上西 充子 梅崎 修 南雲 智映 後藤 嘉代
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.11, no.2, pp.75-88, 2014-02

This paper presents theresultsof a survey of 700 college juniors and seniors concerning their perceptions of work. Using descriptive statistics, the study attempts to provide insights into the ways in which college students acquire their knowledge regarding work and develop their perceptions of work and labor unions. This study discusses how these perceptions affect studentsʼ job searches and sheds light on their opinions of work and labor unions. Those students who grasp these issues rapidly seem to acquirejob offers quickly. While a number of nationwide surveys have been conducted on college studentsʼ lifestyles and their efforts to find jobs, studies on their perceptions and knowledge concerning work and labor unions are few. The findings of this study provide useful information about studentsʼ perceptions of the rights and responsibilities of workers at a time when awareness is growing of such knowledgeʼs importance for job-seeking students.