川本 信之 三上 進
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.37, no.4, pp.230-239, 1978-11-30 (Released:2018-01-31)

It is reported that the Nautilus makes a diel vertical migration from a depth of about 500 m up to the near-surface of the sea. However, it is axiomatic that such a long-ranged migration within a short period of the time cannot be managed by only water-jet propulsion through the hyponome. There has been a number of early works for elucidating how the animal is possible to make this migration, but no satisfactory solution has been obtained so far. Through an anatomical observation on muscle part of Nautilus macromphalus, we could speculate that two major retractors, namely, funnel and cephalic, may be involved in downward migration. Our hypothesis is that the contraction of these two retracting muscle will create a pressure in a sea water intaken in the mantle cavity and this pressure may be transmitted (through unknown mechanism) to the siphuncle. If so, the gas contained in other chamber could be compressed and makes the specific gravity of animal increased.
三上 進 山田 俊郎
The Malacological Society of Japan
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.38, no.1, pp.70-72, 1979-04-30 (Released:2018-01-31)

オオベソオウムガイの生きているままで, 殻及び軟体部の重量を推定するため, 飼育実験中に斃死した7標本につき, 総体重, 殻重量及び軟体部重量を計測した。これから殻と軟体部の重量比を算出し, 解体の際失われる体液, 殻房内に含まれる液体重量は極めて小さい事を明らかにした。これらの値をWARD他(1977)の報告したオウムガイの計測値について吟味した結果, 極めて近い値を示した。将来幾つかの解決すべき問題もあるが, 本調査で求められた殻・軟体比率は重要な基礎的資料と認められる。
浜田 隆士 奥谷 喬司 棚部 一成 出口 吉昭 福田 芳生 波部 忠重 平野 弘道 蟹江 康光 川本 信之 三上 進 小畠 郁生
貝類学雑誌 (ISSN:00423580)
vol.37, no.3, pp.131-136, 1978

Progress and some results of the second rearing experiment of Nautilus macromphalus in Tokyo are described. The temperature controlling experiment is still applying to three extant individuals, that were supplied from New Caledonia last year through the courtesy of the ORSTOM in Noumea, and they are surviving for 222 days in captivity (May 14, 1978). Copulating behaviors are observed mostly in the waters of 17-19℃ in temperature but not in the cooler conditions. Shell growth at the apertural periphery was first measured to find that some individuals probably in a gerontic stage show no remarkable increment on one hand, the young specimens show 10-12 mm elongation per 100 days on the other. Recently the JECOLN also takes care of a living Nautilus pompilius that had been floated possibly from the Philippines along the Kuroshio Current over 2, 000 km and was captured by a fishing net set off Kawajiri, Kagoshima Prefecture in Kyushu, Southwest Japan.
岩井 四郎 木下 房男 木内 一巳 小松 ★ 仁科 良夫 大木 正夫 島田 安太郎 千村 重平 梅村 弘 阿高 康行 遠藤 輝 藤田 敬 郷原 保真 石橋 俊明 石田 聖 小坂 共栄 熊井 久雄 三上 進 三谷 豊 水野 学 岡部 孝次 酒井 潤一 沢村 寛 下野 正博 新海 正博 杉山 茂 田辺 芳宏 田中 俊広 渡辺 晃二 山下 昇 矢野 孝雄 吉野 博厚
地質学論集 (ISSN:03858545)
no.7, pp.297-304, 1972-12-25

The Matsumoto Basin Research Group was organized in March, 1971, to clarify the geological history of the Matsumoto Basin. The results of studies obtained during the last year are as follows. 1) A geological map on the Quaternary of the Matsumoto Basin was constructed for the first time. 2) The crystal ash beds in the Nashinoki Loam Formation are correlated to the so-called biotite pumice beds (B_1, B_2, B_3) around Yatsugatake Volcano, while the crystal ash may had been erupted from the volcano around Kumonotaira to the north of Mt. Mitsumatarenge in the midst of the granitic rock area of the Japanese Northern Alps. 5) The Nashinoki Gravel Formation is the products of the first, large scale deposits filling up of the Basin with gravel. It shows that the formation of the Basin set out first in that age. 4) Simultaneously with the accumulation of the Nashinoki Gravel (or the subsidence of the Basin), the Northern Alps began to rise and the peculiar volcano (with the crystal ash) started its activity.