Yukiko Imada Masahiro Watanabe Hiroaki Kawase Hideo Shiogama Miki Arai
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.15A-002, (Released:2019-05-22)
12 70

The high temperature event in July 2018 caused record-breaking human damage throughout Japan. Large-ensemble historical simulations with a high-resolution atmospheric general circulation model showed that the occurrence rate of this event under the condition of external forcings in July 2018 was approximately 20%. This high probability was a result of the high-pressure systems both in the upper and lower troposphere in July 2018. The event attribution approach based on the large-ensemble simulations with and without human-induced climate change indicated the following: (1) The event would never have happened without anthropogenic global warming. (2) The strength of the two-tiered high-pressure systems was also at an extreme level and at least doubled the level of event probability, which was independent of global warming. Moreover, a set of the large-ensemble dynamically downscaled outputs revealed that the mean annual occurrence of extremely hot days in Japan will be expected to increase by 1.8 times under a global warming level of 2°C above pre-industrial levels.


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国内でも同様の研究は行われていて2018年の猛暑(7/23に熊谷が41.1℃を記録)と温暖化の関連を評価したのがこの論文。 https://t.co/SETrnwAhUu
@nooooon_met 「ダブル高気圧」という言葉に聞き馴染みがなかったので、「double high pressure」で調べてみたら、少しは使われている用語なんですね。 https://t.co/Ixm8EKPy12 あと、気象学会のレターにも投稿されているのを見つけました。 https://t.co/0cdJtbgBBm
@johnstretch @RHarrabin Attribution science can show that people have died due to climate change. Here you go… Japan’s deadly 2018 heatwave ‘could not have happened without climate change’: https://t.co/dzl4z6Pvl0 Based on this peer reviewed research: https://t.co/3xAgviS0qa You’re welcome!
一つの反例。一昨年(2018年)の猛暑は、温暖化が無ければほぼ起こりえなかったと見られてる。 https://t.co/EbzErbeye4 原論文はこちら。 https://t.co/Atd1wwk2fE サイテーションインデックスで見る限り、特に反論の論文やコメント等も見当たらず。
@Sunburnz1 @LizLloyd "July 2018 high temperature event in Japan could not have happened without human-induced global warming" https://t.co/2XBUMDufZ8 etc.
@Creamih8 @simonahac "Millions would die ... we were told" – no you weren't.
J-STAGE Articles - The July 2018 High Temperature Event in Japan Could Not Have Happened without Human-Induced Global Warming https://t.co/em23qFrYGm
The Imada's paper can be found here: https://t.co/em23qFrYGm
J-STAGE Articles - The July 2018 high temperature event in Japan could not have happened without human-induced global warming https://t.co/7kkMbH9QdT
We showed that the July 2018 high temperature event in Japan would not have happened without man-made #GlobalWarming and that extremely hot days in Japan are expected to increase 1.8 times under a global warming level of 2°C above pre-industrial levels. https://t.co/DD0Qqrs81v https://t.co/3k7aYmreu2
@shagpilepepe @MRobertsQLD @JulianBurnside Which Japanese scientists you have one lot that researched Asian winter monsoon over 700,000 yrs ago or this other lot that say the recent japan heatwave is 'essentially impossible’ without global warming https://t.co/FHJ9dipMXg
@shagpilepepe @MRobertsQLD @JulianBurnside So a suggestion from 2 reports is good enough to conclude that man made climate change doesn't exist
@JosephS36875398 @ScienceNotDogma @DrKateMarvel At your service! https://t.co/U6KVLwUrpu
The Japan Meteorological Agency declared that study shows the country’s extremely hot temperatures in July 2018 were human-caused. They state: “The event would never have happened without anthropogenic global warming”. https://t.co/yadq8vA1BK #globalwarming #climatechange https://t.co/ZLjlgkY8vK
2018 heatwave in Japan couldn't have happened without human-induced global warming https://t.co/sOGG9FjDOg https://t.co/25pDza01dd
@GeraldKutney Attribution becomes more solid, by and by. Heat wave in Japan https://t.co/U6KVLwUrpu Acc to https://t.co/p51C1fB6ZH “unequivocally”
Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere(SOLA)に気候変動現象研究部門 気候変動研究分野 渡部雅浩教授らによる「平成30年7月の記録的な猛暑に地球温暖化が与えた影響と猛暑発生の将来見通し」に関する論文が掲載されました。https://t.co/VXr0FWN9RB
@dansnyder88 @JamesRider3 @GeraldKutney This discussion started with an example. You just appear unable to engage with it due to cognitive dissonance - not wanting it to be true. "The July 2018 high temperature event in Japan could not have happened without human-induced global warming" https://t.co/2XBUMDufZ8
@dansnyder88 @GeraldKutney To add to the mystery, here's a brand new science paper: Huh
The July 2018 high temperature event in Japan could not have happened without human-induced global warming. https://t.co/GZLCmaZkc4
@DavidBCollum @SteveSGoddard @nedthebuff @SenatorShaheen UPDATES: https://t.co/Kn85LoO9GC (via @smithsonian), https://t.co/V0ejEvFOo8 (via @Reuters), https://t.co/YkmQrAHs8H (via @weatherchannel), https://t.co/O3sDH7B32B (via @metsocjp_en).
@goddersbloom @GRI_LSE UPDATES: https://t.co/Kn85LoO9GC (via @smithsonian), https://t.co/V0ejEvFOo8 (via @Reuters), https://t.co/YkmQrAHs8H (via @weatherchannel), https://t.co/O3sDH7B32B (via @metsocjp_en).
@willstirling @SteveSGoddard @swettjc @SenatorShaheen @GRI_LSE UPDATES: https://t.co/Kn85LoO9GC (via @smithsonian), https://t.co/V0ejEvFOo8 (via @Reuters), https://t.co/YkmQrAHs8H (via @weatherchannel), https://t.co/O3sDH7B32B (via @metsocjp_en).
昨日の報道発表。研究代表者は気象庁気象研究所の今田由紀子さん。環境研は全文htmlで出したんだ。気象研の報道発表資料はPDF。 https://t.co/YyiCtH1ckd SOLAの元論文はこちら。 https://t.co/X9BA1wsx6y https://t.co/pTkal0r0hh

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