烏谷 竜哉 黒木 俊郎 大谷 勝実 山口 誠一 佐々木 美江 齊藤 志保子 藤田 雅弘 杉山 寛治 中嶋 洋 村上 光一 田栗 利紹 藏元 強 倉 文明 八木田 健司 泉山 信司 前川 純子 山崎 利雄 縣 邦雄 井上 博雄
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.83, no.1, pp.36-44, 2009-01-20 (Released:2016-02-15)
3 6

2005 年6 月~2006 年12 月の期間,全国の循環系を持たない掛け流し式温泉182 施設を対象に,レジオネラ属菌等の病原微生物汚染調査を行い,29.5%(119/403)の試料からレジオネラ属菌を検出した.採取地点別の検出率は浴槽が39.4%と最も高く,貯湯槽23.8%,湯口22.3%,源泉8.3%と続いた.陽性試料の平均菌数(幾何平均値)は66CFU/100mL で,採取地点による有意差は認められなかったが,菌数の最高値は源泉,貯湯槽,湯口でそれぞれ180,670,4,000CFU/100mL と増加し,浴槽では6,800CFU/100mL に達した.陽性試料の84.7%からLegionella pneumophila が分離され,血清群(SG)別ではSG 1,5,6 がそれぞれ22,21,22%と同程度の検出率であった.レジオネラ属菌の汚染に関与する構造設備及び保守管理の特徴を明らかにするため,浴槽と湯口上流側とに分けて,多重ロジスティック回帰分析を行った.浴槽での汚染リスクは,湯口水がレジオネラに汚染されている場合(OR=6.98,95%CI=2.14~22.8)及び浴槽容量が5m3 以上の場合(OR=2.74,95%CI=1.28~5.89)に高く,pH 6.0未満(OR=0.12,95%CI=0.02~0.63)では低下した.同様に,湯口上流ではpH 6.0未満(OR=0.06,95%CI=0.01~0.48)及び55℃以上(OR=0.10,95%CI=0.01~0.77)でレジオネラ汚染を抑制した.レジオネラ属菌以外の病原微生物として抗酸菌,大腸菌,緑膿菌及び黄色ブドウ球菌を検査し,汚染の実態を明らかにした.
阿児 博文 三上 理一郎 坂口 泰弘 堅田 均 沢木 政好 前川 純子 米田 三平 成田 亘啓
結核 (ISSN:00229776)
vol.60, no.12, pp.609-616, 1985-12-15 (Released:2011-05-24)

Alcoholics are known to have a high frequency of pulmonary tuberculosis. There have been no report concerning to the relationship between tuberculosis and alcoholism in Japan.147 male patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis were studied for alcohol consumption. Patients were classified into three groups: “habitual” drinkers, “heavy” drinkers, and “non-habitual” drinkers on the basis of the extent of alcohol consumption. Habitual drinkers were defined by those who drink 540 ml or more of sake daily over five years or an equivalent amount of alcohl in other beverages. Heavy drinkers were defined by those who drink 900ml or more of sake daily over ten years. The remainder were defined as non habitual drinkers.Of 147 patients, 16 patients were habitual drinkers, 19 were heavy drinkers, 112 were non habitual drinkers. No statistically significant differences were observed in chest Xray findings and response to therapy. Heavy drinkers were found to smoke much more than non habitual drinkers. In heavy drinkers there was high incidence of negative reaction of immunological skin tests than that on non habitual drinkers. The incidence of both diabetes mellitus and chronic liver disease in heavy drinkers was significantly higher than that in non habitual drinkers.Humoral and/ or cellular immunity were known to be depressed in diabetes mellitus and liver cirrhosis. Many investigators have tried to determine why tuberculosis is common among alcoholics. However, no predisposing factors were demonstrated conclusively. Our data suggest that complications such as diabetes mellitus and/or liver cirrhosis may play a role in the pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis in alcoholics.