元森 絵里子
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.63, no.1, pp.124-135, 2012-06-30 (Released:2013-11-22)

本稿は, 教育制度内部の教育史記述の古典である『明治以降教育制度発達史』を読み直し, 「子ども」が実体であるのか構築であるのかというアリエスインパクト以降繰り返される問題を考えるものである.「子ども」という観念の歴史的構築性を示した研究に対し, しばしば, 直観的に, 目の前の発達途上の身体や生理学的に捉えられる身体という「実体」があるという批判・反証がされる. 史料から見えてきたのは, 「発達する身体」をもち将来的には「国民」や「労働者」になる「児童」が発見され, 教育的論理と教育制度が定着する際に, それに包摂されない実態との折り合いが模索されたということであり, 身体測定や統計が「実体的根拠」として要請されたということである. したがって, よくある批判が根拠とする「実体としての子ども」なるものも, 多くは年少者を教育の対象として見出すまなざしが全域化していったことの効果として立ち現れている観念であると言える.と同時に, その論理の外部に年少者・小さい人が事実として存在し, それを「児童」や「子ども」と見なさない世界があることが, 教育的論理では扱いにくいものとして, まさにその論理の中に書き込まれていることにも目を向ける必要がある. 子どもと教育の社会学は, その構築性についてより深く考察すると同時に, 自身の言葉の外にあった (ある) かもしれない世界の存在に自覚的であり続けていく必要があろう.
元森 絵里子
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2012, no.25, pp.168-179, 2012

"Karo-Jisatsu" (suicide induced by overwork) has often been connected to criticisms of Japanese society for its self-sacrificing labor culture and merciless economics. This argument merely repeats the legal and critical discourse of "Karo-Jisatsu" and voids the legal fiction of individuals with a responsibility to be critical of society. Moreover, at the level of practice, neither the cancelling of the fiction nor the issue of social criticism has been pursued. Contrary to the previous seemingly "sociological" explanations, our society neither operates strictly nor abandons easily the modern fiction of "intention". The sociology of suicide should illuminate the various aspects of the fiction in our society.
元森 絵里子
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.83, pp.45-63, 2008-12-15

This paper analyses the discourse on Japanese composition writing education (tsuzuri-kata) in the pre-war period and attempts to elucidate the development of the autopoietic educational system along with the rise and changes of the concept of "children." The discourse on writing education provides an image of the way of second order observation on children's observation in a Luhmannian sense: (1) What were the unique characteristics of children, which separated them from adults? (2) How should adults, as socializing agents, be caring for children? The findings are as follows: Beginning around 1900, the concept of "children" as something different from adults, but who were in the process of becoming adults, was discovered, along with an image of adults providing care for children. The "nature" and "life world" of children was discovered first, followed by the finding of the children's "interior," especially the "childlike" interior. Finally, in the 1920s, the ability of children to "see" and "feel" things beyond the assumptions of adults was discovered. There, new practices arose, in which socializing agents demanded that children see and reflect themselves by writing, and through that, came to be "ideal children" and "future adults". In relation to this phenomenon, N. Luhmann suggests, in his educational system theory, that the relationship between children's observations and socializing agents' second order observations enables education to become an autopoietic system. Now that we have seen the details, we can refine it. By seeing "children" and their interior as half black-box and half guidable, education was able to become autopoietic. Moreover, since the system was developed, greater freedom for children and ambivalence between children's freedom and educational intentions were repeatedly discovered within the educational discourse.