遠藤 毅
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.113, no.6, pp.785-801, 2004-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
20 15

The Tone River which has the largest river basin in Japan rises in Mt. Oominakamiyama in the northern part of Gunma Prefecture. It runs down south to Maebashi City, and changes course to the east, then discharges into the Kashimanada Sea at Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture. It, however, used to flow south near Kurihashi Town in Saitama Prefecture, which lies mid-way between Maebashi and Chosi, and flowed in to Tokyo Bay. This rerouting was achieved by the work of the Tokugawa Bakufu in 1654. Before rerouting, the estuary had been in the northern part of the present Sumida Ward, the eastern part of Tokyo. In the estuary area, which corresponds to the Kohtoh region, consisting of Sumida and Koto Wards and the eastern part of Edogawa Ward at present, the sea was shallow and a lot of sand bars scattered over. The Kohtoh region naturally had favorable conditions for reclamation.When Ieyasu Tokugawa entered Edo Castle in 1590, the environs of the castle were limited, because the east side of the castle faced to an inlet called Hibiya Irie, and the other sides were surrounded by rough plateaus. Topographically the site was good for a fortress but too small to make a town and farming estate. Soon after his settlement, Hibiya Irie was reclaimed to build a town for warriors and citizens, and the Onagi cannel was excavated in the shallow sea which spread on the east of the Edo City for transporting food and salt. The soil dredged from the Onagi channel was used for filling the northern part of the channel. It was the first reclamation work in the Koto sea region. Since then reclaiming works have continued in the Koto sea region, which used to be the estuary of the Tone River. A lot of land has been reclaimed due to garbage disposal in the city since 1655.In the Tokyo Bay area, about 2, 700 ha was had reclaimed during the Edo era period over 270 years, and about 6, 000 ha from Meiji Era to the present over about 140 years. As a result of those reclamation works, the sea area of the Koto region has been replaced by man-made lands, with the exception of some ship routes.


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ゴミの埋め立て地でもゴミを覆うのに残土使うって書いてあるし、需要は至る所にありそうだな https://t.co/YpTzvCcmkA
@izu500 住宅地確保やゴミ処理場として江戸時代から埋め立てが始まっていたみたいですね。東京湾も遠浅に悩まされていたようで明治・大正期に埋立て地が増えましたが横浜の存在や震災の影響で港湾部は遅れてしまったのかもしれませんね。 https://t.co/jH5e7I0PwP (リンク先PDF)
東京都臨海域における埋立地造成の歴史 https://t.co/Pl7oj3p42s
@s_sasamatsu https://t.co/EgSlOyfCqL ggったら浚渫土処理のために戦前に着手したものの戦中中止されてたみたいですね…。不発弾とか気にすることなく戦後に土砂を追加で盛ったとかそんな感じの予感が。
Wikipediaだと「1923年(大正12年)の関東大震災の瓦礫処理で当地や豊洲、東雲などが埋め立てられた」だけど、こっち見ると「東京港修築事業計画」というのがあったっぽいな。 未完成だけど陸はあったのかな。 https://t.co/wV1tdZOwZw
東京都 臨海域 における埋立地造成の歴 史 https://t.co/GlIUGiA6Bx によると250平方キロメートル(13ページより)か
@mapper_akst 13号地の北半分が昭和40年代、南半分が昭和50年代に埋め立てられたみたいですね。 https://t.co/YwVooqfmgX https://t.co/xRIrqVdmOG
有難うございます。こちらはコピペ出来ますね RT @masuda_ko_1:遠藤毅 2004 東京都臨海域における埋立地造成の歴史。地学雑誌 113: 785-801 https://t.co/KIEnW7VVmh … (同じ論文です。公式な置き場がJ-Stageに移動しました。
遠藤毅 2004 東京都臨海域における埋立地造成の歴史。地学雑誌 113: 785-801 https://t.co/HmHi3ysyhp (同じ論文です。公式な置き場がJ-Stageに移動しました。) @KutaroMichikusa
散策研究会「漂流教室」参考資料④東京都臨海域における埋立地造成の歴史 https://t.co/Oc0umc7grN

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