大竹 恵子 島井 哲志 池見 陽 宇津木 成介 ピーターソン クリストファー セリグマン マーティンE. P.
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.76, no.5, pp.461-467, 2005-12-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
21 20

Purpose of this study was to develop the Japanese version of the Values In Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS). Japanese VIA-IS was back-translated, and their items were checked by the developers of the original VIA-IS. Participants in our standardization study were 778 undergraduate students who answered a battery of self-report questionnaires. The battery consisted of the Japanese versions of VIA-IS, Subjective Happiness Scale, General Health Questionnaire, and NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). It was found that VIA-IS has high internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Happier people showed higher overall scores on VIA-IS and on almost all subscales both in men and women. Scores on VIA-IS were higher in the healthier group than in the unhealthy group, especially on the subscales of depression and impediment of social activities. Subscales of NEO-FFI were related to subscales of VIA-IS in a consistent way. High nomination groups showed significantly higher scores on eight subscales of VIA-IS than low nomination groups.


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日本語版でも信頼性と妥当性の検討がされてますし https://t.co/FcJGcThTQb
備忘録 日本版生き方の原則調査票(VIA-IS:Values in Action Inventory of Strengths)作成の試み https://t.co/CHW9h4bPjG
日本版生き方の原則調査票 (VIA-IS: Values in Action Inventory of Strengths) 作成の試み https://t.co/K9ThIy8COa
【論文】大竹他 (2005) 日本版生き方の原則調査票 (VIA-IS: Values in Action Inventory of Strengths) 作成の試み/ポジティブ心理学で提案された「人間の特性としての長所」に関する尺度の日本版。6領域にわたる24の長所(240項目)で構成。英語版(https://t.co/G1xjvFVOAN)。https://t.co/u3TuLH746A https://t.co/nW6RH0EfHN
VIA-ISを試された方は、こちらの最終ページで日本語訳をして要素にラベリングをしてあげると良いかもです。 / “VIA-IS 作成の試み” http://t.co/UoSX8MXTQE

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