成瀬 翔
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center (ISSN:2187607X)
vol.5, pp.59-68, 2017-03-31

When we examine the theory of fiction, we usually consider the impact on arts and literatures. However, the most famous theorist Kendall Walton has attracted the attention other than arts and literatures. This paper considers an application of the Walton's theory in social philosophy. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 2, I will examine theory of make-believe. In Section 3, I will purpose an application to sports of theory of make-believe. Finally, in Section 4, I will consider John Searle's idea: brute and institutional (or social) fact. And, I suggest that theory of make-believe is beneficial in social philosophy.
成瀬 翔 NARUSE Sho
名古屋大学文学部研究論集. 哲学 (ISSN:04694716)
vol.63, pp.61-74, 2017-03-31

John Seale claims that human society are based a special rules: constitutive rules. Constitutive rules have form of ʻX counts as Y in context Cʼ, and are characterized as constituting social facts. For example, bills in the wallet are physically only pieces of paper. However, certain type of paper counts as bills in our society. Seale asserts constitutive rules are foundation to create such a social fact. But, the problem is acts of ʻcounts asʼ. Searle is assumed this act as a primitive concept. In order to explain this act, I will compare the Kendall Walton and Searle, and try to clarify the constitutive rules. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 1, I will survey Searleʼs discussion and consider concepts of constitutive rules and social facts. In Section 2, I will introduce Waltonʼs theory of make-believe. In Section 3, I will compare the Searle and Walton, and point out the differences between them.
成瀬 翔
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center (ISSN:2187607X)
vol.5, pp.59-68, 2017-03-31

When we examine the theory of fiction, we usually consider the impact on arts and literatures. However, the most famous theorist Kendall Walton has attracted the attention other than arts and literatures. This paper considers an application of the Walton's theory in social philosophy. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 2, I will examine theory of make-believe. In Section 3, I will purpose an application to sports of theory of make-believe. Finally, in Section 4, I will consider John Searle’s idea: brute and institutional (or social) fact. And, I suggest that theory of make-believe is beneficial in social philosophy.
鵜子 修司 成瀬 翔
笑い学研究 (ISSN:21894132)
vol.28, pp.17-44, 2021 (Released:2022-03-31)

ユーモアについては、古来より多くの理論が提唱されてきた。しかし現代に至っても、ユーモアに関わる諸現象を統一的に説明する理論は完成していない。しかし近年、ユーモアの統一理論とみなしうる候補が提唱され始めている。無害な逸脱理論(benign violation theory: BVT)も、そうした候補の一つである。BVTは提唱者らによる精力的な研究により、国外では注目を集めているが、本邦での知名度は未だ高くない。またBVTの批判的検討は国内外を問わず現時点では行われていないと思われる。本稿では、主にMcGraw & Warren(2010)およびWarren & McGraw(2016)の論文に基づき、BVTの想定、および関連する実験の概要を紹介した上で、BVTの長所と問題点について検討した。結論として、BVTには多くの長所がある一方で、無視できない問題点もある。従って、BVTは現時点では支持できない理論だとみなされた。
成瀬 翔 NARUSE Sho
名古屋大学文学部研究論集 (ISSN:04694716)
no.63, pp.61-74, 2017

John Seale claims that human society are based a special rules: constitutive rules. Constitutive rules have form of ʻX counts as Y in context Cʼ, and are characterized as constituting social facts. For example, bills in the wallet are physically only pieces of paper. However, certain type of paper counts as bills in our society. Seale asserts constitutive rules are foundation to create such a social fact. But, the problem is acts of ʻcounts asʼ. Searle is assumed this act as a primitive concept. In order to explain this act, I will compare the Kendall Walton and Searle, and try to clarify the constitutive rules. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 1, I will survey Searleʼs discussion and consider concepts of constitutive rules and social facts. In Section 2, I will introduce Waltonʼs theory of make-believe. In Section 3, I will compare the Searle and Walton, and point out the differences between them.
鵜子 修司 成瀬 翔
笑い学研究 (ISSN:21894132)
vol.29, pp.53-69, 2022 (Released:2023-02-27)

現状、研究者たちがユーモアを明晰に定義できていないことは、批判されるべきである。この事実は、研究者たちが「ユーモアとは何か」について、非専門家の期待に応える知識を示せないというだけでなく、ユーモアを研究するための基本的な道具を持たないことをも意味している。これは約四半世紀前にWillibald Ruchが既に提起していた問題である(Ruch, 1998)。彼はこの問題を二つに改めている。すなわち、「これまで我々はどのようにユーモアを用いてきたか」および「我々はどのような科学概念としてユーモアを理解したいか」である。本稿では、これらを「Ruchの問題」と総称し、特に後者の問題に答えるため必要な議論のロード・マップを提示した。これはユーモアを定義するために、「どのような型を採るべきか」および「どのような要素を含めるべきか」という、二つの問いに大別された。これらは問題に対処するトップ・ダウン/ボトム・アップな方針に、それぞれ対応する。
成瀬 翔
日本福祉大学全学教育センター紀要 = The Journal of Inter-Departmental Education Center (ISSN:2187607X)
vol.4, pp.21-30, 2016-03-31

When we examine the theory of singular thought, we encounter a serious problem caused by a Russellian acquaintance. However, Francois Recanati and his followers present Singularism without acquaintance. Their positon is called 'Neo-Fregenism'. This paper will examine Neo-Fregean Singularism. The contents of this paper are as follows. In Section 2, I will examine Singularism and Descriptivism. In Section 3, I will introduce Recanati's Mental file-framework and his Singularism. Finally, in Section 4, I will criticize Recanati's theory, and present more modest-theory.
成瀬 翔 NARUSE Sho
名古屋大学人文学研究論集 (ISSN:2433233X)
vol.1, pp.153-166, 2018-03-31

This paper discusses concepts of ‘political theology’ and ‘the political’ of Carl Schmitt. Schmitt was a conservative German legal, constitutional, and political theorist. Schmitt is often considered to be one of the most important critics of liberalism. But the significance of Schmitt’s political concepts is subject to controversy, mainly due to his intellectual support for The Third Reich. In particular, ‘the political’ seems to approve the war and confrontation. But this paper argues that political theory and concepts of ‘political theology’ and ‘the political’ of Schmitt make an important contribution in modern democracy and political philosophy. The contents of this paper are as follows. First, in section 1, I will reconstruct the discussion of ‘state of exception’, ‘decision’ and ‘sovereign’ in Political Theology. Schmitt argues that the essence of a law will become apparent in its state of exception. I think Schmitt’s idea was influenced by Thomas Hobbes and Juan Donoso Cortés. Next, in section 2, I discuss ‘the political’ in The Concept of the Political. Schmitt regarded ‘the political’ as ‘friend-enemy distinction’. I take it that ‘the political’ or ‘friend-enemy distinction’ is limited to Just War. In section 3, I discuss that Schmidt criticized liberalism. Finally, I will clarify the relationship between the order and the state on Schmitt’s theory.
成瀬 翔 NARUSE Sho
名古屋大学人文学研究論集 (ISSN:2433233X)
vol.1, pp.153-166, 2018-03-31

This paper discusses concepts of 'political theology' and 'the political' of Carl Schmitt. Schmitt was a conservative German legal, constitutional, and political theorist. Schmitt is often considered to be one of the most important critics of liberalism. But the significance of Schmitt's political concepts is subject to controversy, mainly due to his intellectual support for The Third Reich. In particular, 'the political' seems to approve the war and confrontation. But this paper argues that political theory and concepts of 'political theology' and 'the political' of Schmitt make an important contribution in modern democracy and political philosophy. The contents of this paper are as follows. First, in section 1, I will reconstruct the discussion of 'state of exception', 'decision' and 'sovereign' in Political Theology. Schmitt argues that the essence of a law will become apparent in its state of exception. I think Schmitt's idea was influenced by Thomas Hobbes and Juan Donoso Cortés. Next, in section 2, I discuss 'the political' in The Concept of the Political. Schmitt regarded 'the political' as 'friend-enemy distinction'. I take it that 'the political' or 'friend-enemy distinction' is limited to Just War. In section 3, I discuss that Schmidt criticized liberalism. Finally, I will clarify the relationship between the order and the state on Schmitt's theory.
成瀬 翔
2015-03-25 (Released:2015-03-25)