遠藤 毅
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.113, no.6, pp.785-801, 2004-12-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
20 15

The Tone River which has the largest river basin in Japan rises in Mt. Oominakamiyama in the northern part of Gunma Prefecture. It runs down south to Maebashi City, and changes course to the east, then discharges into the Kashimanada Sea at Choshi City in Chiba Prefecture. It, however, used to flow south near Kurihashi Town in Saitama Prefecture, which lies mid-way between Maebashi and Chosi, and flowed in to Tokyo Bay. This rerouting was achieved by the work of the Tokugawa Bakufu in 1654. Before rerouting, the estuary had been in the northern part of the present Sumida Ward, the eastern part of Tokyo. In the estuary area, which corresponds to the Kohtoh region, consisting of Sumida and Koto Wards and the eastern part of Edogawa Ward at present, the sea was shallow and a lot of sand bars scattered over. The Kohtoh region naturally had favorable conditions for reclamation.When Ieyasu Tokugawa entered Edo Castle in 1590, the environs of the castle were limited, because the east side of the castle faced to an inlet called Hibiya Irie, and the other sides were surrounded by rough plateaus. Topographically the site was good for a fortress but too small to make a town and farming estate. Soon after his settlement, Hibiya Irie was reclaimed to build a town for warriors and citizens, and the Onagi cannel was excavated in the shallow sea which spread on the east of the Edo City for transporting food and salt. The soil dredged from the Onagi channel was used for filling the northern part of the channel. It was the first reclamation work in the Koto sea region. Since then reclaiming works have continued in the Koto sea region, which used to be the estuary of the Tone River. A lot of land has been reclaimed due to garbage disposal in the city since 1655.In the Tokyo Bay area, about 2, 700 ha was had reclaimed during the Edo era period over 270 years, and about 6, 000 ha from Meiji Era to the present over about 140 years. As a result of those reclamation works, the sea area of the Koto region has been replaced by man-made lands, with the exception of some ship routes.
遠藤 毅
公益社団法人 東京地学協会
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.113, no.4, pp.534-538, 2004-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
vol.113, no.6, 2004
遠藤 毅
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.116, no.5, pp.593-626, 2007-10-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
2 4

The Tokyo Lowland situated in the eastern part of Tokyo Metropolis was composed of extensive paddy fields until the end of the Edo era in 1868, then became a major industrial area from the beginning of the Meiji era due to the industrialization project of the early Meiji Government. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the changes in the industrial area in the Lowland since the beginning of the Meiji era, and to investigate the recent use of former factory sites following the relocation and closing of factories since around 1960.In the early part of the Meiji era, the industrial area only occupied the western part of the Lowland, the estuary of the Sumida River, and the junction of the Shakujii River and the Sumida River, and the main factories belonged to the shipbuilding and military industries. Then, over the period of two major wars, Shino-Japanese War (1894-1895) and Russio-Japanese War (1904-1905), the industrial area continued to be enlarged. At the end of the Meiji era, in 1912, many factories were developed along canals throughout the Kohtoh Area. Furthermore, the industrial area was developed throughout the Lowland during the period straddling World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (1941-1945).Although the industrial activity in the Lowland stopped for a several years from the end of the World War II in 1945, it started again with the outbreak of the Korean War, in 1950, and advanced remarkably mainly in the heavy and chemical sectors.However, this extreme industrial development brought to the Lowland the overpopulation and the public nuisances such as air-pollution, noise, and vibration from plants and manufacturing sites. To reduce these problems, the National Government and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government took such measurements as restricting the construction of new factories and strengthening regulations on the operations of factories. The regulations to prevent public nuisances were very costly to factory operators.As a result, the number of factories in the Lowland stopped increasing around 1960, and the number decreased rapidly from 1961 to 1975 because of relocation to other countries or ceasing manufacturing operations.Many former factory sites have been converted to other uses, mainly facilities for citizens such as condominiums, general residential areas, parking lots, schools, and parks. In particular, mainly at the sites of former metal industry, timber, and chemical industries, conversion to residential quarters has been remarkable. Among the new uses changed from former factory sites, the residential use occupies more than 50%.However, the change in land use from former factory sites to a residential quarter has brought problems throughout the Lowland area such the blocking of sunlight to existing houses due to the construction of housing complexes, and soil pollution caused by past industry activity. To reduce the problem of the blocking of sunlight to existing houses, each ward government has regulated the construction of housing complexes, and to reduce the problem of soil pollution, the National Government has promulgated the Soil Contamination Countermeasures Law.In addition to these problems, the extension of the subway network to the Lowland area in recent years has promoted an expansion of the residential quarter. This rapid expansion has led to a shortage of public institutions such as elementary and junior high schools. Furthermore, most of the Lowland area is permanently below sea level due to land subsidence, although the land is protected by extensive dikes and drainage systems to prevent disasters related to high tides and flooding.It is essential to solve these problems related to land use in this Lowland area.
遠藤 毅 川島 眞一 川合 将文
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.42, no.2, pp.74-87, 2001-06-10
9 21

遠藤 毅 石井 求
Japan Society of Engineering Geology
応用地質 (ISSN:02867737)
vol.25, no.3, pp.111-120, 1984-09-30 (Released:2010-02-23)
2 5

The plain area in the east part of Tokyo, Musashino Terrace and Shitamachi Lowland, is underlain by Quaternary thick sediments. These sediments are divided stratigraphically into two groups, the lower is the Kitatama Formation and the upper the Tokyo Formation. The general strike of the Formations tends NNWSSE with a very low dip to the northeast. Upper layers of the Tokyo Formation are mainly composed of silt, sand and gravel, forming the aquifer system of artesian groundwater. According to the distribution of Tritium ratio in the groundwater, which of Musashino Terrace has mainly supplied from the surface water of the Tama River.Withdrawal groundwater from these aquifers has caused the lowering of groundwater level and the land subsidence all over the plain. The lowering of groundwater level and the land subsidence, however, which have continued half a century, rapidly taken favorable turns during recent about ten years due to restrictions of groundwater withdrawal.Recovering of groundwater level has not only brought about the favorable turn of the land subsidence, but also decreasing the spout of oxygen deficient air through water wells and the cracks of basements at the time of air pressure change or pnuematic work in the underground. It also has advanced the secondary storage of natural water soluble gas, which has reserved originally in the deep layers, the Kazusa Group, into gravel layers beneath the Yurakucho Formation.
遠藤 毅 青木 滋
地質學雜誌 (ISSN:00167630)
vol.75, no.2, pp.102-103, 1969-02-25
石井 求 斎藤 量 遠藤 毅 山田 信幸 川合 将文 佐藤 安男
土質工学会論文報告集 (ISSN:03851621)
vol.22, no.4, 1982-12-15

昭和53年の東京23区全域と多摩地区における地盤沈下を報告している。23区の地盤沈下はほぼ全域に認められ, 江東区新砂, 足立区入谷町, 板橋区赤塚の付近で約3cm沈下し, その他の地域は3cm以下である。一方, わずかな量であるが隆起している地域もある。23区の最大沈下量は足立区入谷町の3.92cm, 最大隆起量は江戸川区守喜田町の0.88cmである。低地にみられる地盤沈下の状況を深さ別にみると, 浅層は依然として収縮が続いている。また深層は昭和49年ごろから全般的に膨張の傾向にあったが, 昭和53年は荒川河口付近のみ膨張傾向にあり, その他の地域では収縮傾向へと変わった。多摩地区の地盤沈下はぼ全域に認められ, 保谷市中町, 東村山市恩多町付近で約3cm, 清瀬市の東部で3〜6cm沈下している。その他の地域の沈下量は3cm以下である。清瀬市下清戸二丁目付近の沈下量は5.59cmで都内で最大値である。一方, 羽村町の西部では0〜0.13cm隆起している。地下水位は, 23区の一部で低下しているが, 全体として0.04〜4.57m上昇している。多摩地区は一部を除いて, 0.03〜3.53m低下している。
遠藤 毅 中村 正明
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
土木学会論文集 (ISSN:02897806)
vol.2000, no.652, pp.185-194, 2000-06-21 (Released:2010-08-24)

我が国産業・経済の中心である東京都区部地域について, 深部地盤の地質層序・地質構造・地層の土質特性等の調査研究を進めるなかで, シルト層の圧密降伏応力, 一軸圧縮強度等の力学的特性の分布が地域別に分類されることを明らかした. 本文は, このシルト層の圧密降伏応力, 一軸圧縮強度等の力学的特性の地域的分布についてさらに検討を加えるとともに, 過圧密比 (OCR) を用い, 過去において現地盤の上位に発達していたと推測される地層の最大層厚を算出し, その層厚および深部地盤構造と土質特性との関係について広域的な検討を行い, シルト層の力学的特性の地域的な差異をもたらした原因を検討したものである.
遠藤 毅
Tokyo Geographical Society
地学雑誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.115, no.4, pp.500-507, 2006-08-25 (Released:2009-11-12)
1 1

Modern manufacturing factories in the Tokyo Lowland-the developing eastern part of Tokyo Metropolis-were originally constructed by the national government at the beginning of the Meiji era in about 1870. Subsequently, the area developed as one of the important industrial areas in Japan. In particular, industrial development was remarkable during the period from about 1950 to about 1960. However, this extreme industrial development brought overpopulation and public nuisances such as air and noise pollution and vibration from plants and manufacturing sites in the Lowland. To ease this serious situation, the national government and the Tokyo metropolitan government took measures such as restricting construction of new factories and strengthening regulations on the operation of factories.Through these measurements, the increase of manufactories in the area stopped in about 1955, and many have disappeared since about 1960 because of their transfer to other cities or manufacturing operations shutting down.According to this investigation, many sites of factories and warehouses had their use diverted by citizens to facilities such as condominiums, general residential areas, parking lots, schools, and parks. In particular, conversion to residential use has been remarkable.
笹谷 康之 遠藤 毅 小柳 武和
公益社団法人 土木学会
日本土木史研究発表会論文集 (ISSN:09134107)
vol.7, pp.141-146, 1987
