丸島 令子
女性学評論 (ISSN:09136630)
vol.16, pp.89-120, 2002-03

The combination of prolonged survival and reduced birth rate has changed Japan from a young society to an aging, even old, society.An increase in the survival rate means most people can look forward to a longer asulthood.Life is seen as progress through the stages of infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.Adulthood may be arbitrarily subdivided into early adulthood, middle adulthood and later adulthood.Many studies in later adulthood show that not all age-related changes after maturity involve decay or deterioration.Gains in some aspects of intelligence continue long in later adulthood.At first, researchers in psychology looked for a connection between creativity and intelligence.It soon become clear that a certain level of intelligence would be neccessary for creativity to flourish.There is no indication that age-related declines in creativity are the results of declines in cognitive, intelligence function.For one thing, sometimes, the peak of creative productivity takes places during later adulthood, in the sixties, seventies, or even later.Wisdom is also an aspect of cognition and intelligence that develops with age.An average older asult may not be wiser than an average younger adult, but profound wisdom is likely to develop among the old.Erikson(1982) saw wisdom as the peak of ego development.He proposed that wisdom developed in the old when they found meaning in life and accepted the immminence of their own death, successfuly resolving the conflict between integrity and despair.He also described slf-trancendence as another aspect of wisdom.Now, many personality theories incorporate the link between wisdom and personality.Erikson viewed middle adulthood as a period of both transition and crisis.According to Erikson(1950,1963), middle age is a time when social norms require that a person should be a productive, contributing member of society, and if an individual has a sense of productivity and contributes to what is socially expected, the individual will have a sense of generativity(intergenerational relations).However, if an individual feels he or she has not fulfilled role requirements, a sense of stangnation, which means a sense of crisis, can result.Some longitudinal studies conclude that evidence of personality stability throughout middle adulthood refledts ego-psychologocal development for successful aging.
丸島 令子 有光 興記
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.78, no.3, pp.303-309, 2007-08-25 (Released:2010-07-16)
7 11

The generative concern scale (GCS) and the generative behavior checklist (GBC) based on the multifaceted model of generativity (McAdams & de St. Aubin, 1992) were reconstructed based on item analysis in preliminary research. The reconstructed scales were administered to 996 adults. Factor analysis of GCS-R and GBC-R data revealed the following three factors which showed high internal consistency: offering, maintaining, and creativity. Significant positive correlations between the GCS-R and the GBC-R implied that generative concern may lead to generative behavior. The GCS-R and GBC-R showed significant positive correlations with the Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory (Nakanishi & Sakata, 1993) and the Inventory of Psychosocial Balance (Domino & Affonso, 1990), which supports concurrent validity. Adults with higher scores on the GCS-R were more extroverted, open-minded to experiences, and the less depressive based on scores on the Big Five Scale (Wada, 1996) and the Beck Depression Inventory (Hayashi & Takimoto, 1991). These results indicate convergent and predictive validity.
丸島 令子 有光 興記
The Japanese Psychological Association
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.78, no.3, pp.303-309, 2007
1 11 8

The generative concern scale (GCS) and the generative behavior checklist (GBC) based on the multifaceted model of generativity (McAdams & de St. Aubin, 1992) were reconstructed based on item analysis in preliminary research. The reconstructed scales were administered to 996 adults. Factor analysis of GCS-R and GBC-R data revealed the following three factors which showed high internal consistency: offering, maintaining, and creativity. Significant positive correlations between the GCS-R and the GBC-R implied that generative concern may lead to generative behavior. The GCS-R and GBC-R showed significant positive correlations with the Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory (Nakanishi & Sakata, 1993) and the Inventory of Psychosocial Balance (Domino & Affonso, 1990), which supports concurrent validity. Adults with higher scores on the GCS-R were more extroverted, open-minded to experiences, and the less depressive based on scores on the Big Five Scale (Wada, 1996) and the Beck Depression Inventory (Hayashi & Takimoto, 1991). These results indicate convergent and predictive validity.
丸島 令子
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.48, no.1, pp.52-62, 2000
1 1

本研究は「生殖性」の発達と自己概念との関連性について, 一般成人390人 (M/143, F/247) と成人患者 41人 (M/23, F/18) を対象者として (1) 成人期3段階における生殖性の発達,(2) 中年期の自己概念の因子構造の分析,(3)「生殖性/停滞」の発達要因と自己概念の検討の3つの目的から追究する。主な結果は, 1)「心理社会的バランス目録: IPB」(Domino & Affonso, 1990) を用いて一般成人を3年齢群と性による相違を検討したところ, 生殖性は年齢の順に得点が高くなった。2) 中年期の自己概念の因子構造に「達成因子」と「適応因子」および「社会性因子」の3つが抽出され, それらが検討された。3) 中年群と患者群を「GHQ」により精神健康状況を査定して, 2つの精神健康群 (「健康群」「リスク群・患者群」) に再分類し, 各群の生殖性の発達に影響を及ぼす要因を検討したところ, 健康群にはほぼ自己概念の「達成」「適応」の両因子がかかわり, 性差も見られたが, もう一方の停滞状況のリスク群・患者群の生殖性の発達には「適応」因子がかかわった。以上の結果から達成, 適応の自己概念は中年期の心理社会的発達と有意に関連していることが示唆された。