山﨑 健吾
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.50, no.4, pp.216-218, 2011-09-09 (Released:2012-09-01)

李 在淵 福江 潔也 下田 陽久 坂田 俊文
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.35, no.2, pp.11-21, 1996-04-30 (Released:2010-03-19)

A new elevation labeling method is proposed which can be applied to contour images including broken lines and inconsistencies caused by loss of contour lines and/or existence of irrelavant lines. Because conventional elevation labeling methods need ideal contours as an input data, broken lines and inconsistencies must be eliminated from the target contour image before elevation labeling. This elimination process (editing) has been done by human operator conventionally. The time-consuming human operation is a large problem in DEM generation from topographical maps. The proposed method has been developed In order to remove the above human operation. In the proposed method, a probablistic relaxation approach is used. That is, elevation probabilities are assigned to each contour, and then the probabilities are propagated to neighbor contours so as to decrease local conflicts.As a result, consistent labeling can be achieved even if the target contour image may include broken lines and some inconsistencies.
小林 和夫
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.22, no.4, pp.13-16, 1983-10-30 (Released:2010-03-19)

In order to teach and work effectively at survey and photogrammetry, one should understand basic semiological abbreviations which derived form foreign languages to Japan. This paper describes that several technical abbreviations in surveying correspond closely with Dutch words which were imported into Japan in the Edo era (1600-1867) .It was considered that, as established theory, symbols“B”and“L”were German abridgments of“Breite”and“Länge” (i.e. latitude and longitude), respectively, by force of making an amendment form French triangulation system to German triangulation system which had employed by the military serivice of Japan in 1882.Nevertheless, “B”and“L”also coincide with Dutch terms of“breedte”and“lengte..which were transfered to Japan at least since 1803. Moreover, it reveals that symbols“B”, “P”and“C”being utilised for eccentric triangulation might be said as abridgments of Dutch terms form“bevordelijk standpunt”for instrumental center, “piramidaale centrum”for center of measuring tower (namely“pyramid”) and“centrum van geodesische monument”for center of hurried mark, respectively.
魚谷 増男 山口 正博 後藤 保雄 宮坂 俊雄 矢野 和良
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.17, no.1, pp.24-32, 1978-08-15 (Released:2010-03-19)

A diagram has been annexed to the spot inspection record of the traffic accident or incident were drawn up with measuring-tape heretofore. We introduced the method applied with photogrammetry partially into the police since 1969. Sixteen (16) of the stereo-camera (base length-120 centimeter) were provided and came into use for the investigation of traffic accident and incident at present. These methods have produced some good effects on speedy spot investigation, quick settlement of traffic stagnation along with specialization and efficient investigation and prevention of traffic policemen from traffic accident. These stereo-cameras are utilized in another field actively in order to use them efficiently.Take some sample of our practical use of them, these instrument are utilized for investigation of the road structure at the intersection of traffic accident frequency or scheme of road improvement in order to root out of traffic accident. Furthermore, they are employed in the inspection of the ultimate causes of accidents due to the road administration. Inspect the desruction of the“motorcar to motorcar”accident and make out the identification materials to study the cause of accident. Write out the study documents of the cause of“roll-up”accident by the large-sized vehicles to study of the prevention measures of such accident. These instruments produced much good effects on calculation of area and volume required by the nature of the criminal cases. In recent years, the stereo-camera (base length-20 centimeter) had been developed. It is expected that it will be utilized to make correct dianognosis a part of casualty (sufferer) .A system with stereo-cameras as axis (main-instrument) produced low cost, simple operation, almost unnecessary for control point surveying and less influence of the weather as compared with the aerial photogrammetry. As the stereo-camera has like this advantages, it is presumed that there is enough room to be utilized widely in the public.It is ten (10) years since the police had introduced the photogrammetry, we believed that we should make every efforts to extend practical use of the instrument.
榎本 正雄 榎本 真 中島 彬
写真測量 (ISSN:05494451)
vol.11, no.1, pp.21-26, 1972-04-25 (Released:2010-03-19)

In the designated district to the Matsumoto Sabo Construction Work Office, Ministry of Construction, there are many mountain streams having been troubled by the rucky mudflow damages.To investigate the cause of the rocky mudflow, many experiments together with the actual prevention works for the rocky mudflow have been done by the members belonged to this office.This report introduces briefly the general view of the organization and methods on the rucky mudflow investigation in our office.
Doyle Frederick J.
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.16, no.4, pp.26-30, 1977

NASAは, 現在焦点距離30.5cm, フィルムサイズ23cm×46cmを有する地形図作成用高性能カメラを製作中である.このカメラは, スペースシャトルの初めの方の飛行に搭載される子定になっている。設計高度300km上空から, 225km×450kmの範囲をカバーし, 使用フィルムにより地上解像力は14mないし25mである。フィルムが飛行方向に長手サイズになるようにしてあるので, 基線長/高度の比を1.2まで上げられる。したがって20mないし30mの等高線間隔の地形図の作成が可能である。<BR>もし, 実験飛行から得られた写真が期待どおり良好な場合には, ほゞ円軌道で自由飛行する宇宙船にこのカメラが搭載され, 何ケ月にもわたって撮影が行われる。フィルムはシャトルにより回収される。<BR>ジェミニ計画で手持ちのハッセルブラッドカメラにより最初の宇宙写真撮影が行われた時から, 写真測量技術者は, 軌道衛星により, 空中写真測量から宇宙写真測量へと理論を拡張できるものと考えていた。LANDSAT計画の広範な成功にもかかわらず, 写真測量技術者は, LANDSATの映像が低解像力でかっ実体視ができないために, 実体図化が不可能であることに不満をもってきた。<BR>1967年の昔に, 国立科学アカデミーの『地球観測衛星の有効利用に関する委員会』は, 世界中の地形図作成が可能なカメラシステムの開発を答申した。この答申によれば, システムは標定のための地形図用フレームカメラと, 平面的な詳細図化のためのパノラマカメラで構成されていた。この方法の可能性を検討するために, アポロ15号, 16号, 17号に似たようなシステムが導入され, 月軌道で実験された。これらの写真の測定にもとずいて, 月面上の点が三次元座標で30mの間隔の密度で標定され, 2万5千分の1の縮尺のオルソフォトマップが作成された。このようなシステムが地球観測軌道に採用されるよう何度か提案されながら, 種々の理由により, このシステムは実現されなかった。
小泉 俊雄 小野 邦彦
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.34, no.3, pp.38-43, 1995

本論文は花火が綺麗に見える地域を地図に表した「花火ビューエリアマップ」を作成したものである。<BR>花火ビューエリアマップという用語は, 本論文作成にあたり著者が定めたものである。<BR>地図の作成方法は, 気球に搭載したカメラを花火の打ち上げ場所から花火が到達し開く上空地点まで飛揚させ, 視野角360度にわたって空中写真を撮影する。空中写真に写っている地点は, 地上から花火が見える地点であるとして地図を作成するものである。<BR>本論文では千葉県習志野市の「ふるさと習志野市民花火大会」の花火ビューエリアマップを作成した。<BR>作成した地図を花火大会当日現地に持参し, その精度を確認したところほぼ満足する結果が得られた。<BR>完成した地図は, 大きさ40cm×30cmの多色刷りのものである。
西村 正三 原 健司 木本 啓介 松田 浩
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.51, no.1, pp.46-53, 2012-03-09
1 4

In this paper, we discussed about As build data measured with 3D laser scanner, and the application of it. We measured one of the industrial heritages "Gunkan-Island" which the collapse is advanced. We carried out a rendering of point clouds as a sphere. That picture has the texture information such as pictures to add the shading in the pillars, beams and damaged part. So we can support to make damaged plans by using the rendered pictures. We solved that the width of cracks below resolving power of the photograph taken with the digital camera, has a correlation between the numerical data of features and the distribution width of colors. We created the index which Crack Index is "the numerical data of features and the distribution width of colors" and made a system for assisting in drawing the cracks. We could reduce the cost and term for tracing cracks.
江藤 博文 山本 高広 新井 康平
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.39, no.3, pp.14-20, 2000

A method for Earth observation satellite image database retrieve based on indexing of the spatial features extracted from the imagery data is proposed. In order to extract edges from the imagery data, the well known relaxation method and the thining algorithm are used. From the edges, spatial features, line, arc as well as circle are extracted. The proposed method is compared to the generalized Hough conversion method. It is found that the proposed method allows to extract arbitrary spatial features intentionally while the generalized Hough conversion method does not because the control parameters of the method is not enough. It is also found that the required computer resources are almost compatible. Using such spatial features, the portion of images with such features are retrieved from the imagery data.
神谷 泉
Japan Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
写真測量とリモートセンシング (ISSN:02855844)
vol.49, no.1, pp.41-44, 2010-03-10 (Released:2011-03-01)

Though GPS is widely used for outdoor positioning, there are no dominant technology for indoor positioning. However various technologies are proposed for indoor positioning. This report introduces some of them.