福谷 英二
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防食技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.27, no.3, pp.131-137, 1978-03-15 (Released:2009-10-30)

A brief review of the technical literature shows that numerous investigations have been made on alternating stray current electrolytic corrosion of lead, iron, copper, alminum and other metals.Alternating current corrosion on lead, iron and copper seems to be caused mainey during the anodic half cycle, but alternating current corrosion on alminum may be caused during both anodic and cathodic cycles.Alternating current corrosion may be also caused by the rectification effects of corrosion product film and or polarization.Weight loss effect of alternating current on lead, iron and copper is less than 2 percents compared with the effect of equal direct current, but its effect on alminum is very high and more than 40 percents of equal direct current.The effective remedial measures of alternating current corrosion are selective drainage method and cathodic protection by galvanic anodes.
出雲 茂人 末吉 秀一 北村 一弘 大園 義久
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防食技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.39, no.5, pp.247-253, 1990-05-15 (Released:2009-10-30)
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In order to make clear the effect of volcanic environment on the corrosion of metals, corrosion tests where heating and cooling are repeated between 40°C and 20°C in SO2 gas atmosphere (150-200ppm) were carried out on the specimens, carbon steel (SS 41), copper, aluminium, and zinc-plated steel which were covered with volcanic ash on the surfaces. The corrosion phenomena were investigated by means of the measurement of mass loss for corrosion and electron probe microanalysis. For SS 41, aluminium, and zinc-plated steel, the corrosion is greatly accelerated by volcanic ash when it accumulate thick on the surface. The copper specimen corrodes faster in the case of no volcanic ash, while under the presence of volcanic ash the corrosion is greatly accelerated as volcanic ash layer becomes thicker. These effects of volcanic ash on the corrosion are attributed to capillary condensation and water-retaining effects of volcanic ash layer.
竹本 幹男
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防食技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.35, no.2, pp.75-82, 1986-02-15 (Released:2009-10-30)

Utilizing a combined loading Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) test apparatus, SCC threshold stress criteria of two material-environment systems where environmentally assisted passive films are formed has been studied. Two systems studied in this report are SCC of carbon steel in boiling nitrate solution (60%Ca(NO3)2+3%NH3NO4) and SCC of 70/30 brass in Mattsson's solution (ammonical solution) at room temperature.The test results obtained are summarized as follows:1) The threshold stress of nitrate SCC of carbon steel could be well explained by the maximum principal stress theory although the elastic fiailure of substrate metal was ruled by the shear strain energy theory. The environmentally assisted passive film of this system is supposed to be thich magnetite, and so brittle that it could suffer brittle fracture at lower stresses than the yield stress of substrate metal. Intergranular cracks might inititate at the fractured passive film along the grainboundaries oriented in perpendicular to the maximum principal tensile stress.2) SCC threshold stress of 70/30 bass in Mattsson's solution was in good agreement with the maximum principal stress theory. The SCC threshold stress is much lower than the elastic failure stress of substrate metal. The tarnished film of this system is supposed to have an elastic modulas higher than that of substrate metal. and fracture stress lower than the yield strength of film-free substrate metal.3) Based on the test results of previous and this reports, it was concluded, that the SCC threshold stress of the systems which developed an environmentally assisted film could be ruled by the maximum principal stress theory, and that the SCC threshold stress of metals which had a selfhealing ability of passive film in atmosphere could be ruled by the strain energy theory which is similar to the elastic failure stress criteria of substrate metal. Whether the threshold stress of APC-type SCC is evaluated by the strain energy theory or maximum principal stress theory seems to depend on the mechanical characteristics of passive film in a given system.
三沢 俊平
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防食技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.32, no.11, pp.657-667, 1983-11-15 (Released:2009-10-30)
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高橋 樟彦
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防食技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.23, no.11, pp.557-572, 1974-11-15 (Released:2009-10-30)
兒島 洋一 岸元 努 辻川 茂男
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
Zairyo-to-Kankyo (ISSN:09170480)
vol.45, no.5, pp.305-314, 1996-05-15 (Released:2009-11-25)

The rate of uniform corrosion, the likelihood of pitting and crevice corrosion for aluminum, Al, in white wine were investigated in this paper. In commercial wines, the K2S2O5 is commonly added to induce free-SO2 which reduces the dissolved oxygen and acts as a fungicide in the wine. The spontaneous electrode potential of Al, ESP, in a deaerated wine containing less than 1ppm of free-SO2, at 25°C was measured to be about -600mV vs. SCE. Since the K2S2O5 is an oxidizing agent for the Al, the ESP was ennobled with the addition of K2S2O5 reaching -520mV with a concentration of 1000ppm K2S2O5. The uniform corrosion rate was measured to be 13μm/y at 25°C and this rate was found to depend on the temperature with an activation energy of 42kJ/mol. However, this rate was found to have no dependency on the electrode potential within the ESP range. The critical pitting potential, VC, PIT, measured in the wine containing 25ppm of Cl- was -370mV which was more noble than the ESP, and the pitting corrosion can not occur. The repassivation potential for the growing crevice corrosion, ER, CREV, was measured to be -530mV. It was also found that this potential does not depend on either the temperature or the concentration of K2S2O5. It was observed that the ESP became more noble than the ER, CREV with the addition of 800ppm K2S2O5 at 25°C. At a lower temperature, however, the ESP became more noble than the ER, CREV when a lesser amount of K2S2O5 were added. An effective method to decrease the rate of uniform corrosion is to reduce the holding temperature; however, to effectively prevent the crevice corrosion at these lower temperatures, the K2S2O5 concentration must be kept below 100ppm.
土田 敬之
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
Zairyo-to-Kankyo (ISSN:09170480)
vol.53, no.1, pp.44-49, 2004-01-15 (Released:2011-12-15)
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無水のアルコールはアルミニウムとアルコキシド反応を起こすことが知られている. しかし, 複数のアルコールが混在した場合の挙動は報告されていない. また, 微量の水の存在でアルコキシド反応を防止することが知られている. そこで筆者は (1) 共沸点近傍の混合アルコール溶液とアルミニウムの反応, (2) 混合アルコール溶液とアルミニウムとの反応を抑制する最低含水濃度の関係を調べることを目的とした. 353K, 373K, 393Kの各温度における72時間処理という条件で, 炭素数2~4のアルコールすなわちエタノール, ノルマルプロパノール, イソプロパノール, ノルマルブタノール, イソブタノールの5種類のアルコールを用い, 混合アルコール溶液50mlと純アルミニウム (JIS-A1085) 板片をSUS304製容器の中で反応させた. 試験の結果, 単体成分のアルコールに比べ混合アルコール溶液の場合, 反応温度が低下する傾向が見られた. また, 混合アルコール溶液の方が反応を抑制する最低含水濃度が高くなる傾向があることを発見した. これらの結果をアルコールの溶解現象の立場から考察を加え, 混合アルコール溶液中のアルコールクラスターのサイズ, 構造及び安定性が反応に大きく関与している可能性を示唆した.
宇城 工
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
Zairyo-to-Kankyo (ISSN:09170480)
vol.41, no.5, pp.329-340, 1992-05-15 (Released:2009-11-25)
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This paper summarizes recent trends in seawater-resistant stainless steels. These steels can be classified into 4 types; ferritic stainless steels which contain more than 25%Cr-3%Mo, austenitic stainless steels which contain more than 20%Cr-24%Ni-5%Mo, N-bearing austenitic stainless steels which contain more than 20%Cr-17%Ni-4%Mo-0.1%N, and duplex stainless steels which contain more than 25%Cr-6%Ni-3%Mo-0.1%N. The high-alloy ferritic stainless steels exhibit the best corrosion resistance to seawater among these types of steels. The superiority of the ferritic stainless steels is attributable to the difference in the effect of Cr on respective anodic polarization behavior of ferritic and austenitic stainless steels. At present, the ferritic stainless steels are mainly used in the condenser tubes of power plants, and the N-bearing austenitic stainless steels mainly in the pipe work of offshore platforms. Ultra-high nitrogen containing austenitic stainless steels, high-alloy duplex stainless steels manufactured by the powder metallurgical process, and anodic and catholic chromating stainless steels have also been studied as new seawater-resistant stainless steels.
板垣 昌幸 猿渡 麗子 渡辺 邦洋
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
Zairyo-to-Kankyo (ISSN:09170480)
vol.51, no.9, pp.410-417, 2002-09-15 (Released:2011-12-15)
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The electrochemical impedance for infinite and finite diffusion processes was described, and the locus of the impedance was discussed through comparison of the experimental results with the theoretical ones. The charge transfer resistance Rct and the polarization resistance Rp were compared with the current i and the slope of the polarization curve for the reduction of K3Fe(CN)6. The physical meanings of Rct and Rp in the diffusion impedance were discussed. It was confirmed that Rct-1 was related to the reaction rate. The theory to apply the diffusion impedance to the analysis of corrosion reaction was revealed.
小野 昇一 熊谷 幹郎 帆足 興次
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
Zairyo-to-Kankyo (ISSN:09170480)
vol.40, no.5, pp.315-322, 1991-05-15 (Released:2009-11-25)
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Influence of dissolved oxygen and temperature on corrosion and elution behaviors of Si3N4 ceramics containing 5wt% MgO as sintering aid in high-temperature pure water were studied using the once-through type experimental loop. Exposure tests were carried out under two different dissolved oxygen concentrations of below 20μg/l and 8mg/l. Exposure temperature was elevated gradually from 120°C to 200°C and then to 275°C, where the indicated temperature was kept for 8 days. The results suggested that dissolved oxygen did not promote corrosion of Si3N4 ceramics, although the weight loss of specimen after exposure was influenced largely by temperature and the amount was increased by almost one order of magnunitude with temperature change. These were considered to be caused by the reaction of Si3N4 grain with H2O, of which rate was increased with temperature. The specimen exposed at 275°C was largely leached and its amount of weight loss attained up to 52mg/cm2 under low dissolved oxygen condition. Then a part of corrosion products remained on the surface and formed the porous corrosion film. In these processes Mg tended to be accumulated in the leached layer. On the other hand, Si3N4 grain was scarecely eluted at 120°C, but the grain boundary contaming Mg was selectively eluted to test solution.
福井 三郎 川野 進 永江 康雄
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防蝕技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.11, no.5, pp.198-201, 1962-05-15 (Released:2009-11-25)

During the acid cleaning of various equipments, one of the troubles frequently encountered is acid attack on construction materials. Therefore, care should be taken to protect the equipment from acid attack during acid cleaning.Although the acid attack on steel has been studied for many years, there seems to be very little study concerning the acid attack on copper alloys, because the corrosion rates of copper alloys are considered to be comparatively low in the non-oxidizing acid solutions such as hydrochloric acid.However, the acid solution containing oxidizing agents such as oxygen, ferric or cupric ion, etc. may cause attack.In this study, we have investigated the effects of acid concentration, temperature, gas atmosphere and oxidizing ions such as ferric or cupric ion on the corrosion of copper alloys in hydrochloric acid solutions.As a result, it has been found that in the presence of oxidizing ions, the inhibition effect of inhibitors is markedly decreased, and the corrosion rates of copper alloys are greatly accelerated in the inhibited hydrochloric acid solution.The tendency is more remarkable when air is bubbled through the solution.On the hand, in the absence of oxidizing ions, the corrosion of copper alloys in hydrochloric acid can be prevented by inhibitors even when air is bubbled through the solution.
田島 栄 森 健実 小宮 衛
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防蝕技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.14, no.3, pp.109-117, 1965-03-15 (Released:2009-11-25)

Contact corrosion of couples of aluminum-mild steel, aluminum-stainless steel, anodized aluminummild steel, and anodized aluminum-stainless steel was studied. Corrosion current, weight loss, polarization measurement and salt spray test were carried out on these couples in various inorganic corrosive media: 1N NaCl, 0.1N NaCl, 1N CaCl2, 0.1N CaCl2, 1N Na2SO4, satd. Ca(OH)2 (pH=12.5), 0.38N Na2CO3, 0.5N Na2CO3, 0.1N NaCl, 0.069N NH4OH, 0.09N H2SO4, 0.1N HCl.Under various experimental conditions, both aluminum and anodized aluminum were in general less noble than mild steel and stainless steel except in sodium sulfate and sulfuric acid solutions, in which mild steel was anodic against aluminum and anodized aluminum.In most of the experimental conditions, aluminum and anodized aluminum sacrificially protected mild steel and stainless steel from corrosion completely. Weight loss of aluminum was, however, much greater than that of anodized aluminum. Corrosion current by the aluminum-mild steel and aluminum-stainless steel couples in alkaline solutions was about ten to one hundred times larger than in neutral solutions, while, in the case of anodized aluminum-mild steel and anodized aluminum-stainless steel couples, except in neutral and acidic solutions containing Cl ion, only a small corrosion current was measured.
大石 不二夫
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防食技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.38, no.11, pp.599-607, 1989-11-15 (Released:2009-10-30)

Survey of durability and its evaluation of polymeric materials are presented, by introducing the authors studies.Articles are shown as follows. 1) Differences between corrosion of metals and degradation of polymeric materials. 2) Concept on material system. 3) Development of testing apparatus for evaluating dynamic durability of plastics. 4) Factors affecting durability of polymeric materials. 5) Trials for simulation of durability. 6) Development of C-type method for estimating life against environmental stress cracking (crazing) of plastics.
岡野 一良 北村 義治 高橋 礼治
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防蝕技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.4, no.1, pp.27-30, 1955

An U-fin heater used as an air heater for drying powder materials was damaged due to corrosion of the heating copper tubes. As the results of experiments, it was concluded that the corrosion was caused by the adhesion of solder to inner surface of the copper tube. In order to remove the solder, some methods both by chemicals and by electrolysis were examined. Although we have not yet found a method, which removes the solder completely and not affects copper tubes, we obtained some promising method, especially one by chemicals.
滝 千博 作山 秀夫
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
Zairyo-to-Kankyo (ISSN:09170480)
vol.44, no.3, pp.151-158, 1995-03-15 (Released:2009-11-25)

When higher corrosion resistance than commercially pure titanium is required, Ti-0.15%Pd alloy is used because of insensitivity to crevice corrosion in NaCl solutions and lower corrosion rate in non-oxidizing acid solutions. Since it has been needed to find out substitute alloys having lower price than Ti-0.15%Pd and comparable corrosion resistance, binary titanium alloys were investigated. Among seventeen elements studied, only Ni and Ru were found to increase corrosion resistance in remarkable manner. Crystallographic analyses showed that most of nickel in a Ti-Ni alloys is precipitated as intermetallic Ti2Ni within α-phase matrix, and the intermetallic compound was found to be effective to bring the corrosion potential into the passive range. However, Ti-Ni alloys are not sufficient in terms of corrosion resistance, if compared with Ti-0.15%Pd alloy. As for Ti-Ru alloys, though they exhibit comparable corrosion resistance to Ti-0.15%Pd alloy, there seemed to have no merit in terms of material cost.
上田 龍二
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防食技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.38, no.4, pp.231-237, 1989-04-15 (Released:2009-10-30)
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The photochemical machining of metals using a ferric chloride etchant is useful for producing micro machining parts and electronic parts such as printed circuit boards, shadow masks for CRT devices, IC lead frames etc. This paper presents the outlines of their examples of products, photo etching processes, photoresist materials for etch mask, machining accuracy, etchant composition, etching mechanism and characteristic phenomena.
木島 茂
Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering
防蝕技術 (ISSN:00109355)
vol.17, no.9, pp.381-388, 1968-09-15 (Released:2009-11-25)
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Arrhenius plots were made using data on uniaxially stressed specimens of Types 304, 303 Se, 201, and 431 stainless steels immersed in 35% MgCl2 solution at various temperatures, pH of which had been adjusted to 3 at 22°C by adding HCl. The reciprocal of time-to-failure was taken as the rate of stress-corrosion cracking. Although this is not exactly correct, the results were in good agreement with the Arrhenius' equation. Furthermore, it was found that both the activation energy and logarithm of the rate coefficient, i. e. the pre-exponential term, increased in direct proportion to the stress-level applied and, in addition, the lines illustrating the above relations breaked at a stress-level corresponding to 0.03% proof yield strength of Types 304 and 303 Se steels. As for the other steels such a break was not evidently observed.Arrhenius' equation describes only the temperature dependence of a reaction rate and does not include the entropy changes, so that the activation energy corresponds to the activation enthalpy. Thus, the stress-dependent term, associated with the rate coefficient but not with the enthalpy, should belong either to the entropy term, if it depends on stress, or to another rate coefficient of the probability expression in terms of the free energy, if it does not depend on stress.The analysis of the results leads to the following conclusions: (1) if stress influences entropy, applied stress effectively decreases the activation free energy, and on the other hand the activation enthalpy increases with increasing stress; (2) if the entropy does not depend on stress, applied stress extraordinarily increases the frequency factor that depends on stress. This would mean that the density of active sites is augmented to very high order. Both the activation enthalpy and free energy increase with increasing stress.In both cases, therefore, rate of stress-corrosion cracking increases with applied stress. It can not be made clear, however, on the basis of this kind of analysis, which view is true, and, furthermore, there would be a case in which stress could influence both the entropy and the frequency terms simultaneously. At present, one can only say that the stress-dependent term, associated with thermal excitement of atoms but not with potential energy, is a sort of environment-sensitive parameter that may be able to control the susceptibility to stress-corrosion cracking, although the detailed mechanism involved can not be clarified.