杜 林
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.33, pp.15-30, 2017-03-28

本研究では,今後の障害者福祉の一助となるよう,中国において障害のある人びとに関する聞 き取り調査を実施して,現代中国における障害者観を明らかにすることを目的としている。具体 的には,障害当事者の生活実態や意識という視座,および非当事者の障害者観という視座から検 討するものである。そして,それらを踏まえながら,中国における障害者の現状や障害者福祉政 策の問題について考察する。 調査データの分析から,障害当事者がさまざまな形で差別や社会的な排除を経験し,差別に対 して,「もう慣れた」,「理解してもらえない」という「無力感」を感じていることが明らかになっ た。また,因習的な観念によって,障害当事者および家族ともども,障害に対する態度として,「世 間を避ける」,「障害によって恥を感じる」という意識がある。他方で非当事者は,障害のない人 びとを「私たち」とみなし,障害のある人びとを「彼ら」として区別し,差異化しているという ことがわかった。 こうした分析結果から,現在の中国では障害のある人びとに対する誤解や偏見の意識が根強く 残っており,それゆえ障害のある人びとがさまざまな形で差別され,社会的に排除されている構 造を明らかにすることができた。To improve the well-being of people with disabilities, and clarify the perception of disability in modem China, I interviewed people with disabilities in China. Specifically, this study aims to discuss the living conditions of people with disabilities and what they think of themselves, as well as non-disabled people's perception of disabilities. Subsequently, 1 examine the problems of the current situation and the welfare policy for people with disabilities in China. The survey data indicated that people with disabilities have experienced discrimination and social exclusion in a variety of ways and feel "a sense of powerlessness" that they have become "accustomed to"the discrimination, or feel that "we're unable to be understood." Additionally, family members of people with disabilities also believe that "avoid the world" or "feel ashamed" due to the traditional prejudices that exist on this subject. On the other hand, non-disabled perceive people with disabilities as "they" and themselves as "we." Thus, it was found that discrimination does exist. From the results of this analysis, it is clear that people with disabilities have been discriminated and excluded in different ways because of the deep-rooted misunderstanding and prejudice that is prevalent in the modem China.
鳥谷 武史
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.33, pp.57-47, 2017-03-28

This paper aims to interpret "Jippi-Benzaiten-Ho" text preserved at the Kongosanmaiin Temple and explain its contents. Jippi-benzaiten is a deva with three snake heads and ten arms, and this text describes the method of the Jippi-benzaiten's ritual. The text is preserved by Kongosanmaiin temple, but is deposited at Koyasan university library. The Kongosanmaiin temple has several texts about Jippi-benzaiten, written from the end of the 15th century to the I 6th century. "Jippi-Benzaiten-Shidai-Kuketsu," introduced by the previous study, is preserved at the Shinnoin temple, and is an example of how "Jippi-Benzaiten-Ho" was transferred from the same text. On the other hand, "Bussetsu-Benzaitennyo-Kyo," which is written about Jippi-benzaiten in narrative form, is considered the scripture that accompanies "Jippi-Benzaiten-Ho". "Jippi-Benzaiten-Ho" describes the methods of the Jippi-benzaiten's ritual sequentially, and it is remarkable that its contents have much in common with the Tenkawa-benzaiten-mandala (the painting depicting Jippi-benzaiten). It is believed that this text was written using the "Kinbusen-Himitsu-Den" as reference.Several paintings of Jippi-benzaiten were created in Nara in the 16th century.The texts about the Jippi-benzaiten were written in Koyasan during the same era. A mountain ascetic called Tozan-ha, had propagated the faith of the benzaiten in Nara, Koyasan, and Tozan-ha-shugen-ja.
萩沢 友一
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 (ISSN:18815545)
no.32, pp.37-52, 2016-09

The program for protecting rights in community-based welfare (currently implemented as the support program for self-reliance in daily life and hereafter referred to as "the program") has come into force in the wake of the Basic Structural Reform of Social Welfare. It has been 15 years since its enforcement; however, the question remains as to whether we have substantially achieved the goal of ensuring the rights of target persons. Few studies focus on ensuring the rights of target persons and necessary conditions for achieving this in the program. Therefore, it seems that most previous studies fail to fully capture the problems of the program. In this study, the program was evaluated from the viewpoint of ensuring rights and the ideal implementation based on the Basic Act for Persons with Disabilities. Furthermore, a countermeasure is proposed. Results indicate that this study identified various effects of the program as well as critical problems such as: (1) extremely low rate of utilization, (2) lack of a policy for people refusing to use the program, and (3) welfare service provision system that needs a personal guarantor for recipients who has no relatives. These problems mean that some cannot effectively access welfare services because their judgment ability is impaired. This study emphasizes solutions to these problems such as: (1) expanding the range of persons targeted for the program, (2) implementing life consultation for all citizens, (3) developing a "Mimamori" network system for those who refuse to use the program, and (4) developing a welfare service provision system that does not need a personal guarantor.
黄 綺燁
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 (ISSN:18815545)
no.30, pp.1-9, 2015-09

The South-Min Dialect is an influential Chinese dialect that is mainly spoken in China's Fujian Province and in Taiwan. It is also found in Chaozhou and the Shantou region of eastern Guangdong (this version of the dialect is hereafter referred to as the "Chaoshan dialect"). It is well known that tone sandhi phenomena are rich in South-Min Dialects, but the Chaoshan dialect has its own characteristics, which are different from those of other South-Min Dialects and are geographically diversified. Previous dialect research in this region has been insufficient. To rectify this issue, this paper presents the results of a dialect survey that I carried out last year. The paper describes and typologizes monosyllabic tones and tones of disyllabic words, and considers the relationship between tone categories and tone values.
笠井 津加佐 笠井 純一
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 (ISSN:18815545)
no.33, pp.149-164, 2017-03

初世菊田歌雄(1879-1949)は. 大阪地域を中心に, 箔曲・ 地歌の教育とその芸能の保存に貢献した女性であった。 当時の邦楽演奏家の多くは, 伝統芸能の専門職集団であった花街と深く関わり, 稽古や踊りの地方として活躍していた。 しかし彼女は, 花街とは関係を持たず, 大阪女子音楽学校 (相愛高等女学校に併設)や大阪市立盲学校などで教えると共に, 伝統芸能の専門職として独自の道を歩んだ。 彼女は継山流箔曲をはじめ, 地歌. 胡弓を習得し, その継承のため教 育に努める一方. 箪曲の採譜とその公刊. 点字楽譜の作成. バイオリン用箪曲譜(五線譜)の公刊も行った。 当時宴席でバイオリンを弾く芸妓がおり, 初世歌雄の譜面が使用された可能性もある。 また新聞で地歌の紹介にも努めている。 彼女の教育活動は, 菊原琴治と共に行った公立 女学校において等曲を正課とする運動へと発展し, 文部省の認可を得て, 箔曲音楽学校の設立に至ったが戦後の学制改革により廃止された。 本稿では, 初世歌雄の等曲教授活動の特色について, 菊田氏(三世歌雄)からの聞き取りと提供史料に即して考察を行った。 初世歌雄の教育と花街の教育は, 共に古典芸能の専門職を育成したという点では似ていた。 しかし, 初世歌雄は将来家庭に入る婦人や箪曲・地歌の専門職を育成する学校で教育を行ったのに対し, 花街における芸妓は一定の見習い期間の後は芸を披露する専門職として扱われ, 日々師匠や先輩芸妓について芸を磨きながら座敷に出た点が異なっている。 本稿では, この教育の在り方の相違が, 両者の音楽性(芸質)に違いを生じさせていると推測したが. 明らかに出来なかった点も多く. 今後の課題としたい。
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.32, pp.21-36, 2016-09-12

This paper discusses how Enlightenment thoughts were the driving force that radically changed the old hierarchical system of society into modem civil society during the revolutionary 17th and 18th centuries in Western Europe. Regarding the problem, Enlightenment thoughts are analyzed from two aspects. First, destructive aspects of the thoughts are pointed out, as these brought about the demise of the old hierarchical society. Second, constructive aspects are focused on, as Enlightenment thoughts contributed toward building a free and equal society after the revolutionary ages. This paper refers to the rise of the natural sciences, the French Enlightenment, and the civil war in England and France. They have skeptical, critical, and rationalistic minds in common, which are peculiar to Enlightenment thoughts. The paper emphasizes the rediscovery of the social contract as the most important contribution of Enlightenment thoughts. Modem civil society is built on ideas of consent. Civil society owes the realization of liberty and equality among all its members to the ideas of awakening reason, esteeming humanity, and qualifying progressiveness in Enlightenment thoughts.
廣田 篤
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.30, pp.23-29, 2015-09-28

In this paper, we will investigate in detail the nature of the No more A than B construction. First, we will see this construction classified into several categories based on the formal differences among them, and then, those corresponding semantic differences will be explored. In particular, we will focus consistently on than-phrases of No more A than B construction, which will turn out to be characterized through the actual usage of several sentences as objects or processes with an extreme property (i.e., they can be schematically stipulated as such). Next, it will be proposed that the essential function of this construction lies in the intersubjective coordination of a proposition between interlocutors, in terms of their interaction, and of a pragmatic perspective that will be newly introduced here. Finally, the whale-construction will be presented as a topic sentence that shows intersubjective coordination concerning a common conceptual ground between the speaker and the hearer. In other words, the interlocutors will negotiate how a whale should be categorized based on two different types of categorizations, which are distinct in the cognition of the speaker.
笠井 津加佐 佐藤 恵
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 (ISSN:18815545)
no.30, pp.227-249, 2015-09

The aim of this paper is to introduce Banzuke ( 番付 ) materials belonging to the Sato family that relate to Naniwa odori ( 浪花踊 ) . These materials are sourced from the sixteenth up to the twenty-third performance (the final performance before WW II). We have attempted to summarize the features of Naniwa odori, by inserting a table at the end of this paper that includes descriptions of the poets, composers, choreographers, and set designers involved in each performance. In this paper, we suggest that the transfiguration of Naniwa odori was significantly affected by Hanayagibuyokenkyukai ( 花柳舞踊研究会 ). Evidence of this can be found in Ryo Tanaka's writings, which include names of those who participated in Naniwa odori, such as, Shiko Okamura ( 岡村柿紅 ), Jusuke Hanayagi II (二代目花柳壽輔), and Ryo Tanaka (田中良). As we do not have sufficient evidence relating to the music used in the performances, further investigations must be conducted into this aspect.
高島 彬
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.30, pp.77-89, 2015-09-28

This article examines the grammaticalization of 'te-aru' constructions in Japanese. In Japanese, 'te­aru' constructions can be divided into two subtypes, exemplified in (l-2). The first type (1) is the construction where the patient is encoded by the nominative maker ga. The second type (2) is the one where the patient is encoded by the accusative marker wo. (l) 'X-ga te-aru' construction (2) 'X-wo te-aru' construction Many linguists pointed out that the difference between ga and wo in the constructions affects not only the syntactic aspect but also the semantic one. There are two types of analysis of the different cases in 'te-aru' constructions. In the first type, the constructions are considered to be passive-like sentences (cf. Soejima 2007, Suda 2010). In the second type, constructions are considered to be causative alternations (i.e., the opposition between the intransitive construction is 'X-ga te-aru' and the transitive one is 'X-wo te-aru' ). I will take the latter position one step further and show that it can be analyzed as a matter of grammatical development. In this paper, I will analyze differences in these constructional types as grammatical development from the 'X-ga te-aru' construction into the 'X-wo te-aru' construction. The framework I use to tackle this problem is "specification," which Kuteva (2001) showed as a mechanism of semantic change in grammaticalization. I conclude that specifying the information ( especially, the information of the agent in the event) led to the grammatical development of 'te-aru' constructions.
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.33, pp.1-14, 2017-03-28

The paper focuses on the marriage, family, and kinship among Tibetans based on the previous studies and fieldwork_ Marriages in Tibet are generally monogamous. However, some cases of polygamous marriages also exist due to economic reasons. Research indicates that getting married via a blind date with someone in the same village was common in Tibetan. However, with the establishment of the market economy and the economic development in recent years, there have been an in in marriages for love and beyond the geographical boundaries. The paper begins by analyzing previous studies about marriage and the family system in Tibet, and then describes the types of marriage and "bone and blood," a traditional concept among Tibetans. The second part of the paper deals with case studies from the S village, and describes the marriage, family, and kinship among Amdo Tibetans. Finally, the paper discusses the impact of recent social changes on the Tibetan marriage system; such as the Economic Development Plan on the western areas and the movement of young people to big cities for wage labor.
深川 美也子
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.33, pp.59-69, 2017-03-28

The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the phonological awareness (PA) and the reading of hiragana, by conducting a PVT-R test and PA test, and having each participant read all 46 Hiragana letters, one at a time. Each study participant was of average intelligence. Unlike previous studies,this study only prompted Segmentation, Abstract, Deletion, and Reversal PA tasks in the PA test. The first three PA tasks included words with three to four mora, and the Reversal task words with two to four mora. The results indicated the following three points: 1) The PVT-R test and the Reading of Hiragana are not related. 2) the relationship shown between PA development and reading of Hiragana is statistically weak, and 3) the difference in the number ofmora in words has a strong influence on the reading of Hiragana. There appears to be a relationship between the ability to read one letter at a time in Hiragana and PA development. However, the influence of PA development on the number of letters that can be read does not appear to be strong. As this study only investigated the relationship between PA development and the reading of Hiragana one letter at a time, further studies need to examine this relationship with respect to word-level reading. Additionally in the context of PA development, further studies need to take into consideration not only the four PA tasks mentioned here, but also the number of mora in the words used in the study.
杜 林
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 (ISSN:18815545)
no.33, pp.15-30, 2017-03

本研究では,今後の障害者福祉の一助となるよう,中国において障害のある人びとに関する聞 き取り調査を実施して,現代中国における障害者観を明らかにすることを目的としている。具体 的には,障害当事者の生活実態や意識という視座,および非当事者の障害者観という視座から検 討するものである。そして,それらを踏まえながら,中国における障害者の現状や障害者福祉政 策の問題について考察する。 調査データの分析から,障害当事者がさまざまな形で差別や社会的な排除を経験し,差別に対 して,「もう慣れた」,「理解してもらえない」という「無力感」を感じていることが明らかになっ た。また,因習的な観念によって,障害当事者および家族ともども,障害に対する態度として,「世 間を避ける」,「障害によって恥を感じる」という意識がある。他方で非当事者は,障害のない人 びとを「私たち」とみなし,障害のある人びとを「彼ら」として区別し,差異化しているという ことがわかった。 こうした分析結果から,現在の中国では障害のある人びとに対する誤解や偏見の意識が根強く 残っており,それゆえ障害のある人びとがさまざまな形で差別され,社会的に排除されている構 造を明らかにすることができた。To improve the well-being of people with disabilities, and clarify the perception of disability in modem China, I interviewed people with disabilities in China. Specifically, this study aims to discuss the living conditions of people with disabilities and what they think of themselves, as well as non-disabled people's perception of disabilities. Subsequently, 1 examine the problems of the current situation and the welfare policy for people with disabilities in China. The survey data indicated that people with disabilities have experienced discrimination and social exclusion in a variety of ways and feel "a sense of powerlessness" that they have become "accustomed to"the discrimination, or feel that "we're unable to be understood." Additionally, family members of people with disabilities also believe that "avoid the world" or "feel ashamed" due to the traditional prejudices that exist on this subject. On the other hand, non-disabled perceive people with disabilities as "they" and themselves as "we." Thus, it was found that discrimination does exist. From the results of this analysis, it is clear that people with disabilities have been discriminated and excluded in different ways because of the deep-rooted misunderstanding and prejudice that is prevalent in the modem China.