Ian Joo 주이안 朱易安 (@ian_joo_korea)



【言語研究・掲載論文】A Contrastive Approach to the Evidential System in Tibetic Languages: Examining Five Varieties from Khams and Amdo (Hiroyuki Suzuki, Sonam Wangmo and Tsering Samdrup) 159号 https://t.co/GCXR5OcIMX
【言語研究・掲載論文】The Thetic/Categorical Distinction in Tagalog Revisited: A Contrastive Perspective (Naonori Nagaya) 156号 https://t.co/N79HvXRX9m
【言語研究・掲載論文】A Contrastive Approach to the Evidential System in Tibetic Languages: Examining Five Varieties from Khams and Amdo (Hiroyuki Suzuki, Sonam Wangmo and Tsering Samdrup) 159号 https://t.co/GCXR5OcIMX
【言語研究・掲載論文】On the Semantic Properties of Expressions Denoting a Small Quantity (Tadasu Hattori) 125号 https://t.co/F8rn18jF5L
【言語研究・掲載論文】ポケモンの名付けにおける母音と有声阻害音の効果―実験と理論からのアプローチ― (熊谷学而,川原繁人) 155号 https://t.co/SUb13Vb2Kt
【言語研究・掲載論文】Two routes to the Mayan VOS: From the view of Kaqchikel (Koichi Otaki, Koji Sugisaki, Noriaki Yusa and Masatoshi Koizumi) 156号 https://t.co/lJGD7XyE6L
【言語研究・掲載論文】“Information Structure, Focus, and Focus-Marking Hierarchies in Ryukyuan Languages” Michinori Shimoji (2018 年 154 号 p. 85-121) https://t.co/sVX9YfLYSl
さっき出てきた6年前のこの総説、懐かしくなった。韓国語を知らない人にも理解できるように書いたつもりなので、音声学・音韻論に興味がある人に広く読まれたい。 現代韓国語に生じている子音とトーンの変化。有名な平音・激音の話だけではない。 https://t.co/S9AEPIsJk3
【言語研究・掲載論文】On the semantic difference between paired and unpaired transitive verbs in Japanese (Emiko Hayatsu) 95号 https://t.co/IyqEJH2LUj
【言語研究・掲載論文】「満洲語の多様な形態素 -ngge の文法的位置付け」早田輝洋(2015 年 148 号 p. 33-60) https://t.co/LZaDolu3ZB
こういう論文を見つけた。CSJを分析したもの。 「工学系学会ではメモを用意する講演者が半数以上を占めているが,一方人文 ・社会学系学会では工学系に比べて原稿を用意して読み上げる講演者の割合が多くなっており40%近い。」(p.303) 講演音声の印象評価尺度 https://t.co/SSHjohLk9k
The article "Christmas in Deshima" tells you how Christmas was celebrated secretly in Deshima in old times https://t.co/4vcPypcEJR https://t.co/wessFwJfRu
Dig into the world of WATANABE Seitei (1851–1918), a master of kachoga (flower and bird paintings), through this article. You can enjoy block prints depicting the vibrant beauty of realistic flowers and birds. https://t.co/5ncZAeY42A https://t.co/CqAPNEOj0Q

64 0 0 0 OA 朧月猫草紙

Oborozuki Neko no Soshi is a checkered tale of a cat released in the Edo period. This is its preface. The headline is framed by drawings of a cat collar and an abalone shell. It depicts characters from The Tale of Genji, whose fates were changed by a cat. https://t.co/DGzt71Pz7A https://t.co/6ECvE9FViM
The months of the year are hidden in the picture. Can you find them? The answer is here: https://t.co/6lt0kmrr6v #ndldigital https://t.co/uwc6CrYbiO

33 0 0 0 OA 翻車考

Ocean #sunfish attracted a lot of interest because of their unique looks. This book was created by KURIMOTO Tanshu, a Shogunate doctor and naturalist in the Edo period. https://t.co/5HgHPuz35v https://t.co/MuBECNGyeg
This #sugoroku is from the late Edo period, when culinary culture reached full maturity. If you have a chance to visit Japan someday, try a variety of Japanese dishes! #ndldigital https://t.co/6dL0kU0kOQ https://t.co/V71tEY9Wld
#Aquarium at #ndldigital, with a picture scroll by KURIMOTO Tanshu. He was a physician of the mid to late Edo period as well as a naturalist, who left many accurate and beautiful sketches of plants and animals. https://t.co/lEb2FG949A https://t.co/NToAvoZje4
Are you interested in image searches of digitized books including rare and old materials that are available online in the NDL Digital Collections? Read more about the service here: “Illustration Search Functionality in the Next Digital Library” https://t.co/xnIQLEqAPT https://t.co/sO3yfCHHyW
Have you ever played #shogi, Japanese chess? This ukiyo-e, published in 1860, depicts a battle between personified shogi pieces. https://t.co/JA4lrPCxsU https://t.co/5K5pAcEPzQ
This book from the Edo period includes illustrations of men and women in colorful costumes. But when you turn the page, you'll find that they are actually kitsune (foxes) and tanuki (raccoon dogs) disguised as humans. #ndldigital https://t.co/moOQ4pvixa https://t.co/D72c3MCZG5

