井黒 浩輔 今村 央
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:24353353)
vol.73, no.1, pp.27-32, 2023-08-04

Three specimens of the birdbeak burrfish Cyclichthys orbicularis (Bloch, 1785) and a single specimen of the pelagic porcupine fish Diodon eydouxii Brissout de Barneville, 1846, collected from Usujiri, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan represent the first records from Hokkaido and northernmost records of both species. Together with Chilomycterus reticulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Diodon holocanthus (Linnaeus, 1758), diodontid species reported from Hokkaido. A single specimen, previously reported as a young individual of Ch. reticulatus, was reidentified as Cy. orbicularis.
小泉 雄大 遠藤 広光 今村 央
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.20-029, (Released:2021-03-15)

The stomiid snaggletooth genus Astronesthes Richardson, 1844 comprises nine species groups (including 40 valid species), plus a further eight species independent of the groups. Among them, the Astronesthes cyanea species group (seven species) is distinguished from all other species by having the following characters: e.g., 42‒50 total vertebrae, 16‒21 dorsal-fin rays, a relatively long chin barbel (but rudimentary in three species), 3 or 4 photophores (part of the ventral row below the pectoral fin) forming an arch, and prominent luminous tissue on the operculum in large specimens. Two specimens (84.6 and 111.1 mm in standard length) belonging to this species group, collected off the Yaeyama and Ogasawara Islands, Japan, were identified as Astronesthes formosana Liao, Chen and Shao, 2006. Although the original description of A. formosana, which noted its close resemblance to Astronesthes indopacifica Parin and Borodulina, 1997, considered the former to differ from the latter in having prominent luminous patch on the lower jaw (vs. absent), a slightly swollen or rounded tip on the chin barbel (vs. slender and simple), prominent luminous tissue on the lower part of the operculum, extending to the lower end of the maxilla [vs. restricted to the middle part of the operculum (in >50 mm standard length specimens)], numerous scalelike spots or prominent patches dorsally on the head and body (vs. sparse), and the upper nostril with more a pair prominent or smearlike luminous patches (vs. a single pair prominent luminous patches), no significant differences were found between the two species in prominent luminous tissue on the operculum, and scalelike spots or prominent patches dorsally on the head (including upper nostril) and body. In addition, the barbel tip shape was found to be of inconclusive value for separating the two species, leaving the presence or absence of prominent luminous patch on the lower jaw as the only valid distinguishing characteristic. Because the features of the two Japanese specimens agreed closely with those in the original description of A. formosana, they were identified as that species, being the first record of the latter from Japanese waters. The new standard Japanese name “Taiwan-tokagegisu” is proposed for the species.
小幡 光汰 古庄 誠 今村 央 成松 庸二
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
pp.23-018, (Released:2023-08-05)

Five specimens of scaleless dragonfish of the genus Melanostomias (Stomiidae: Melanostomiinae) were collected off the Ogasawara Islands, southern Japan and Fukushima Prefecture, Pacific coast of northern Japan. The specimens conformed to Melanostomias nigroaxialis Parin and Pokhilskaya, 1978 as follows: tips of the upper and lower jaw teeth bifurcated; chin barbel distally expanded from midpoint, the dorsal and ventral expanded areas membranous and transparent, and including small luminous bodies; a single ovoid body without a terminal filament on terminal part of chin barbel; distinct luminous patch on dorsal surface of head absent; and axis of chin barbel almost entirely black, except terminal part. However, the present specimens had a shorter chin barbel than noted in the original description of M. nigroaxialis. Because a plot of barbel lengths (as % of standard length) versus standard length of the present specimens and three specimens examined in the original description indicated that barbel lengths tended to decrease with growth, the difference in barbel length between the two groups of specimens was consistent with intraspecific variation. In addition, the present specimens had different numbers of VAV, AC, IC, VAL and OA photophores compared with the original description of M. nigroaxialis, although the ranges were less than the those in many congeneric species, also indicative of intraspecific variation. Consequently, the present specimens were identified as M. nigroaxialis, previously known only from the Banda Sea, southern Philippines Sea and northern New Zealand. This is the northernmost record of M. nigroaxialis, and first from Japanese waters. The new standard Japanese name “Tomoshibi-kanten-tokagegisu” is proposed for this species.
今村 央 持田 誠

今村 央

大橋 慎平 今村 央 矢部 衞
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.60, no.2, pp.111-116, 2013-11-05 (Released:2015-12-26)

Two specimens (131.5 and 147.0 mm in standard length) of the Gelatinous Blindfish Aphyonus gelatinosus Günther, 1878, collected from southern Japan (Kumano Sea and near the Tori Island, part of the Izu Island chain), were found among preserved specimens held by the Department of Natural Science, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, Kochi, Japan and National Museum of Nature and Science, Tsukuba, Japan. Aphyonus gelatinosus is recognizable in having only a single pelvic fin ray, high numbers of dorsal fin rays (92–118) and caudal vertebrae (46–55), few long gill rakers (3–4), and short predorsal length (26.5–30.5% SL). This species and genus is known from the Pacific Ocean, but not from the north Pacific including Japanese waters. Thus, these specimens are a new record of both the genus Aphyonus and A. gelatinosus for Japan.
篠原 現人 今村 央
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.18, pp.20-29, 2005-02-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

An overview of "scorpaeniform" fish phylogenetic studies is presented. Imamura and Shinohara (1998) reviewed previous phylogenetic studies of the "Scorpaeniformes" and stated that monophyly was unlikely. Since 1998, 4 papers (1 morphological and 3 molecular) have been published, which independently show the polyphyletic origins of this group. The present paper provides an outline of Imamura and Shinohara's (1998) paper, and gives summaries of the 4 subsequent papers. Evidence for polyphyly presented in the 4 papers is discussed. Suggestions for future areas of "scorpaeniform" taxonomic and evolutionary research are presented.