森 一郎
東京女子大学紀要論集 (ISSN:04934350)
vol.47, no.1, pp.1-23, 1996-09

The significance of Heidegger's philosophy might be evaluated in terms of the "ontological turn" he gave to the phenomenological movement. In this essay, I attempt to show that this conversion as performed by Heidegger, is a repetition of another "great event" in philosophical history-Marx's reversal of dialectical thinking. In his famous essay "The Question Concerning Technique," Heidegger inquires in the essence of modern technique. According to his etymology, the word "technique" (tekhne), like the word "production" (poiesis), originally meant a mode of revealing (aletheuein). From such a aletheological point of view, Heidegger interprets the specific mode of modern technique as "Herausfordern" (challenging), by means of which anything on earth can become "Bestand" (stock). The claimant of this requisition is no longer an individual man, but some impersonal system of accumulation. Heidegger names this system the "Gestell" (gatheringsetting). When examined closely, the term "Herausfordern" is found to be equivalent to the key Marxian concept "Ausbeuten" (exploitation). Moreover, "Gestell" proves to be just another name for the monstrous master of the modern age, Capitalism. It is not accidental that we also encounter a question concerning technique in Marx's Capital. The subject of this book is "the capitalistic mode of production," so that Marx examines essentially the same modern technique, to which capitalism owes the development of its productive force. Guided by Marx's critique of the "economy of time," we can attain insight into the problems of the "technology of time." That is why Capital is still one of the most important philosophical approaches to the essence of technology.


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[哲学] “「英語のストックが資本と同義語である」という事実、を確認しておくことは決して無駄ではないだろう”。“マルクスはドイツ語の'Stock'つまり「棒」の含意を仄めかしている”

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この論文、書き出しが面白かった。→http://t.co/aahMfsAihp <近頃の「西洋思想仲買業者」(以下、「業者」と略)の流行のひとつに、「何とか的転回」というネーミングがある。> あるある。
あら、むかしコピーとった森一郎氏のマルクス&ハイデガー論がpdf公開(他の論文も多数): 「技術と生産 : ハイデガーからマルクスへ」 http://t.co/r2yhF9Oh
“「英語のストックが資本と同義語である」という事実、を確認しておくことは決して無駄ではないだろう”。“マルクスはドイツ語の'Stock'つまり「棒」の含意を仄めかしている” / “技術と生産 ―ハイデガーからマルクスへ 森一郎(PDF)” http://t.co/MmfFsQCr
“「英語のストックが資本と同義語である」という事実、を確認しておくことは決して無駄ではないだろう”。“マルクスはドイツ語の'Stock'つまり「棒」の含意を仄めかしている” / “技術と生産 ―ハイデガーからマルクスへ 森一郎(PDF)” http://t.co/MmfFsQCr

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