斎藤 参郎 岩見 昌邦 中嶋 貴昭 初 暁楠
地域学研究 (ISSN:02876256)
vol.36, no.1, pp.223-239, 2006 (Released:2007-06-05)
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We already have conducted on-site surveys on daily shopping behavior in Shanghai, Taipei, and Fukuoka City and reported elsewhere the characteristics of daily shopping behavior of consumers in Shanghai and Taipei cities. However, we have yet to compare the characteristics of consumers among these three cities.This paper aims to compare the characteristics of daily shopping behaviors of consumers among these three cities to explore their similarities and differences. The on-site interview surveys that have been conduced for shoppers at shopping establishments in these three cities are designed to compare daily shopping behaviors of consumers among different countries. For the purpose, first we pick up seven typical commodities that cover daily shopping behaviors: fresh foods, general foods, home electric appliance, household utensils, personal belongings, street clothes, and home clothes. Second, we classify their shopping destination into seven retail categories: department store, suburban shopping center, specialty store, supermarket, convenience store, neighborhood shopping street, and market. In the interview surveys, we asked the respondents how often they go shopping to buy these typical commodities, at what destination they buy them, and how much they spend on them per each shopping trip. Besides these seven commodities we also asked the respondents about their eating out behaviors with respect to how often they go eating out and how much per eating out they spend.With this descriptive framework we compare the similarities and difference of daily shopping behaviors of consumers in three cities in terms of shopping trip frequency, destination retail categories, and expenditure per shopping trip for each of seven commodities and eating out behavior. Furthermore, dividing the respondents in three age groups at the age of 10s and 20s, 30s and 40s, and over 50s, we also apply the above same analyses to these three age groups to explore how consumer behaviors change generation to generation.Major findings are as follows: To buy fresh foods, almost all consumes in Fukuoka go to supermarket while those in Shanghai and Taipei use traditional markets. For all three cities, the older the age of consumers the more frequent shoppers they become for fresh foods, while the opposite is true for street clothes.JEL classification: D12, R10
遠藤 小太郎 吉田 真悟 中嶋 貴裕 行本 正雄 武田 邦彦
公益社団法人 日本金属学会
日本金属学会誌 (ISSN:00214876)
vol.70, no.5, pp.420-426, 2006

&nbsp;&nbsp;The respective awareness of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Japanese government, media and citizens about the change of sea level at some future date due to climate change was surveyed and analyzed. Three official reports from the IPCC, the white paper on the Quality of the Environment in Japan from the government, the articles in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper from about the past 20 years, and the questionnaires by the Japanese and local governments conducted towards citizens were used. The results of this investigation were that the IPCC concluded in their past three reports that the sea level was estimated to be lower because of ice in the polar regions due to climate change, the Japanese government did not describe this point clearly, the newspaper drew the opposite conclusion from the IPCC and the understanding of citizens was that the change in climate caused the sea level to rise. These differences were due to the lack of or misunderstanding of scientific knowledge such as Archimedes's Principle and the migration of fluid materials, and to the psychological trend of human beings. It is necessary for the government and media to clearly explain and announce these scientific facts in a modern society which maintains a close relationship to science.<br>
遠藤 小太郎 吉田 真悟 中嶋 貴裕 行本 正雄 武田 邦彦
公益社団法人 日本金属学会
日本金属学会誌 (ISSN:00214876)
vol.70, no.5, pp.420-426, 2006 (Released:2006-05-21)
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The respective awareness of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the Japanese government, media and citizens about the change of sea level at some future date due to climate change was surveyed and analyzed. Three official reports from the IPCC, the white paper on the Quality of the Environment in Japan from the government, the articles in the Asahi Shimbun newspaper from about the past 20 years, and the questionnaires by the Japanese and local governments conducted towards citizens were used. The results of this investigation were that the IPCC concluded in their past three reports that the sea level was estimated to be lower because of ice in the polar regions due to climate change, the Japanese government did not describe this point clearly, the newspaper drew the opposite conclusion from the IPCC and the understanding of citizens was that the change in climate caused the sea level to rise. These differences were due to the lack of or misunderstanding of scientific knowledge such as Archimedes's Principle and the migration of fluid materials, and to the psychological trend of human beings. It is necessary for the government and media to clearly explain and announce these scientific facts in a modern society which maintains a close relationship to science.
常世田 智明 稲熊 祐輔 宮城 愛 辻本 育子 中嶋 貴 瀬嵜 良三 氏平 伸子
一般社団法人 日本透析医学会
日本透析医学会雑誌 (ISSN:13403451)
vol.50, no.1, pp.87-92, 2017 (Released:2017-01-28)

症例は59歳の初診時に腎機能障害を認め血液透析導入. 同時期に心機能障害, 2型糖尿病も指摘. 腎生検未施行であり, 糖尿病性腎症と臨床診断していた. しかし, 「頭痛, 嘔吐, 感音難聴, るいそう, 知能低下, 母が心疾患であること, 血中乳酸値が繰り返し2mmol/L以上」などからミトコンドリア病を疑い, 65歳時に遺伝子検査を提出. tRNA-Leu (UUR) 3243A→G変異を認め, MELASが疑われた. その後, 遷延する低血糖をきたし死亡. 剖検を行ったが, 低血糖の原因となりうる形態的な病変は確認できなかった. 腎臓は廃絶状態であり, 腎不全に至った正確な病変の判定が困難であるが, ミトコンドリア病に関連した腎不全の可能性があると思われた. 心筋, 脈絡叢上皮細胞の電子顕微鏡検査にて, 異常なミトコンドリアの増多を認め, 病理学的にもミトコンドリア病の所見を示していた.
富田 早苗 三徳 和子 中嶋 貴子
特定非営利活動法人 日本禁煙学会
日本禁煙学会雑誌 (ISSN:18826806)
vol.11, no.4, pp.114-120, 2016-08-30 (Released:2016-09-17)

【目 的】 居宅の壮年期生活保護受給者の喫煙状況と健康行動との関連について明らかにする。【方 法】 40~64歳の生活保護受給者を対象に無記名自記式質問紙調査を実施した。調査内容は喫煙状況、疾患、健康行動およびソーシャルサポート等である。【結 果】 分析対象者は246名で、男性164名(66.7%)、女性82名(33.3%)、喫煙率は男性57.9%、女性39.0%であった。男性では学歴が低い者、健康行動が不適切な者、ソーシャルサポートが少ない者は有意に喫煙リスクが高かった。一方、女性では飲酒以外は喫煙との関連は認められなかった。男女とも高血圧、糖尿病、うつ病などの疾患と喫煙に有意な関連はなかった。【考察・結論】 女性は、喫煙とアルコール双方の支援が、男性は、食事、運動、睡眠など健康行動全般をふまえて禁煙支援をする必要性がある。ソーシャルサポートとの関連も示唆されており、生活保護受給者の禁煙対策は彼らの健康と生活を守るうえで早急に対応すべき課題と考える。
中嶋 貴子 馬場 英朗 中嶋 貴子
vol.14, pp.69-79, 2012
