村田 晃嗣 阿川 尚之 小島 誠二 中谷 直司 山口 航

中谷 直司
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2015, no.180, pp.180_111-180_125, 2015-03-30 (Released:2016-05-12)

What was it that eventually put a period to the Anglo-Japanese alliance at the beginning of the interwar years, a treaty that had been the most successful treaty in East Asia to that moment, through two victories in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 and the First World War of 1914–1918? As many previous works have claimed, was the strong pressure from the United States decisive in terminating the alliance? Or else,as some British works in relatively recent years have argued, was the opposition of the United States no more than the last push to bring down the curtain on the arrangement, if discarding the alliance had already become all but a foregone course in London by the time Washington made clear its opposition? This study will challenge both accounts. First, it will show that the American opposition alone was not and could have not been enough to put an end to the alliance, even though this opposition did indeed create the international dispute itself over whether or not the alliance should be continued. At the same time, the study will deny that London was almost independently decided on the matter. The British government did need something external to help it with its decision; however, that was not the increase of American pressure but the restoration of the credibility of America’s commitment to a new international order-building program, at least in the Asia-Pacific region. To this point, American diplomacy had had trouble displaying this commitment, due to the country’s failure to join the League of Nations that the US itself had conceived. Therefore, secondly, this work will emphasize the serious dilemma that the British alone confronted in the international politics that led to the lapse of the alliance. That dilemma can be well understood as a variety of the “security dilemma in alliance politics” very well known to IR students. Major previous works,especially in British research, believe that Japan consistently held the alliance to be more significant than Britain did until the last day of the treaty, because the former gained greater advantages through an alliance with the leading power in world politics. However, this study will largely revise this view by describing both Britain’s international political dilemma and Japan’s diplomatic changeover in the aftermath of the Great War.
中谷 直司
同志社法學 (ISSN:03877612)
vol.56, no.2, pp.245-332, 2004-07-31
中谷直司 金杉 昭徳 近藤 邦雄
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.40, no.5, pp.2346-2355, 1999-05-15

遺伝的アルゴリズムはダーウィンの進化論に基づいた最適解探索手法であるが その一方でダーウィンの進化論以外にも多くの進化論が提案されている. ウイルス進化論はその1つであり 生物はウイルスの感染により進化するという考えに基づいている. 本論文ではこのウイルス感染による進化という点に着目し ウイルス進化論に基づく新しい進化型アルゴリズムを提案する. 提案するアルゴリズムでは ウイルスを単体の生物ではなく遺伝子を運ぶ生物器官の1つとしてとらえるとともに 交叉を用いずウイルス感染を唯一の探索操作としている. また このウイルス感染はいくつかの遺伝子が急速に集団全体に拡散 進化することを意味しており 提案手法は遺伝的アルゴリズムよりも短時間での解の探索が可能となる. 提案手法の有用性を確認するため計算機実験を行い 提案手法と遺伝的アルゴリズムとを比較した. その結果 提案手法は計算時間が短かく 収束も速く また 最適解を得る確率も高いということが確認された.Genetic algorithm is a method to search optimum solution based on Darwinism. On the other hand the evolution theories are not only Darwinism but also a lot of theories. The virus theory of evolution is one of these theories. This theory is based on the idea that a virus evolves life. This paper proposes a novel evolutionary algorithm based on the virus theory of evolution. In this algorithm, we think that a virus is the organ to carry genes and we define infection with a virus as one and only search operator. An infection operator spread out the piece of genes into a population quickly. Therefore the calculation time of our proposed algorithm is shorter than the time of genetic algorithm. We have made computer experiments using proposed algorithm. In these experiments, we have compared the proposed algorithm with a genetic algorithm. The results show the efficiencies of proposed algorithm.
王 卉歓 中谷 直司 小池 竜一 厚井 裕司 朴 美娘
情報処理学会論文誌 (ISSN:18827764)
vol.48, no.9, pp.3125-3136, 2007-09-15

近年スパムによる被害に対抗するため,ベイズ学習アルゴリズムを用いたスパムフィルタが注目されている.また,同様にメールを媒介として多くの被害をもたらすコンピュータウイルスにおいても,既存の手法では対応困難な未知ウイルスに対し,ベイズ学習アルゴリズムを用いたウイルスフィルタの研究が行われている.しかし,ベイズ理論に基づくウイルスフィルタに関する研究は,十分な検討が行われたとはいえない状況である.そこで本論文では,現在スパムフィルタとして広く用いられているPaul Graham 方式,Gary Robinson 方式,naive 方式の3 種類のベイズ方式を用いたスパムおよびウイルスフィルタとしての性能に関する考察と,メールに対しスパム検出と同時にウイルス検出を行ううえで実装コストの面で有利になる,スパムとウイルス両方のフィルタで高い性能を示す新しいベイズ方式の提案を行う.実験により提案方式は従来方式によるベイジアンフィルタよりも,同等あるいはより低い誤検出率を維持したまま,より高い検出率をスパムとウイルス両方において実現可能であることが示された.The spam filter that used Bayes learning algorithm was paid attention in recent years as the countermeasure for damages of spam. In computer virus that causes a lot of damage through the medium of mail, the existing technique is difficult to take the countermeasure against the unknown virus. Some researches including us have studied and developed the virus filter that use the Bayes learning algorithm. But it seems that the enough research has been not done until now. In this paper, we compare the performance of spam filters and virus filters that use Paul Graham method, Gary Robinson method, naive method which have previously shown a good performance and widely have been used as spam filter. We also propose the new Bayes method that shows best performance of both spam filter and virus filter. It has advantage that we can detect a number of virus and spam mails at the same time in respect of the mounting cost. As the result, it is possible that the proposed method outperforms three original methods in exterminating both spam and virus with the same or lower false detection rate.
中谷 直司
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2015, no.180, pp.180_111-180_125, 2015

What was it that eventually put a period to the Anglo-Japanese alliance at the beginning of the interwar years, a treaty that had been the most successful treaty in East Asia to that moment, through two victories in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 and the First World War of 1914–1918? As many previous works have claimed, was the strong pressure from the United States decisive in terminating the alliance? Or else,as some British works in relatively recent years have argued, was the opposition of the United States no more than the last push to bring down the curtain on the arrangement, if discarding the alliance had already become all but a foregone course in London by the time Washington made clear its opposition?This study will challenge both accounts. First, it will show that the American opposition alone was not and could have not been enough to put an end to the alliance, even though this opposition did indeed create the international dispute itself over whether or not the alliance should be continued. At the same time, the study will deny that London was almost independently decided on the matter. The British government did need something external to help it with its decision; however, that was not the increase of American pressure but the restoration of the credibility of America's commitment to a new international order-building program, at least in the Asia-Pacific region. To this point, American diplomacy had had trouble displaying this commitment, due to the country's failure to join the League of Nations that the US itself had conceived.Therefore, secondly, this work will emphasize the serious dilemma that the British alone confronted in the international politics that led to the lapse of the alliance. That dilemma can be well understood as a variety of the "security dilemma in alliance politics" very well known to IR students. Major previous works,especially in British research, believe that Japan consistently held the alliance to be more significant than Britain did until the last day of the treaty, because the former gained greater advantages through an alliance with the leading power in world politics. However, this study will largely revise this view by describing both Britain's international political dilemma and Japan's diplomatic changeover in the aftermath of the Great War.