岡部 祐介 友添 秀則 春日 芳美
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.57, no.1, pp.129-142, 2012 (Released:2012-06-02)

Konjo is the willpower necessary to endure suffering, and for making an effort, having become a word in daily use in society, as well as in sports. The purpose of this study was to clarify the opportunity and the factors responsible for the transformation of konjo in Japanese society in the 1960s. Our study focused on three points: 1) Clarifying how the meaning of the word konjo changed in the 1960s, from its dictionary definition and usage in newspaper articles. 2) Clarifying the situation in which konjo became popular through the Tokyo Olympic Games, and its spread to the sports community and to society. 3) Considering the factors responsible for the transformation of konjo, and to propose a hypothesis that could account for it.   Our conclusions were as follows: 1) The meaning of konjo evolved from a negative context of “a fundamental character and mindset with which a person is born” to a positive context of “a strong, resilient character that cannot be suppressed” and “a strong motivation to accomplish an aim” at the beginning of the 1960s. 2) Konjo was considered to the spiritual keynote for athletes at the Tokyo Olympic Games. Hirobumi Daimatsu's “konjo theory” had the persuasive reason by winning “Oriental Witches” championship at the Tokyo Olympics. In view of these factors, we considered that konjo was interpreted as a popularized moral virtue by society, and impacted on both education and popular culture. 3) We considered that the concept of konjo became transformed and was used to promote competitiveness in sports at the Tokyo Olympics as part of the strategy for “character building”. It also played a role in bolstering human resources that played a key role in economic development during the 1960s, and thus was of strategic value. The considerations listed above show that the Tokyo Olympic Games played an important role in the transformation of the concept of konjo in the 1960s.


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「1960年代における「根性」の変容に関する一考察 東京オリンピックが果たした役割に着目して」(pdf)

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@bsi_bmp @bongin_fighter 明治期から現在に至る「根性」の用法変遷と、東京オリンピック以後、学校教育の体育・部活動が精神修養(?)の場となっていく過程がよく纏められています。 1960年代における「根性」の変容に関する一考察 東京オリンピックが果たした役割に着目して https://t.co/vylAVpiKIJ
한국의 체육계에도 적용될 수 있을 논문입니다. <1960년대 "근성(곤조)"의 변용에 관한 고찰 - 도쿄 올림픽이 미친 영향에 착안하여 -> <<체육학 연구>> (2012) 1960年代における「根性」の変容に関する一考察:東京オリンピックが果たした役割に着目して https://t.co/ZY9J52nkWA
『1961(昭和36)年に組織された東京オリンピック選手強化対策本部ではメダルを獲得するための選手強化の具体的な方針として「根性つくり」が考えられた』 https://t.co/3mevGri4aS 体育学研究 2012 体育会系人間の精神構造って不変なのかもなぁ
“1960年代における「根性」の変容に関する一考察:東京オリンピックが果たした役割に着目して” https://t.co/3DijG5DgrK
@animei2710 https://t.co/NkTqdjYosf 漠然とした知識をなんとなく書いたけど、既存文献資料の研究を読むと面白かった。

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