喜屋武 享 仲井間 憲志
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.29, no.1, pp.95-101, 2021

<p>目的:本稿では,オンデマンド型ポスター発表形式にて実施した小児疾病に関する大学の授業実践を報告するとともに,その授業評価から本授業形式によって得られる教育効果の特徴を明らかにすることを目的とした.</p><p>活動内容:対象者は,一短期大学で保育士・幼稚園教諭の必修科目である「保育内容 健康」を受講した学生136名(女子学生130名)であった.学修内容として受講者には関心のある小児疾病についてまとめたポスターの作成とプレゼンテーション動画の提出を求めた.本授業形式に関する授業評価として1)発表者からみた本授業形式についての感想,2)聴講者からみた本授業形式についての感想,3)全体的な良かった点,4)手こずったことに関する記述を求めた.潜在ディリクレ分配モデルによるトピックモデルによりその自由記述を解析し,成果と課題を抽出した.</p><p>活動評価:本授業形式の特徴的な成果として,発表に際して補足説明が加えられることや動画の撮り直しができること,動画編集により視覚情報を追加できることなどが抽出された.聴講者として繰り返し学修できることがオンデマンド型ポスター発表の大きな利点であり,知識の定着が見込めることや自己調整学習につながる可能性がある.</p><p>今後の課題:今後の課題として,プレゼンテーションの際の不安や緊張を解消する手立て,機器やソフトウエアの使用方法に関する指導,双方向的な意見交換が可能な環境整備が必要である.</p>
喜屋武 享 高倉 実
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2020, no.88, pp.1-10, 2020

<p>Cross-sectional evidence supports for school connectedness as an important element of healthy youth development. Prospective studies are needed to argue its causal relationship. The aim of this study was to examine whether school connectedness is a determinant of WHO physical activity recommendation for youth in a sample of Japanese junior high school students.</p><p>Analyses were based on one-year with two time-point data of 505 students (265 boys) who entered in five junior high schools in one Okinawan educational office in 2015. School connectedness was evaluated using the sum of a scale constructed from three items "I like school", "School is a nice place to be", and "Sense of belonging at school". Self-reported physical activity was assessed using the Patient-Centred Assessment and Counselling for Exercise plus Nutrition questionnaire.</p><p>According to the analysis by the Generalized Estimating Equation models adjusted for BMI, academic achievement, family structure, and parental education level, the changes in school connectedness score within-person and the differences in average of school connectedness score two-time points between-person were associated with physical activity. Totally, no sex differences in these relationships were found.</p><p>Establishing school connectedness can contribute to the compliance with WHO physical activity recommendation in Japanese junior high school students, regardless of the interindividual differences of level of connectedness to school. Although further research is required to identify the effects of school connectedness on other health-related behaviors, increasing school connectedness should be a consideration for school administrators and health-promotion policymakers.</p>
我部 杏奈 高倉 実 宮城 政也 喜屋武 享
一般社団法人 日本学校保健学会
学校保健研究 (ISSN:03869598)
vol.62, no.1, pp.4-10, 2020

<p><b>Background:</b> Dental caries is the most prevalent lifestyle-related disease worldwide for children. A low socio-economic status (SES) is significantly associated with a higher risk of having dental caries. Since children spend most of their day at schools and are susceptible to the school context, oral health promotion activities in schools are recommended. Tooth-brushing after school lunch, which is one of the oral health programs in school, may help prevent dental caries regardless of their SES level.</p><p><b>Objectives:</b> The purpose of this study was to examine the association between dental caries, SES and the time of tooth-brushing after school lunch among elementary school students.</p><p><b>Methods:</b> The cross-sectional study was conducted of 43 public elementary schools under the jurisdiction of two education board offices in Okinawa, Japan in 2018. The participants were 1,248 students of fifth graders who had obtained consent from their parents or caregivers. The students' dental caries experiences were extracted from personal dental records of medical checkup in the schools. The indicator of SES was the financial assistance for education by the municipalities. The data of dental caries and SES was provided by the schools. We confirmed with school nurse teachers at each school whether tooth-brushing after school lunch was conducted or not. In addition, a self-administered anonymous questionnaire was conducted for students to obtain information on socio-demographics, lifestyles, and family relationships. Using multi-level logistic regression models, the association of SES and tooth-brushing after school lunch with dental caries were analyzed. In that case, SES, socio-demographic variables, and lifestyles were used as the individual-level variables; tooth-brushing after school lunch was used as the school-level variable.</p><p><b>Results: </b> Students with lower SES were more likely to experience dental caries than those with higher SES (OR: 1.7, 95%CI: 1.24-2.38). Students in the schools not carrying out tooth-brushing after school lunch were more likely to experience dental caries than those in the schools doing it (OR: 1.8, 95%CI: 1.05-3.02). Adjusted for the individual-level and school-level variables, these findings were in the same direction.</p><p><b>Conclusions:</b> This study showed that dental caries of students were associated with SES. Additionally, toothbrushing at schools may contribute to the prevention of caries in all students attending schools.</p>
高倉 実 宮城 政也 喜屋武 享
一般社団法人 日本学校保健学会
学校保健研究 (ISSN:03869598)
vol.62, no.1, pp.43-51, 2020

<p><b>Background:</b> The leading causes of death,disease, and academic failure among youth are strongly associated with health-risk behaviors. These behaviors are started and established during childhood and adolescence, and extend into adulthood. It is important to monitor the prevalence and trends in health-risk behaviors in order to plan, implement, and assess effective prevention efforts.</p><p><b>Objectives:</b> The aim of this study was to estimate trends in health-risk behaviors among Japanese high school students in Okinawa prefecture from 2002 to 2016.</p><p><b>Methods:</b> The study samples were 2,852 students from 25 public high schools in 2002, 2,892 students from 25 public high schools in 2005, 3,248 students from 29 public high schools in 2008, 3,386 students from 30 public high schools in 2012, and 3,441 students from 30 public high schools in 2016. Data from self-administered anonymous surveys were analyzed to assess trends in the proportion of students who engaged in selected health-risk behaviors. Behaviors studied included those that contribute to injuries, cigarette use, alcohol and other drug use, sexual behaviors, dietary behaviors, and physical activity and sedentary behaviors.</p><p><b>Results: </b> There was a significant increase in motorcycle helmet use and in seatbelt use and decrease in a ride with drinking driver. In boys, having been in a physical fight showed a significant decrease. Lifetime cigarette use, early initiation of cigarette use, current cigarette use, current frequent cigarette use, and smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day decreased. Lifetime alcohol use, early initiation of alcohol use, current alcohol use, and episodic heavy drinking also decreased. Girls who have been offered, sold, or given an illegal drug by someone decreased. A significant decrease in sexual experience was detected. Those having drunk alcohol or used drugs before last sexual intercourse also decreased. The prevalence of condom use during their last sexual intercourse increased. Girls who had first sexual intercourse before age 13 years decreased. Those having described themselves as overweight decreased. Those who have eaten vegetables during the 7 days before the survey increased, but boys who have eaten fruits during the 7 days before the survey decreased. In girls, unhealthy weight control behaviors such as the use of diet pills and forcing oneself to vomit decreased, but going without eating for over a day increased. Those watching TV for 3 hours or more per day decreased, but playing computer games or using a computer for 3 hours or more per day increased.</p><p><b>Conclusions:</b> This study shows that many health-risk behaviors among high school students in Okinawa improved between 2002 and 2016. Conversely, sedentary behavior using computer and computer games, having eaten fruits among boys, and fasting among girls deteriorated over this period.</p>
喜屋武 享 高倉 実
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.27, no.3, pp.229-245, 2019

<p>目的:教科学習中の学習を伴う身体活動介入(active lesson program,以下,ALP)の質を評価し,介入による身体活動,体格,健康指標,学業への有効性に関するエビデンスを更新すること.</p><p>方法:2015年4月から2018年8月に公刊された学術論文を5つの電子データベース(ERIC, PubMed, Science Direct, Cochrane Library, EMBASE)より選定した.選択基準は1)身体活動と学習内容の双方が含まれた授業であること,2)身体活動量,体格,体力要素,学業成績,学習行動促進要因を介入効果指標としていること,3)ランダム化比較試験,準実験デザイン研究,前後比較研究のいずれかであること,4)5歳~18歳の児童生徒が対象であること,5)介入期間が少なくとも1週間以上であること.学習内容が含まれない身体活動小休止,複合的な介入の一部として実施されたALP,特異的な集団(肥満児や障がい児)を対象とした研究は除外した.研究のバイアスリスクは,the Cochrane Collaboration "risk of bias" assessment toolを用いて評価した.</p><p>結果:10研究が採択・除外基準に適合した.そのうち,6研究は身体活動と学業の双方を,3研究は学業のみを,1研究は身体活動のみを評価した.10研究のうち2研究は,ALPと有酸素運動による小休止を比較したのに対し,その他は身体活動を伴わない授業を対照群として設定していた.全ての研究でALP後の身体活動量の増加を認めた.身体活動を伴わない学習と比較した場合,ALPの標準学力テストに対する積極的効果を示した研究は2研究あったが,その他の研究は群間の差を示さなかった.学習行動促進要因の1つである課題従事行動を評価した4研究が,ALPの積極的効果を示した.バイアスリスクは低程度から高程度であった.</p><p>結論:研究デザインの質は改善しているものの,バイアスリスクは高い.総じてALPは学力を阻害することなく身体活動を促進させることのできるプログラムであるといえるものの,健康指標への有効性について言及するためには更なる検討が必要である.</p>
喜屋武 享 高倉 実
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.27, no.3, pp.229-245, 2019-08-31 (Released:2019-08-31)

目的:教科学習中の学習を伴う身体活動介入(active lesson program,以下,ALP)の質を評価し,介入による身体活動,体格,健康指標,学業への有効性に関するエビデンスを更新すること.方法:2015年4月から2018年8月に公刊された学術論文を5つの電子データベース(ERIC, PubMed, Science Direct, Cochrane Library, EMBASE)より選定した.選択基準は1)身体活動と学習内容の双方が含まれた授業であること,2)身体活動量,体格,体力要素,学業成績,学習行動促進要因を介入効果指標としていること,3)ランダム化比較試験,準実験デザイン研究,前後比較研究のいずれかであること,4)5歳~18歳の児童生徒が対象であること,5)介入期間が少なくとも1週間以上であること.学習内容が含まれない身体活動小休止,複合的な介入の一部として実施されたALP,特異的な集団(肥満児や障がい児)を対象とした研究は除外した.研究のバイアスリスクは,the Cochrane Collaboration “risk of bias” assessment toolを用いて評価した.結果:10研究が採択・除外基準に適合した.そのうち,6研究は身体活動と学業の双方を,3研究は学業のみを,1研究は身体活動のみを評価した.10研究のうち2研究は,ALPと有酸素運動による小休止を比較したのに対し,その他は身体活動を伴わない授業を対照群として設定していた.全ての研究でALP後の身体活動量の増加を認めた.身体活動を伴わない学習と比較した場合,ALPの標準学力テストに対する積極的効果を示した研究は2研究あったが,その他の研究は群間の差を示さなかった.学習行動促進要因の1つである課題従事行動を評価した4研究が,ALPの積極的効果を示した.バイアスリスクは低程度から高程度であった.結論:研究デザインの質は改善しているものの,バイアスリスクは高い.総じてALPは学力を阻害することなく身体活動を促進させることのできるプログラムであるといえるものの,健康指標への有効性について言及するためには更なる検討が必要である.
宮城 政也 喜屋武 享
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.26, no.4, pp.372-381, 2018

宮城 政也 喜屋武 享
日本健康教育学会誌 (ISSN:13402560)
vol.26, no.4, pp.372-381, 2018-11-30 (Released:2018-11-30)
