西川 裕作 東田 有智
特定非営利活動法人 日本気管食道科学会
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.69, no.5, pp.290-296, 2018-10-10 (Released:2018-10-25)

山口 学 本多 英俊 本多 俊伯 池田 徳彦
特定非営利活動法人 日本気管食道科学会
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.69, no.1, pp.13-16, 2018-02-10 (Released:2018-02-25)

河合 敏 佃 守 持松 いづみ 陰里 ゆうみ 古川 滋 大石 公直 中川 千尋 古川 政樹
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.50, no.6, pp.609-614, 1999-12-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
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We discussed five cases of open injuries to the larynx with sharp instruments in suicide attempts.In these cases, (1) laryngoplasty was performed early. (2) Tracheostomy was done at the lower part of the injury to keep the airway open. (3) The wound was observed carefully. And (4) The mucosa of the larynx was sutured firmly so as not to yield a raw surface with a synthetic monofilament, whether absorptive or not. Sometimes, the suture filament penetrated in the lumen of the larynx without any problem.The prognosis for the larynx in these cases was generally good. The risk of permanent laryngeal palsy was supposed to be little.However, all the patients might have psychiatric disease, i. e. schizophrenia or depression. We must consider their psychiatric background.
木村 美和子 千原 康裕 二藤 隆春 田山 二朗
特定非営利活動法人 日本気管食道科学会
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.57, no.6, pp.502-507, 2006 (Released:2006-12-25)
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ムンプスの合併症として,呼吸困難や咽喉頭浮腫は報告が少ない。今回われわれは咽喉頭浮腫を合併したムンプスの2症例を経験したので報告した。 症例は26歳男性と36歳女性。初診時より顎下部耳下部の腫脹,呼吸困難を認め当院救急外来受診,喉頭ファイバースコープにて咽喉頭に浮腫を呈しており入院となった。頸部CTでは,顎下腺,耳下腺とその周囲にびまん性の腫脹を認め,咽喉頭の浮腫状腫脹が著明であった。血液検査でWBC・CRP正常範囲内,血清アミラーゼ高値を認めた。ステロイド投与により呼吸困難は改善し退院した。その後の検査でムンプスウィルスIgM陽性を確認した。 2症例ともステロイド投与で咽喉頭浮腫は軽減し,気管切開を回避することができた。咽喉頭浮腫の原因は,顎下腺とその周囲軟部組織の炎症性浮腫により,二次的に咽喉頭から流出するリンパ管がうっ滞して循環障害を起し,咽喉頭粘膜にうっ血性の浮腫が生じたためと推察した。 咽喉頭浮腫を合併したムンプスの成人例を2症例報告した。耳鼻咽喉科の臨床現場では頸部腫脹と咽喉頭浮腫を合併した症例にしばしば遭遇するが,ムンプスウィルス感染の可能性も鑑別診断の1つにあげる必要があると考えられる。
石橋 淳 木村 百合香 小林 一女
特定非営利活動法人 日本気管食道科学会
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.70, no.3, pp.219-224, 2019-06-10 (Released:2019-06-25)

瀧野 賢一
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.31, no.6, pp.421-426, 1980-12-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

The author describes some personal views on accidents in bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy by classifying them largely into those occurred at the time of introduction of an endoscope, during and after the endoscopy, taking into consideration chiefly the lessons of previous investigators and the cases experienced by the author himself and others.1. Among the accidents occurred at the time of introduction of an endoscope, injuries caused by the endoscope included damages to the upper incisors and injuries of the soft tissues along the route of introduction. These accidents may be avoided by maintaining the head of a patient in an elevated extended position and by adequate use of an endoscope.2. With respect to the accidents occurred during the examination, various accidents were discussed by quoting some examples. The accidents classified into this category included 1) respiratory distress due to tracheal tumors, anterior mediastinal tumor and foreign bodies in the trachea; 2) profuse bleeding from a biopsy in a case with middle lobe syndrome and from esophageal varices; 3) injuries and perforations of the esophageal walls due to extraction of pointed foreign bodies or violent extraction; and 4) the accidents inflicting on the surgeon himself such as loss of sight due to injury of the eye by a foreign body, severe infection by tuberculous bacilli, which was caused by neglecting in taking adequate protective measures.3. As to the accidents after the procedure, edema of the glottis, difficult expectoration, crust formation after extraction of foreign bodies, accidents caused by tracheal cannula, cervical subcutaneous emphysema, pneumothorax, and mediastinal emphysema. These accidents indicate the importance of adequate post-procedure observations and cares. With respect to sudden death, it is important to investigate and seek after not only the immediate cause but also the conditions which are possible to become predisposing factors.
川井田 政弘 福田 宏之 加納 滋 蓼原 東紅 大木 和明 凌 梅英 紀太 康一
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.38, no.3, pp.309-313, 1987-06-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

This is a report of a patient with sudden hoarseness which was probably caused by mis-inhalation of a commercially-available alkaline disinfectant. The patient was a 27-year-old female who sprayed it in a small room in order to prevent mould. She said she inhaled carelessly much amount of it. Next day, she suffered from hoarseness and strange sensation in her throat and visited our clinic.The laryngo-fiberscopical observation revealed that there were small masses with smooth suface at the posterior wall of the larynx bilaterally.The masses were resected under microlaryngoscopy and vaporized completely with a CO2 laser. A histopathological study revealed that the masses were nonspecific glanulomas.This disinfectant was one of strong alkalis chiefly consisting of NaOCl and NaOH. The corrosive action of the strong alkali might cause minute injuries around the bilateral vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages. The granulomatous mass was probably produced by the injuries with secondarily occured bacterial infection.No recurrence has been found under the mirror-laryngoscopy after the treatment.
井上 真規 小河原 昇 田辺 輝彦 大石 公直 佃 守
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.62, no.6, pp.533-537, 2011

昭和60年以降に当科で診断された若年型喉頭乳頭腫4例において臨床症状・喉頭所見・治療内容・治療経過・分娩方法・出生順位で検討を行った。全例に嗄声を認め腫瘤は喉頭に多発していた。LMS·CO<sub>2</sub>レーザー治療施行後も全例で喉頭に再発がみられたが数回のLMS·CO<sub>2</sub>レーザー治療で2例は治癒した。1例は転居のため経過は不明で1例は経過観察中である。本疾患の病因はHPV (human papilloma virus) の経産道感染といわれ,発症の危険因子として経膣分娩や第1子などがあげられる。当科での4例では全例経膣分娩で2例が第2子,他は第1子,第3子であった。若年性喉頭乳頭腫は多発性で再発を繰り返し治療に難渋することが多いが,再発を繰り返した症例において,短期集中のLMS·CO<sub>2</sub>レーザー治療が有効であると思われた。
村上 正人
特定非営利活動法人 日本気管食道科学会
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.55, no.5, pp.398-403, 2004 (Released:2007-08-24)

人間の感情が動くときに象徴的な咳反応や咳症状が出現するように,咳は必ずしも気道の刺激だけではなく情緒的な刺激によっても生じることがある。いわゆる神経性咳嗽nervous coughは決して多い疾患ではないが,的確な診断と治療がなされないと,改善されぬまま慢性の経過をとりやすい。神経性咳嗽は何らかの心理的機制により,発作性,あるいは持続性に乾性咳嗽が生じるものである。しかし心因性,神経性といいながらよく病歴をとってみるとかつて急性上気道炎,咽喉頭炎や気管支炎に罹患したことが契機になり発症することが多い。長期間持続する慢性咳嗽の鑑別診断は慎重に行い,特に咳喘息との鑑別は重要である。咳反射に対する過敏性を獲得するプロセスに何らかの心理社会的ストレス要因が関与して発症するとされ,ヒステリーによる象徴的な症状(転換症状),内的緊張のはけ口としての咳,緊張時の音声チックと同様なメカニズムなどが考えられている。診断,治療に当たって,bio-psycho-socialな視点からの理解とアプローチが必要である。本症ではしばしば不安障害やうつ状態が合併しており,抗不安薬や抗うつ薬などの神経系作用薬がよく奏効することが多い。心理的要因が症状悪化につながっているときには専門的な心理療法を導入する。
山田 文則
特定非営利活動法人 日本気管食道科学会
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.10, no.4, pp.212-230, 1959-10-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
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The larygeal, tracheal and syringeal muscles of several birds (Gallus gallus var. Domesticus Brisson, Otus asio Teminck & Schlegel, Melopsittacus undulatus and Corvus levaillantii japonensis) were observed anatomically under binocular microscope, in paying attention to that the tone production of birds are performed not by larynx but by syrinx, and these muscles originate from the sterno-hyoid muscle system. Following results are obtained:-1 The laryngeal muscles are classified in delator and constrictor. The constrictor muscles are different according to the kind of birds, yet M. crico-arytenoideus lateralis, M. cricoideus dorsalis, and M. interarytenoideus are discriminated.2 Gallus gallus var. domesticus Brisson and Otusasio T. & S. make their tracheas move up and downby working M. sterno-trachealis and M. tracheo-lateralis to shut and open the space between the internal and external tympaniformic membrane, and by this movement the tone production and respiration are performed.3 Melopsittacus undulatus are absent of M. sterno-trachealis, but M. tracheo-lateralis, M. tracheo-bronchialis, and M. syringecs contribute to the movement of syrinx.4 Syringeal muscles of Corvus levaillantii japonensis are classified in M. cleido-trachealis, M. tracheo-lateralis, Mm. tracheo-bronchiales, M. tracheo-bronchialis dorsalis brevis, and Mm. syringei.5 The laryngeal muscls are chiefly innervated with glossopharyngeal nerve. The muscles connected with syrinx are controlled doubly by the upper and lower laryngeal branch of the hypoglosso-cervical nerve and the syringeal branch of the recurrent nerve.6 The syringeal branch of the recurrent nerve does not anastomose with the upper laryngeal branch of the hypoglossal nerve, going to among the muscle bundles of the tracheo-laterl muscle, and anastomoses with the branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve at the upper portion of the trachea. I confirmed this in Gallus gallus var. domesticus Brisson, Otus asio T. & S. Melopsittacus undulatus.
武田 潤
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.38, no.6, pp.512-521, 1987-12-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

The study was undertaken to clarify the mechanism causing bronchoconstriction after inhalation of cold air and to determine the site of bronchus most severely affected. A series of experiments were performed on 11 healthy subjects who had history of bronchial asthma only in childhood. The respiratory resistance was continuously measured by a newly developed system to test the effect of cold air inhalation and also the pulmonary function was measured before and after the inhalation. The bronchial hyperresponsiveness to methacholine was measured by the astograph. The effects of various drugs (atropine, ipratropium bromide and disodium cromoglycate) on the increase of respiratory resistance were investigated. The respiratory resistance was increased immediately after the inhalation of cold air in all subjects. The increase in respiratory resistance was inhibited by atropine and ipratropium bromide but not by disodium cromoglycate. The decrease of V25 induced by inhalation of cold air was significantly greater than that of FEV1. Thus it was concluded that from a pharmacological point of view, inhalation of cold air caused bronchoconstriction, predominantly in small airway via cholinergic mechanism. Also, the degree of increase in the respiratory resistance was correlated with the bronchial sensitivity to methacholine.
上原 真由美 荒牧 元 清 恵里子 宮野 良隆
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.36, no.4, pp.406-409, 1985-08-10 (Released:2010-02-22)

Recently Heimlich maneuver has been recommended for the treatment of food choking in Japan. We think that the foreign body in the respiratory tract can not be removed by Heimlich maneuver in case of choking by some Japanese foods.We experimentally packed a small ping-pong ball, a mass of chicken, rice cake and chewing pork into the larynx of a mongrel dog, and tried Heimlich maneuver for removal of foreign bodies. A ping-pong ball and a mass of chicken could be removed by this maneuver, however, a mass of rice cake and chewing pork could not. Accordingly, we tried to remove these foreign bodies by finger maneuver and could remove them successfully.We recommend finger maneuver in case of difficulty in removing the foreign body by Heimlich maneuver.
小町 太郎 三枝 英人 愛野 威一郎 松岡 智治 粉川 隆行 中村 毅
特定非営利活動法人 日本気管食道科学会
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.56, no.3, pp.286-291, 2005 (Released:2006-02-17)
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われわれは, 高齢発症の重症筋無力症 (以下MG) による嚥下障害および構音障害を呈した1例を経験した。症例は79歳女性。転倒後から嚥下障害が出現し, 一時改善を繰り返しつつ悪化した。この患者ではMGに典型的な日内変動や易疲労性を認めず, また, 眼瞼下垂などの典型的症状も有していなかった。このため, 診断に苦慮した。しかし, 訓練開始直後は訓練に対する反応性がよいが, その後徐々に悪くなること, 午前中より午後に嚥下訓練に対する反応性が悪いことから, MGが疑われた。そこで, 抗AChR抗体を測定したところ陽性であり, エドロフォニウム2 mg投与後に上記症状は速やかに改善したため, MGと診断できた。最近, 高齢発症の重症筋無力症の存在が注目されており, 注意が必要と考えられた。
平野 実 進 武幹 吉田 義一 三橋 重信 吉田 哲二 大久保 洋
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.31, no.4, pp.285-290, 1980-08-10 (Released:2010-02-22)
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Dynamic disorders of swallowing are caused by lesions of the neuro-muscular system that participates in swallowing. Aspiration resulting from such disorders can be classified into four types. This classification is helpful for selecting surgical treatments for aspiration as well as for difficulty in swallowing.Type I. In this type, aspiration occurs when the larynx is elevated and closed during swallowing. It results from incomplete laryngeal closure. Mediofixation of the paretic vocal fold, suture of the bilateral ventricular folds, and/or fixation of the larynx in a high position yields good laryngeal closure. Cricopharyngeal myotomy leads bolus easily into the esophagus.Type II. Aspiration takes place when the larynx descends and opens at the end of the second stage of swallowing. This type of aspiration results from a weak propelling force and/or a strong resistance at the entrance of the esophagus. The weak propelling force is attributed to an incompetent velopharyngeal closure, disturbances of tongue movement and/or a weak pharyngeal peristalsis. Pharyngeal flap operation, infrahyoid myotomy and/or reinforcement of the pharyngeal wall is the choice of treatment. In order to reduce the resistance at the entrance of the esophagus, cricopharyngeal myotomy and a fixation of the larynx in an antero-superior position are effective.Type III. Aspiration occurs in both phases of laryngeal rising and falling.Type IV. This type is observed in those patients who are unable to execute the movements of the second stage of swallowing. The inability of the second stage movements seems to be caused by one of the following two: a severe paralysis of the swallowing muscles and strong inhibitory stimuli to the swallowing center of the medulla oblongata. The latter is observed in those patients who would have a very severe aspiration if their swallowing center allowed them to execute swallowing. In this type, the bolus is transported from the mouth to the pharynx by the gravity and weak tongue movements. The larynx closes in reflex but does not present such rising and falling as are executed in normal second stage. When the larynx opens, the bolus staying in the pharynx enters the airway.
横井 茂夫
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.49, no.5, pp.405-410, 1998-10-10 (Released:2010-10-20)

Suckling motions were investigated by recording the oral motions of normal infants suckling their mother's milk using ultrasonic tomographic images from below the mandibular foramen. The suckling motion was revealed to be a back and forth waving motion of the whole tongue, including the root of the tongue beginning from the tongue tip and extending to the epiglottis, and a peristalsis-like motion which fixes and presses the nipple and transports the emerging milk.The oral motion around the tongue was also recorded with a small video camera built into a suction bottle, and the suckling motion was simultaneously using an instruments developed to measure the suckling pressure. The suckling motion of the tongue was revealed to be a peristalsis-like motion in which the tongue closely surrounds the nipple and the center of the tongue presses the palate first with the anterior part of the tongue and subsequently with the posterior part of the tongue. Up to the age of three months, the suckling pressure waveforms are regular, and suckling occurs as frequently as 80-90 per minute with a constant suckling pressure.
吉田 邦仁子 上田 雅代 浅野 純志 福島 一登 丁 剛 小池 忍 大島 渉 日向 誠
特定非営利活動法人 日本気管食道科学会
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.53, no.5, pp.430-435, 2002 (Released:2007-10-25)
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われわれは最近1年間に,手術までに時間を要した小児気道異物2症例を経験した。1症例は枝豆誤嚥でX線透過性・舞踏性異物であったが,CTの経時的変化によって局在診断された。他の1症例は明らかな異物誤嚥のエピソードがなかったが,胸部X線にてクリップ誤嚥が診断された。手術までに症例1では誤嚥後9日間,症例2では症状出現後7日間を要した。2症例ともに,全麻下にてventilation bronchoscopeを用いて異物摘出術を施行した。枝豆症例では,膨化・脆弱化し細片化した異物を,吸引操作を行いながら慎重に摘出した。ともに術後経過は良好であった。気道異物は生死に関与する危険性があることを常に自覚して,迅速な対応処置と同時に一般家庭への啓蒙の必要性を再認識することが重要である。
小野 譲
The Japan Broncho-esophagological Society
日本気管食道科学会会報 (ISSN:00290645)
vol.20, no.1, pp.9-17, 1969-02-10 (Released:2010-10-20)

It has been stated that in some animals foreign bodies are found in the esophagus but not in the tracheo-bronchial tree. In Man foreign bodies in the lower airway are of frequent occurrence. This difference between animals and Man prompted the author to investigate the comparative morphology and the basic principles involved.In this study domestic animals as horse, dog, ox, pig and sheep were employed in comparison with Man. The results obtained are as follows.In the animals studied, an elongated soft palate and a big epiglottis are in close contact with each other. In some, these two structures are overlapped so that the normal air tract is shut off from the oral cavity. The palate has lateral palatine fold which also assists in the exclusion of the mouth from nasal passages. In addition, the air and food highways in the animals do not cross at the same plane. These animals, therefore, can with impunity breathe and swallow at the same time.In Man it is not so. There is a gap of several centimeters between the soft palate and the epiglottis, the former being short and degenerated with uvula as its relic. Thus respiration and deglutition can not be carried out synchronously as during the act of swallowing the breathing mechanism has to cease or vice versa. Moreover, the air and food highways intersect at the same plane in the pharynx. In children, particularly, bronchial foreign body incidence frequently occurs resulting from underdeveloped epicritic sense in the sequential mechanism of respiration and deglutition.The author discusses other morphologic and functional factors which are attributable to the foreign body aspiration.