尾方 壮行 井上 莉沙 竹内 悠香 秋山 雄一 都築 和代 田辺 新一
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 平成30年度大会(名古屋)学術講演論文集 第6巻 温熱環境評価 編 (ISSN:18803806)
pp.89-92, 2018 (Released:2019-10-30)

Field surveys were conducted in bedrooms to investigate the relationship between the environment and sleep quality. Sleep efficiency was relatively low when the average CO2 gas concentration at sleep was low which may be due to the high noise level. The percentage of wake-after-sleep-onset was the lowest under thermally neutral.
井上 莉沙 都築 和代 竹内 悠香 秋山 雄一 尾方 壮行 田辺 新一
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 平成30年度大会(名古屋)学術講演論文集 第6巻 温熱環境評価 編 (ISSN:18803806)
pp.93-96, 2018 (Released:2019-10-30)

竹内 悠香 秋山 雄一 井上 莉沙 尾方 壮行 都築 和代 田辺 新一
公益社団法人 空気調和・衛生工学会
空気調和・衛生工学会大会 学術講演論文集 平成29年度大会(高知)学術講演論文集 第6巻 温熱環境評価 編 (ISSN:18803806)
pp.153-156, 2017 (Released:2018-10-20)

藤尾 久美 井上 莉沙 荻野 枝里子
一般社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会
日本耳鼻咽喉科頭頸部外科学会会報 (ISSN:24365793)
vol.126, no.7, pp.863-870, 2023-07-20 (Released:2023-08-01)

COVID-19 嗅覚障害は従来の感冒後嗅覚障害とは異なる臨床像を呈することが判明してきた. その一つに CT 画像上での嗅裂所見がある. われわれは, CT 画像での嗅裂所見に注目し, 臨床研究を行った. 対象96症例に対し, CT 上の嗅裂の閉塞なし, ありの2群に分けて, 年齢, 性別, COVID-19 と診断され, 嗅覚障害を自覚した日から受診までの日数 (以下, 発症から受診までの日数), 異嗅症の有無, 嗅覚障害程度について調査した. 嗅覚検査は Visual analogue scale (VAS), 日常のにおいのアンケート, 基準嗅力検査, 静脈性嗅覚検査 (アリナミンテスト), スティック型嗅覚検査 (odor stick identification test for Japanese: OSIT-J) を行った. さらに, 経過を追えた23例に対し, 嗅覚障害改善の予測因子について探索した. CT での嗅裂閉塞あり群の症例では閉塞なし群より嗅覚障害の程度は高度であった. 治癒までの経過を追えた23症例で, 発症から受診までの日数が予後の予測因子となった. 嗅裂の閉塞所見を認める症例では, 嗅覚障害の程度は閉塞なし群の症例より高度であった. 今回の調査では, 経過を追えた症例での予後因子は発症から受診までの日数となり, 治療の早期加入が必要であること, もしくは嗅覚障害が遷延する症例は難治性が多いことが推測された.
井上 莉沙 高橋 好斗 尾方 壮行 都築 和代 田辺 新一
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.84, no.764, pp.919-926, 2019 (Released:2019-10-30)
1 6

In this study, field surveys in actual bedrooms in summer and winter were conducted with the purpose of verifying that the evaluation of the thermal environment in bedrooms by calculating the human heat load on the human body is effective in different seasons. The measurements were undertaken in two seasons; the summer period was July, August and September of 2017 and 2018, the winter period was December of 2017, and January and February of 2018. In the calculation of the human heat load, the actual basal metabolic rate of the subjects was substituted for the metabolic rate in formula proposed by Akiyama et al. during sleep. The quality of sleep was evaluated based on the physiological parameter during the sleeping period, including sleep stage, by measuring the electroencephalogram, electrooculogram, and electromyogram and the subjective sleeping feeling at the time of waking up. We evaluated that sleep quality was good as there were more appearances of deep sleep and less appearances of wake time. Also, OSA sleep inventory was used for subjective evaluation of the sleeping feeling. Since the relation between human heat load and percentage of sleep stages in winter was similar to that in summer, it was shown that the evaluation of the thermal environment in bedrooms due to human heat load may be effective even in different seasons. In both seasons, the colder environment when the human body thermal load is smaller than 0 W / m2 decreased the quality of sleeping, but it tended to be different in warm environments when the human heat load was greater than 0 W / m2 ; especially around 45 minutes after turning over, there was a tendency that the percentages of stage wake, REM sleep, and shallow sleep are the smallest and the percentage of deeper sleep is the largest in the vicinity of the steady state where the heat loss to the bedding from the human body is nearly 0 W / m2. The value after sleep onset immediately was taken as the initial value, and the heat radiation amount or endotherm amount added every 30 seconds was calculated as ΣLm. The closer the ΣLm is to 0 kJ/m2 the higher the percentage of deep sleep. That is, the quality of sleep tended to be improved in the state where the heat radiation amount and the endotherm amount were about the same. It is known that deep sleep appears longer during the initial part of 90 minutes after sleep onset, and the sleep becomes shallow in the latter part of sleep. In this study, the deep sleep time overnight tended to be longer when a longer deep sleep time was obtained within 90 minutes after sleep onset. In addition, the longer the deep sleeping time in one night, the more the subjective feeling of sleep when waking up tended to be improved. Therefore, in this study, it was shown that, in order to improve the quality of sleep, it is important to keep the body posture in the bed long in a low-humidity and warm environment because the heat flow to the bedding from the human body continues in the steady state quantitatively. Finally, it was shown that it is important to get a longer deep sleeping time from both viewpoints of physiological evaluation and psychological evaluation for sleep.