高松 祥平 青山 将己 久保 雄一郎 伹尾 哲哉
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.2, pp.825-839, 2019-12-16 (Released:2019-12-20)

We examined the process of development of the first professional female volleyball club in Japan, Victorina Himeji, in relation to its stakeholders. For the purposes of this study, a professional sports club was defined as an organization composed of professional athletes who receive compensations through engagement in sports. We collected qualitative data from websites, papers, books, and archive material. In addition, we conducted a semi-structured interview with Mr. Akira Hashimoto, chief executive of Himeji Victorina. This revealed the involvement of 13 primary stakeholders and 11 secondary stakeholders in Victorina Himeji’s development from its conceptual stage up to the present. Analysis of Victorina Himeji’s organizational development over time revealed 3 phases. Phase 1 was the period from the launch of the club-founding preparatory committee until the establishment of the joint-stock company: Himeji Victorina. During this period, Mr. Masayoshi Manabe, who has been the head Japan women’s volleyball coach until 2016, and interested locals joined together with the idea of creating a professional volleyball team in Himeji city, a period during which Mr. Hashimoto later joined and strengthened the management. Phase 2 was the period following the establishment of Himeji Victorina until its official admission to the V. League. This was the period during which the organization conducted tryouts, scouted and collected players with prospects of strengthening the team, and strengthened the main office staff at the club’s headquarters. In addition, Phase 2 saw the beginning of sponsor recruitment, in addition to strengthening of the top team, along with activities to popularize volleyball and train players through the establishment of the general incorporated association: Victorina Elite Academy. Finally, Phase 3 was the period following the official admission to the V. League until the present. Overall, this study clarified the relationships with stakeholders and engagements as a club, which were both crucial elements in the process of founding this professional sports club and ensuring its growth as an organization.
高松 祥平 青山 将己 久保 雄一郎 伹尾 哲哉
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.19021, (Released:2019-08-30)

We examined the process of development of the first professional female volleyball club in Japan, Victorina Himeji, in relation to its stakeholders. For the purposes of this study, a professional sports club was defined as an organization composed of professional athletes who receive compensations through engagement in sports. We collected qualitative data from websites, papers, books, and archive material. In addition, we conducted a semi-structured interview with Mr. Akira Hashimoto, chief executive of Himeji Victorina. This revealed the involvement of 13 primary stakeholders and 11 secondary stakeholders in Victorina Himeji’s development from its conceptual stage up to the present. Analysis of Victorina Himeji’s organizational development over time revealed 3 phases. Phase 1 was the period from the launch of the club-founding preparatory committee until the establishment of the joint-stock company: Himeji Victorina. During this period, Mr. Masayoshi Manabe, who has been the head Japan women’s volleyball coach until 2016, and interested locals joined together with the idea of creating a professional volleyball team in Himeji city, a period during which Mr. Hashimoto later joined and strengthened the management. Phase 2 was the period following the establishment of Himeji Victorina until its official admission to the V. League. This was the period during which the organization conducted tryouts, scouted and collected players with prospects of strengthening the team, and strengthened the main office staff at the club’s headquarters. In addition, Phase 2 saw the beginning of sponsor recruitment, in addition to strengthening of the top team, along with activities to popularize volleyball and train players through the establishment of the general incorporated association: Victorina Elite Academy. Finally, Phase 3 was the period following the official admission to the V. League until the present. Overall, this study clarified the relationships with stakeholders and engagements as a club, which were both crucial elements in the process of founding this professional sports club and ensuring its growth as an organization.
久保 雄一郎 奥井 翔大 笹川 達也 水谷 義隆 河野 智美 片岡 勲
混相流 (ISSN:09142843)
vol.34, no.1, pp.100-110, 2020-03-15 (Released:2020-04-02)

Thermohydraulic behavior in spent fuel pool is quite important in evaluating safety of a nuclear reactor under accidental conditions. Particularly, accurate prediction of void fraction in spent fuel pool is indispensable for evaluating cooling characteristics of spent fuel. In view of these, experimental and analytical studies were carried out for void fraction in spent fuel pool. The experiment was performed to measure the heat-up and void fraction transient during the postulated SFP accident. In this experiment, a simulated 7x7 BWR rod bundle that consists of 49 heater rods, 7 spacer grids and upper tie-plate was used. The measured data was compared with the some drift-flux correlations under the low pressure and the low flow rate condition related to SFP accident.
内村 正史 多羅尾 信 宮本 康二 大久保 雄一郎 原 明
日本臨床外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:13452843)
vol.70, no.6, pp.1685-1689, 2009 (Released:2009-12-04)

症例は19歳,男性.2007年9月18日午前1時ごろ心窩部痛出現,徐々に症状増強し近医救急車搬入.腹膜刺激症状及び腹部単純CTにて腹水貯留を認め,急性腹症の診断にて当院救急車搬入.収縮期血圧80,脈拍93,搬入時顔面蒼白.腹部造影CTにて短胃動脈破裂による腹腔内出血が疑われ,かつ出血性ショックと判断し緊急手術施行.腹腔内は大量の血液が貯留し,胃体部後壁,脾上極の短胃動脈に出血部を認め,同部を含めた胃部分切除をおこなった.術後1日目に人工呼吸器より離脱し徐々に回復.病理組織検査ではElastica van Gieson染色で小動脈中膜の異常断裂像を認めFibromuscular dysplasia(以下FMD)の所見と考えられた.まとめ:若年者に発症した短胃動脈瘤破裂は腹部内臓動脈瘤の中でも非常に稀であり若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.