be the most superior as well, when judged from it relative size of the vestibular nuclear complex. Balancing on swinging twigs or jumping from tree to tree developed the capability of this equilibrium system. Fernndez, Goldberg and his collaborators used the squirrel monkey to elucidate functions of the peripheral vestibular system. A transfer function was proposed to explain the behaviors of regular and irregular unit activity of vestibular nerve fibers. The physiologic characteristics of the second order vestibular neuron was investigated in combination of electrophysiological and micro-morphological way, with using WGA-HRP methods, in relation to somato-motor and eye movements. Interconnections between vestibular neurons and cerebellum, interstitial nucleus of Cajal, oculomotor nuclear complex, superior colliculus and cervical spinal cord were elucidated. In physiological field of the vestibular system, the vestibulo-ocular reflex is well studied and results obtained from the squirrel monkey experiments were reviewed. The squirrel monkey, particularly the Bolivian, is a unique animal in that it is vulnerable to motion sickness induced by visual-motion stimulation with phase mismatch of the two stimuli. Experimental results of labyrinthectomy or bilateral ablation of the maculae staticae led to the conclusion that both semicircular and otolith organs are involved in the genesis of space motion sickness. On the other hand,destruction of the area postrema, acknowledged as the vomiting center to chemical stimulants, produced controversial results. However, it must be pointed out that the a human subject underwent to resection of the area postrema, became insensitive to administration of apomorphine, a well known chemical stimulant of vomiting. Finally the experiments in space revealed the presence of at least two origins of caloric nystagmus, that is, attributable to convection and non-convection current of the endolymphatic fluid.
柴籐 洋二
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.9, no.2, pp.95-105, 1995 (Released:2006-02-01)

The development program of the H-II rocket has been initiated in 1985. The H-II rocket is a new expendable launch vehicle to meet a demand of space activities in the 1990's. With the successful development if the N rocket family,, Japan has established the technology for launching satellite into Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO). The National Space Development Agency of Japan(NASDA) has made a major effort to obtain a heavier launch vehicle, capable of meeting the increasing needs of GEO mission. Following the II 1 rocket capable of carrying a 550 kilogram satellite into GEO and ready for a first launch in August 1986, a new launch vehicle called the H-II rocket is being planned to carry a 2 ton satellite into GEO and to be most cost effective per payload ton into GEO. This launch vehicle is of 100 percent domestic design and Japan will be able to have an independent and competitive capability in the field of space transportation systems. First launch of the H-II rocket was performed successfully in February 1994. After that, second and third H-II rocket were launched in august 1994 and march 1995.
長谷川 眞理子
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.19, no.3, pp.186-199, 2005 (Released:2006-03-30)

Human nature is a product of human brain activity, and human brain is an organ which functions to assess environmental information and to make decision about what to do next. Many aspects of human nature must be the results of evolution through natural selection in which favorable genes were selected under the environmental stress. Now, we live in civilized societies based on highly developed technology, using computers, contemplating about the relativity theory, mastering the calculus etc. However, this was not an environment where our basic human nature evolved. That environment was the one which surrounded our ancestors. Humans lived as hunter-gatherers in most of the time during evolution, and the human brain evolved to solve those problems confronted at those times. The resulting decision-making algorithms were so flexible that we can now deal with novel problems of our time using the same old decision-making algorithm. The evolution of behavior is a very complex process and no one gene is controlling any particular behavior. Genes are indeed involved in producing adaptive behavior but a behavior is produced through many other pathways as well, such as learning. We have evolved a huge brain which is capable of producing culture. Culture is a human creation but at the same time, culture has become our environment to which we have to adapt. Thus gene-culture coevolution has been a very important process in human evolution. After we have acquired language, perhaps we have acquired an almost unlimited cognitive power. Many of our cultural invention is the results of our cognitive activity and these things have become parts of our environment. However, cognition is only a small part of the workings of our brain. Human nature is also under control of emotion. Emotional processes are mostly subconscious and have changed little through evolutionary time. In the future, misfits between our cognitive products and emotional process may create many difficult problems which we have never experiences so far.
山下 雅道 山下 明子 山田 晃弘
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.11, no.2, pp.112-118, 1997 (Released:2006-02-01)
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Three dimensional clinostat has been developed for simulation of microgravity on ground. It has applied in many disciplines in gravitational biology. Outline of operational principle is described together with its mechanical design. Rotation around two independent axes makes direction of gravity vector to scan whole steric angle. Magnitude and direction of rotational angular velocity is selected randomly at a certain interval of time to avoid singularity in sweep trajectory of gravity vector. Methods for validation of the operation are presented to test randomness of motion and cancellation of gravity by clino-rotation. Concerns discussed are vibration originated in motor and pseudo-weak magnetic field generated on clinostat. Fluid flow induced by clino-rotation is pointed as another problem to be taken into account.
小池 惇平 大島 泰郎
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.4, no.1, pp.3-8, 1990 (Released:2006-02-01)
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In connection with planetary quarantine, we are studying how terrestrial microorganisms can survive in the cosmic environments. If comon terrestrial microorganisms can not survive in the space even for a short period, we can reduce the cost for sterilizing space probes. The interstellar environments has been simulated by using ultra low temperature high vacuum ( 77 K, 10-6 torr ) improved crynostat and ptoton irradiation from Van de Graaff genarator in the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Various species of terrestrial microorganisms, virus, bacteria, actinomycetes, yeast and fungi were tested quantitatively inactivity under simulated space conditions. After exposing a barrage of the protons corresponding to 250 years irradiation in Space, it was shown that spores of Bacillus subtilis and Aspergillus niger and tabaco mosaic virus can survive about 45%. 25% and 82%, respectively. The results are consistent to report by Weber and Greenberg that spore of B. subtiIis survived 10% under simulated conditions after UV irradiation corresponding to 500 years exposure in space. It might be presumed that the survived terrestrial microorganisms come back to mother earth in future as pathogenic mutants by irradiation of cosmic rays.
杉山 貞夫
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.3, no.1, pp.31-37, 1989 (Released:2006-02-01)

From the beginning of the space project to the end of it where the mission is completed, human factors consideration has to be paid to every sector of the developmental and achievement process of the space architecture as well as of the total system where human beings are involved. Human factors, originating from the human life on the earth, have aimed to accomplish a high level of reliability, efficiency, safety and other criterion variables that affect the quality of product, of mission, and of service, which are utilized on the earth. Now we are planning to design a complex system of space facility to be used in the space, where every human function is supposed to be quite different from that on the earth. In the space, some of the combinations of variables which we aim to accomplish might be entirely new for us mainly due to different physical characteristics. Now we need information and knowledges produced not only by any scientific disciplines which directly correspond with the object area. but also by combinations of disciplines, if we want to accomplish the goal. Human sciences, which have supported human factors, have numerous sectors of sciences. They are distributed from molecular biology to sociology in a wide range of spectrum. Therefore, a wide range of all sorts of sectors of human sciences has to be involved in the research on humans in space. Those sciences must cooperatively provide information and knowledges for the human factors design of space architecture and systems to be used in space.
井尻 憲一
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.16, no.2, pp.47-55, 2002 (Released:2006-01-31)

In this review paper, organismal and also cellular mechanisms for perception of gravity are explained. A statolith and a number of hair cells which surround the statolith is a basic structure of statocysts for detecting the direction of gravity or tilting of the body in various animals. The vestibular system of vertebrate was explained, especially on the process from the body-tilting to impulse frequencies which travel to brain. For the cellular responses to gravity, contribution of various organella(??) and cytoskeleton are introduced. Such cellular responses may change when the gravity values become less or null. Gravity perception mechanisms of plants are also explained.
菅 洋
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.1, no.1, pp.9-18, 1987 (Released:2006-02-01)
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Physical stimulus is one of the important factors in space environment other than microgravity. In this article, several aspects on the physical stimulus in relation to plant growth were reviewed. Reduction in stem elongation and an increase in radial thickness are the general growth features that caused by physical stimulus inevitable in the course of space ship launce and its way in space navigation. Internal changes observed in cellular, biochemical and metabolic levels are also discussed, and several problems that must be considered in plant cultivation in space environment were pointed ourt with the viewpoint of physical stimulation.
保尊 隆享 若林 和幸 曽我 康一
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.17, no.2, pp.135-143, 2003 (Released:2006-01-31)

The involvement of anti-gravitational polysaccharides in gravity resistance, one of two major gravity responses in plants, was discussed. In dicotyledons, xyloglucans are the only cell wall polysaccharides, whose level, molecular size, and metabolic turnover were modified under both hypergravity and microgravity conditions, suggesting that xyloglucans act as anti-gravitational polysaccharides. In monocotyledonous Poaceae, (1→3),(1→4)-b-glucans, instead of xyloglucans, were shown to play a role as anti-gravitational polysaccharides. These polysaccharides are also involved in plant responses to other environmental factors, such as light and temperature, and to some phytohormones, such as auxin and ethylene. Thus, the type of anti-gravitational polysaccharides is different between dicotyledons and Poaceae, but such polysaccharides are universally involved in plant responses to environmental and hormonal signals. In gravity resistance, the gravity signal may be received by the plasma membrane mechanoreceptors, transformed and transduced within each cell, and then may modify the processes of synthesis and secretion of the anti-gravitational polysaccharides and the cell wall enzymes responsible for their degradation, as well as the apoplastic pH, leading to the cell wall reinforcement. A series of events inducing gravity resistance are quite independent of those leading to gravitropism.
森 滋夫
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.6, no.3, pp.142-146, 1992 (Released:2006-02-01)

A variety of animal behavior under microgravity has been found in the experiments using parabolic aircraft flights and in space. Forward looping in fish and tadpoles is contrast to backward looping of pigeons, while frogs and hamsters extend their extremities with the head turning backward. Postures of monkeys and man, on the other hand, are different from those of above animals. Loss of vestibular input must be common to all of these animals and there may be some similarities among the species in the sensory conflict against it. Advancing animals experiments in space, it is important to make further progress in comparative neurology particularly regarding the posture control and behavior of animals.
赤井 純治
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.14, no.4, pp.363-371, 2000

Recently, there is strong interest on microbe - mineral interactions. This is related also to recent expanded knowledges on extremely severe environments in which microbes live. Interaction between microbes and minerals contains biomineralization processes. Varieties of biomineralization products are found not only in various geologic materials and processes in the earth's history but also in present surface environments. Some hot springs represent such environments similar to those of unique and extremely severe environments for life. In this short review, the author briefly shows some examples of biomineralizations at some hot springs and mineral springs, Japan . In such environments, iron ore was formed and some varieties of growing stromatolites were found. The varieties of stromatolite are siliceous, calcic and manganese types. Cyanobacteria and the other bacteria are related to form the stromatolite structure. In the Gunma iron ore, sedimentary iron ores were mineralogically described in order to evaluate the role of microorganisms and plants in ore formation. The iron ore is composed of nanocrystalline goethite. Algal fossils are clearly preserved in some ores. Various products of biomineralization are found in the present pH 2-3, Fe<SUP>2+</SUP>- and SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> - rich streams. Bacterial precipitation had variations from amorphous Fe-P-(S) precipitates near the outlet of mineral spring, to Fe-P-S precipitates and to Fe-S-(P) precipitates. Mosses and green algae are also collecting Fe precipitates in and around the living and dead cells. The Gunma Iron Ore can be said as Biologically Induced Iron Ore. At Onikobe and Akakura hot springs, growing stromatolites of siliceous and calcareous types, were found, respectively. At Onikobe, The stromatolites grow especially near the geyser. Cyanobacterial filaments in stromatolite were well preserved in the siliceous and calcic stromatolites. The filaments oriented in two directions which form the layered structures were found. At Yunokoya hot spring, black and brittle stromatolitic structures which were composed of amorphous Mn minerals are growing. The form of these structures are hemispherical. Many bacteria that were coated with amorphous Mn minerals were found on these structures. Furthermore, Precambrian ( Proterozoic : Wittenoom- Chichester region, western Australia) manganese stromatolite was briefly shown in comparison. The black stromatolite has been clarified to be composed of todorokite. Small spotty and donuts-like shaped todorokite aggregates which are very similar to biologically induced Mn-precipitates were found in massive dolomite layers.
Akihiko Yamagishi Shin-ichi Yokobori Yoshitaka Yoshimura Masamichi Yamashita Hirofumi Hashimoto Takashi Kubota Hajime Yano Junichi Haruyama Makoto Tabata Kensei Kobayashi Hajime Honda Yuichi Utsumi Tsunemasa Saiki Takashi Itoh Atsuo Miyakawa Kenji Hamase Takeshi Naganuma Hajime Mita Kenichi Tonokura Sho Sasaki Hideaki Miyamoto
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.24, no.2, pp.67-82, 2010 (Released:2012-06-26)
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Liquid water is considered to be critical for life. Gibbs free energy is another factor that is important to sustain life for long durations. Gibbs free energy is obtained by reactions between reductants and oxidants, or from any other non-equilibrium state of matter. As an example, aerobic organisms use carbohydrates and oxygen to obtain energy. Many types of chemoautotrophic mechanisms are known for this process as well. On the surface of Mars, methane and oxidative compounds such as ferric oxide, sulfate and perchloride, which could provide redox-derived Gibbs free energy, have been detected. Iron-dependent methane oxidizing bacteria have been found in marine environments on Earth. This finding suggests the possible presence of methane-oxidizing bacteria on the Mars surface, if the local thermal environment and other resources permit proliferation and metabolism of bacteria. Our project aims to search for methane-oxidizing microbes on the Mars surface. Martian soil will be sampled from a depth of about 5 - 10 cm below the surface, where organisms are expected to be protected from the harsh hyper-oxidative environment of the Mars surface. Small particles less than 0.1 mm or 1 mm will be sieved from the sample, before being transferred to the analysis section by a micro-actuator. The particles will be stained with a cocktail of fluorescent reagents, and examined by fluorescence microscopy. A combination of fluorescent dyes has been selected to identify life forms in samples. A membrane-specific dye or a combination of dyes will be used to detect membranes surrounding the "cell". An intercalating fluorescent dye such as SYBR Green will be used to detect genetic compounds such as DNA. A substrate dye that emits fluorescence upon cleavage by a catalytic reaction will be used to detect the catalytic activity of the "cell". A combination of staining reagents has been chosen based on the definition of life. A membrane separating a cell from the ambient environment may lead to identification of an "individual". DNA or genetic material is required for "replication" of the life form. Catalytic reactions carried out by enzymes drive "metabolism". This combination of strategies will also be useful for detecting pre-biotic organic material as well as remnants of ancient life. Hydrolysis of the polymers in the "cell" followed by HPLC or soft ionization MS for amino acid analysis will be effective for examining whether Martian life is identical to or different from terrestrial life. The number and type of the amino acids as well as their chirality will be analyzed to distinguish whether the polymers are contaminants from Earth.
高林 彰
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.13, no.1, pp.9-13, 1999 (Released:2006-02-01)

Behavioral responses and eye movements of fish during linear acceleration were reviewed. It is known that displacement of otoliths in the inner ear leads to body movements and⁄or eye movements. On the ground, the utriculus of the vestibular system is stimulated by otolith displacement caused by gravitational and inertial forces during horizontal acceleration of whole body. When the acceleration is imposed on the fish's longitudinal axis, the fish showed nose-down and nose-up posture for tailward and noseward displacement of otolith respectively. These responses were understood that the fish aligned his longitudinal body axis in a plane perpendicular to the direction of resultant force vector acting on the otoliths. When the acceleration was sideward, the fish rolled around his longitudinal body axis so that his back was tilted against the direction in which the inertial force acted on the otoliths. Linear acceleration applied to fish's longitudinal body axis evoked torsional eye movement. Direction of torsion coincided with the direction of acceleration, which compensate the change of resultant force vector produced by linear acceleration and gravity. Torsional movement of left and right eye coordinated with each other. In normal fish, both sinusoidal and rectangular acceleration of 0.1G could evoke clear eye torsion. Though the amplitude of response increased with increasing magnitude of acceleration up to 0.5 G, the torsion angle did not fully compensate the angle calculated from gravity and linear acceleration. Removal of the otolith on one side reduced the response amplitude of both eyes. The torsion angle evoked by rectangular acceleration was smaller than that evoked by sinusoidal acceleration in both normal and unilaterally labyrinthectomized fish. These results suggest that eye torsion of fish include both static and dynamic components.
Shigeo Aibara Katsumi Shibata Yuhei Morita
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.11, no.4, pp.339-345, 1997 (Released:2006-02-01)
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A space experiment involving protein crystallization was conducted in a microgravity environment using the space shuttle “Endeavour”of STS-47, on a 9-day mission from September 12th to 20th in 1992. The crystallization was carried out according to a batch method, and 5 proteins were selected as flight samples for crystallization. Two of these proteins : hen egg-white lysozyme and co-amino acid: pyruvate aminotransferase from Pseudomonas sp. F-126, were obtained as single crystals of good diffraction quality. Since 1992 we have carried out several space experiments for protein crystallization aboard space shuttles and the space station MIR. Our experimental results obtained mainly from hen egg-white lysozyme are described below, focusing on the effects of microgravity on protein crystal growth.
Ken Ohnishi Akihisa Takahashi Hiroaki Tanaka Takeo Ohnishi
Biological Sciences in Space (ISSN:09149201)
vol.10, no.4, pp.247-251, 1996 (Released:2006-02-01)
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The catfish Synodontis nigriventris shows a unique habit taking a stable upsidedown posture in free water regardless of an above, one-sided illumination. This upsidedown posture can be observed when the catfish is apart from objects because the catfish usually orients its ventral side towards the water bottom or objects due to a so-called ventral substrate response. Thus, it is not easy to study the mechanism of the upside-down posture. To resolve this problem, the frequency of the upside-down posture was measured by using various sizes of vessel in which the catfish was kept. Video analysis showed that the frequency of the upside-down posture depended on the space size around the catfish. The smaller the size became, the higher the frequency of the upside-down posture became. Furthermore, the frequency of the upside-down posture depended on the shape of the vessel bottom. Curved-bottom vessels induced the upside-down posture more frequently than flat bottom. These findings suggest that a small, curved-bottom vessel is ideal for researching the upside-down postural control mechanism.