鈴木 綾子 堀越 フサエ 檜作 進
The Japan Society of Home Economics
家政学雑誌 (ISSN:04499069)
vol.22, no.3, pp.169-173, 1971-06-20 (Released:2010-03-09)

ゴリイモが出来る原因の一つとして、デンプンの老化、糊化が関係していると考えられることから、調理に関連して種々の条件下におけるジャガイモ中のデンプンの糊化度の変化を検討した結果、次のようなことが観察された。1) イモの調理の際、加熱温度が60℃以下では、加熱時間を長くしても十分糊化されない。2) 加熱温度のちがいによって、加熱を中断した時の老化の速度がことなり、加熱温度が60℃付近のイモのデンプンの糊化度の減少がもっとも大きく、老化がすすみやすい。十分糊化したイモほど老化がおそい。3) 試料を60℃~70℃に加熱して糊化が不完全な状態で加熱を中断し、40℃以下に冷却すると、更に100℃に再加熱しても完全には糊化され難く、外観上もかたい。加熱を中断して室温で24時間おいたイモは、この間冷蔵庫に保存したものよりも、再加熱によって糊化し難い傾向がある。本報の要旨は昭和44年10月、日本女子大学における日本家政学会総会において発表した。
鈴木 綾子 竹田 靖史 檜作 進
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.32, no.3, pp.205-212, 1985-08-31 (Released:2010-03-16)
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ジャガイモ, クズ, タピオカの澱粉の老化性を比較し, また, これらの澱粉からアミロース, アミロペクチンを分離・精製してそれぞれの老化性と分子構造を詳細に調べた結果, 下記のようなことが見出された.1) 上記3種の澱粉をアルカリ糊化し, 中和した糊液の老化性は, タピオカ澱粉が最も低く, 他の2者はほぼ同じであった.2) Schoch法で得られたアミロースの重合度は, 末端基定量で求めた数平均では, ジャガイモ>タピオカ>クズの順であったが, 光散乱法で測定した重量平均では, タピオカ>ジャガイモ>クズの順であった.3) 上記アミロースの老化性は, クズ>ジャガイモ>タピオカの順で, 重量平均重合度の順と逆の関係であった. 大きい分子ほど老化しにくい性質を示した.4) 3種の澱粉から沈殿剤・酵素法で重合度の小さい, 真に直鎖状のアミロースが得られたが, これらはいずれもSchoch法で得られたアミロースより高い老化性を示した.5) 3種のアミロペクチンの老化性は, ジャガイモのものが最も高く, 平均鎖長も他の2者のものより明らかに長い分子であった.6) 最も老化性の低いタピオカ澱粉は, アミロース, アミロペクチンともに老化性の低い分子であった.
鈴木 綾子 野井 真吾
Japan Society of Human Growth and Development
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
no.36, pp.21-26, 2007

The purpose of this study was to make clear the relationship between sleeping habits and sleeping problems and/or physical discomforts among junior high school students. The subjects were comprised of 146 boys and 170 girls in three public junior high schools. The investigation was carried out by a questionnaire in September 2003. The questionnaire contained questions about the time subjects go to bed, time subjects wake up, sleeping problems and physical discomfort. The main findings were as follows: 1) The time subjects go to bed becomes later with increasing age among both boys and girls (p<0.05). Meanwhile, the fluctuations in time to bed showed no significant differences according to sex or grade. 2) The group who went to bed late had significantly higher values for sleeping problem scores and physical discomfort scores (p<0.05). 3) The sleeping problem scores according to fluctuations in time to bed were: for the low fluctuations group, 12.5±13.7 points, 18.7±17.2 points for the middle fluctuations group, and 24.3±20.5 points for the high fluctuations group. The sleeping problem scores for the high fluctuations group were significantly higher than it was for the low fluctuations group (p<0.05). 4) The physical discomfort scores were 20.1±29.8 points for the low fluctuations group, 29.5±30.3 points for the middle fluctuations group and 41.3±30.2 points for the high fluctuations group. The physical discomfort scores for the high fluctuations group were significantly higher than those for the low and middle groups (p<0.05).<br>From the above, it was shown that there is a need for the regulation of time to bed to be added to traditional health education.
鈴木 綾子 野井 真吾
発育発達研究 (ISSN:13408682)
vol.2007, no.36, pp.21-26, 2007-10-01 (Released:2010-03-12)

The purpose of this study was to make clear the relationship between sleeping habits and sleeping problems and/or physical discomforts among junior high school students. The subjects were comprised of 146 boys and 170 girls in three public junior high schools. The investigation was carried out by a questionnaire in September 2003. The questionnaire contained questions about the time subjects go to bed, time subjects wake up, sleeping problems and physical discomfort. The main findings were as follows: 1) The time subjects go to bed becomes later with increasing age among both boys and girls (p<0.05). Meanwhile, the fluctuations in time to bed showed no significant differences according to sex or grade. 2) The group who went to bed late had significantly higher values for sleeping problem scores and physical discomfort scores (p<0.05). 3) The sleeping problem scores according to fluctuations in time to bed were: for the low fluctuations group, 12.5±13.7 points, 18.7±17.2 points for the middle fluctuations group, and 24.3±20.5 points for the high fluctuations group. The sleeping problem scores for the high fluctuations group were significantly higher than it was for the low fluctuations group (p<0.05). 4) The physical discomfort scores were 20.1±29.8 points for the low fluctuations group, 29.5±30.3 points for the middle fluctuations group and 41.3±30.2 points for the high fluctuations group. The physical discomfort scores for the high fluctuations group were significantly higher than those for the low and middle groups (p<0.05).From the above, it was shown that there is a need for the regulation of time to bed to be added to traditional health education.
鈴木 綾子
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
澱粉科学 (ISSN:00215406)
vol.40, no.2, pp.233-243, 1993-06-30 (Released:2010-06-28)
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Starch is a main component of cereal and vegetable foods . In addition, it is added to many kinds of foods to improve the texture and taste as an ingredient . Starch changes its physicochemical properties by gelatinization, when it is cooked. Consequently, the behaviors of pasting and the paste properties of starches, such as gelatinization temperature, and transparency, viscosity, and retrogradation tendency of the paste, etc. give important effects on cooking and the processing of foods. In this article, the properties of various kinds of starches and their relations with the functions and roles on cooking were discussed.
荒瀬 輝夫 鈴木 綾子 丸山 純孝
日本作物学会紀事 (ISSN:00111848)
vol.71, no.1, pp.84-90, 2002-03-05 (Released:2008-02-14)

鈴木 綾子
The Japanese Society of Applied Glycoscience
Journal of Applied Glycoscience (ISSN:13447882)
vol.46, no.1, pp.65-74, 1999-03-31 (Released:2010-06-28)
1 2

Starchy materials such as cereals, legumes, tubers, and rhizomes are served as foods through the appropriate processing of cooking, which causes the gelatinization of starch. The gelatinized starch is thermodynamically unstable and tends to retrograde during storage. The retrogradation generally decreases the quality of foods known as the staling of bread and the hardening of cooked rice. Therefore, how to control gelatinization and retrogradation is of prime concern of cereal chemists and technologists. I have been involved in this study for nearly 40 years. As early as 1961 we found that microwave heating was very efficient for the rapid cooking of rice, but the cooked rice rapidly hardened by the retrogradation of starch. This was improved by the addition of a small amount of Takaamylase in cooking. Root vegetables are well known for being unable to become soft through cooking even by continued heating after heating has been suspended for a while halfway through cooking. By a detailed analysis of the gelatinization of starch during cooking, this phenomenon was found to be caused by the enhancement of retrogradation of the partially gelatinized starch by cooling. Furthermore, it was found that the heat-stable materials, including various minerals, enhanced the retrogradation. The relationship between structures and functions was investigated on various kinds of starch such as nagaimo (yam), lotus, arrowhead, taro, bracken, and tapioca used in confectioneries. It was found that starches having a high tendency to retrograde had amylopectin with long chain-length and smaller amylose molecules. For example, tapioca starch showed the lowest retrogradation tendency, and this appeared to be due to the short chain length of amylopectin and large amylose molecules, besides thee low amylose content. The relatively higher retrogradation tendency of potato starch seemed to be due to the long chain length of amylopectin. A clear-cut relationship was found between the phosphate content and the pasting viscosity in potato starch that the higher level of phosphorus gave the higher-pasting viscosities. Kuzu amylopectin showed a relatively low retrogradation tendency because of the medium chain length of amylopectin, but kuzu amylose had a high retrograding tendency because of small molecules. Bracken amylopectin with a similar chain length showed a similar retrograding tendency to that of kuzu. Some taro starches showed similar structures and properties to tapioca starch, and they also had low levels of amylose. The starches found in vegetables used in cuisine on New Year's Day have low retrograding tendencies. Therefore they are suitable for use as preservable foods. Amylose molecules are slightly branched molecules on average, and the branches are mostly short chains, but the function of side chains has not been investigated. We attempted to clarify this function by means of a model experiment on molecules that had incorporated small amounts of maltosyl side chains into linear chains by the reverse action of isoamylase. The results clearly showed that these small amounts of maltose side chains affected a decrease in retrograding tendency.
小田切 敬子 片平 彩香 安江 健 鈴木 綾子
社団法人 におい・かおり環境協会
におい・かおり環境学会誌 (ISSN:13482904)
vol.41, no.1, pp.28-32, 2010-11-25 (Released:2016-04-01)
