本田 由紀 濱中 義隆 中村 高康 小山 治 上西 充子 二宮 祐 香川 めい 小澤 昌之 堤 孝晃 河野 志穂 豊永 耕平 河原 秀行 西舘 洋介

上西 充子
日経ビジネス (ISSN:00290491)
no.1668, pp.70-75, 2012-11-26

2014年3月に卒業する予定の大学3年生たちの就職活動(企業から見れば採用活動)の公式開始日である12月1日が目前に迫ってきた。 「100社にエントリー(登録)したけど、1社も内定をもらえない」「卒業しても就職できずにニートになっている人もいる」──。 こうしたショッキングな"実態"を伝えるニュースを目にして、不安を募らせる学生や親たちも多いだろう。
上西 充子
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
no.9, pp.3-21, 2012-02

This study aimed to investigate qualifi-cations of liberal arts students required by recruitment staff. The relationship between qualifications and jobs, and the extent to which specialized knowledge and intellectual capacity are evaluated in recruitment, are focused in this study. The following has been revealed. 1) The need for specialized knowledge in recruitment is limited. It is commonly recognized that specialized knowledge is developed after entering the company. 2) Intellectual capacity which enables the acquisition of knowledge and skills is commonly required. But whether high level intellectual capacity is highly evaluated or not depends on jobs. In some jobs high level intellectual capacity is highly evaluated, in others human skills are rather evaluated. 3) Among qualifications required in recruitment, intellectual capacity is less brought to the surface. One reason is that human skills required for all are more commonly emphasized. Another reason is that demand for intellectual capacity does not need to be open. 4) Companies require intellectual capacity of students, but they do not care whether it is developed within the curriculum of universities or elsewhere. So, liberal arts student should be aware of the demand for intellectual capacity, and they have to develop it somewhere. The ability of universities to develop intellectual capacity of students should be paid more attention by students, universities themselves, and companies.
上西 充子 梅崎 修 南雲 智映 後藤 嘉代
生涯学習とキャリアデザイン = 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン (ISSN:13493051)
vol.13, no.2, pp.67-81, 2016-03

This report presents an analysis of data collected from a follow-up survey of university graduates. Using descriptive statistics of working condition, knowledge of work rules, and awareness of labor unions, the study attempts to provide an insight into studentsʼ transition from school to work. This data can be used as a basis for the practical education of labor laws. The follow-up survey revealed three facts. First, we examined only those who work full time at their first job and thenworked in companies with a union. We foundthat these respondents are working undergood labor conditions. Second, the respondentsʼ knowledge of work rules did not increase even after they commenced working post their graduation. In some instances, their knowledge decreased. In addition, we found that respondents who worked full time at their first job and thereafter worked in companies with union did not experience deterioration of their knowledge, whereas other respondents did. One possible explanation is that they forgot this knowledge of work rules; however, this interpretation is forceful. It is plausible that in their minds, the meaning of knowledgechanged after they graduated. In their schooldays, they thought that the knowledge of workrules is declarative knowledge (knowledgeof facts); however, they realize later thatthis knowledge is procedural knowledge (knowledge of the activities involved). Third, because of this reason, the awareness of labor unions decreased.