岩井 四郎 木下 房男 木内 一巳 小松 ★ 仁科 良夫 大木 正夫 島田 安太郎 千村 重平 梅村 弘 阿高 康行 遠藤 輝 藤田 敬 郷原 保真 石橋 俊明 石田 聖 小坂 共栄 熊井 久雄 三上 進 三谷 豊 水野 学 岡部 孝次 酒井 潤一 沢村 寛 下野 正博 新海 正博 杉山 茂 田辺 芳宏 田中 俊広 渡辺 晃二 山下 昇 矢野 孝雄 吉野 博厚
地質学論集 (ISSN:03858545)
no.7, pp.297-304, 1972-12-25

The Matsumoto Basin Research Group was organized in March, 1971, to clarify the geological history of the Matsumoto Basin. The results of studies obtained during the last year are as follows. 1) A geological map on the Quaternary of the Matsumoto Basin was constructed for the first time. 2) The crystal ash beds in the Nashinoki Loam Formation are correlated to the so-called biotite pumice beds (B_1, B_2, B_3) around Yatsugatake Volcano, while the crystal ash may had been erupted from the volcano around Kumonotaira to the north of Mt. Mitsumatarenge in the midst of the granitic rock area of the Japanese Northern Alps. 5) The Nashinoki Gravel Formation is the products of the first, large scale deposits filling up of the Basin with gravel. It shows that the formation of the Basin set out first in that age. 4) Simultaneously with the accumulation of the Nashinoki Gravel (or the subsidence of the Basin), the Northern Alps began to rise and the peculiar volcano (with the crystal ash) started its activity.
新井 健司 石井 久夫 伊藤 孝 内田 克 遠藤輝 岡部孝次 熊井 久雄 小菅 範昭 近藤 洋一 郷原 保真 酒井 潤一 斎藤 義則 塩野 敏昭 島田 安太郎 下野 正博 隅田 耕治 角谷 邦明 関口 尚志 田中 俊廣 趙 哲済 中西 一裕 中島 豊志 中村 由克 林田 守生 松本 俊幸 三谷 豊 柳沢 文孝 山本 裕之 吉野 博厚
地質学論集 (ISSN:03858545)
no.14, pp.93-102, 1977-02-21

A wide-spread lake assumed to be larger than the recent Matsumoto Basin had existed in Early Pleistocene, and the Enrei Formation and its equivalent formations had been deposited in the lake. An extensively even erosion surface formed on the sediments in the latest Early Pleistocene is called the Ohmine geomorphologic surface. After the formation of the Ohmine surface, the recent mountainous areas such as the Northern Japan Alps, Mt. Hachibuse, Mt. Utsukushigahara and so on had been upheaved, while the Matsumoto Basin area had been depressed and the Nashinoki Gravel Formation, the upper Middle Pleistocene, had been deposited. The base of the Enrei Formation is 1,800 m above sea level in Mt. Hachibuse, while 700 m above sea level in the southern part of the Basin. The amount of upheaval of the mountainous areas can be estimated to be more than 1,000 m. The Matsumoto Basin area had been depressed again in the middle part of the Upper Pleistocene (about 40,000 years B. P.) and the Hata Gravel Formation had been deposited. The amount of depression may be estimated to be about 150 m in the eastern periphery of the middle part of the Basin.