佐々木 裕美 佐伯 克哉
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.47, no.3, pp.298-304, 1996 (Released:2010-10-20)

As a treatment for respiratory failure in chronic lung disease, an artificial airway is sometimes required for respiratory control. In these circumstances, endotracheal intubation is applied first. However, tracheotomy is sometimes performed when further respiretory care is needed.Twenty three tracheotomies were performed in our department for this purpose during the last 7 years (from April 1998 to March 1995). Twelve patients have survived at present, and most of them were able to break away from mechanical respiration completely within a few days after their tracheotomy. Tracheotomy was more effective as an artificial airway than endotracheal intubation for these patients. On the other hand, seven of the non-surviving 11 patients died soon after tracheotomy. Thus, tracheotomy was not as effective for them as it was for the 12 survivors. It is doubtful whether tracheotomy, an invasive technique, is an appropriate therapy for these poor-prognostic patients. Before making a decision to use tracheotomy, the prognosis for life itself should be evaluated objectively and precisely.
湯本 英二 岡本 和憲 佐々木 裕美 丘村 熙
The Japan Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics
音声言語医学 (ISSN:00302813)
vol.28, no.3, pp.145-151, 1987-07-25 (Released:2010-06-22)

H/N比計算法あるいは測定システムに由来する, 真のH/N比との差およびピッチや振幅の変動が測定値に与える影響等について検討し, 以下の結果を得た.(1) 平均波を用いて調波成分を推定することはみかけ上の調波成分エネルギーを増加させ従ってH/N比を大きくする. (2) 基本周波数および振幅のゆらぎは雑音成分として計算され従ってH/N比を小さくする.また, 正常声にみられる程度の基本周波数のゆらぎは振幅のゆらぎよりも雑音成分に大きく寄与していた. (3) AD変換を含めた測定システム全体の誤差は無視しうる程度であった.たとえば, 基本周波数160Hz, 基本周波数のゆらぎ0.5%, 振幅のゆらぎ0.1dBで真のH/N比が10dBの仮想的音声はH/N比法によって10.9dBと測定されることになっる.
荻窪 哲也 日高 宗明 奥村 学 藤田 健一 山崎 啓之 浅生 将英 岩切 智美 佐々木 裕美 児玉 裕文 有森 和彦
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.32, no.5, pp.392-399, 2006-05-10
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In view of the lack of information on the extent to which tea beverages inhibit the activity of human cytochrome P 450 3A (CYP 3A), we investigated their effect on the midazolam 1' -hydroxylation activity of CYP 3A contained in human liver microsomes. "Grapefruit (white)" was used as a positive control, and "Valencia Orange", as a negative control. All the tea beverages tested significantly inhibited the midazolam 1' -hydroxylation activity of CYP 3A in a concentration-dependent manner and inhibition was particularly marked for Katekin 600^[○!R] and Banso-reicha^[○!R] (5.0%, v/v). The potency of the inhibitory effects was similar to that of grapefruit. The inhibitory effects on the activity of CYP 3A were enhanced by preincubation of tea samples (2.5%, v/v) with microsomal fractions for 5 to 30min in a preincubation period-dependent manner. These results suggest that Katekin 600^[○!R] and Banso-reicha^[○!R] contain mechanism-based inhibiting agents. Further, the inhibitory effects on CYP 3A of green tea beverages seemed to be enhanced by catechins with the enhancement depending on the catechin concentration indicated on the label. In conclusion, we found that there were ingredients that inhibited CYP 3A activity in all of the tea beverages, and they were probably catechins.