佐藤 寛子 柴田 ちひろ 斎藤 博之 佐藤 了悦 齊藤 志保子 高橋 守 藤田 博己 角坂 照貴 高田 伸弘 川端 寛樹 高野 愛 須藤 恒久
The Japan Society of Medical Entomology and Zoology
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.64, no.1, pp.21-25, 2013-03-15 (Released:2013-07-06)

Since 1993, no cases infected with high pathogenic Kato type of Orientia tsutsugamushi (O.tsutsugamushi) had occurred. However, in August, 2008, we found a patient with tsutsugamushi disease (scrub typhus) who had the antibody against Kato serotype antigen the titer of which was raised at the level of the convalescent phase. The patient resided along Omono river, Daisen city, Akita Prefecture, Japan. We surveyed the vector mites and the field mice as hosts around the endemic locality, from spring to autumn, 2009. We found out Leptotronbidium akamushi (L. akamushi) and succeeded to isolate the Kato type of O. tsutsugamushi from the field mice at the endemic locality. L. akamushi were also found at the famous place for national fireworks in Daisen city, not so distant from the endemic locality. In order to avoid additional latent infections among the local residents or tourists, it is necessary to enlighten that there is risk of infection with this disease along Omono river in summer.
烏谷 竜哉 黒木 俊郎 大谷 勝実 山口 誠一 佐々木 美江 齊藤 志保子 藤田 雅弘 杉山 寛治 中嶋 洋 村上 光一 田栗 利紹 藏元 強 倉 文明 八木田 健司 泉山 信司 前川 純子 山崎 利雄 縣 邦雄 井上 博雄
一般社団法人 日本感染症学会
感染症学雑誌 (ISSN:03875911)
vol.83, no.1, pp.36-44, 2009-01-20 (Released:2016-02-15)
3 6

2005 年6 月~2006 年12 月の期間,全国の循環系を持たない掛け流し式温泉182 施設を対象に,レジオネラ属菌等の病原微生物汚染調査を行い,29.5%(119/403)の試料からレジオネラ属菌を検出した.採取地点別の検出率は浴槽が39.4%と最も高く,貯湯槽23.8%,湯口22.3%,源泉8.3%と続いた.陽性試料の平均菌数(幾何平均値)は66CFU/100mL で,採取地点による有意差は認められなかったが,菌数の最高値は源泉,貯湯槽,湯口でそれぞれ180,670,4,000CFU/100mL と増加し,浴槽では6,800CFU/100mL に達した.陽性試料の84.7%からLegionella pneumophila が分離され,血清群(SG)別ではSG 1,5,6 がそれぞれ22,21,22%と同程度の検出率であった.レジオネラ属菌の汚染に関与する構造設備及び保守管理の特徴を明らかにするため,浴槽と湯口上流側とに分けて,多重ロジスティック回帰分析を行った.浴槽での汚染リスクは,湯口水がレジオネラに汚染されている場合(OR=6.98,95%CI=2.14~22.8)及び浴槽容量が5m3 以上の場合(OR=2.74,95%CI=1.28~5.89)に高く,pH 6.0未満(OR=0.12,95%CI=0.02~0.63)では低下した.同様に,湯口上流ではpH 6.0未満(OR=0.06,95%CI=0.01~0.48)及び55℃以上(OR=0.10,95%CI=0.01~0.77)でレジオネラ汚染を抑制した.レジオネラ属菌以外の病原微生物として抗酸菌,大腸菌,緑膿菌及び黄色ブドウ球菌を検査し,汚染の実態を明らかにした.
佐藤 寛子 柴田 ちひろ 秋野 和華子 斎藤 博之 齊藤 志保子 門馬 直太 東海林 彰 高橋 守 藤田 博己 角坂 照貴 高田 伸弘 川端 寛樹 安藤 秀二
衛生動物 (ISSN:04247086)
vol.67, no.3, pp.167-175, 2016-09-25 (Released:2017-06-05)

In Akita Prefecture, patients with Kato type of tsutsugamushi disease (Sucrub typhus) transmitted by Leptotrombidium akamushi were identified in August 2008 for the first time in 15 years, and in 2010 as well. We conducted surveys of the habitat of L. akamushi using Suzuki’s Method (MITORI-HO) between 2011 and 2014 in 74 areas of riverbed in which the disease was prevalent, including the upstream, midstream, and tributary areas of the Omono River. Habitats of L. akamushi were identified in 40 areas in three cities and one town, and the total distance along Omono River was approximately 10 km shorter than that reported by a survey conducted in 1964. Some of those areas were inhabited by L. akamushi gradually after river improvement work and the disease temporarily became prevalent there, although no patient had been identified in these areas prior to the construction. L. akamushi was only collected from sand, sandbanks, and other areas in the vicinity of the river, which can easily be flooded when the water level rises. No extensive research has been conducted on the re-emergence of tsutsugamushi disease transmitted by L. akamushi. It is necessary to continue to provide people with information and increase their awareness.