今井 圭理 渡邉 豊
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.65, no.2, pp.111-116, 2015-08-20

Massive radioactive cesium was released to the North Pacific Ocean by the accident of the TEPCO Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant from March 2011. Using the T/S "Oshoro-Maru" cruise, we started monitoring the concentration of radioactive cesium radioactive cesium(134Cs and 137Cs) in the North Pacific surface water from May 2011. Until December 2014, the samplings were carried out at 394 stations in the North Pacific Ocean including the Japan Sea and the Bering Sea. High concentration of radioactive cesium has been observed off Tohoku in 2011, and afterwards spread through the eastern side of the North Pacific by the Kuroshio Extension. In the most region, the radioactive cesium in the surface water reduced by less than the detection limit by the end of 2012. In order to clarify the spatiotemporal change of radioactive cesium in the ocean in future, the continuous monitoring by using the T/S "Oshoro-Maru" cruise be useful.
三谷 曜子 岡崎 宏美 関口 圭子 宮下 和士
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.61, no.2-3, pp.65-74, 2011-12-26

Killer whales Orcinus orca are cosmopolitan in distribution, but study sites are restricted to small geographic areas, primarily shore-based and boat-based studies focusing on nearshore areas. To contribute understanding about the biology of killer whales in pelagic areas, we created photographic identification catalogue of killer whales sighted during T/S Oshoro-maru cruise to the northern North Pacific, Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea in 2003, 2005-2009. For 6 years, 37 groups were found, containing 182 whales, and 29 individuals were identified from left side photos of dorsal fin. No individual was re-sighted within-year, nor between-year. And no matches were found between killer whales observed in Alaska, Russian far east seas, Kushiro and Shiretoko, Japan. Our result can serve as background information for the future study of pelagic killer whales.
村上 祐一 倉西 森大 CHAMSAI Sawitree 岡本 純一郎
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.62, no.3, pp.51-61, 2012-12

泉 ひかり 萩原 聖士 玄 浩一郎 井尻 成保 足立 伸次
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.65, no.3, pp.125-130, 2015-12-20

Removal of ribosomal RNAs(rRNA) from total RNA in eggs before preparation of a RNA library is required for the analysis of maternal mRNA using next-generarion sequencing ; this mRNA is essential for normal development. In mammals, the rRNA-depletion method is well-established and is already being used for the development of experiment kits. However, this method is not designed for other species, e.g., non-model organisms. In the current study, we attempted to remove rRNA from total RNA of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica, which is one of the most important aquaculture species in Japan. Removal was performed via hibridization-selection using mammalian probes from a commmercially available kit and/or an ordinally designed eel probe. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction(PCR) was performed to examine the depletion efficiency of 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA were comparative between each method, and >98% depletion was achieved. In addition, RNA-sequencing analysis using a next-generation sequencer and read-mapping analysis were carried out using the rRNA-depleted RNA, which was prepared using a mammalian probe, and mapping analysis revealed that rRNA reads were <1% of the total reads. These results suggest that an rRNA-depletion kit designed for a mammal can also be used for fish species.
田村 亮輔 中川 宙飛 五嶋 聖治
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.64, no.2, pp.37-44, 2014-07

アサリRuditapes philippinarumはサハリンから日本,朝鮮半島,中国に分布し,潮間帯から水深約10mまでの砂礫泥底に生息する潜砂性の二枚貝である(松隈,2004)。日本においては古くから沿岸漁業の重要種として漁獲が行われてきたが,近年その資源は減少傾向にあり(伊藤,2002; 多賀ら,2005; 松川ら,2008),資源管理技術の確立が望まれている。適切な資源管理を行う上で本種の成長や成熟に関する情報は不可欠であるが,北海道におけるそれらの知見は本州や九州に比べて乏しく,北海道内においてもアサリ漁業の中心である道東域(中川,1994)に限られているのが現状である。北海道函館湾に面する北斗市(旧上磯町)館野地区では,殻長32mm以上の個体を対象に漁獲が行われている。しかし当該地域においては本種の産卵期についてわずかに知見があるのみで(清水ら,2006),成長に関する情報は不足している。
小野 祐嗣 磯田 豊 工藤 勲 宮園 章 有田 駿
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.65, no.2, pp.47-59, 2015-08

北海道オホーツク海側の沿岸に沿って南下する宗谷暖流は,宗谷海峡を挟む日本海とオホーツク海の水位差(圧力勾配力)によって駆動されている(青田,1975)。実際に,係留流速計・HFレーダ・海底設置型ADCP等を用いた長期流速記録と現場の水位差記録(稚内と網走の水位差)の間には高い相関があり,宗谷暖流はその水位差が極大となる夏季に流量増加,水位差がほとんどなくなる冬季にはほぼ消滅という明瞭な季節変化を示す(例えば,松山ほか,1999; Fukamachi et al.,2008; Ebuchi et al.,2009)。宗谷暖流は基本的に水位差駆動されているので順圧流が支配的であるが,成層が発達する夏季には傾圧流量の寄与が順圧流量の半分弱程度になるという見積もり報告もある(Matsuyama et al.,2006)。夏季の宗谷暖流の沖合境界表層に出現する冷水帯は,順圧流と傾圧流が相互作用した結果として理解されている。例えば,Ishizu et al. (2006)は順圧流の強い水平シアーから生じる海底エクマン収束が鉛直循環流を生成し,冷たい底層水が海面まで湧昇するという物理機構で冷水帯の形成を説明している。
大橋 慎平 永野 優季 加藤 克 河合 俊郎 矢部 衞
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.64, no.2, pp.55-69, 2014-07-31

Approximately 3,500 fish specimens were transferred from the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University to the Fisheries Science Center, Hokkaido University Museum (HUMZ). The authors identified fishes from at least 16 orders, 57 families, 109 genera and 145 species. Although most specimens were collected around Japanese waters, several species were collected from other areas, e.g., Eleginops maclovinus (Eleginopsidae) from Chile and Luciocephalus pulcher (Osphronemidae) from India.
田村 亮輔 中川 宙飛 五嶋 聖治
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.64, no.2, pp.37-44, 2014-07-31

Shell growth of the short-necked clam Ruditapes philippinarum at Hakodate Bay, Hokkaido, Japan, was studied from February 2011 to February 2012. Monthly measurements of shell growth increment from the last ring on the shells revealed that a ring was formed annually from February to March. The Gompertz growth equation was fitted to the relationship between number of rings and shell length, and the equation, LR = 38.41exp (-exp (-0.892 (R-2.029))) was obtained, where LR is the shell length (mm) at the number of ring R. This equation shows highly depressed growth rate after 30 mm in shell length, and maximum shell length was attained about 40 mm that is smaller than those of the other localities. The estimated growth pattern was in accordance with the results of analyses of the size frequency distributions. The observed depressed growth was not explained by a shortage of food supply or seawater temperatures, but may be due to sediment character of including many cobbles and pebbles with sand which disturbs shell growth of the short-necked clam.
津村 良祐 木村 暢夫 藤森 康澄 岩森 利弘
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.57, no.1-2, pp.19-24, 2006-11

Ship motions on the small fishing boats for scallop cultivation in Funka-Bay, Hokkaido, are usually influenced by the dynamic force of large scale cultivation facilities. On the rough sea condition, it would generate fatal ship motions like large amplitude rolling motion. To reduce such ship motions under fishing conditions, we designed a new type of mooring device with buffer materials used as absorber for ship motions. We carried out the tank experiment used the model in the wave conditions corresponded to the actual fishing operation to confirm the effect of reducing ship motion. For the waves in the long-period frequently generated under rough sea, the damping effect of the absorber was effective to reduce rolling motion, and accounting for nothing less than 10.0% compared with the normal mooring device without the absorber. As a result, the mooring device with absorber is effective for the improvement of seakeeping qualities of the fishing boats for scallop cultivation.
清水 茂雅 堀口 明日香 山崎 浩司 川合 祐史
北海道大学大学院水産科学研究院 = Research Faculty of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University
北海道大学水産科学研究彙報 (ISSN:13461842)
vol.59, no.2, pp.37-42, 2009-08-03

Recovery of heat-injured vegetative cells and spores of Clostridium perfringens was evaluated on selective media, CW Egg-yolk agar with kanamycin (ECW+A), Tryptose sulfite cycloserine agar(TSC+A)and modified Handford agar (mHFA). As a result of heat treatment at 54℃ for 15 min, viable counts of C. perfringens vegetative cells on a selective medium (ECW+A)was significantly less than those on non-selective media. This means C. perfringens vegetative cells should be in an injured state. Comparing of the three selective media, TSC+A was the best growth and recovery of heat-injured C. perfringens vegetative cells. Recovery on ECW+A was 1 log CFU/ml less than that on TSC+A. Supplementation of TSC+A with sodium pyruvate (0.1-0.5%) further enhanced recovery and detection of heat-injured C. perfringens vegetative cells, and its efficacy was the highest on TSC+A supplemented with 0.3% sodium pyruvate. Supplementation of TSC+A with sodium pyruvate did not affect recovery of heat-injured (95℃, 2 or 60 min) C. perfringens spores. These findings suggest that TSC+A is the most favorable medium for enumeration of C. perfringens and supplementation with sodium pyruvate improves recovery and detection of heat-injured C. perfringens.