飯田 悠佳子 宮崎 真 関口 浩文 上田 有吾 鳥居 俊 内田 直
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2010, no.45, pp.45_1-45_10, 2010 (Released:2011-01-20)

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between cognitive functions and daily physical activities in primary school children. Subjects were 153 pupils (Age 6-12 years old), and visual Go/Nogo task for cognitive functions and parents questionnaire for daily physical activities were used.As results, male children exhibited negative correlation between duration of exercise and information processing time, and positive correlation between duration of exercise and the number of false response. Female children exhibited positive correlation between time of indoor play and number of false response. All these correlations were statistically significant. Further in females, those who spent longer time in playing video games exhibited statistically shorter reaction time.These findings suggested that the cognitive functions evaluated from visual Go/Nogo task were related to daily physical activities, especially the exercise and the indoor play. Further these factors and relationships could be different between males and females in preadolescent children.
宮口 和義 出村 慎一
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2012, no.55, pp.23-32, 2012 (Released:2012-10-09)
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This study evaluates the agility of preschool children by measuring simple reaction time and repeated sideways jumps. It also examines the influence of video games and exercise on development of the agility. The subjects were 636 preschool children(315 boys and 321 girls)aged 4 to 5. They performed the simple reaction time test with light stimulation and the repeated sideways jump test for five seconds. The agility score was calculated from the total T-score of both agility tests. This study investigates video games and preferred play time for the benefit of parents and nursery school teachers. The test results show that 37.6% of the 4-year-olds and 36.5% of the 5-year-olds frequently played video games and 57.1% of the 4-year-olds and 61.0% of the 5-year-olds showed a predilection for whole-body dynamic play(tag, jump-rope, dodge ball, etc.). The 5-year-old children were superior to the 4-year-old children in both agility tests. The children who played video games well showed higher values in simple reaction time than the children who did not play video games, but not in the repeated sideways jumps. The children who like whole-body dynamic play scored higher than the children who like static play, not only in simple reaction time, but also in the repeated sideways jump test. Although video games affect reaction time of the upper limbs withrespect to visual information, there is no effect on agility for the rest of the body. Enforcing exercise and play time activities, however, would be an effective way to improve the agility of the whole body, in addition to the reaction time of the upper limbs.
藤井 勝紀
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.1992, no.20, pp.19-22, 1992

学齢期の成熟度を把握するために, PHV年齢および初潮年齢予測の妥当性を検討した。A女子短大の1年の学生を対象に, 後方視的に身長と体重の縦断的資料を得, さらにアンケート方式により出生時身長, 体重, 歩行開始年齢, 初潮年齢の資料を得た。得られた資料からPHV年齢を決定し, そして, 身長, 体重の出生時から小学1年までの発育量を求めた。PHV年齢および初潮年齢とアンケートより得られた予測変量に成り得る可能性のある項目, 出生時身長, 体重, 歩行開始年齢, 身長, 体重の発育量との関係を分析, 検討した結果, 以下のように結論された。<br>つまり, PHV年齢および初潮年齢予測には, 歩行開始年齢, 身長の発育量, 体重の発育量の3変量が, ここで取りあげた変量の中では有効かと考えられるが, これらの予測変量を用いて決定された予測方程式の精度は予測には十分なものではなかった。
喜屋武 享 高倉 実
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2020, no.88, pp.1-10, 2020

<p>Cross-sectional evidence supports for school connectedness as an important element of healthy youth development. Prospective studies are needed to argue its causal relationship. The aim of this study was to examine whether school connectedness is a determinant of WHO physical activity recommendation for youth in a sample of Japanese junior high school students.</p><p>Analyses were based on one-year with two time-point data of 505 students (265 boys) who entered in five junior high schools in one Okinawan educational office in 2015. School connectedness was evaluated using the sum of a scale constructed from three items "I like school", "School is a nice place to be", and "Sense of belonging at school". Self-reported physical activity was assessed using the Patient-Centred Assessment and Counselling for Exercise plus Nutrition questionnaire.</p><p>According to the analysis by the Generalized Estimating Equation models adjusted for BMI, academic achievement, family structure, and parental education level, the changes in school connectedness score within-person and the differences in average of school connectedness score two-time points between-person were associated with physical activity. Totally, no sex differences in these relationships were found.</p><p>Establishing school connectedness can contribute to the compliance with WHO physical activity recommendation in Japanese junior high school students, regardless of the interindividual differences of level of connectedness to school. Although further research is required to identify the effects of school connectedness on other health-related behaviors, increasing school connectedness should be a consideration for school administrators and health-promotion policymakers.</p>
宮口 和義 出村 慎一
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2013, no.61, pp.1-8, 2013-11-01 (Released:2014-01-30)

This study aimed to clarify the effects of wearing Japanese-style sandals, which was conducted as a part of barefoot education on sole shape and position of the center of foot pressure (CFP) in preschool children. The subjects were 81 healthy children ages 4 to 5 (sandal group:28;control group:53) . Both groups were conducting indoor barefoot education. The sandal group wore sandals when commuting to school, going for a walk and playing outdoors for four months. The control group wore casual shoes in that time. The ground contact area of the soles and CFP were measured before and after four months (run-in period) in both groups. In the sandal group, the ground contact area of the foot became smaller with the formation of arch of foot. Specifically, a marked effect was found in the five-year-old children. As for CFP, there were significant changes in both groups. However, a change in the CFP towards the front of foot in the sandal group was large and the position of CFP varied from negative to positive along the Y-coordinate in the five-year-old children. From this, it is inferred that the effects of using Japanese-style sandals on changes in childrenʼs feet are large, even in preschools that use barefoot education.
中島 綾子 鹿野 晶子 野井 真吾
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2011, no.51, pp.51_81-51_91, 2011 (Released:2011-08-20)

The purpose of this study was to make clear the relationship between body temperature and lifestyle in elementary school children. The subjects were comprised of 79 boys and 102 girls in children from third to fifth grader. The investigation was carried out by the measurement of body temperature and questionnaire of lifestyle from November to December 2008 and the same period 2009. The body temperature was measured in an axilla for 10 minutes. The questionnaire was composed the sleep onset time, the getting up time, the TV hour, the game hour, the internet/mobile telephone hour, the exercise hour, the learning hour, the evacuation situation and the breakfast intake situation. The main findings were as follows : 1) The issue of low body temperature tendency worried about since 1980s was not still solved. However, about 20% of all measured values was more than 37.0°C. 2) The group of low body temperature which was less than 36.0°C at the time of getting up showed a low temperature level through day. 3) The group of high body temperature which was more than 37.0°C at the time of getting up showed a flat temperature change through day. 4) The relationship between temperature and lifestyle in girls was not clarified. On the other hand, it was shown that the internet/mobile telephone hour was long, the sleep onset time was late and the sleep hour was short in low body temperature group of boys.
宮口 和義 出村 慎一
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2013, no.61, pp.1-8, 2013

This study aimed to clarify the effects of wearing Japanese-style sandals, which was conducted as a part of barefoot education on sole shape and position of the center of foot pressure (CFP) in preschool children. The subjects were 81 healthy children ages 4 to 5 (sandal group:28;control group:53) . Both groups were conducting indoor barefoot education. The sandal group wore sandals when commuting to school, going for a walk and playing outdoors for four months. The control group wore casual shoes in that time. The ground contact area of the soles and CFP were measured before and after four months (run-in period) in both groups. In the sandal group, the ground contact area of the foot became smaller with the formation of arch of foot. Specifically, a marked effect was found in the five-year-old children. As for CFP, there were significant changes in both groups. However, a change in the CFP towards the front of foot in the sandal group was large and the position of CFP varied from negative to positive along the Y-coordinate in the five-year-old children. From this, it is inferred that the effects of using Japanese-style sandals on changes in childrenʼs feet are large, even in preschools that use barefoot education.
中田 英雄
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.1995, no.Appendix, pp.67-75, 1995 (Released:2010-03-16)

It is reported that physical growth of blind and partially sighted children is in a poor level and the adolescent growth spurt is earlier in the blind than in the partially sighted and the sighted. Most of studies of age at menarche have noted earlier onset in the blind than in the sighted. These studies have suggested that blindness is associated with an age of menarche which is earlier than sighted adolescents. Previous studies described delays in the appearance of motor skills, especially agility, with poor physical work capacity and balance. A recent research has suggested that the physical work capacity and postural control of the blind and partially sighted can be developed by appropriate training. By some well-designed program, the blind and partially sighted children should be able to enhance the ability to use their potential to the fullest. The adapted physical activity should be better understood.
坂口 将太 藤林 献明 苅山 靖 図子 浩二
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2014, no.62, pp.24-33, 2014-03-01 (Released:2014-05-05)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between rebound jumping ability and running ability in preschool children. The subjects consisted of 166 preschool children (96 boys and 70 girls;age range:2.0-6.0 years). The measurements used were jumping height of counter movement jumping (CMJ), index (jumping height/ground contact time) of consecutive rebound jumping (RJ), 20-m running velocity (RV), step length (SL) and step frequency (SF). To exclude the effects of growth on running ability, dimensionless numbers:indices of running velocity (IRV), step length (ISL) and step frequency (ISF) were calculated. Results were as follows;1 ) CMJ jumping height, RJ-index, RV, SL, IRV and ISL increased with aging. 2 ) The IRV, ISL and ISF correlated with CMJ jumping height and RJ index. The coefficient correlation of RJ-index to increase with aging. 3 ) RJ height and RJ ground contact time correlated with flight time and ground contact time in the 20-m run. These results suggest that CMJ and RJ ability influence the development of running ability in preschool children.
上田 真寿美 安部 保子 薮内 ふじ江
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.1996, no.24, pp.1-7, 1996-07-01 (Released:2010-03-16)

This study was to investigate the effects of exercise experienced in youth on the genital function from menarche to menopause. One thousand and seven females after menopause aged from 45 to 88 completed the questionnaires. The results were as follows.1) The age of menarche became significantly younger as years went on.2) Females who had exercised in youth was significantly ahead of those who had not exercised in youth in menarche. The age of menarche was significantly earlier in more exercised group than in less exercised group.3) The frequency of pregnancy and delivery became significantly lower as years wore on.4) Although the period from menarche to menopause tended to get longer, there were no effects of the exercise experienced in youth on it.5) There were no effects of the exercise experienced in youth on the age of menopause and menopausal disorder.